static void onSize(HWND, UINT state, int cx, int cy) { if (state == SIZE_MINIMIZED) { bMaximised = false; } else { bool bSizeChanged = false; if (ChatActivated()) { MoveWindow(GetChatWindow(), 0, cy - 32, cx, 32, FALSE); } if (state == SIZE_MAXIMIZED) { if (!bMaximised) { bSizeChanged = true; } bMaximised = true; } if (state == SIZE_RESTORED) { if (bMaximised) { bSizeChanged = true; } bMaximised = false; } if (bSizeChanged) { refreshWindow(true); } else { refreshWindow(false); } } }
void FBReader::tryShowFootnoteView(const std::string &id, const std::string &type) { if (type == "external") { openLinkInBrowser(id); } else if (type == "internal") { if (myMode == BOOK_TEXT_MODE && !myModel.isNull()) { BookModel::Label label = myModel->label(id); if (!label.Model.isNull()) { if (label.Model == myModel->bookTextModel()) { bookTextView().gotoParagraph(label.ParagraphNumber); } else { FootnoteView &view = ((FootnoteView&)*myFootnoteView); view.setModel(label.Model); setMode(FOOTNOTE_MODE); view.gotoParagraph(label.ParagraphNumber); } setHyperlinkCursor(false); refreshWindow(); } } } else if (type == "book") { DownloadBookRunnable downloader(id); downloader.executeWithUI(); if (downloader.hasErrors()) { downloader.showErrorMessage(); } else { shared_ptr<Book> book; createBook(downloader.fileName(), book); if (!book.isNull()) { Library::Instance().addBook(book); openBook(book); refreshWindow(); } } } }
void ChooseWindowPushButton::stopMouseCapture() { if(!mSearching) return; mSearching = false; update(); #ifdef Q_WS_WIN if(mPreviousCursor) SetCursor(mPreviousCursor); if(mLastFoundWindow) refreshWindow(mLastFoundWindow); foreach(QWidget *widget, qApp->topLevelWidgets()) widget->setWindowOpacity(1.0f); #endif #ifdef Q_WS_X11 XUngrabPointer(QX11Info::display(), CurrentTime); if(mMainWindow) mMainWindow->showNormal(); #endif nativeEventFilteringApp->removeNativeEventFilter(this); emit searchEnded(mLastFoundWindow); }
void FBReader::tryShowFootnoteView(const std::string &id, bool external) { if (external) { shared_ptr<ProgramCollection> collection = webBrowserCollection(); if (!collection.isNull()) { shared_ptr<Program> program = collection->currentProgram(); if (!program.isNull()) { program->run("openLink", id); } } } else { if ((myMode == BOOK_TEXT_MODE) && (myModel != 0)) { BookModel::Label label = myModel->label(id); if (!label.Model.isNull()) { if (label.Model == myModel->bookTextModel()) { bookTextView().gotoParagraph(label.ParagraphNumber); } else { FootnoteView &view = ((FootnoteView&)*myFootnoteView); view.setModel(label.Model); setMode(FOOTNOTE_MODE); view.gotoParagraph(label.ParagraphNumber); } setHyperlinkCursor(false); refreshWindow(); } } } }
//this is a setter function to change the color scheme //it also handles all the regeneration and refreshing void MandelbrotViewer::setColorScheme(int newScheme) { scheme = newScheme; initPalette(); changeColor(); updateMandelbrot(); refreshWindow(); }
void FBReader::initWindow() { ZLApplication::initWindow(); trackStylus(true); MigrationRunnable migration; if (migration.shouldMigrate()) { ZLDialogManager::instance().wait(ZLResourceKey("migrate"), migration); } if (!myBookAlreadyOpen) { BookDescriptionPtr description; if (!myBookToOpen.empty()) { createDescription(myBookToOpen, description); } if (description.isNull()) { ZLStringOption bookName(ZLCategoryKey::STATE, STATE, BOOK, ""); description = BookDescription::getDescription(bookName.value()); } if (description.isNull()) { description = BookDescription::getDescription(helpFileName(ZLibrary::Language())); } if (description.isNull()) { description = BookDescription::getDescription(helpFileName("en")); } openBook(description); } refreshWindow(); // ZLTimeManager::instance().addTask(new TimeUpdater(*this), 1000); }
void FBReader::tryShowFootnoteView(const std::string &id, const std::string &type) { if (type == "external") { shared_ptr<ProgramCollection> collection = webBrowserCollection(); if (!collection.isNull()) { shared_ptr<Program> program = collection->currentProgram(); if (!program.isNull()) { program->run("openLink", id); } } } else if (type == "internal") { if (((myMode == BOOK_TEXT_MODE) || (myMode == FOOTNOTE_MODE) || (myMode == HYPERLINK_NAV_MODE)) && (myModel != 0)) { BookModel::Label label = myModel->label(id); if (!label.Model.isNull()) { if ((myMode != FOOTNOTE_MODE) && (label.Model == myModel->bookTextModel())) { bookTextView().gotoParagraph(label.ParagraphNumber); } else { FootnoteView &view = ((FootnoteView&)*myFootnoteView); view.setModel(label.Model, myModel->description()->language()); setMode(FOOTNOTE_MODE); view.gotoParagraph(label.ParagraphNumber); } setHyperlinkCursor(false); refreshWindow(); } } } else if (type == "book") { DownloadBookRunnable downloader(id); downloader.executeWithUI(); if (downloader.hasErrors()) { downloader.showErrorMessage(); } else { openFile(downloader.fileName()); } } }
/** new WDT */ void Window::newWDT() { wdtPath = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(this, "Select a path for new WDT", QString()); wdtPathSaveTo = wdtPath; loadedWDT = Wdt(); refreshWindow(); }
void FBReader::initWindow() { ZLApplication::initWindow(); trackStylus(true); MigrationRunnable migration; if (migration.shouldMigrate()) { ZLDialogManager::Instance().wait(ZLResourceKey("migrate"), migration); } if (!myBookAlreadyOpen) { shared_ptr<Book> book; if (!myBookToOpen.empty()) { createBook(ZLFile(myBookToOpen), book); } if (book.isNull()) { const BookList &books = Library::Instance().recentBooks(); if (!books.empty()) { book = books[0]; } } if (book.isNull()) { book = BooksDBUtil::getBook(helpFileName(ZLibrary::Language())); } if (book.isNull()) { book = BooksDBUtil::getBook(helpFileName("en")); } openBook(book); } refreshWindow(); ZLTimeManager::Instance().addTask(new TimeUpdater(), 1000); }
void FBReader::openFile(const ZLFile &file) { shared_ptr<Book> book; createBook(file, book); if (!book.isNull()) { openBook(book); refreshWindow(); } }
void FBReader::openFile(const std::string &filePath) { shared_ptr<Book> book; createBook(filePath, book); if (!book.isNull()) { openBook(book); refreshWindow(); } }
void FBReader::openFile(const std::string &fileName) { BookDescriptionPtr description; createDescription(fileName, description); if (!description.isNull()) { openBook(description); refreshWindow(); } }
//sets the rotation and regenerates the mandelbrot void MandelbrotViewer::setRotation(double radians) { rotation = radians; if (rotation >= 2 * PI) rotation -= 2 * PI; else if (rotation < 0) rotation += 2 * PI; generate(); resetView(); updateMandelbrot(); refreshWindow(); }
static void eventHandler(objectKey key, windowEvent *event) { int x = 0; int y = 0; // Check for window events. if (key == window) { // Check for window refresh if (event->type == EVENT_WINDOW_REFRESH) refreshWindow(); // Check for the window being closed else if (event->type == EVENT_WINDOW_CLOSE) windowGuiStop(); } // Only go through the array of buttons if the event was a mouse click else if (event->type == EVENT_MOUSE_LEFTUP) { for (x = 0; x < GRID_DIM; x++) { for (y = 0; y < GRID_DIM; y++) { if (key == gridButtons[x][y]) { // If this spot is empty, invoke the clickEmpties function if (mineField[x][y] == -1) { clickEmpties(x, y); } else { if (mineField[x][y] == 9) { gameOver(0); } else { uncover(x, y); if (numUncovered >= ((GRID_DIM * GRID_DIM) - NUM_MINES)) { gameOver(1); } } } return; } } } } }
void MandelbrotViewer::lockColor() { if (color_locked) { color_locked = false; initPalette(); changeColor(); updateMandelbrot(); refreshWindow(); } else { color_locked = true; } }
/** load a WDT and ask for refreshing the window */ void Window::loadWDT() { QString wdtNewPath = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, "Open WDT", QString(), "WDT (*.wdt)"); if (wdtNewPath != wdtPath) { wdtPath = wdtNewPath; wdtPathSaveTo = wdtPath; loadedWDT = Wdt(wdtPath.toStdString()); refreshWindow(); } }
/** * Graphic Character window activation handler */ void gcActivateHandler(struct panelw *p) { const char *c; c = lcdGetGC(p->lcd, p->gcn); memcpy(p->gc, c, 8); snprintf(p->title, 100, "C: %d", p->gcn); gcPrintHex(p->next, p->gc); gcPrintGC(p); refreshWindow(p, p->col, p->row); }
void ZLApplication::setView(shared_ptr<ZLView> view) { if (view.isNull()) { return; } if (!myViewWidget.isNull()) { myViewWidget->setView(view); resetWindowCaption(); refreshWindow(); } else { myInitialView = view; } }
static void onExitSizeMove(HWND) { RECT rect; GetClientRect(hScrnWnd, &rect); if (rect.right != nPrevWidth || rect.bottom != nPrevHeight) { refreshWindow(true); } GetWindowRect(hScrnWnd, &rect); nWindowPosX = rect.left; nWindowPosY =; }
void ChooseWindowPushButton::foundWindow(const WindowHandle &handle) { if(!isWindowValid(handle)) return; if(mLastFoundWindow) refreshWindow(mLastFoundWindow); highlightWindow(handle); mLastFoundWindow = handle; emit foundValidWindow(handle); }
void Screenshoter::captureArea(int delay) { //Give some time for desktop repainting in case delay=0 delay = (delay == 0) ? 200 : delay*1000; grabAreaWidget_ = new GrabAreaWidget(); if(grabAreaWidget_->exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { QTimer::singleShot(delay, this, SLOT(shootArea())); } else { delete grabAreaWidget_; grabAreaWidget_ = 0; qApp->desktop()->repaint(); emit refreshWindow(); } }
void ZLApplication::setView(shared_ptr<ZLView> view) { // AppLog("ZLApplication::setView"); if (view.isNull()) { return; } // AppLog("ZLApplication::setView qq"); if (!myViewWidget.isNull()) { // AppLog("ZLApplication::setView ww"); myViewWidget->setView(view); resetWindowCaption(); refreshWindow(); } else { // AppLog("ZLApplication::setView ee"); myInitialView = view; } }
LRESULT CALLBACK WindowProcedure(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { /** process system messages **/ switch (message) { // when window is first created case WM_CREATE: // start timer running // with an ID of ID_TIMER (macro) // 20 millisecond intervals // and no callback function (thus we'll get a message instead) SetTimer(hwnd, ID_TIMER, 10, 0); break; // message from timer "ID_TIMER" case WM_TIMER: setUpdateRegion(hwnd); // add rectangle to update region updateGame(hwnd); // do the game math update all rectangles UpdateWindow(hwnd); // send WM_PAINT if update region is not empty break; // whenever the mouse moves over our window case WM_MOUSEMOVE: // store mouse position mpoint_x = MAKEPOINTS(lParam); // update paddle rectangle immediately updatePaddle(); break; // sent when window is being closed case WM_DESTROY: cleanUp(); PostQuitMessage(0); // send a WM_QUIT a 0 to the message queue break; // the system message to paint the update region case WM_PAINT: // paint all rectangles to update region refreshWindow(hwnd); break; // for messages that we don't deal with use the default window procedure default: return DefWindowProc(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam); } return 0; }
void FBReader::setMode(ViewMode mode) { if (mode == myMode) { return; } if (mode != BOOK_TEXT_MODE) { myActionOnCancel = RETURN_TO_TEXT_MODE; } myPreviousMode = myMode; myMode = mode; switch (myMode) { case BOOK_TEXT_MODE: setHyperlinkCursor(false); ((ZLTextView&)*myBookTextView).forceScrollbarUpdate(); setView(myBookTextView); break; case CONTENTS_MODE: ((ContentsView&)*myContentsView).gotoReference(); setView(myContentsView); break; case FOOTNOTE_MODE: setView(myFootnoteView); break; case LIBRARY_MODE: { shared_ptr<Book> currentBook = myModel->book(); ((LibraryView&)*myLibraryByAuthorView).showBook(currentBook); ((LibraryView&)*myLibraryByTagView).showBook(currentBook); showLibraryView(); break; } case BOOKMARKS_MODE: break; case NETWORK_LIBRARY_MODE: setView(myNetworkLibraryView); break; case UNDEFINED_MODE: case ALL_MODES: break; } refreshWindow(); }
void Screenshoter::shootArea() { if(!grabAreaWidget_) { return; } QPixmap pix; const QRect rect = grabAreaWidget_->getRect(); delete grabAreaWidget_; grabAreaWidget_ = 0; if(rect.isValid()) { qApp->desktop()->repaint(); qApp->beep(); pix = QPixmap::grabWindow(QApplication::desktop()->winId(), rect.x(), rect.y(), rect.width(), rect.height()); } if(!pix.isNull()) emit pixmapReady(pix); else emit refreshWindow(); }
static void dispatchMessage(FrameworkWindow *window, struct IntuiMessage *msg) { switch(msg->Class) { case IDCMP_MENUPICK: invokeMenuHandler(window, (ULONG)msg->Code); break; case IDCMP_REFRESHWINDOW: refreshWindow(window); break; case IDCMP_CLOSEWINDOW: tryToCloseWindow(window); break; case IDCMP_GADGETUP: invokeGadgetUpHandler(window, (struct Gadget*)msg->IAddress, msg->Code); break; case IDCMP_MOUSEBUTTONS: invokeClickHandler(window, msg->MouseX, msg->MouseY); break; case IDCMP_NEWSIZE: resizeWindow(window); break; } }
void ofApp::toggleFullscreen() { mFullscreen = !mFullscreen; refreshWindow(); }
int displayStats(char *filename) { Bool done = False; XEvent curEvent; char c; long event_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF; long nBuf = 2; int i; /* Load data */ FILE *fp = fopen(filename,"r"); if (!fp) { printf("Nothing to draw\n"); return -1; } fscanf(fp, "numR=%d\n", &numR); r = malloc(sizeof(float)*numR); mean_elongation = malloc(sizeof(float)*numR); mean_polarization = malloc(sizeof(float)*numR); std_elongation = malloc(sizeof(float)*numR); std_polarization = malloc(sizeof(float)*numR); for (i=0; i < numR; i++) fscanf(fp,"r=%f,mean_elongation=%f,std_elongation=%f,mean_polarization=%f,std_polarization=%f\n", &r[i],&mean_elongation[i],&std_elongation[i], &mean_polarization[i],&std_polarization[i]); fclose(fp); minr = min(r,numR); maxr = max(r,numR); minElongation = min(mean_elongation,numR); maxElongation = max(mean_elongation,numR); minPolarization = min(mean_polarization,numR); maxPolarization = max(mean_polarization,numR); /* initialize the window */ initWindow( 600, 400 ); drawFigure(); while(!done) { /** Draw stuff here **/ /* if (mode == MOVIE_MODE) { t2 = get_time_sec(); if (t2-t1 > secondsPerFrame && file->curFrame < file->numFrames) { readFrame(Px,Py,Vx,Vy,file); drawFigure(); t1 = t2; } } */ usleep( 33 ); // sleep a little // check for events if(XCheckWindowEvent(curDisplay, curWindow, event_mask, &curEvent)) { switch (curEvent.type) { case KeyPress: /* access string using XLookupString(*event,*char,numChars,NULL,NULL) */ if(XLookupString((XKeyEvent *)&curEvent, &c, 1, NULL, NULL) == 1) { switch(c) { case 'q': // quit done = True; break; default: break; } } break; case Expose: refreshWindow(); break; default: break; } // end switch over event type } // end if event } // end while closeWindow(nBuf); cleanup(); return(0); } // end displayStats
//enables an overlay that dims the screen and displays controls/stats/etc. void MandelbrotViewer::enableOverlay(bool enable) { double angle = rotation * 180 / PI; if (angle > 180) angle -= 360; sf::Text controls; sf::Text stats; if (enable) { //set up the controls part controls.setFont(font); controls.setString(" Help Menu (H)\n" "Controls\n" "------------------------------------------------\n" "Left/Right arrows - Change colors\n" "Up/Down arrows - Increase/decrease iterations\n" "Click and Drag - Move around\n" "Numbers 1-7 - Change color scheme\n" "Scroll - Zoom in/out\n" "H - Help menu\n" "S - Save image\n" "R - Reset\n" "L - Lock Colors\n" "Q - Quit\n" "Page up - Rotate counter-clockwise\n" "Page down - Rotate clockwise\n" "Home - Reset rotation\n" "------------------------------------------------\n"); controls.setCharacterSize(24); controls.setFillColor(sf::Color::White); controls.setPosition(40, 20); //set up the stats part std::stringstream ss; ss << std::fixed << std::setprecision(20); ss << "Resolution: " << res_width << "x" << res_height << "\n\n"; ss << "Coordinates: \n"; ss << "x: " << std::setw(23) << area.left << " y: " << std::setw(23) << << "\n"; ss << " " << std::setw(23) << area.left + area.width << " " << std::setw(23) << + area.height; ss << std::defaultfloat; int zoom_level = log2(2.0/area.width); ss << "\n\nZoom level: " << zoom_level; if (color_locked) ss << "\t\t\t\t\tColor is locked"; else ss << "\t\t\t\t\tColor is unlocked"; ss << "\n\nIterations: " << max_iter << std::fixed << std::setprecision(0); ss << "\n\nRotation: " << angle << " degrees"; stats.setFont(font); stats.setString(ss.str()); stats.setCharacterSize(24); stats.setPosition(40, 485); //set up the screen fade sf::RectangleShape rectangle; rectangle.setSize(sf::Vector2f(res_width, res_height)); rectangle.setFillColor(sf::Color(0, 0, 0, 192)); rectangle.setPosition(0, 0); //draw to the screen window->draw(sprite); window->draw(rectangle); window->draw(controls); window->draw(stats); window->display(); } else { refreshWindow(); } }
static void eventHandler(objectKey key, windowEvent *event) { int status = 0; int selected = 0; char *fullName = NULL; char *dirName = NULL; // Check for window events. if (key == window) { // Check for window refresh if (event->type == EVENT_WINDOW_REFRESH) refreshWindow(); // Check for the window being closed else if (event->type == EVENT_WINDOW_CLOSE) windowGuiStop(); } else if ((key == mapList) && (event->type & EVENT_SELECTION) && (event->type & EVENT_MOUSE_DOWN)) { if (windowComponentGetSelected(mapList, &selected) < 0) return; if (loadMap(mapListParams[selected].text) < 0) return; makeKeyArray(selectedMap); updateKeyDiag(selectedMap); } else if ((key == saveButton) && (event->type == EVENT_MOUSE_LEFTUP)) { fullName = malloc(MAX_PATH_NAME_LENGTH); if (!fullName) return; findMapFile(selectedMap->name, fullName); status = windowNewFileDialog(window, _("Save as"), _("Choose the output file:"), cwd, fullName, MAX_PATH_NAME_LENGTH, 0); if (status != 1) { free(fullName); return; } status = saveMap(fullName); if (status < 0) { free(fullName); return; } // Are we working in a new directory? dirName = dirname(fullName); if (dirName) { strncpy(cwd, dirName, MAX_PATH_LENGTH); free(dirName); } free(fullName); if (getMapNameParams() < 0) return; windowComponentSetData(mapList, mapListParams, numMapNames, 1 /* redraw */); selectMap(selectedMap->name); windowNewInfoDialog(window, _("Saved"), _("Map saved")); } else if ((key == defaultButton) && (event->type == EVENT_MOUSE_LEFTUP)) { if (windowComponentGetSelected(mapList, &selected) < 0) return; if (setMap(mapListParams[selected].text) < 0) return; windowComponentSetData(currentNameLabel, mapListParams[selected].text, strlen(mapListParams[selected].text), 1 /* redraw */); } // Check for the window being closed by a GUI event. else if ((key == closeButton) && (event->type == EVENT_MOUSE_LEFTUP)) windowGuiStop(); }