Example #1
QgsGrassRegion::QgsGrassRegion( QgisInterface *iface,
                                QWidget * parent, Qt::WindowFlags f )
    : QWidget( parent, f )
    , QgsGrassRegionBase()
    , mInterface( 0 )
    , mCanvas( 0 )
    , mRadioGroup( 0 )
    , mX( 0 )
    , mY( 0 )
    , mUpdatingGui( false )
    , mRegionEdit( 0 )
  QgsDebugMsg( "QgsGrassRegion()" );
  QgsGrass::initRegion( &mWindow );

  setupUi( this );
  setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose );

  connect( mButtonBox, SIGNAL( clicked( QAbstractButton * ) ), SLOT( buttonClicked( QAbstractButton * ) ) );

  //mPlugin = plugin;
  mInterface = iface;
  mCanvas = mInterface->mapCanvas();
  mUpdatingGui = false;

  // Set input validators
  QDoubleValidator *dv = new QDoubleValidator( 0 );
  QIntValidator *iv = new QIntValidator( 0 );

  mNorth->setValidator( dv );
  mSouth->setValidator( dv );
  mEast->setValidator( dv );
  mWest->setValidator( dv );
  mNSRes->setValidator( dv );
  mEWRes->setValidator( dv );
  mRows->setValidator( iv );
  mCols->setValidator( iv );

  // Group radio buttons
  mRadioGroup = new QButtonGroup();
  mRadioGroup->addButton( mResRadio );
  mRadioGroup->addButton( mRowsColsRadio );
  mResRadio->setChecked( true );

  connect( mRadioGroup, SIGNAL( buttonClicked( int ) ), this, SLOT( radioChanged() ) );

  // Connect entries
  connect( mNorth, SIGNAL( editingFinished() ), this, SLOT( northChanged() ) );
  connect( mSouth, SIGNAL( editingFinished() ), this, SLOT( southChanged() ) );
  connect( mEast, SIGNAL( editingFinished() ), this, SLOT( eastChanged() ) );
  connect( mWest, SIGNAL( editingFinished() ), this, SLOT( westChanged() ) );
  connect( mNSRes, SIGNAL( editingFinished() ), this, SLOT( NSResChanged() ) );
  connect( mEWRes, SIGNAL( editingFinished() ), this, SLOT( EWResChanged() ) );
  connect( mRows, SIGNAL( editingFinished() ), this, SLOT( rowsChanged() ) );
  connect( mCols, SIGNAL( editingFinished() ), this, SLOT( colsChanged() ) );

  connect( QgsGrass::instance(), SIGNAL( regionChanged() ), SLOT( reloadRegion() ) );
  connect( mCanvas, SIGNAL( mapToolSet( QgsMapTool * ) ), SLOT( canvasMapToolSet( QgsMapTool * ) ) );
Example #2
Widget::Widget(QWidget *parent)
    : QWidget(parent)
    QHBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
    _mapView = new QMMapView(QMMapView::RoadMap,
                             15);//15 = niveau du zoom
    _controls = new QWidget();

    _addr = new QTextEdit();
    _button = new QPushButton();

    mainLayout->addWidget(_mapView, 1);
    mainLayout->addWidget(_controls, 1);
    mainLayout->addWidget(_addr, 1);
    mainLayout->addWidget(_button, 1);


    resize(1200, 600);
    connect(_mapView, SIGNAL(mapLoaded()), this, SLOT(onMapLoaded()));
    connect(_mapView, SIGNAL(regionChanged(QMCoordinateRegion)),
            this, SLOT(onRegionChanged(QMCoordinateRegion)));
    connect(_mapView, SIGNAL(mapBecameIdle()), this, SLOT(onMapBecameIdle()));
    connect(_button, SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(newPos()));
Example #3
// Open tools
void QgsGrassPlugin::openTools()
  if ( !mTools )
    mTools = new QgsGrassTools( qGisInterface, qGisInterface->mainWindow(), 0, Qt::Dialog );

    connect( mTools, SIGNAL( regionChanged() ), this, SLOT( redrawRegion() ) );

Example #4
void ScriptingCellListener::slotChanged(const KCRegion& region)
    KCRegion::ConstIterator end(region.constEnd());

    QVariantList ranges;
    for (KCRegion::ConstIterator it = region.constBegin(); it != end; ++it)
        ranges << (*it)->rect();
    emit regionChanged(ranges);

    for (KCRegion::ConstIterator it = region.constBegin(); it != end; ++it) {
        const QRect r((*it)->rect());
        for (int row = r.top(); row <= r.bottom(); ++row)
            for (int col = r.left(); col <= r.right(); ++col)
                emit cellChanged(col, row);
void BioXASSSRLMonochromator::setRegion(BioXASSSRLMonochromatorRegionControl *newControl)
	if (region_ != newControl) {


		region_ = newControl;



		emit regionChanged(region_);
Sets region
void cwLinePlotLabelView::setRegion(cwCavingRegion* region) {
    if(Region != region) {
        if(Region != nullptr) {
            disconnect(Region, &cwCavingRegion::insertedCaves, this, &cwLinePlotLabelView::addCaves);
            disconnect(Region, &cwCavingRegion::beginRemoveCaves, this, &cwLinePlotLabelView::removeCaves);

        Region = region;

        if(Region != nullptr) {
            connect(Region, &cwCavingRegion::insertedCaves, this, &cwLinePlotLabelView::addCaves);
            connect(Region, &cwCavingRegion::beginRemoveCaves, this, &cwLinePlotLabelView::removeCaves);

            if(Region->hasCaves()) {
                //Add all the caves
                addCaves(0, Region->caveCount() - 1);
        emit regionChanged();
Example #7
void QgsGrassTools::emitRegionChanged()
  QgsDebugMsg( "entered." );
  emit regionChanged();
Example #8
 * Initialize the GUI interface for the plugin
void QgsGrassPlugin::initGui()
  mToolBarPointer = 0;
  mTools = 0;
  mNewMapset = 0;

  mCanvas = qGisInterface->mapCanvas();

  // Create region rubber band
  mRegionBand = new QgsRubberBand( mCanvas, QGis::Polygon );
  mRegionBand->setZValue( 20 );

  // Create the action for tool (the icons are set later by calling setCurrentTheme)
  mOpenMapsetAction = new QAction( QIcon(), tr( "Open Mapset" ), this );
  mOpenMapsetAction->setObjectName( "mOpenMapsetAction" );
  mNewMapsetAction = new QAction( QIcon(), tr( "New Mapset" ), this );
  mNewMapsetAction->setObjectName( "mNewMapsetAction" );
  mCloseMapsetAction = new QAction( QIcon(), tr( "Close Mapset" ), this );
  mCloseMapsetAction->setObjectName( "mCloseMapsetAction" );

  mOpenToolsAction = new QAction( QIcon(), tr( "Open GRASS Tools" ), this );
  mOpenToolsAction->setObjectName( "mAddPolygonActionmOpenToolsAction" );
  mOpenToolsAction->setWhatsThis( tr( "Open GRASS tools" ) );

  mRegionAction = new QAction( QIcon(), tr( "Display Current Grass Region" ), this );
  mRegionAction->setObjectName( "mRegionAction" );
  mRegionAction->setWhatsThis( tr( "Displays the current GRASS region as a rectangle on the map canvas" ) );
  mRegionAction->setCheckable( true );

  mOptionsAction = new QAction( QIcon(), tr( "GRASS Options" ), this );
  mOptionsAction->setObjectName( "mOptionsAction" );

  // Connect the actions
  connect( mOpenMapsetAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( openMapset() ) );
  connect( mNewMapsetAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( newMapset() ) );
  connect( mCloseMapsetAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( closeMapset() ) );
  connect( mOpenToolsAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( openTools() ) );
  connect( mRegionAction, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( switchRegion( bool ) ) );
  connect( mOptionsAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), QgsGrass::instance(), SLOT( openOptions() ) );

  // Add actions to a GRASS plugin menu
  QString menu = tr( "&GRASS" );
  qGisInterface->addPluginToMenu( menu, mOpenMapsetAction );
  qGisInterface->addPluginToMenu( menu, mNewMapsetAction );
  qGisInterface->addPluginToMenu( menu, mCloseMapsetAction );
  qGisInterface->addPluginToMenu( menu, mOpenToolsAction );
  qGisInterface->addPluginToMenu( menu, mRegionAction );
  qGisInterface->addPluginToMenu( menu, mOptionsAction );

  // Add the toolbar to the main window
  mToolBarPointer = qGisInterface->addToolBar( tr( "GRASS" ) );
  mToolBarPointer->setObjectName( "GRASS" );

  // Add to the toolbar
#if 0
  mToolBarPointer->addAction( mOpenMapsetAction );
  mToolBarPointer->addAction( mNewMapsetAction );
  mToolBarPointer->addAction( mCloseMapsetAction );
  mToolBarPointer->addAction( mOpenToolsAction );
  mToolBarPointer->addAction( mRegionAction );

  // Editing
  mAddPointAction = new QAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionCapturePoint.png" ), tr( "Add Point" ), this );
  mAddPointAction->setObjectName( "mAddPointAction" );
  mAddPointAction->setCheckable( true );

  mAddLineAction = new QAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionCaptureLine.png" ), tr( "Add Line" ), this );
  mAddLineAction->setObjectName( "mAddLineAction" );
  mAddLineAction->setCheckable( true );

  mAddBoundaryAction = new QAction( getThemeIcon( "mActionCaptureBoundary.png" ), tr( "Add Boundary" ), this );
  mAddBoundaryAction->setObjectName( "mAddBoundaryAction" );
  mAddBoundaryAction->setCheckable( true );

  mAddCentroidAction = new QAction( getThemeIcon( "mActionCaptureCentroid.png" ), tr( "Add Centroid" ), this );
  mAddCentroidAction->setObjectName( "mAddCentroidAction" );
  mAddCentroidAction->setCheckable( true );

  mAddAreaAction = new QAction( QgsApplication::getThemeIcon( "/mActionCapturePolygon.png" ), tr( "Add Area" ), this );
  mAddAreaAction->setObjectName( "mAddAreaAction" );
  mAddAreaAction->setCheckable( true );

  connect( mAddPointAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( addFeature() ) );
  connect( mAddLineAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( addFeature() ) );
  connect( mAddBoundaryAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( addFeature() ) );
  connect( mAddCentroidAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( addFeature() ) );
  connect( mAddAreaAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( addFeature() ) );

  mAddFeatureAction = qGisInterface->actionAddFeature();

  mAddFeatureAction->actionGroup()->addAction( mAddPointAction );
  mAddFeatureAction->actionGroup()->addAction( mAddLineAction );
  mAddFeatureAction->actionGroup()->addAction( mAddBoundaryAction );
  mAddFeatureAction->actionGroup()->addAction( mAddCentroidAction );
  mAddFeatureAction->actionGroup()->addAction( mAddAreaAction );

  qGisInterface->digitizeToolBar()->insertAction( mAddFeatureAction, mAddPointAction );
  qGisInterface->digitizeToolBar()->insertAction( mAddFeatureAction, mAddLineAction );
  qGisInterface->digitizeToolBar()->insertAction( mAddFeatureAction, mAddBoundaryAction );
  qGisInterface->digitizeToolBar()->insertAction( mAddFeatureAction, mAddCentroidAction );
  qGisInterface->digitizeToolBar()->insertAction( mAddFeatureAction, mAddAreaAction );


  mAddPoint = new QgsGrassAddFeature( qGisInterface->mapCanvas(), QgsMapToolAdvancedDigitizing::CapturePoint );
  mAddPoint->setAction( mAddPointAction );
  mAddLine = new QgsGrassAddFeature( qGisInterface->mapCanvas(), QgsMapToolAdvancedDigitizing::CaptureLine );
  mAddLine->setAction( mAddLineAction );
  mAddBoundary = new QgsGrassAddFeature( qGisInterface->mapCanvas(), QgsMapToolAdvancedDigitizing::CaptureLine );
  mAddBoundary->setAction( mAddBoundaryAction );
  mAddCentroid = new QgsGrassAddFeature( qGisInterface->mapCanvas(), QgsMapToolAdvancedDigitizing::CapturePoint );
  mAddCentroid->setAction( mAddCentroidAction );
  mAddArea = new QgsGrassAddFeature( qGisInterface->mapCanvas(), QgsMapToolAdvancedDigitizing::CapturePolygon );
  mAddArea->setAction( mAddAreaAction );

  // Connect project
  QWidget* qgis = qGisInterface->mainWindow();
  connect( qgis, SIGNAL( projectRead() ), this, SLOT( projectRead() ) );
  connect( qgis, SIGNAL( newProject() ), this, SLOT( newProject() ) );

  // Set icons to current theme
  setCurrentTheme( "" );
  // Connect theme change signal
  connect( qGisInterface, SIGNAL( currentThemeChanged( QString ) ), this, SLOT( setCurrentTheme( QString ) ) );

  connect( mCanvas, SIGNAL( destinationCrsChanged() ), this, SLOT( setTransform() ) );

  // Connect display region
  connect( mCanvas, SIGNAL( renderComplete( QPainter * ) ), this, SLOT( postRender( QPainter * ) ) );

  connect( QgsGrass::instance(), SIGNAL( gisbaseChanged() ), SLOT( onGisbaseChanged() ) );
  connect( QgsGrass::instance(), SIGNAL( mapsetChanged() ), SLOT( mapsetChanged() ) );
  connect( QgsGrass::instance(), SIGNAL( regionChanged() ), SLOT( displayRegion() ) );
  connect( QgsGrass::instance(), SIGNAL( regionPenChanged() ), SLOT( displayRegion() ) );
  connect( QgsGrass::instance(), SIGNAL( newLayer( QString, QString ) ), SLOT( onNewLayer( QString, QString ) ) );

  // Connect start/stop editing
  connect( QgsMapLayerRegistry::instance(), SIGNAL( layerWasAdded( QgsMapLayer* ) ), this, SLOT( onLayerWasAdded( QgsMapLayer* ) ) );

  connect( qGisInterface->layerTreeView(), SIGNAL( currentLayerChanged( QgsMapLayer* ) ),
           SLOT( onCurrentLayerChanged( QgsMapLayer* ) ) );

  // open tools when plugin is loaded so that main app restores tools dock widget state
  mTools = new QgsGrassTools( qGisInterface, qGisInterface->mainWindow() );
  qGisInterface->addDockWidget( Qt::RightDockWidgetArea, mTools );

Example #9
QgsGrassTools::QgsGrassTools( QgisInterface *iface,
                              QWidget * parent, const char * name, Qt::WFlags f )
    : QDialog( parent, f ), QgsGrassToolsBase()
    , mBrowser( 0 )
    , mModulesListModel( 0 ), mModelProxy( 0 ), mDirectModulesListModel( 0 ), mDirectModelProxy( 0 )
  Q_UNUSED( name );
  setupUi( this );
  QgsDebugMsg( "QgsGrassTools()" );

  setWindowTitle( tr( "GRASS Tools" ) );
  //    setupUi(this);

  mIface = iface;
  mCanvas = mIface->mapCanvas();

  connect( qApp, SIGNAL( aboutToQuit() ),
           this, SLOT( closeTools() ) );


  // set the dialog title
  QString title = tr( "GRASS Tools: %1/%2" ).arg( QgsGrass::getDefaultLocation() ).arg( QgsGrass::getDefaultMapset() );
  setWindowTitle( title );

  // Add map browser
  mBrowser = new QgsGrassBrowser( mIface, this );

  connect( mBrowser, SIGNAL( regionChanged() ),
           this, SLOT( emitRegionChanged() ) );

  // Tree view code.
  connect( mModulesTree, SIGNAL( itemClicked( QTreeWidgetItem *, int ) ),
           this, SLOT( moduleClicked( QTreeWidgetItem *, int ) ) );

  connect( mDirectModulesTree, SIGNAL( itemClicked( QTreeWidgetItem *, int ) ),
           this, SLOT( directModuleClicked( QTreeWidgetItem *, int ) ) );

  // List view with filter
  mModulesListModel = new QStandardItemModel( 0, 1 );
  mModelProxy = new QSortFilterProxyModel( this );
  mModelProxy->setSourceModel( mModulesListModel );
  mModelProxy->setFilterRole( Qt::UserRole + 2 );

  mListView->setModel( mModelProxy );
  connect( mListView, SIGNAL( clicked( const QModelIndex ) ),
           this, SLOT( listItemClicked( const QModelIndex ) ) );

  mDirectModulesListModel = new QStandardItemModel( 0, 1 );
  mDirectModelProxy = new QSortFilterProxyModel( this );
  mDirectModelProxy->setSourceModel( mDirectModulesListModel );
  mDirectModelProxy->setFilterRole( Qt::UserRole + 2 );

  mDirectListView->setModel( mDirectModelProxy );
  connect( mDirectListView, SIGNAL( clicked( const QModelIndex ) ),
           this, SLOT( directListItemClicked( const QModelIndex ) ) );

  // Show before loadConfig() so that user can see loading
QgsGrassTools::QgsGrassTools( QgisInterface *iface,
                              QWidget * parent, const char * name, Qt::WFlags f )
    : QDialog( parent, f ), QgsGrassToolsBase()

  setupUi( this );
  QgsDebugMsg( "QgsGrassTools()" );

  setWindowTitle( tr( "GRASS Tools" ) );
  //    setupUi(this);

  mIface = iface;
  mCanvas = mIface->mapCanvas();

  connect( qApp, SIGNAL( aboutToQuit() ),
           this, SLOT( closeTools() ) );

  // Radims original tree view code.
  connect( mModulesTree, SIGNAL( itemClicked( QTreeWidgetItem *, int ) ),
           this, SLOT( moduleClicked( QTreeWidgetItem *, int ) ) );

  // Tims experimental list view with filter
  mModelTools = new QStandardItemModel( 0, 1 );
  mModelProxy = new QSortFilterProxyModel( this );
  mModelProxy->setSourceModel( mModelTools );
  mModelProxy->setFilterRole( Qt::UserRole + 2 );

  mListView->setModel( mModelProxy );
  mListView->setItemDelegateForColumn( 0, new QgsDetailedItemDelegate() );
  mListView->setUniformItemSizes( false );
  //mListView2 = new QListView(this);
  //mDockWidget = new QDockWidget(tr("Grass Tools"), 0);
  //mDockWidget->setAllowedAreas(Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea | Qt::RightDockWidgetArea);
  //mIface->addDockWidget(Qt::LeftDockWidgetArea, mDockWidget);
  connect( mListView, SIGNAL( clicked( const QModelIndex ) ),
           this, SLOT( listItemClicked( const QModelIndex ) ) );
  // End of Tims experimental bit

  // Load the modules lists
  // Show before loadConfig() so that user can see loading
  QString conf = QgsApplication::pkgDataPath() + "/grass/config/default.qgc";

  QApplication::setOverrideCursor( Qt::WaitCursor );
  loadConfig( conf );

  // set the dialog title
  QString title = tr( "GRASS Tools: " ) + QgsGrass::getDefaultLocation()
                  + "/" + QgsGrass::getDefaultMapset();
  setWindowTitle( title );

  // Add map browser
  mBrowser = new QgsGrassBrowser( mIface, this );
  mTabWidget->addTab( mBrowser, tr( "Browser" ) );

  connect( mBrowser, SIGNAL( regionChanged() ),
           this, SLOT( emitRegionChanged() ) );
Example #11
 * Initialize the GUI interface for the plugin
void QgsGrassPlugin::initGui()
  if ( !QgsGrass::init() )
    qGisInterface->messageBar()->pushMessage( tr( "GRASS error" ), QgsGrass::errorMessage(), QgsMessageBar::WARNING );
    // TODO: add a widget with warning

  mToolBarPointer = 0;
  mTools = 0;
  mNewMapset = 0;

  mCanvas = qGisInterface->mapCanvas();
  QWidget* qgis = qGisInterface->mainWindow();

  connect( mCanvas, SIGNAL( destinationCrsChanged() ), this, SLOT( setTransform() ) );

  // Connect project
  connect( qgis, SIGNAL( projectRead() ), this, SLOT( projectRead() ) );
  connect( qgis, SIGNAL( newProject() ), this, SLOT( newProject() ) );

  // Create region rubber band
  mRegionBand = new QgsRubberBand( mCanvas, QGis::Polygon );
  mRegionBand->setZValue( 20 );

  // Create the action for tool (the icons are set later by calling setCurrentTheme)
  mOpenMapsetAction = new QAction( QIcon(), tr( "Open Mapset" ), this );
  mOpenMapsetAction->setObjectName( "mOpenMapsetAction" );
  mNewMapsetAction = new QAction( QIcon(), tr( "New Mapset" ), this );
  mNewMapsetAction->setObjectName( "mNewMapsetAction" );
  mCloseMapsetAction = new QAction( QIcon(), tr( "Close Mapset" ), this );
  mCloseMapsetAction->setObjectName( "mCloseMapsetAction" );

  mOpenToolsAction = new QAction( QIcon(), tr( "Open GRASS Tools" ), this );
  mOpenToolsAction->setObjectName( "mOpenToolsAction" );
  mOpenToolsAction->setWhatsThis( tr( "Open GRASS tools" ) );

  mRegionAction = new QAction( QIcon(), tr( "Display Current Grass Region" ), this );
  mRegionAction->setObjectName( "mRegionAction" );
  mRegionAction->setWhatsThis( tr( "Displays the current GRASS region as a rectangle on the map canvas" ) );
  mRegionAction->setCheckable( true );

  mEditAction = new QAction( QIcon(), tr( "Edit Grass Vector layer" ), this );
  mEditAction->setObjectName( "mEditAction" );
  mEditAction->setWhatsThis( tr( "Edit the currently selected GRASS vector layer." ) );
  mNewVectorAction = new QAction( QIcon(), tr( "Create New Grass Vector" ), this );
  mNewVectorAction->setObjectName( "mNewVectorAction" );

  // Connect the action
  connect( mOpenToolsAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( openTools() ) );
  connect( mEditAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( edit() ) );
  connect( mNewVectorAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( newVector() ) );
  connect( mRegionAction, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), this, SLOT( switchRegion( bool ) ) );
  connect( mOpenMapsetAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( openMapset() ) );
  connect( mNewMapsetAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( newMapset() ) );
  connect( mCloseMapsetAction, SIGNAL( triggered() ), SLOT( closeMapset() ) );

  // Add actions to a GRASS plugin menu
  qGisInterface->addPluginToMenu( tr( "&GRASS" ), mOpenMapsetAction );
  qGisInterface->addPluginToMenu( tr( "&GRASS" ), mNewMapsetAction );
  qGisInterface->addPluginToMenu( tr( "&GRASS" ), mCloseMapsetAction );
  qGisInterface->addPluginToMenu( tr( "&GRASS" ), mNewVectorAction );
  qGisInterface->addPluginToMenu( tr( "&GRASS" ), mEditAction );
  qGisInterface->addPluginToMenu( tr( "&GRASS" ), mOpenToolsAction );
  qGisInterface->addPluginToMenu( tr( "&GRASS" ), mRegionAction );

  // Add the toolbar to the main window
  mToolBarPointer = qGisInterface->addToolBar( tr( "GRASS" ) );
  mToolBarPointer->setObjectName( "GRASS" );

  // Add to the toolbar
  mToolBarPointer->addAction( mOpenMapsetAction );
  mToolBarPointer->addAction( mNewMapsetAction );
  mToolBarPointer->addAction( mCloseMapsetAction );
  mToolBarPointer->addAction( mNewVectorAction );
  mToolBarPointer->addAction( mEditAction );
  mToolBarPointer->addAction( mOpenToolsAction );
  mToolBarPointer->addAction( mRegionAction );

  // Set icons to current theme
  setCurrentTheme( "" );
  // Connect theme change signal
  connect( qGisInterface, SIGNAL( currentThemeChanged( QString ) ), this, SLOT( setCurrentTheme( QString ) ) );

  // Connect display region
  connect( mCanvas, SIGNAL( renderComplete( QPainter * ) ), this, SLOT( postRender( QPainter * ) ) );

  connect( qGisInterface, SIGNAL( currentLayerChanged( QgsMapLayer * ) ),
           this, SLOT( setEditAction() ) );

  connect( QgsGrass::instance(), SIGNAL( mapsetChanged() ), SLOT( mapsetChanged() ) );
  connect( QgsGrass::instance(), SIGNAL( regionChanged() ), SLOT( displayRegion() ) );
  connect( QgsGrass::instance(), SIGNAL( regionPenChanged() ), SLOT( displayRegion() ) );


  // open tools when plugin is loaded so that main app restores tools dock widget state
  mTools = new QgsGrassTools( qGisInterface, qGisInterface->mainWindow() );
  qGisInterface->addDockWidget( Qt::RightDockWidgetArea, mTools );