Example #1
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
  if (argc < 3) {
    std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0]
              << " deploy.prototxt network.caffemodel"
              << " [gpu_id]" << std::endl;
    return 1;


  const string& model_file   = argv[1];
  const string& trained_file = argv[2];

  int gpu_id = 0;
  if (argc >= 4) {
    gpu_id = atoi(argv[3]);

  const bool do_train = false;
  Regressor regressor(model_file, trained_file, gpu_id, do_train);

  // Ensuring randomness for fairness.

  // Create a tracker object.
  const bool show_intermediate_output = false;
  Tracker tracker(show_intermediate_output);

  VOT vot; // Initialize the communcation

  // Get region and first frame
  VOTRegion region = vot.region();
  string path = vot.frame();

  // Load the first frame and use the initialization region to initialize the tracker.
  tracker.Init(path, region, &regressor);

  while (true) {
      path = vot.frame(); // Get the next frame
      if (path.empty()) break; // Are we done?

      // Load current image.
      const cv::Mat& image = cv::imread(path);

      // Track and estimate the bounding box location.
      BoundingBox bbox_estimate;
      tracker.Track(image, &regressor, &bbox_estimate);


      vot.report(region); // Report the position of the tracker

  // Finishing the communication is completed automatically with the destruction
  // of the communication object (if you are using pointers you have to explicitly
  // delete the object).

  return 0;
double SoftmaxRegression<OptimizerType>::Train(const arma::mat& data,
                                               const arma::Row<size_t>& labels,
                                               const size_t numClasses)
  SoftmaxRegressionFunction regressor(data, labels, numClasses,
                                      lambda, fitIntercept);
  OptimizerType<SoftmaxRegressionFunction> optimizer(regressor);

  return Train(optimizer);
Example #3
    int calculateEssentialParametersSubspace(DynamicRegressorGenerator & regressor_generator, 
                                             const IBatchDynamicDataset & dataset,
                                             Eigen::MatrixXd & essential_parameters_subspace, 
                                             Eigen::VectorXd & /*sigma*/,
                                             const double tol
        if( regressor_generator.getNrOfParameters() <= 0 ) { std::cerr << "calculateEssentialParametersSubspace error: regressor_generator not consistent" << std::endl; return -2; }
        //Y^T*Y nrOfParams x nfOfParams matrix encoding the essential parameters subspace 
        Eigen::MatrixXd YTY(regressor_generator.getNrOfParameters(),regressor_generator.getNrOfParameters());
        Eigen::MatrixXd regressor(regressor_generator.getNrOfOutputs(),regressor_generator.getNrOfParameters());
        Eigen::VectorXd known_terms(regressor_generator.getNrOfOutputs());
        DynamicSample sample;
        //Initial value is zero
        for(int i=0; i < dataset.getNrOfSamples(); i++ ) {
            bool status = dataset.getSample(i,sample);
            if( !status ) { return -3; }
            if( regressor_generator.getNrOfDOFs() != sample.getNrOfDOFs() ) {
                std::cerr << "calculateEssentialParametersSubspace error: mismatch between regressor generator ( " 
                          << regressor_generator.getNrOfDOFs() << " dofs ) and data sample (" << sample.getNrOfDOFs() << " dofs ) " <<std::endl;
                return -1;

            //Set robot state and sensors
            //Get regressor
            YTY += regressor.transpose()*regressor;
        int status = getRowSpaceBasis(YTY,essential_parameters_subspace,tol,true);
        if( status != 0 ) { std::cerr << "calculateEssentialParametersSubspace error: getRowSpaceBasis failed" << std::endl;  return -4; }
        return 0;
SoftmaxRegression<OptimizerType>::SoftmaxRegression(const arma::mat& data,
                                                    const arma::Row<size_t>& labels,
                                                    const size_t numClasses,
                                                    const double lambda,
                                                    const bool fitIntercept) :
  SoftmaxRegressionFunction regressor(data, labels, numClasses,
                                      lambda, fitIntercept);
  OptimizerType<SoftmaxRegressionFunction> optimizer(regressor);

  parameters = regressor.GetInitialPoint();
int main()
    std::string icub_urdf_filename = "icub_model.urdf";

    // Create the iCub model
    KDL::Tree icub_tree;
    bool ok = iDynTree::treeFromUrdfFile(icub_urdf_filename,icub_tree);

    if( !ok )
        std::cerr <<"Could not import icub urdf" << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    // Create the iCub undirected tree, that contains also
    // a default serialization (i.e. a mapping between links/joints
    // and integers (if you want to provide a user-defined serialization
    // to the undirected tree, pass it as a second argument to the constructor
    KDL::CoDyCo::UndirectedTree icub_undirected_tree(icub_tree);

    std::cout << "icub_tree serialization 1 : " << icub_undirected_tree.getSerialization().toString();

    // Load a sensors tree (for ft sensors) from the information extracted from urdf file
    //  and using the serialization provided in the undirected tree
    iDynTree::SensorsList sensors_tree = iDynTree::sensorsListFromURDF(icub_undirected_tree,icub_urdf_filename);

    //Create a regressor generator
    KDL::CoDyCo::Regressors::DynamicRegressorGenerator regressor_generator(icub_undirected_tree,sensors_tree);

    //Add a set of rows of the regressor of right arm
    std::vector<std::string> l_arm_subtree;



    //Create a random state for the robot
    KDL::Twist base_velocity, base_acceleration;
    base_velocity = base_acceleration = KDL::Twist::Zero();

    KDL::JntArray q(regressor_generator.getNrOfDOFs());


    for(int i=0; i < q.rows(); i++ )
        q(i) = random_double();

    double gravity_norm = 9.8;
    base_acceleration.vel[2] = -gravity_norm;


    // Estimate sensor measurements from the model
    iDynTree::Wrench simulate_measurement = simulateFTSensorFromKinematicState(icub_undirected_tree,

    //Create a regressor and check the returned sensor value
    Eigen::MatrixXd regressor(regressor_generator.getNrOfOutputs(),regressor_generator.getNrOfParameters());
    Eigen::VectorXd kt(regressor_generator.getNrOfOutputs());

    //std::cout << "regressors : " << regressor << std::endl;

    Eigen::VectorXd parameters(regressor_generator.getNrOfParameters());


    assert(parameters.rows() == regressor_generator.getNrOfParameters());

    Eigen::Matrix<double,6,1> sens = regressor*parameters;

    ///// Test also the new iDynTree regressor infrastructure
    iDynTree::Regressors::DynamicsRegressorGenerator new_generator;

    // load robot and sensor model
    ok = ok && new_generator.loadRobotAndSensorsModelFromFile(icub_urdf_filename);


    // load regressor structure (this should be actually loaded from file)
    std::string regressor_structure
        = "<regressor> "
          "  <subtreeBaseDynamics> "
          "    <FTSensorLink>l_upper_arm</FTSensorLink> "
          "  </subtreeBaseDynamics> "

    ok = ok && new_generator.loadRegressorStructureFromString(regressor_structure);


    iDynTree::VectorDynSize q_idyntree(q.rows());

    ok = ok && iDynTree::ToiDynTree(q,q_idyntree);


    iDynTree::Twist gravity;
    gravity(2) = gravity_norm;

    ok = ok && new_generator.setRobotState(q_idyntree,q_idyntree,q_idyntree,gravity);


    iDynTree::MatrixDynSize regr_idyntree(new_generator.getNrOfOutputs(),new_generator.getNrOfParameters());
    iDynTree::VectorDynSize kt_idyntree(new_generator.getNrOfOutputs());
    iDynTree::VectorDynSize param_idyntree(new_generator.getNrOfParameters());

    ok = ok && new_generator.getModelParameters(param_idyntree);

    int sensorIndex = new_generator.getSensorsModel().getSensorIndex(iDynTree::SIX_AXIS_FORCE_TORQUE,"l_arm_ft_sensor");
    ok = ok && new_generator.getSensorsMeasurements().setMeasurement(iDynTree::SIX_AXIS_FORCE_TORQUE,sensorIndex,simulate_measurement);

    ok = ok && new_generator.computeRegressor(regr_idyntree,kt_idyntree);

    Eigen::Matrix<double,6,1> sens_idyntree = Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<double,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::RowMajor> >(regr_idyntree.data(),regr_idyntree.rows(),regr_idyntree.cols())*

    Eigen::Matrix<double,6,1> kt_eigen = Eigen::Map< Eigen::Matrix<double,6,1>  >(kt_idyntree.data(),kt_idyntree.size());

    std::cout << "Parameters norm old " << parameters.norm() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Parameters norm new " << Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd>(param_idyntree.data(),param_idyntree.size()).norm() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Sensor measurement from regressor*model_parameters: " << sens << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Sensor measurement from regressor*model_parameters (new): " << sens_idyntree << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Sensor measurement from RNEA:                       " << KDL::CoDyCo::toEigen( iDynTree::ToKDL(simulate_measurement)) << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Sensor measurement from known terms (new) " << kt_eigen << std::endl;

    double tol = 1e-5;
    if( (KDL::CoDyCo::toEigen(iDynTree::ToKDL(simulate_measurement))+sens).norm() > tol )
        std::cerr << "[ERR] iCubLeftArmRegressor error" << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    if( (KDL::CoDyCo::toEigen(iDynTree::ToKDL(simulate_measurement))+sens_idyntree).norm() > tol )
        std::cerr << "[ERR] iCubLeftArmRegressor error: failure in new iDynTree regressor generator" << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    if( (KDL::CoDyCo::toEigen(iDynTree::ToKDL(simulate_measurement))+kt_eigen).norm() > tol )
        std::cerr << "[ERR] iCubLeftArmRegressor error: failure in new iDynTree regressor generator" << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
main(int argc, char *argv[])
	std::string model_file = "tracker.prototxt";
	std::string trained_file = "tracker.caffemodel";

	int gpu_id = 0;

	Regressor regressor(model_file, trained_file, gpu_id, false);

	// Ensuring randomness for fairness.
	srandom (time(NULL));

	// Create a tracker object.
	const bool show_intermediate_output = false;
	Tracker tracker(show_intermediate_output);

	//VOT vot; // Initialize the communcation

	// Get region and first frame
	//VOTRegion region = vot.region();
	std::string path; // TODO // = vot.frame();

	// Load the first frame and use the initialization region to initialize the tracker.
	cv::Mat m = cv::imread("lena.jpg");
	cv::Mat mv = cv::imread("lena.jpg");

	BoundingBox b;
	b.x1_ = 246;
	b.y1_ = 250;
	b.x2_ = 294;
	b.y2_ = 285;
	tracker.Init(m, b, &regressor); // TODO


	// Track and estimate the bounding box location.
	BoundingBox bbox_estimate = b;
	double theta = 0;
	int illumination_m = 1;

	for (;;)
		cv::Mat n = m.clone();

		cv::Point center = cv::Point(n.cols / 2, n.rows / 2);
		cv::Mat rot = cv::getRotationMatrix2D(center, theta, 1.0);
		cv::warpAffine(m, n, rot, n.size());

		if (illumination_m > 0)
			n *= illumination_m;
		else if (illumination_m < 0)
			n /= (-illumination_m);


//		cv::Mat mb(m, cv::Rect(b.x1_, b.y1_, b.x2_ - b.x1_, b.y2_ - b.y1_));
//		cv::Mat nb(n, cv::Rect(bbox_estimate.x1_, bbox_estimate.y1_, bbox_estimate.x2_ - bbox_estimate.x1_, bbox_estimate.y2_ - bbox_estimate.y1_));

//		double dcolor = color_based(&m, &n, &b, &bbox_estimate);
//		double dstructure = structure_based(&m, &n, &b, &bbox_estimate);

//		cv::imshow("mb", mb);
//		cv::imshow("nb", nb);

//		printf("COLOR: %lf STRUCTURE: %lf\n", dcolor, dstructure);

		cv::imshow("m", mv);
		cv::imshow("n", n);
		char c = cv::waitKey(-1);

		switch (c)
			case 'w':
				bbox_estimate.y1_ -= 2;
				bbox_estimate.y2_ -= 2;
			case 's':
				bbox_estimate.y1_ += 2;
				bbox_estimate.y2_ += 2;
			case 'a':
				bbox_estimate.x1_ -= 2;
				bbox_estimate.x2_ -= 2;
			case 'd':
				bbox_estimate.x1_ += 2;
				bbox_estimate.x2_ += 2;
			case 't':
				n = m.clone();
				center = cv::Point(n.cols / 2, n.rows / 2);
				rot = cv::getRotationMatrix2D(center, theta, 1.0);
				cv::warpAffine(m, n, rot, n.size());
				if (illumination_m > 0)
					n *= illumination_m;
				else if (illumination_m < 0)
					n /= (-illumination_m);
				tracker.Track(n, &regressor, &bbox_estimate);
			case 'f':
				theta += 2;
			case 'r':
				theta -= 2;
			case 'y':
				illumination_m += 2;
			case 'h':
				illumination_m -= 2;
			case 'x':
				bbox_estimate = b;
			case 'q':
				return 0;

	//vot.report(region); // Report the position of the tracker

	// Finishing the communication is completed automatically with the destruction
	// of the communication object (if you are using pointers you have to explicitly
	// delete the object).

	return 0;
Example #7
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    // In this example we will use YARP only for parsing command line
    // parameters 
    yarp::os::ResourceFinder rf;

    if (rf.check("help"))
        yInfo() << "Options:\n\n";
        yInfo() << "\t--urdf    file: name of the URDF file containing"
                   " the model of the Walkman.  \n";

        return 0;

    std::string urdf_filename = rf.findFile("urdf");

    yInfo() << "Tryng to open " << urdf_filename << " as Walkman model";

      * The dynamics regressor generator is a class for calculating arbitrary regressor
      * related to robot dynamics, for identification of dynamics parameters, such
      * as inertial parameters (masses, centers of mass, inertia tensor elements).

    //For building the regressor generator, we need several inputs:
    // * the model of the robot, given by the KDL::CoDyCo::UndirectedTree object
    // * a model of the sensors of the robot, given by the KDL::CoDyCo::SensorsTree object
    //   (at this moment the SensorsTree supports only six-axis FT sensors, so it is not needed
    //    for joint torque sensors regressors)
    // * a kinematic base (i.e.  link for which the velocity/acceleration and the gravity are known:
    //                     in this example we will leave the default one, i.e. the root of the robot)
    // * the option for considering or not FT sensors offset in the parameter estimation
    //                     (in this example we don't consider FT sensors, so we put this to false)
    // * a list of "fake_links", for which no inertial parameters will be considered, useful for removing
    //   from the model "fake" links such as frames.

    KDL::Tree walkman_tree;
    if( !kdl_format_io::treeFromUrdfFile(urdf_filename,walkman_tree) )
        std::cerr << " Could not parse urdf robot model" << std::endl;
        return EXIT_FAILURE;

    KDL::CoDyCo::UndirectedTree walkman_undirected_tree(walkman_tree);

    KDL::CoDyCo::SensorsTree walkman_sensors_tree;
    std::string kinematic_base = "";
    bool consider_ft_offsets = false;
    std::vector< std::string > fake_links;
    KDL::CoDyCo::Regressors::DynamicRegressorGenerator jts_regressor_generator(walkman_undirected_tree,

    // We add the structure now: the list of joint torque sensors that we are considering
    std::vector< std::string > jts_names;

    for(int jts = 0; jts < jts_names.size(); jts++ )

    // Now we can print some information about the regressor
    std::cout << "Regressor information: " << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Outputs: " << std::endl;
    std::cout << jts_regressor_generator.getDescriptionOfOutputs() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Parameters: " << std::endl;
    std::cout << jts_regressor_generator.getDescriptionOfParameters() << std::endl;

    // We now have to set the robot state (in the fixed base case);
    KDL::JntArray q(walkman_undirected_tree.getNrOfDOFs());
    KDL::JntArray dq(walkman_undirected_tree.getNrOfDOFs());
    KDL::JntArray ddq(walkman_undirected_tree.getNrOfDOFs());

    // For this example we will consider all joint positions, velocities and accelerations to zero

    KDL::Vector gravity;
    gravity(2) = -9.8;

    KDL::Twist gravity_twist(gravity,KDL::Vector::Zero());


    // Now we can generate the actual regressor
    Eigen::MatrixXd regressor(jts_regressor_generator.getNrOfOutputs(),jts_regressor_generator.getNrOfParameters());
    Eigen::VectorXd known_terms(jts_regressor_generator.getNrOfOutputs());

    return 0;
