void SignalChainManager::createNewTab(GenericEditor* editor) { int index = signalChainArray.size(); SignalChainTabButton* t = new SignalChainTabButton(); t->setManager(this); t->setEditor(editor); ev->addChildComponent(t); signalChainArray.add(t); editor->tabNumber(signalChainArray.size()-1); t->setToggleState(true,false); t->setNumber(index); index -= topTab; ev->leftmostEditor = 0; if (signalChainArray.size()-topTab > 4) { scrollDown(); } refreshTabs(); }
void SignalChainManager::removeTab(int tabIndex) { SignalChainTabButton* t = signalChainArray.remove(tabIndex); deleteAndZero(t); for (int n = 0; n < signalChainArray.size(); n++) { int tNum = signalChainArray[n]->getEditor()->tabNumber(); if (tNum > tabIndex) { signalChainArray[n]->getEditor()->tabNumber(tNum-1); signalChainArray[n]->setNumber(tNum-1); } } if (signalChainArray.size()-topTab < 4) { scrollUp(); } refreshTabs(); }
void SignalChainManager::scrollDown() { std::cout << "Scrolling down." << std::endl; if (topTab < signalChainArray.size()-4) { topTab += 1; } refreshTabs(); }
void SignalChainManager::scrollUp() { std::cout << "Scrolling up." << std::endl; if (topTab > 0) { topTab -= 1; } refreshTabs(); }
void StickersBox::prepare() { if (_section == Section::Installed) { Local::readArchivedStickers(); } else if (_section == Section::Archived) { requestArchivedSets(); } else if (_section == Section::ArchivedPart) { setTitle(lang(lng_stickers_archived)); } if (Global::ArchivedStickerSetsOrder().isEmpty()) { preloadArchivedSets(); } if (_tabs) { setNoContentMargin(true); _tabs->setSectionActivatedCallback([this] { switchTab(); }); refreshTabs(); } if (_installed.widget() && _section != Section::Installed) _installed.widget()->hide(); if (_featured.widget() && _section != Section::Featured) _featured.widget()->hide(); if (_section != Section::Archived && _section != Section::ArchivedPart) _archived.widget()->hide(); if (_featured.widget()) { _featured.widget()->setInstallSetCallback([this](uint64 setId) { installSet(setId); }); } _archived.widget()->setInstallSetCallback([this](uint64 setId) { installSet(setId); }); _archived.widget()->setLoadMoreCallback([this] { loadMoreArchived(); }); addButton(lang(lng_about_done), [this] { closeBox(); }); if (_section == Section::Installed) { _tab = &_installed; } else if (_section == Section::ArchivedPart) { _aboutHeight = st::stickersReorderPadding.top() + _about.countHeight(_aboutWidth) + st::stickersReorderPadding.bottom(); _titleShadow.create(this); _tab = &_archived; } else if (_section == Section::Archived) { _tab = &_archived; } else { // _section == Section::Featured _tab = &_featured; } setInnerWidget(_tab->takeWidget(), getTopSkip()); setDimensions(st::boxWideWidth, (_section == Section::ArchivedPart) ? st::sessionsHeight : st::boxMaxListHeight); connect(App::main(), SIGNAL(stickersUpdated()), this, SLOT(onStickersUpdated())); App::main()->updateStickers(); if (_installed.widget()) { connect(_installed.widget(), SIGNAL(draggingScrollDelta(int)), this, SLOT(onDraggingScrollDelta(int))); }
void PackageWidget::setBackend(QApt::Backend *backend) { m_backend = backend; connect(m_backend, SIGNAL(packageChanged()), m_detailsWidget, SLOT(refreshTabs())); connect(m_backend, SIGNAL(packageChanged()), m_model, SLOT(externalDataChanged())); connect(m_backend, SIGNAL(cacheReloadStarted()), this, SLOT(cacheReloadStarted())); connect(m_backend, SIGNAL(cacheReloadFinished()), this, SLOT(cacheReloadFinished())); connect(m_backend, SIGNAL(xapianUpdateFinished()), this, SLOT(startSearch())); m_detailsWidget->setBackend(backend); m_proxyModel->setBackend(m_backend); m_packageView->setSortingEnabled(true); QApt::PackageList packageList = m_backend->availablePackages(); QFuture<QList<QApt::Package*> > future = QtConcurrent::run(sortPackages, packageList); m_watcher->setFuture(future); m_packageView->updateView(); }
void StickersBox::getArchivedDone(uint64 offsetId, const MTPmessages_ArchivedStickers &result) { _archivedRequestId = 0; _archivedLoaded = true; if (result.type() != mtpc_messages_archivedStickers) { return; } auto &stickers = result.c_messages_archivedStickers(); auto &archived = Global::RefArchivedStickerSetsOrder(); if (offsetId) { auto index = archived.indexOf(offsetId); if (index >= 0) { archived = archived.mid(0, index + 1); } } else { archived.clear(); } auto addedSet = false; auto changedSets = false; auto &v = stickers.vsets.v; for_const (auto &stickerSet, v) { const MTPDstickerSet *setData = nullptr; switch (stickerSet.type()) { case mtpc_stickerSetCovered: { auto &d = stickerSet.c_stickerSetCovered(); if (d.vset.type() == mtpc_stickerSet) { setData = &d.vset.c_stickerSet(); } } break; case mtpc_stickerSetMultiCovered: { auto &d = stickerSet.c_stickerSetMultiCovered(); if (d.vset.type() == mtpc_stickerSet) { setData = &d.vset.c_stickerSet(); } } break; } if (!setData) continue; if (auto set = Stickers::feedSet(*setData)) { auto index = archived.indexOf(set->id); if (archived.isEmpty() || index != archived.size() - 1) { changedSets = true; if (index < archived.size() - 1) { archived.removeAt(index); } archived.push_back(set->id); } if (_archived.widget()->appendSet(*set)) { addedSet = true; if (set->stickers.isEmpty() || (set->flags & MTPDstickerSet_ClientFlag::f_not_loaded)) { App::api()->scheduleStickerSetRequest(set->id, set->access); } } } } if (addedSet) { _archived.widget()->updateSize(); } else { _allArchivedLoaded = v.isEmpty() || (!changedSets && offsetId != 0); if (changedSets) { loadMoreArchived(); } } refreshTabs(); _someArchivedLoaded = true; if (_section == Section::Archived && addedSet) { App::api()->requestStickerSets(); } }
TabWidget::TabWidget( QWidget* parent ) { qDebug() << "[TABWIDGET] Constructing"; mGrabbedWidget = 0; mTabs = 0; // set the tab position setTabsPosition(); mStatusBar = &mStatusBar->getInstance(); // create the tabbar mBar = new TabBar; setTabBar( mBar ); // connect the mouse clicks connect( mBar, SIGNAL( tabRightClicked( int, QPoint ) ), this, SLOT( tabRightClicked( int, QPoint ) ) ); connect( mBar, SIGNAL( tabMiddleClicked( int, QPoint ) ), this, SLOT( tabMiddleClicked( int, QPoint ) ) ); TabButton* newTabButton = new TabButton( this ); TabButton* mMenuButton = new TabButton( this ); connect( newTabButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( addUnityBrowser()) ); connect( newTabButton, SIGNAL( middleClicked() ), this, SLOT( addUnityBrowserWithSR() ) ); connect( mMenuButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), mMenuButton, SLOT( showMenu()) ); mMenuButton->setMenu( kueueMainMenu() ); newTabButton->setIcon( QIcon( ":icons/menus/newtab.png" ) ); mMenuButton->setIcon( QIcon(":/icons/kueue.png") ); if ( Settings::unityEnabled() ) { setCornerWidget( newTabButton, Qt::TopRightCorner ); } setCornerWidget( mMenuButton, Qt::TopLeftCorner ); // create the main browser tabs... mQueueBrowser = new QueueBrowser( this ); mSubownerBrowser = new SubownerBrowser( this ); mPersonalTab = new BrowserWithSearch( mQueueBrowser, this ); mSubownerTab = new BrowserWithSearch( mSubownerBrowser, this ); connect( mQueueBrowser, SIGNAL( setMenus() ), this, SLOT( setMenus() ) ); connect( mSubownerBrowser, SIGNAL( setMenus() ), this, SLOT( setMenus() ) ); connect( mQueueBrowser, SIGNAL( expandAll() ), this, SLOT( expandAllTables() ) ); connect( mQueueBrowser, SIGNAL( closeAll() ), this, SLOT( closeAllTables() ) ); mQmonBrowser = new QMonBrowser( this ); mMonitorTab = new BrowserWithSearch( mQmonBrowser, this ); mStatsBrowser = new StatsBrowser( this ); mStatsTab = new BrowserWithSearch( mStatsBrowser, this ); if ( Settings::unityEnabled() ) { addUnityBrowser(); rebuildMaps(); } mSubVisible = true; // ...and add them to the tabbar insertTab( 0, mPersonalTab, QIcon( ":icons/conf/targets.png" ), "Personal queue" ); insertTab( 1, mSubownerTab, QIcon( ":icons/conf/targets.png" ), "Subowned SRs" ); insertTab( 2, mMonitorTab, QIcon( ":/icons/conf/monitor.png" ), "Queue monitor" ); insertTab( 3, mStatsTab, QIcon( ":/icons/conf/stats.png" ), "Statistics" ); QShortcut* search = new QShortcut( QKeySequence( Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_F ), this ); connect( search, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( showSearch() ) ); refreshTabs(); }