static void execute_test(unsigned i) { rtems_status_code sc = RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL; rtems_bdbuf_buffer *bd = NULL; bool suspend = false; print( 1, "[%05u]T(%c,%c,%s,%c)L(%c,%s,%c)H(%c,%s,%c)\n", i, trig_style_desc [trig], get_type_desc [trig_get], blk_kind_desc [trig_blk], rel_type_desc [trig_rel], get_type_desc [low_get], blk_kind_desc [low_blk], rel_type_desc [low_rel], get_type_desc [high_get], blk_kind_desc [high_blk], rel_type_desc [high_rel] ); set_task_prio(task_id_low, PRIORITY_LOW); finish_low = false; finish_high = false; sc = rtems_task_resume(task_id_low); ASSERT_SC(sc); sc = rtems_task_resume(task_id_high); ASSERT_SC(sc); sc = rtems_bdbuf_get(dd_b, 0, &bd); rtems_test_assert(sc == RTEMS_SUCCESSFUL && bd->dd == dd_b && bd->block == 0); sc = rtems_bdbuf_release(bd); ASSERT_SC(sc); switch (trig) { case SUSP: suspend = true; break; case CONT: suspend = false; break; default: rtems_test_assert(false); break; } print(2, "TG\n"); bd = get(trig_get, trig_blk); if (suspend) { print(2, "S\n"); resume = RESUME_IMMEDIATE; sc = rtems_task_suspend(RTEMS_SELF); ASSERT_SC(sc); } resume = RESUME_FINISH; print(2, "TR\n"); rel(bd, trig_rel); sc = rtems_task_suspend(RTEMS_SELF); ASSERT_SC(sc); print(2, "F\n"); sc = rtems_bdbuf_syncdev(dd_a); ASSERT_SC(sc); sc = rtems_bdbuf_syncdev(dd_b); ASSERT_SC(sc); }
virtual void post(Home home, IntRelType irt, int c, BoolVar b, IntConLevel icl) const { rel(home, post(home,NULL,icl), irt, c, b); }
void ZOHTest::testMatrixIntegration4() { std::cout << "===========================================" <<std::endl; std::cout << " ===== ZOH tests start ... ===== " <<std::endl; std::cout << "===========================================" <<std::endl; std::cout << "------- Integrate Orlov's controller -------" <<std::endl; _h = .001; _A->zero(); (*_A)(0, 1) = 1; _x0->zero(); (*_x0)(0) = 1; (*_x0)(1) = 1; SP::SimpleMatrix B(new SimpleMatrix(_n, _n, 0)); SP::SimpleMatrix C(new SimpleMatrix(_n, _n)); (*B)(1, 0) = 2; (*B)(1, 1) = 1; C->eye(); SP::FirstOrderLinearTIR rel(new FirstOrderLinearTIR(C, B)); SP::SimpleMatrix D(new SimpleMatrix(_n, _n, 0)); rel->setDPtr(D); SP::NonSmoothLaw nslaw(new RelayNSL(_n)); _DS.reset(new FirstOrderLinearDS(_x0, _A, _b)); _TD.reset(new TimeDiscretisation(_t0, _h)); _model.reset(new Model(_t0, _T)); SP::Interaction inter(new Interaction(_n, nslaw, rel)); _ZOH.reset(new ZeroOrderHoldOSI()); _model->nonSmoothDynamicalSystem()->insertDynamicalSystem(_DS); _model->nonSmoothDynamicalSystem()->topology()->setOSI(_DS, _ZOH); _model->nonSmoothDynamicalSystem()->link(inter, _DS); _model->nonSmoothDynamicalSystem()->setControlProperty(inter, true); _sim.reset(new TimeStepping(_TD, 1)); _sim->insertIntegrator(_ZOH); SP::Relay osnspb(new Relay()); _sim->insertNonSmoothProblem(osnspb); _model->setSimulation(_sim); _model->initialize(); SimpleMatrix dataPlot((unsigned)ceil((_T - _t0) / _h) + 10, 7); SiconosVector& xProc = *_DS->x(); SiconosVector& lambda = *inter->lambda(0); SiconosVector sampledControl(_n); unsigned int k = 0; dataPlot(0, 0) = _t0; dataPlot(0, 1) = (*_x0)(0); dataPlot(0, 2) = (*_x0)(1); dataPlot(0, 3) = 0; dataPlot(0, 4) = 0; dataPlot(0, 5) = 0; dataPlot(0, 6) = 0; while (_sim->hasNextEvent()) { _sim->computeOneStep(); prod(*B, lambda, sampledControl, true); k++; dataPlot(k, 0) = _sim->nextTime(); dataPlot(k, 1) = xProc(0); dataPlot(k, 2) = xProc(1); dataPlot(k, 3) = sampledControl(0); dataPlot(k, 4) = sampledControl(1); dataPlot(k, 5) = lambda(0); dataPlot(k, 6) = lambda(1); _sim->nextStep(); } dataPlot.resize(k, 7); dataPlot.display(); std::cout <<std::endl <<std::endl; ioMatrix::write("testMatrixIntegration4.dat", "ascii", dataPlot, "noDim"); // Reference Matrix SimpleMatrix dataPlotRef(dataPlot);; ioMatrix::read("testMatrixIntegration4.ref", "ascii", dataPlotRef); std::cout << "------- Integration Ok, error = " << (dataPlot - dataPlotRef).normInf() << " -------" <<std::endl; CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("testMatrixExp4 : ", (dataPlot - dataPlotRef).normInf() < _tol, true); }
void sfsconst_init (bool lite_mode) { if (const_set) return; const_set = true; { char *p = safegetenv ("SFS_RELEASE"); if (!p || !convertint (p, &sfs_release)) { str rel (strbuf () << "SFS_RELEASE=" << sfs_release); xputenv (const_cast<char *> (rel.cstr ())); } } #ifdef MAINTAINER if (char *p = safegetenv ("SFS_RUNINPLACE")) { runinplace = true; builddir = p; buildtmpdir = builddir << "/runinplace"; } if (char *p = safegetenv ("SFS_ROOT")) if (*p == '/') sfsroot = p; #endif /* MAINTAINER */ sfsdevdb = strbuf ("%s/.devdb", sfsroot); #ifdef MAINTAINER if (runinplace) { sfsdir = buildtmpdir; sfssockdir = sfsdir; etc3dir = etc1dir; etc1dir = sfsdir; etc2dir = xstrdup ((str (builddir << "/etc")).cstr()); } #endif /* MAINTAINER */ if (char *ps = safegetenv ("SFS_PORT")) if (int pv = atoi (ps)) sfs_defport = pv; str sfs_config = safegetenv ("SFS_CONFIG"); if (sfs_config && sfs_config[0] == '/') { if (!parseconfig (NULL, sfs_config.cstr())) fatal << sfs_config << ": " << strerror (errno) << "\n"; } else { if (!parseconfig (etc3dir, sfs_config.cstr())) { parseconfig (etc3dir, "sfs_config"); if (!parseconfig (etc2dir, sfs_config.cstr())) { parseconfig (etc2dir, "sfs_config"); if (!parseconfig (etc1dir, sfs_config.cstr())) parseconfig (etc1dir, "sfs_config"); } } } if (!lite_mode) { if (!sfs_uid) idlookup (NULL, NULL); } if (char *p = getenv ("SFS_HASHCOST")) { sfs_hashcost = strtoi64 (p); if (sfs_hashcost > sfs_maxhashcost) sfs_hashcost = sfs_maxhashcost; } if (!getuid () && !runinplace) { mksfsdir (sfsdir, 0755); mksfsdir (sfssockdir, 0750); } else if (runinplace && access (sfsdir.cstr(), 0) < 0) { struct stat sb; if (!stat (builddir.cstr(), &sb)) { mode_t m = umask (0); if (!getuid ()) { if (pid_t pid = fork ()) waitpid (pid, NULL, 0); else { umask (0); setgid (sfs_gid); setuid (sb.st_uid); if (mkdir (sfsdir.cstr(), 02770) >= 0) rc_ignore (chown (sfsdir.cstr(), (uid_t) -1, sfs_gid)); _exit (0); } } else mkdir (sfsdir.cstr(), 0777); umask (m); } } }
void post(Home home, Term* t, int n, FloatRelType frt, FloatVal c, Reify r) { Region re(home); rel(home, extend(home,re,t,n), frt, c, r); dopost(home, t, n, FRT_EQ, 0.0); }
// <@$M_{t2}$@> module void foo () { acq(); f(); g(); rel(); }
void BulletSpaceFilter::buildInteractions(double time) { if (! _dynamicCollisionsObjectsInserted) { DynamicalSystemsGraph& dsg = *(_model->nonSmoothDynamicalSystem()->dynamicalSystems()); DynamicalSystemsGraph::VIterator dsi, dsiend; std11::tie(dsi, dsiend) = dsg.vertices(); for (; dsi != dsiend; ++dsi) { CollisionObjects& collisionObjects = *ask<ForCollisionObjects>(*dsg.bundle(*dsi)); for (CollisionObjects::iterator ico = collisionObjects.begin(); ico != collisionObjects.end(); ++ico) { _collisionWorld->addCollisionObject(const_cast<btCollisionObject*>((*ico).first)); DEBUG_PRINTF("add dynamic collision object %p\n", const_cast<btCollisionObject*>((*ico).first)); } } _dynamicCollisionsObjectsInserted = true; } if (! _staticCollisionsObjectsInserted) { for(StaticObjects::iterator ic = _staticObjects->begin(); ic != _staticObjects->end(); ++ic) { _collisionWorld->addCollisionObject(const_cast<btCollisionObject*>((*ic).first)); DEBUG_PRINTF("add static collision object %p\n", const_cast<btCollisionObject*>((*ic).first)); } _staticCollisionsObjectsInserted = true; } DEBUG_PRINT("-----start build interaction\n"); // 1. perform bullet collision detection gOrphanedInteractions.clear(); _collisionWorld->performDiscreteCollisionDetection(); // 2. collect old contact points from Siconos graph std::map<btManifoldPoint*, bool> contactPoints; std::map<Interaction*, bool> activeInteractions; SP::InteractionsGraph indexSet0 = model()->nonSmoothDynamicalSystem()->topology()->indexSet(0); InteractionsGraph::VIterator ui0, ui0end, v0next; std11::tie(ui0, ui0end) = indexSet0->vertices(); for (v0next = ui0 ; ui0 != ui0end; ui0 = v0next) { ++v0next; // trick to iterate on a dynamic bgl graph SP::Interaction inter0 = indexSet0->bundle(*ui0); if (gOrphanedInteractions.find(&*inter0) != gOrphanedInteractions.end()) { model()->nonSmoothDynamicalSystem()->removeInteraction(inter0); } else { SP::btManifoldPoint cp = ask<ForContactPoint>(*(inter0->relation())); if(cp) { DEBUG_PRINTF("Contact point in interaction : %p\n", &*cp); contactPoints[&*cp] = false; } } } unsigned int numManifolds = _collisionWorld->getDispatcher()->getNumManifolds(); DEBUG_PRINTF("number of manifolds : %d\n", numManifolds); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numManifolds; ++i) { btPersistentManifold* contactManifold = _collisionWorld->getDispatcher()->getManifoldByIndexInternal(i); DEBUG_PRINTF("processing manifold %d : %p\n", i, contactManifold); const btCollisionObject* obA = contactManifold->getBody0(); const btCollisionObject* obB = contactManifold->getBody1(); DEBUG_PRINTF("object A : %p, object B: %p\n", obA, obB); // contactManifold->refreshContactPoints(obA->getWorldTransform(),obB->getWorldTransform()); unsigned int numContacts = contactManifold->getNumContacts(); if ( (obA->getUserPointer() && obA->getUserPointer() != obB->getUserPointer()) || (obB->getUserPointer() && obA->getUserPointer() != obB->getUserPointer()) ) { for (unsigned int z = 0; z < numContacts; ++z) { SP::btManifoldPoint cpoint(createSPtrbtManifoldPoint(contactManifold->getContactPoint(z))); DEBUG_PRINTF("manifold %d, contact %d, &contact %p, lifetime %d\n", i, z, &*cpoint, cpoint->getLifeTime()); // should no be mixed with something else that use UserPointer! SP::BulletDS dsa; SP::BulletDS dsb; unsigned long int gid1, gid2; if(obA->getUserPointer()) { dsa = static_cast<BulletDS*>(obA->getUserPointer())->shared_ptr(); assert(dsa->collisionObjects()->find(contactManifold->getBody0()) != dsa->collisionObjects()->end()); gid1 = boost::get<2>((*((*dsa->collisionObjects()).find(obA))).second); } else { gid1 = (*_staticObjects->find(obA)).second.second; } SP::NonSmoothLaw nslaw; if (obB->getUserPointer()) { dsb = static_cast<BulletDS*>(obB->getUserPointer())->shared_ptr(); assert(dsb->collisionObjects()->find(obB) != dsb->collisionObjects()->end()); gid2 = boost::get<2>((*((*dsb->collisionObjects()).find(obB))).second); } else { gid2 = (*_staticObjects->find(obB)).second.second; } DEBUG_PRINTF("collision between group %ld and %ld\n", gid1, gid2); nslaw = (*_nslaws)(gid1, gid2); if (!nslaw) { RuntimeException::selfThrow( (boost::format("Cannot find nslaw for collision between group %1% and %2%") % gid1 % gid2).str()); } assert(nslaw); std::map<btManifoldPoint*, bool>::iterator itc; itc = contactPoints.find(&*cpoint); DEBUG_EXPR(if (itc == contactPoints.end()) { DEBUG_PRINT("contact point not found\n"); for(std::map<btManifoldPoint*, bool>::iterator itd=contactPoints.begin(); itd != contactPoints.end(); ++itd) { DEBUG_PRINTF("-->%p != %p\n", &*cpoint, &*(*itd).first); } }); if (itc == contactPoints.end() || !cpoint->m_userPersistentData) { /* new interaction */ SP::Interaction inter; if (nslaw->size() == 3) { SP::BulletR rel(new BulletR(cpoint, createSPtrbtPersistentManifold(*contactManifold))); inter.reset(new Interaction(3, nslaw, rel, 4 * i + z)); } else { if (nslaw->size() == 1) { SP::BulletFrom1DLocalFrameR rel(new BulletFrom1DLocalFrameR(cpoint)); inter.reset(new Interaction(1, nslaw, rel, 4 * i + z)); } } if (obB->getUserPointer()) { SP::BulletDS dsb(static_cast<BulletDS*>(obB->getUserPointer())->shared_ptr()); if (dsa != dsb) { DEBUG_PRINTF("LINK obA:%p obB:%p inter:%p\n", obA, obB, &*inter); assert(inter); cpoint->m_userPersistentData = &*inter; link(inter, dsa, dsb); } /* else collision shapes belong to the same object do nothing */ } else { DEBUG_PRINTF("LINK obA:%p inter :%p\n", obA, &*inter); assert(inter); cpoint->m_userPersistentData = &*inter; link(inter, dsa); } } if (cpoint->m_userPersistentData) { activeInteractions[static_cast<Interaction *>(cpoint->m_userPersistentData)] = true; DEBUG_PRINTF("Interaction %p = true\n", static_cast<Interaction *>(cpoint->m_userPersistentData)); DEBUG_PRINTF("cpoint %p = true\n", &*cpoint); } else { assert(false); DEBUG_PRINT("cpoint->m_userPersistentData is empty\n"); } contactPoints[&*cpoint] = true; DEBUG_PRINTF("cpoint %p = true\n", &*cpoint); } } }
bool CGeometricConstraintSolver::solve(CIKGraphObjCont& graphContainer,SGeomConstrSolverParam& parameters) { if (graphContainer.identifyElements()==0) return(false); // Nothing to solve (no active joint in the mechanism) graphContainer.putElementsInPlace(); // We create a branched tree, where each extremity has a tip dummy // (which will later be constrained to its respective target dummy) CIKGraphObject* baseIKGraphObject=graphContainer.getBaseObject(); CIKGraphNode* graphIterator=baseIKGraphObject; CIKGraphNode* previousPosition=NULL; CIKGraphNode* nextPosition=NULL; C7Vector localTransformation; localTransformation.setIdentity(); CIKObjCont ikObjs; CIKJoint* lastJoint=NULL; CIKJoint* treeHandle=NULL; // Some precalculations of some fixed rotations: C4X4Matrix tmpRot; tmpRot.setIdentity(); tmpRot.M(0,0)=-1.0f; tmpRot.M(2,2)=-1.0f; C7Vector rotY180(tmpRot.getTransformation()); tmpRot.M.clear(); tmpRot.M(0,0)=1.0f; tmpRot.M(2,1)=1.0f; tmpRot.M(1,2)=-1.0f; C7Vector rotX90(tmpRot.getTransformation().Q,C3Vector(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f)); tmpRot.M.clear(); tmpRot.M(2,0)=-1.0f; tmpRot.M(1,1)=1.0f; tmpRot.M(0,2)=1.0f; C7Vector rotY90(tmpRot.getTransformation().Q,C3Vector(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f)); tmpRot.M.clear(); tmpRot.M(1,0)=1.0f; tmpRot.M(0,1)=-1.0f; tmpRot.M(2,2)=1.0f; C7Vector rotZ90(tmpRot.getTransformation().Q,C3Vector(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f)); std::vector<CIKGraphNode*> graphObjectsToBeExplored; graphObjectsToBeExplored.push_back(baseIKGraphObject); std::vector<CIKJoint*> lastJoints; lastJoints.push_back(NULL); std::vector<CIKGraphNode*> previousPositions; previousPositions.push_back(NULL); std::vector<C7Vector> localTransformations; localTransformations.push_back(localTransformation); int explorationID=0; while (graphObjectsToBeExplored.size()!=0) { graphIterator=graphObjectsToBeExplored.back(); graphObjectsToBeExplored.pop_back(); lastJoint=lastJoints.back(); lastJoints.pop_back(); previousPosition=previousPositions.back(); previousPositions.pop_back(); localTransformation=localTransformations.back(); localTransformations.pop_back(); bool doIt=(graphIterator->explorationID==-1); bool goingDown=false; bool closeComplexLoop=false; while (doIt) { if (graphIterator->explorationID==-1) graphIterator->explorationID=explorationID; explorationID++; C7Vector previousCT; if (previousPosition!=NULL) { if (previousPosition->type==IK_GRAPH_JOINT_TYPE) previousCT=((CIKGraphObject*)graphIterator)->cumulativeTransformation; else previousCT=((CIKGraphObject*)previousPosition)->cumulativeTransformation; } else { previousCT=baseIKGraphObject->cumulativeTransformation; localTransformation=previousCT; } if (graphIterator->type==IK_GRAPH_JOINT_TYPE) { // Joint: we have to introduce a joint CIKGraphJoint* graphJoint=(CIKGraphJoint*)graphIterator; if (!graphJoint->disabled) { C7Vector sphTr; sphTr.setIdentity(); sphTr.Q=graphJoint->sphericalTransformation; CIKJoint* newIKJoint; if (graphJoint->jointType==IK_GRAPH_SPHERICAL_JOINT_TYPE) { int dataValueBase=10*graphJoint->nodeID; CIKJoint* avatarParent; if (graphJoint->topObject==(CIKGraphObject*)previousPosition) { // From tip to base C7Vector rel(localTransformation*rotY180); newIKJoint=new CIKJoint(graphJoint,rel,false,false); if (lastJoint==NULL) { treeHandle=newIKJoint; lastJoint=treeHandle; ikObjs.addRoot(lastJoint); } else { ikObjs.addChild(lastJoint,newIKJoint); lastJoint=newIKJoint; } avatarParent=ikObjs.getJointWithData(dataValueBase+3); if (avatarParent!=NULL) // This joint is used twice (going up and going down) avatarParent->addAvatar(lastJoint); lastJoint->data=dataValueBase+3; rel=rotX90; newIKJoint=new CIKJoint(graphJoint,rel,false,false); ikObjs.addChild(lastJoint,newIKJoint); lastJoint=newIKJoint; avatarParent=ikObjs.getJointWithData(dataValueBase+2); if (avatarParent!=NULL) // This joint is used twice (going up and going down) avatarParent->addAvatar(lastJoint); lastJoint->data=dataValueBase+2; rel=rotY90; newIKJoint=new CIKJoint(graphJoint,rel,false,false); ikObjs.addChild(lastJoint,newIKJoint); lastJoint=newIKJoint; avatarParent=ikObjs.getJointWithData(dataValueBase+1); if (avatarParent!=NULL) // This joint is used twice (going up and going down) avatarParent->addAvatar(lastJoint); lastJoint->data=dataValueBase+1; rel=rotX90*rotZ90.getInverse()*sphTr.getInverse()*rotY180; newIKJoint=new CIKJoint(graphJoint,rel,true,false); lastJoint->topJoint=newIKJoint; // This is mainly needed by the joint-limitation part! ikObjs.addChild(lastJoint,newIKJoint); lastJoint=newIKJoint; lastJoint->active=false; // Inactive for now (we can activate it later) avatarParent=ikObjs.getJointWithData(dataValueBase+0); if (avatarParent!=NULL) // This joint is used twice (going up and going down) avatarParent->addAvatar(lastJoint); lastJoint->data=dataValueBase+0; localTransformation=rotY180; } else { // From base to tip C7Vector rel(localTransformation); newIKJoint=new CIKJoint(graphJoint,rel,false,true); if (lastJoint==NULL) { treeHandle=newIKJoint; lastJoint=treeHandle; ikObjs.addRoot(lastJoint); } else { ikObjs.addChild(lastJoint,newIKJoint); lastJoint=newIKJoint; } lastJoint->active=false; // Inactive for now (we can activate it later) avatarParent=ikObjs.getJointWithData(dataValueBase+0); if (avatarParent!=NULL) // This joint is used twice (going up and going down) avatarParent->addAvatar(lastJoint); lastJoint->data=dataValueBase+0; rel=sphTr*rotY90; newIKJoint=new CIKJoint(graphJoint,rel,false,true); ikObjs.addChild(lastJoint,newIKJoint); lastJoint=newIKJoint; avatarParent=ikObjs.getJointWithData(dataValueBase+1); if (avatarParent!=NULL) // This joint is used twice (going up and going down) avatarParent->addAvatar(lastJoint); lastJoint->data=dataValueBase+1; rel=rotX90.getInverse(); newIKJoint=new CIKJoint(graphJoint,rel,false,true); ikObjs.addChild(lastJoint,newIKJoint); lastJoint=newIKJoint; avatarParent=ikObjs.getJointWithData(dataValueBase+2); if (avatarParent!=NULL) // This joint is used twice (going up and going down) avatarParent->addAvatar(lastJoint); lastJoint->data=dataValueBase+2; rel=rotY90.getInverse()*rotZ90.getInverse(); newIKJoint=new CIKJoint(graphJoint,rel,true,true); newIKJoint->topJoint=newIKJoint; // Top-joint is itself! ikObjs.addChild(lastJoint,newIKJoint); lastJoint=newIKJoint; avatarParent=ikObjs.getJointWithData(dataValueBase+3); if (avatarParent!=NULL) // This joint is used twice (going up and going down) avatarParent->addAvatar(lastJoint); lastJoint->data=dataValueBase+3; localTransformation.setIdentity(); } } else { if (graphJoint->topObject==(CIKGraphObject*)previousPosition) { // From tip to base C7Vector rel(localTransformation*rotY180); newIKJoint=new CIKJoint(graphJoint,rel,false,false); localTransformation=rotY180; } else { // From base to tip C7Vector rel(localTransformation); newIKJoint=new CIKJoint(graphJoint,rel,false,false); localTransformation.setIdentity(); } if (lastJoint==NULL) { treeHandle=newIKJoint; lastJoint=treeHandle; ikObjs.addRoot(lastJoint); } else { ikObjs.addChild(lastJoint,newIKJoint); lastJoint=newIKJoint; } int dataValue=10*graphJoint->nodeID+0; CIKJoint* avatarParent=ikObjs.getJointWithData(dataValue); if (avatarParent!=NULL) // This joint is used twice (going up and going down) avatarParent->addAvatar(lastJoint); lastJoint->data=dataValue; } } else { // In case a graph-joint is disabled: if (graphJoint->topObject==(CIKGraphObject*)previousPosition) { // From tip to base localTransformation=localTransformation*graphJoint->getDownToTopTransformation().getInverse(); } else { // From base to tip localTransformation=localTransformation*graphJoint->getDownToTopTransformation(); } } } else { CIKGraphObject* theObject=(CIKGraphObject*)graphIterator; if (theObject->objectType==IK_GRAPH_LINK_OBJECT_TYPE) { // Link if (previousPosition!=NULL) { if (theObject->linkPartner!=previousPosition) localTransformation=localTransformation*previousCT.getInverse()*theObject->cumulativeTransformation; // If (theObject->linkPartner==previousPosition) then we don't do anything! } } else { // Here we have a dummy we have to assign to a configuration or a passive object // We treat all cases first as passive objects: if (previousPosition!=NULL) { localTransformation=localTransformation*previousCT.getInverse()*theObject->cumulativeTransformation; if ( (theObject->objectType==IK_GRAPH_TIP_OBJECT_TYPE)&&(lastJoint!=NULL) ) { // This is a valid dummy-tip! CIKDummy* newIKDummy=new CIKDummy(localTransformation,theObject->targetCumulativeTransformation); ikObjs.addChild(lastJoint,newIKDummy); newIKDummy->constraints=(IK_X_CONSTRAINT|IK_Y_CONSTRAINT|IK_Z_CONSTRAINT); newIKDummy->dampingFactor=1.0f; newIKDummy->loopClosureDummy=false; if (graphIterator->getConnectionNumber()==1) break; } } } } int unexploredSize=graphIterator->getNumberOfUnexplored(); if ( (unexploredSize==0)||goingDown||closeComplexLoop ) { if ( (graphIterator->getConnectionNumber()==1)&&(!closeComplexLoop) ) break; // This is a rare case where we have an endpoint without a tip-dummy mobile-part if (closeComplexLoop) { CIKDummy* tipDummy=new CIKDummy(localTransformation,baseIKGraphObject->cumulativeTransformation); ikObjs.addChild(lastJoint,tipDummy); break; } nextPosition=graphIterator->getExploredWithSmallestExplorationID(); if ( (nextPosition->explorationID==0)&&(!goingDown) ) { // The loop can now be closed (simple loop with each joint present at most once) previousCT=((CIKGraphObject*)graphIterator)->cumulativeTransformation; localTransformation=localTransformation*previousCT.getInverse()*((CIKGraphObject*)nextPosition)->cumulativeTransformation; CIKDummy* tipDummy=new CIKDummy(localTransformation,baseIKGraphObject->cumulativeTransformation); ikObjs.addChild(lastJoint,tipDummy); break; } if ( (nextPosition->explorationID==0)&&goingDown ) closeComplexLoop=true; goingDown=true; } else if ((graphIterator->getNeighbourWithExplorationID(0)!=NULL)&&(!goingDown)&&(previousPosition->explorationID!=0)) { // Here we have to close the loop too! // We first put unexplored paths onto the stack: for (int i=0;i<unexploredSize;i++) { // We throw unexplored nodes onto the exploration stack: graphObjectsToBeExplored.push_back(graphIterator->getUnexplored(i)); lastJoints.push_back(lastJoint); previousPositions.push_back(graphIterator); localTransformations.push_back(localTransformation); } nextPosition=graphIterator->getExploredWithSmallestExplorationID(); previousCT=((CIKGraphObject*)previousPosition)->cumulativeTransformation; localTransformation=localTransformation*previousCT.getInverse()*((CIKGraphObject*)nextPosition)->cumulativeTransformation; CIKDummy* tipDummy=new CIKDummy(localTransformation,baseIKGraphObject->cumulativeTransformation); ikObjs.addChild(lastJoint,tipDummy); break; } else { if (previousPosition==NULL) { // This is the start. We should always explore first two links which belong together // or the 3 objects making up a joint! nextPosition=NULL; for (int i=0;i<unexploredSize;i++) { CIKGraphNode* nextPositionTmp=graphIterator->getUnexplored(i); if ( (((CIKGraphObject*)graphIterator)->linkPartner==nextPositionTmp)|| (nextPositionTmp->type==IK_GRAPH_JOINT_TYPE) ) nextPosition=nextPositionTmp; else { graphObjectsToBeExplored.push_back(graphIterator->getUnexplored(i)); lastJoints.push_back(lastJoint); previousPositions.push_back(graphIterator); localTransformations.push_back(localTransformation); if (nextPosition==NULL) nextPosition=graphIterator->getUnexplored(i); } } } else { nextPosition=graphIterator->getUnexplored(0); for (int i=1;i<unexploredSize;i++) { // We throw unexplored nodes onto the exploration stack: graphObjectsToBeExplored.push_back(graphIterator->getUnexplored(i)); lastJoints.push_back(lastJoint); previousPositions.push_back(graphIterator); localTransformations.push_back(localTransformation); } } } previousPosition=graphIterator; graphIterator=nextPosition; } } solveHierarchy(&ikObjs,parameters); for (int i=0;i<int(ikObjs.allObjects.size());i++) { CIKObject* it=ikObjs.allObjects[i]; if (it->objectType==IK_JOINT_TYPE) { CIKJoint* theJoint=(CIKJoint*)it; if (theJoint->avatarParent==NULL) { if (theJoint->spherical) { if (theJoint->topSpherical) { float a0=theJoint->parameter; float a1=((CIKJoint*)theJoint->parent)->parameter; float a2=((CIKJoint*)theJoint->parent->parent)->parameter; float a3=((CIKJoint*)theJoint->parent->parent->parent)->parameter; if (theJoint->sphericalUp) { theJoint->graphJoint->sphericalTransformation=C4Vector(a3,C3Vector(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f))*theJoint->graphJoint->sphericalTransformation*C4Vector(C3Vector(a2,a1,a0)); } else { theJoint->graphJoint->sphericalTransformation=C4Vector(a0,C3Vector(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f))*theJoint->graphJoint->sphericalTransformation*C4Vector(C3Vector(a1,a2,a3)); } } } else theJoint->graphJoint->parameter=theJoint->parameter; } } } graphContainer.actualizeAllTransformations(); graphContainer.putElementsInPlace(); return(true); }
int main() { printf("The productions used are:\n"); printf("E-->E*E/E+E/E^E/E*E/E-E\n E-->E/E \n E-->a/b/c/d/e.../z"); printf("\n Enter an expression that terminals with $:"); fflush(stdin); i=-1; while(str[i]!='$') { i++; scanf("%c",&str[i]); } for(j=0;j<i;j++) { if((str[j]=='(')||(str[j]==')')||(str[j+1]=='(')||(str[j+1]==')')) {} else if (((isalpha(str[j])==0)&&(isalpha(str[j+1])==0))||((isalpha(str[j])!=0)&&(isalpha(str[j+1])!=0))) { printf("ERROR"); exit(0); } } if((((isalpha(str[0]))!=0)||(str[0]=='('))&&(((isalpha(str[i-1]))!=0)||(str[i-1]==')'))) { pushin('$'); printf("\n\n\n\t+\t-\t*\t/\t^\ta\t(\t)\t$\n\n"); for(i=0;i<9;i++) { printf("%c",c[i]); for(j=0;j<9;j++) printf("\t%c",q[i][j]); printf("\n"); } while(1) { if(str[ptr]=='$' && stk[tos]=='$') { printf("\n The given expression is succesfully accepted!\n"); break; } else if(rel(stk[tos],str[ptr],'<')||rel(stk[tos],str[ptr],'==')) { display(str[ptr]); pushin(str[ptr]); ptr++; } else if(rel(stk[tos],str[ptr],'>')) { do { rm++; pstk[rm]=popout(); display1(pstk[rm]); } while(!rel(stk[tos],pstk[rm],'<')); } else { printf("\n NOT ACCEPTED!!!!!!!\n"); exit(1); } } } else { printf("ERROR"); } return 0; }
void OSNSPTest::testAVI() { std::cout << "===========================================" <<std::endl; std::cout << " ===== OSNSP tests start ... ===== " <<std::endl; std::cout << "===========================================" <<std::endl; std::cout << "------- implicit Twisting relation -------" <<std::endl; _h = 1e-1; _T = 20.0; double G = 10.0; double beta = .3; _A->zero(); (*_A)(0, 1) = 1.0; _x0->zero(); (*_x0)(0) = 10.0; (*_x0)(1) = 10.0; SP::SimpleMatrix B(new SimpleMatrix(_n, _n, 0)); SP::SimpleMatrix C(new SimpleMatrix(_n, _n)); (*B)(1, 0) = G; (*B)(1, 1) = G*beta; C->eye(); SP::FirstOrderLinearTIR rel(new FirstOrderLinearTIR(C, B)); SP::SimpleMatrix H(new SimpleMatrix(4, 2)); (*H)(0, 0) = 1.0; (*H)(1, 0) = -_h/2.0; (*H)(2, 0) = -1.0; (*H)(3, 0) = _h/2.0; (*H)(1, 1) = 1.0; (*H)(3, 1) = -1.0; SP::SiconosVector K(new SiconosVector(4)); (*K)(0) = -1.0; (*K)(1) = -1.0; (*K)(2) = -1.0; (*K)(3) = -1.0; SP::NonSmoothLaw nslaw(new NormalConeNSL(_n, H, K)); _DS.reset(new FirstOrderLinearTIDS(_x0, _A, _b)); _TD.reset(new TimeDiscretisation(_t0, _h)); _model.reset(new Model(_t0, _T)); SP::Interaction inter(new Interaction(_n, nslaw, rel)); _osi.reset(new EulerMoreauOSI(_theta)); _model->nonSmoothDynamicalSystem()->insertDynamicalSystem(_DS); _model->nonSmoothDynamicalSystem()->setOSI(_DS, _osi); _model->nonSmoothDynamicalSystem()->link(inter, _DS); _sim.reset(new TimeStepping(_TD)); _sim->insertIntegrator(_osi); SP::AVI osnspb(new AVI()); _sim->insertNonSmoothProblem(osnspb); _model->initialize(_sim); SimpleMatrix dataPlot((unsigned)ceil((_T - _t0) / _h) + 10, 5); SiconosVector& xProc = *_DS->x(); SiconosVector& lambda = *inter->lambda(0); unsigned int k = 0; dataPlot(0, 0) = _t0; dataPlot(0, 1) = (*_x0)(0); dataPlot(0, 2) = (*_x0)(1); dataPlot(0, 3) = -1.0; dataPlot(0, 4) = -1.0; while (_sim->hasNextEvent()) { _sim->computeOneStep(); k++; dataPlot(k, 0) = _sim->nextTime(); dataPlot(k, 1) = xProc(0); dataPlot(k, 2) = xProc(1); dataPlot(k, 3) = lambda(0); dataPlot(k, 4) = lambda(1); _sim->nextStep(); } std::cout <<std::endl <<std::endl; dataPlot.resize(k, dataPlot.size(1)); ioMatrix::write("testAVI.dat", "ascii", dataPlot, "noDim"); // Reference Matrix SimpleMatrix dataPlotRef(dataPlot);; ioMatrix::read("testAVI.ref", "ascii", dataPlotRef); std::cout << "------- Integration Ok, error = " << (dataPlot - dataPlotRef).normInf() << " -------" <<std::endl; CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL_MESSAGE("testAVI : ", (dataPlot - dataPlotRef).normInf() < _tol, true); }
REGISTER_UNIT_TEST( MojoRelationTest, Container ) { MojoRelation< MojoId > rel( "test" ); // For 0..49, insert consecutively for( char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; ++c ) { char group[ 20 ]; snprintf( group, sizeof group, "%c", c ); MojoId parent = group; for( int i = 0; i < 50; ++i ) { MojoId child = MakeId( group, i ); rel.InsertChildParent( child, parent ); } } // For 50..99, insert jumbled up for( int i = 50; i < 100; ++i ) { for( char c = 'z'; c >= 'a'; --c ) { char group[ 20 ]; snprintf( group, sizeof group, "%c", c ); MojoId parent = group; MojoId child = MakeId( group, i ); rel.InsertChildParent( child, parent ); } } // Now remove all even children, to exercise reordering. for( char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; ++c ) { char group[ 20 ]; snprintf( group, sizeof group, "%c", c ); MojoId parent = group; for( int i = 0; i < 100; i += 2 ) { MojoId child = MakeId( group, i ); rel.RemoveChild( child ); } } // Now remove all parents above and including 'q'. for( char c = 'q'; c <= 'z'; ++c ) { char group[ 20 ]; snprintf( group, sizeof group, "%c", c ); MojoId parent = group; for( int i = 1; i < 100; i += 2 ) { MojoId child = MakeId( group, i ); rel.RemoveChild( child ); } } // Now table contains parents 'a'-'p', and only oddly numbered children // Find all children's parents for( char c = 'a'; c < 'q'; ++c ) { char group[ 20 ]; snprintf( group, sizeof group, "%c", c ); MojoId parent = group; for( int i = 1; i < 100; i += 2 ) { MojoId child = MakeId( group, i ); MojoId found_parent = rel.FindParent( child ); EXPECT_BOOL( false, found_parent.IsNull() ); EXPECT_STRING( parent.AsCString(), found_parent.AsCString() ); } } // Verify all even children are missing for( char c = 'a'; c < 'q'; ++c ) { char group[ 20 ]; snprintf( group, sizeof group, "%c", c ); MojoId parent = group; for( int i = 0; i < 100; i += 2 ) { MojoId child = MakeId( group, i ); MojoId found_parent = rel.FindParent( child ); EXPECT_BOOL( true, found_parent.IsNull() ); } } // Verify children of groups 'q'-'z' are gone as well for( char c = 'q'; c <= 'z'; ++c ) { char group[ 20 ]; snprintf( group, sizeof group, "%c", c ); MojoId parent = group; for( int i = 0; i < 100; i += 1 ) { MojoId child = MakeId( group, i ); MojoId found_parent = rel.FindParent( child ); EXPECT_BOOL( true, found_parent.IsNull() ); } } // Find children of parents for( char c = 'a'; c < 'q'; ++c ) { char group[ 20 ]; snprintf( group, sizeof group, "%c", c ); MojoId parent = group; MojoId child; int count = 0; MojoForEachMultiValue( rel, parent, child ) { count += 1; EXPECT_INT( c, child.AsCString()[ 0 ] ); } EXPECT_INT( 50, count ); }
GraphAndValues Masseuse::LoadPoseGraphAndLCC( const string& pose_graph_file, bool read_lcc) { FILE *fp = (FILE *)fopen(pose_graph_file.c_str(), "rb"); if (fp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not open file %s\n", pose_graph_file.c_str()); } if (fread(&origin, sizeof(Eigen::Vector6d), 1, fp) != 1) { throw invalid_argument("LoadPoseGraphAndLCC: Cannot load the origin!"); } // std::cerr << "read origin: " << origin.transpose() << std::endl; unsigned numRelPoses = 0; unsigned numLCC = 0; if (fread(&numRelPoses, sizeof(unsigned), 1, fp) != 1) { printf("error! Cannot load num of relative poses.\n"); throw invalid_argument("LoadPoseGraphAndLCC: error loading file"); } if(read_lcc){ if (fread(&numLCC, sizeof(unsigned), 1, fp) != 1) { printf("error! Cannot load num of loop closure constraints.\n"); throw invalid_argument("LoadPoseGraphAndLCC: error loading file"); } } std::cerr << "Will load " << numRelPoses << " rel poses, " << numLCC << " loop closure constranits." << std::endl; relative_poses.clear(); // save all rel poses for (unsigned i = 0; i != numRelPoses; i++) { RelPose rPos; if (fread(&rPos.ref_id, sizeof(unsigned), 1, fp) != 1) { throw invalid_argument("LoadPoseGraphAndLCC: error loading file"); } if (fread(&rPos.live_id, sizeof(unsigned), 1, fp) != 1) { throw invalid_argument("LoadPoseGraphAndLCC: error loading file"); } if (fread(&rPos.rel_pose, sizeof(Eigen::Vector6d), 1, fp) != 1) { throw invalid_argument("LoadPoseGraphAndLCC: error loading file"); } if (fread(&rPos.cov, sizeof(Eigen::Matrix6d), 1, fp) != 1) { throw invalid_argument("LoadPoseGraphAndLCC: error loading file"); } relative_poses.push_back(rPos); } if(read_lcc){ loop_closure_constraints.clear(); // save all lcc here for (unsigned i = 0; i != numLCC; i++) { RelPose rPos; if (fread(&rPos.ref_id, sizeof(unsigned), 1, fp) != 1) { throw invalid_argument("LoadPoseGraphAndLCC: error loading file"); } if (fread(&rPos.live_id, sizeof(unsigned), 1, fp) != 1) { throw invalid_argument("LoadPoseGraphAndLCC: error loading file"); } if (fread(&rPos.rel_pose, sizeof(Eigen::Vector6d), 1, fp) != 1) { throw invalid_argument("LoadPoseGraphAndLCC: error loading file"); } if (fread(&rPos.cov, sizeof(Eigen::Matrix6d), 1, fp) != 1) { throw invalid_argument("LoadPoseGraphAndLCC: error loading file"); } loop_closure_constraints.push_back(rPos); } } fclose(fp); std::cerr << "Finished loading Pose Graph from " << pose_graph_file << std::endl; std::shared_ptr<Values> initial(new Values); std::shared_ptr<Graph> graph(new Graph); Pose3 prev_pose; unsigned numICPfailed = 0; for (size_t ii = 0; ii < relative_poses.size(); ++ii){ RelPose curr_pose = relative_poses[ii]; if(ii == 0){ // first relative pose, initialize graph at origin unsigned id = curr_pose.ref_id; Rot3 R(origin[3], origin[4], origin[5]); Point3 t = origin.head<3>(); Pose3 orig(R, t); (*initial)[id] = orig; prev_pose = orig; // std::cerr << "inserting origin: Rot: " << orig.rotationMatrix().eulerAngles // (0,1,2).transpose() << " Trans: " << orig.translation().transpose() << // " at index: " << id << // std::endl; } // Build the next vertex using the relative contstraint Rot3 R(curr_pose.rel_pose[3], curr_pose.rel_pose[4], curr_pose.rel_pose[5]); Point3 t = curr_pose.rel_pose.head<3>(); Pose3 rel(R, t); Pose3 new_pose = prev_pose*rel; (*initial)[curr_pose.live_id] = new_pose; // std::cerr << "inserting pose: Rot: " << new_pose.rotationMatrix().eulerAngles // (0,1,2).transpose() << " Trans: " << new_pose.translation().transpose() << // " at index: " << curr_pose.live_id << // std::endl; prev_pose = new_pose; // Also insert a factor for the binary pose constraint unsigned id1 = curr_pose.ref_id; unsigned id2 = curr_pose.live_id; Matrix m = curr_pose.cov; if(m.sum() == 0 || m.determinant() <= 0 || std::isnan(m.determinant()) /*|| m.determinant() > options.cov_det_thresh*/){ // std::cerr << "ICP failed for rel pose between " << id1 << " and " << id2 << // "Setting fixed covaraince..." << // std::endl; Eigen::Vector6d cov_vec; // TODO: Improve handling of cases where the frame-to-frame ICP failed cov_vec << 7e-8, 7e-8, 7e-8, 8e-11, 8e-11, 8e-11; m = cov_vec.asDiagonal(); numICPfailed++; } // std::cerr << "Adding binary constraint between id: " << id1 << " and " << // id2 << std::endl << "with cov: \n" << m << std::endl; // Create a new factor between poses if(options.use_identity_covariance){ m.setIdentity(); } m = m * options.rel_covariance_mult; Factor factor(id1, id2, rel, m); graph->push_back(factor); } std::cerr << std::setprecision(3) << std::fixed <<"ICP failed " << numICPfailed << " times " << "out of " << relative_poses.size() << " ( " << (double)numICPfailed/(double)relative_poses.size() * 100 << "% )" << std::endl; if( read_lcc ){ std::cerr << "Reading LLC." << std::endl; int discarded_lcc = 0; for(size_t ii = 0; ii < loop_closure_constraints.size(); ++ii){ RelPose curr_lcc = loop_closure_constraints[ii]; unsigned id1 = curr_lcc.ref_id; unsigned id2 = curr_lcc.live_id; Rot3 R(curr_lcc.rel_pose[3], curr_lcc.rel_pose[4], curr_lcc.rel_pose[5]); Point3 t = curr_lcc.rel_pose.head<3>(); Pose3 lcc(R, t); Matrix m = curr_lcc.cov; if(m.sum() == 0 || m.determinant() > options.cov_det_thresh || m.determinant() <= 0 || std::isnan(m.determinant())) { // ICP failed or something went wrong for this loop closure, ignoring // The determinant of the cov. matrix may also be larger than the // specified threshold. discarded_lcc++; continue; } // check if the lcc is between far away poses. If so, downweight it's // covariance. // const Pose3* lcc_0 = dynamic_cast<const Pose3*>(&initial->at(id1)); // const Pose3* lcc_1 = dynamic_cast<const Pose3*>(&initial->at(id2)); // Pose3 lcc_diff = lcc_0->compose(lcc).inverse().compose(*lcc_1); // std::cerr << "distance between poses for lcc: " << ii << // " between poses " << id1 << " and " << id2 << ": " // << lcc_diff.translation().norm() << std::endl; // Pose3 diff = (*lcc_0).inverse().compose(*lcc_1); // std::cerr << "distance between poses for lcc: " << ii << // " between poses " << id1 << " and " << id2 << ": " // << lcc.translation().norm() << std::endl; // Create a new factor between poses if(options.use_identity_covariance){ m.setIdentity(); } Factor lcc_factor(id1, id2, lcc, m); lcc_factor.isLCC = true; graph->push_back(lcc_factor); curr_lcc.ext_id = graph->size()-1; // std::cerr << std::scientific << // "Adding lcc between id: " << id1 << " and " << // id2 << std::endl << "with cov: \n" << lcc_factor.cov << std::endl; //m_addedLCC[keyFromId(id2)] = curr_lcc; /* // If we already have a constraint between poses i and j, only use the one // with the highest degree of certainty (lowest cov. determinant) if(m_addedLCC.count(keyFromId(id2)) == 0){ // LCC has not been added yet, just add graph->push_back(factor); curr_lcc.m_nExtId = graph->size()-1; m_addedLCC[keyFromId(id2)] = curr_lcc; }else{ // Check if the covariance of the new lcc for poses i and j // is smaller than what we are currently using EstPose old_lcc = m_addedLCC[keyFromId(id2)]; if(old_lcc.m_Cov.determinant() > curr_lcc.m_Cov.determinant()){ // new det is smaller, replace curr_lcc.m_nExtId = old_lcc.m_nExtId; graph->replace(old_lcc.m_nExtId, factor); m_addedLCC[keyFromId(id2)] = curr_lcc; // std::cerr << "determinant for new lcc between " << id1 << " and " << // id2 << " is: " << curr_lcc.m_Cov.determinant() << " < " // << old_lcc.m_Cov.determinant() << std::endl; }else{ // Determinant for new constraint is larger, skip it continue; } } */ } // //ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ Temp, add wrong LCC to test switchable constraints // unsigned id1 = 480; // unsigned id2 = 870; // Pose3& T2 = initial->at(id2); // Pose3& T1 = initial->at(id1); // Pose3 T12 = T1.inverse() * T2; // // Add random values to the translation // T12.translation()[0] += 5; // T12.translation()[1] -= 2; // T12.translation()[3] += 7; // // Rotate the pose by an arbitrary amount // Sophus::SO3d rot(0.5, 0.7, 0.1); // T12.rotationMatrix() *= rot.matrix(); // Factor wrong_lcc(id1, id2, T12, Eigen::Matrix6d::Identity()); // wrong_lcc.isLCC = true; // // now add the wrong LCC to the graph // graph->push_back(wrong_lcc); std::cerr << std::setprecision(3) << std::fixed <<"Did not use " << discarded_lcc << " LCC " << "out of " << numLCC << " ( " << (double)discarded_lcc/(double)numLCC * 100 << "% )" << std::endl; } return make_pair(graph, initial); }
void Plugin::addFile(const std::string filepath) { logger().debug("Adding file"); // Check if file exists and it's not a directory File file(filepath); if (!file.exists()) { std::cout << "Failed to add file " << filepath.c_str() << ": file does not exist" << std::endl; return; } if (file.isDirectory()) { std::cout << "Failed to add file " << filepath.c_str() << ": file is a directory" << std::endl; return; } File index(Plugin::GIT_BIN_INDEX); if (!index.exists()) { index.createFile(); } // Find this file in the index if (isFileIndexed(filepath) && file.isLink()) { logger().debug("File already in cache"); auto entry = getIndexEntry(filepath); if (entry == nullptr) { std::cout << "Failed to retrieve index meta data for " << filepath << std::endl; return; } // Not fresh. Update existing index file // Remove file from index before recalculating everything for (auto it = _index.begin(); it != _index.end();) { if ((*it).filepath == filepath) { // Remove link std::cout << "Replacing link with original file" << std::endl; file.remove(); Process::Args restoreArgs; std::string restorePath(Plugin::GIT_CACHE_DIR); restorePath.append("/wf/"); restorePath.append((*it).uuid); restoreArgs.push_back(restorePath); restoreArgs.push_back(filepath); Process::launch("mv", restoreArgs, 0, 0, 0); it = _index.erase(it); } else { it++; } } } // Add new file into index UUIDGenerator gen; IndexEntry e; e.filepath = filepath; e.md5 = getFileMd5(filepath); e.uuid = gen.createRandom().toString(); do { e.uuid = gen.createRandom().toString(); } while (!isUuidUnique(e.uuid)); _index.push_back(e); writeIndex(); // Place two copies of this file into cache // One copy is original file and don't tracked in any way // Second copy is a file we will create link to Process::Args args; args.push_back(filepath); std::string origPath(Plugin::GIT_CACHE_DIR); origPath.append("/of/").append(e.uuid); args.push_back(origPath); Poco::ProcessHandle copyProcess = Process::launch("cp", args, 0, 0, 0); if (copyProcess.wait() != 0) { std::cout << "Failed to move file into git-bin cache" << std::endl; return; } // Second stage copy args.clear(); args.push_back(filepath); std::string workPath(Plugin::GIT_CACHE_DIR); workPath.append("/wf/").append(e.uuid); args.push_back(workPath); copyProcess = Process::launch("mv", args, 0, 0, 0); if (copyProcess.wait() != 0) { std::cout << "Failed to move file on stage 2" << std::endl; return; } // Make a link args.clear(); args.push_back("-s"); Path rel(filepath); std::string relPath; for (int i = 0; i < rel.depth(); i++) { relPath.append("../"); } relPath.append(workPath); args.push_back(relPath); args.push_back(filepath); Poco::ProcessHandle linkProcess = Process::launch("ln", args, 0, 0, 0); if (linkProcess.wait() != 0) { std::cout << "Failed to create link to file" << std::endl; return; } args.clear(); args.push_back("add"); args.push_back(filepath); Poco::ProcessHandle gitAddProcess = Process::launch("git", args, 0, 0, 0); if (gitAddProcess.wait() != 0) { std::cout << "Failed to add file into git index (git add)" << std::endl; return; } }
void PackArmPe::pack(OutputFile *fo) { // FIXME: we need to think about better support for --exact if (opt->exact) throwCantPackExact(); const unsigned objs = ih.objects; isection = new pe_section_t[objs]; fi->seek(pe_offset+sizeof(ih),SEEK_SET); fi->readx(isection,sizeof(pe_section_t)*objs); rvamin = isection[0].vaddr; infoHeader("[Processing %s, format %s, %d sections]", fn_basename(fi->getName()), getName(), objs); // check the PE header // FIXME: add more checks if (!opt->force && ( (ih.cpu != 0x1c0 && ih.cpu != 0x1c2) || (ih.opthdrsize != 0xe0) || ((ih.flags & EXECUTABLE) == 0) || (ih.subsystem != 9) || (ih.entry == 0 /*&& !isdll*/) || (ih.ddirsentries != 16) // || IDSIZE(PEDIR_EXCEPTION) // is this used on arm? // || IDSIZE(PEDIR_COPYRIGHT) )) throwCantPack("unexpected value in PE header (try --force)"); if (IDSIZE(PEDIR_SEC)) IDSIZE(PEDIR_SEC) = IDADDR(PEDIR_SEC) = 0; // throwCantPack("compressing certificate info is not supported"); if (IDSIZE(PEDIR_COMRT)) throwCantPack(".NET files (win32/net) are not yet supported"); if (isdll) opt->win32_pe.strip_relocs = false; else if (opt->win32_pe.strip_relocs < 0) opt->win32_pe.strip_relocs = (ih.imagebase >= 0x10000); if (opt->win32_pe.strip_relocs) { if (ih.imagebase < 0x10000) throwCantPack("--strip-relocs is not allowed when imagebase < 0x10000"); else ih.flags |= RELOCS_STRIPPED; } if (memcmp(isection[0].name,"UPX",3) == 0) throwAlreadyPackedByUPX(); if (!opt->force && IDSIZE(15)) throwCantPack("file is possibly packed/protected (try --force)"); if (ih.entry && ih.entry < rvamin) throwCantPack("run a virus scanner on this file!"); if (!opt->force && ih.subsystem == 1) throwCantPack("subsystem 'native' is not supported (try --force)"); if (ih.filealign < 0x200) throwCantPack("filealign < 0x200 is not yet supported"); handleStub(fi,fo,pe_offset); const unsigned usize = ih.imagesize; const unsigned xtrasize = UPX_MAX(ih.datasize, 65536u) + IDSIZE(PEDIR_IMPORT) + IDSIZE(PEDIR_BOUNDIM) + IDSIZE(PEDIR_IAT) + IDSIZE(PEDIR_DELAYIMP) + IDSIZE(PEDIR_RELOC); ibuf.alloc(usize + xtrasize); // BOUND IMPORT support. FIXME: is this ok? fi->seek(0,SEEK_SET); fi->readx(ibuf,isection[0].rawdataptr); Interval holes(ibuf); unsigned ic,jc,overlaystart = 0; ibuf.clear(0, usize); for (ic = jc = 0; ic < objs; ic++) { if (isection[ic].rawdataptr && overlaystart < isection[ic].rawdataptr + isection[ic].size) overlaystart = ALIGN_UP(isection[ic].rawdataptr + isection[ic].size,ih.filealign); if (isection[ic].vsize == 0) isection[ic].vsize = isection[ic].size; if ((isection[ic].flags & PEFL_BSS) || isection[ic].rawdataptr == 0 || (isection[ic].flags & PEFL_INFO)) { holes.add(isection[ic].vaddr,isection[ic].vsize); continue; } if (isection[ic].vaddr + isection[ic].size > usize) throwCantPack("section size problem"); if (((isection[ic].flags & (PEFL_WRITE|PEFL_SHARED)) == (PEFL_WRITE|PEFL_SHARED))) if (!opt->force) throwCantPack("writable shared sections not supported (try --force)"); if (jc && isection[ic].rawdataptr - jc > ih.filealign) throwCantPack("superfluous data between sections"); fi->seek(isection[ic].rawdataptr,SEEK_SET); jc = isection[ic].size; if (jc > isection[ic].vsize) jc = isection[ic].vsize; if (isection[ic].vsize == 0) // hack for some tricky programs - may this break other progs? jc = isection[ic].vsize = isection[ic].size; if (isection[ic].vaddr + jc > ibuf.getSize()) throwInternalError("buffer too small 1"); fi->readx(ibuf + isection[ic].vaddr,jc); jc += isection[ic].rawdataptr; } // check for NeoLite if (find(ibuf + ih.entry, 64+7, "NeoLite", 7) >= 0) throwCantPack("file is already compressed with another packer"); unsigned overlay = file_size - stripDebug(overlaystart); if (overlay >= (unsigned) file_size) { #if 0 if (overlay < file_size + ih.filealign) overlay = 0; else if (!opt->force) throwNotCompressible("overlay problem (try --force)"); #endif overlay = 0; } checkOverlay(overlay); Resource res; Interval tlsiv(ibuf); Export xport((char*)(unsigned char*)ibuf); const unsigned dllstrings = processImports(); processTls(&tlsiv); // call before processRelocs!! processResources(&res); processExports(&xport); processRelocs(); //OutputFile::dump("x1", ibuf, usize); // some checks for broken linkers - disable filter if necessary bool allow_filter = true; if (ih.codebase == ih.database || ih.codebase + ih.codesize > ih.imagesize || (isection[virta2objnum(ih.codebase,isection,objs)].flags & PEFL_CODE) == 0) allow_filter = false; const unsigned oam1 = ih.objectalign - 1; // FIXME: disabled: the uncompressor would not allocate enough memory //objs = tryremove(IDADDR(PEDIR_RELOC),objs); // FIXME: if the last object has a bss then this won't work // newvsize = (isection[objs-1].vaddr + isection[objs-1].size + oam1) &~ oam1; // temporary solution: unsigned newvsize = (isection[objs-1].vaddr + isection[objs-1].vsize + oam1) &~ oam1; //fprintf(stderr,"newvsize=%x objs=%d\n",newvsize,objs); if (newvsize + soimport + sorelocs > ibuf.getSize()) throwInternalError("buffer too small 2"); memcpy(ibuf+newvsize,oimport,soimport); memcpy(ibuf+newvsize+soimport,orelocs,sorelocs); cimports = newvsize - rvamin; // rva of preprocessed imports crelocs = cimports + soimport; // rva of preprocessed fixups ph.u_len = newvsize + soimport + sorelocs; // some extra data for uncompression support unsigned s = 0; upx_byte * const p1 = ibuf + ph.u_len; memcpy(p1 + s,&ih,sizeof (ih)); s += sizeof (ih); memcpy(p1 + s,isection,ih.objects * sizeof(*isection)); s += ih.objects * sizeof(*isection); if (soimport) { set_le32(p1 + s,cimports); set_le32(p1 + s + 4,dllstrings); s += 8; } if (sorelocs) { set_le32(p1 + s,crelocs); p1[s + 4] = (unsigned char) (big_relocs & 6); s += 5; } if (soresources) { set_le16(p1 + s,icondir_count); s += 2; } // end of extra data set_le32(p1 + s,ptr_diff(p1,ibuf) - rvamin); s += 4; ph.u_len += s; obuf.allocForCompression(ph.u_len); // prepare packheader ph.u_len -= rvamin; // prepare filter Filter ft(ph.level); ft.buf_len = ih.codesize; ft.addvalue = ih.codebase - rvamin; // compress int filter_strategy = allow_filter ? 0 : -3; // disable filters for files with broken headers if (ih.codebase + ih.codesize > ph.u_len) { ft.buf_len = 1; filter_strategy = -3; } // limit stack size needed for runtime decompression upx_compress_config_t cconf; cconf.reset(); cconf.conf_lzma.max_num_probs = 1846 + (768 << 4); // ushort: ~28 KiB stack compressWithFilters(&ft, 2048, &cconf, filter_strategy, ih.codebase, rvamin, 0, NULL, 0); // info: see buildLoader() newvsize = (ph.u_len + rvamin + ph.overlap_overhead + oam1) &~ oam1; /* if (tlsindex && ((newvsize - ph.c_len - 1024 + oam1) &~ oam1) > tlsindex + 4) tlsindex = 0; */ const unsigned lsize = getLoaderSize(); int identsize = 0; const unsigned codesize = getLoaderSection("IDENTSTR",&identsize); assert(identsize > 0); getLoaderSection("UPX1HEAD",(int*)&ic); identsize += ic; pe_section_t osection[4]; // section 0 : bss // 1 : [ident + header] + packed_data + unpacker + tls // 2 : not compressed data // 3 : resource data -- wince 5 needs a new section for this // identsplit - number of ident + (upx header) bytes to put into the PE header int identsplit = pe_offset + sizeof(osection) + sizeof(oh); if ((identsplit & 0x1ff) == 0) identsplit = 0; else if (((identsplit + identsize) ^ identsplit) < 0x200) identsplit = identsize; else identsplit = ALIGN_GAP(identsplit, 0x200); ic = identsize - identsplit; const unsigned c_len = ((ph.c_len + ic) & 15) == 0 ? ph.c_len : ph.c_len + 16 - ((ph.c_len + ic) & 15); obuf.clear(ph.c_len, c_len - ph.c_len); const unsigned s1size = ALIGN_UP(ic + c_len + codesize,4u) + sotls; const unsigned s1addr = (newvsize - (ic + c_len) + oam1) &~ oam1; const unsigned ncsection = (s1addr + s1size + oam1) &~ oam1; const unsigned upxsection = s1addr + ic + c_len; Reloc rel(1024); // new relocations are put here static const char* symbols_to_relocate[] = { "ONAM", "BIMP", "BREL", "FIBE", "FIBS", "ENTR", "DST0", "SRC0" }; for (unsigned s2r = 0; s2r < TABLESIZE(symbols_to_relocate); s2r++) { unsigned off = linker->getSymbolOffset(symbols_to_relocate[s2r]); if (off != 0xdeaddead) rel.add(off + upxsection, 3); } // new PE header memcpy(&oh,&ih,sizeof(oh)); oh.filealign = 0x200; // identsplit depends on this memset(osection,0,sizeof(osection)); oh.entry = upxsection; oh.objects = 4; oh.chksum = 0; // fill the data directory ODADDR(PEDIR_DEBUG) = 0; ODSIZE(PEDIR_DEBUG) = 0; ODADDR(PEDIR_IAT) = 0; ODSIZE(PEDIR_IAT) = 0; ODADDR(PEDIR_BOUNDIM) = 0; ODSIZE(PEDIR_BOUNDIM) = 0; // tls is put into section 1 ic = s1addr + s1size - sotls; super::processTls(&rel,&tlsiv,ic); ODADDR(PEDIR_TLS) = sotls ? ic : 0; ODSIZE(PEDIR_TLS) = sotls ? 0x18 : 0; ic += sotls; // these are put into section 2 ic = ncsection; // wince wants relocation data at the beginning of a section processRelocs(&rel); ODADDR(PEDIR_RELOC) = soxrelocs ? ic : 0; ODSIZE(PEDIR_RELOC) = soxrelocs; ic += soxrelocs; processImports(ic, linker->getSymbolOffset("IATT") + upxsection); ODADDR(PEDIR_IMPORT) = ic; ODSIZE(PEDIR_IMPORT) = soimpdlls; ic += soimpdlls; processExports(&xport,ic); ODADDR(PEDIR_EXPORT) = soexport ? ic : 0; ODSIZE(PEDIR_EXPORT) = soexport; if (!isdll && opt->win32_pe.compress_exports) { ODADDR(PEDIR_EXPORT) = IDADDR(PEDIR_EXPORT); ODSIZE(PEDIR_EXPORT) = IDSIZE(PEDIR_EXPORT); } ic += soexport; ic = (ic + oam1) &~ oam1; const unsigned res_start = ic; if (soresources) processResources(&res,ic); ODADDR(PEDIR_RESOURCE) = soresources ? ic : 0; ODSIZE(PEDIR_RESOURCE) = soresources; ic += soresources; const unsigned onam = ncsection + soxrelocs + ih.imagebase; linker->defineSymbol("start_of_dll_names", onam); linker->defineSymbol("start_of_imports", ih.imagebase + rvamin + cimports); linker->defineSymbol("start_of_relocs", crelocs + rvamin + ih.imagebase); linker->defineSymbol("filter_buffer_end", ih.imagebase + ih.codebase + ih.codesize); linker->defineSymbol("filter_buffer_start", ih.imagebase + ih.codebase); linker->defineSymbol("original_entry", ih.entry + ih.imagebase); linker->defineSymbol("uncompressed_length", ph.u_len); linker->defineSymbol("start_of_uncompressed", ih.imagebase + rvamin); linker->defineSymbol("compressed_length", ph.c_len); linker->defineSymbol("start_of_compressed", ih.imagebase + s1addr + identsize - identsplit); defineDecompressorSymbols(); relocateLoader(); MemBuffer loader(lsize); memcpy(loader, getLoader(), lsize); patchPackHeader(loader, lsize); // this is computed here, because soxrelocs changes some lines above const unsigned ncsize = soxrelocs + soimpdlls + soexport; const unsigned fam1 = oh.filealign - 1; // fill the sections strcpy(osection[0].name,"UPX0"); strcpy(osection[1].name,"UPX1"); strcpy(osection[2].name, "UPX2"); strcpy(osection[3].name, ".rsrc"); osection[0].vaddr = rvamin; osection[1].vaddr = s1addr; osection[2].vaddr = ncsection; osection[3].vaddr = res_start; osection[0].size = 0; osection[1].size = (s1size + fam1) &~ fam1; osection[2].size = (ncsize + fam1) &~ fam1; osection[3].size = (soresources + fam1) &~ fam1; osection[0].vsize = osection[1].vaddr - osection[0].vaddr; //osection[1].vsize = (osection[1].size + oam1) &~ oam1; //osection[2].vsize = (osection[2].size + oam1) &~ oam1; osection[1].vsize = osection[1].size; osection[2].vsize = osection[2].size; osection[3].vsize = osection[3].size; osection[0].rawdataptr = 0; osection[1].rawdataptr = (pe_offset + sizeof(oh) + sizeof(osection) + fam1) &~ fam1; osection[2].rawdataptr = osection[1].rawdataptr + osection[1].size; osection[3].rawdataptr = osection[2].rawdataptr + osection[2].size; osection[0].flags = (unsigned) (PEFL_BSS|PEFL_EXEC|PEFL_WRITE|PEFL_READ); osection[1].flags = (unsigned) (PEFL_DATA|PEFL_EXEC|PEFL_WRITE|PEFL_READ); osection[2].flags = (unsigned) (PEFL_DATA|PEFL_READ); osection[3].flags = (unsigned) (PEFL_DATA|PEFL_READ); oh.imagesize = (osection[3].vaddr + osection[3].vsize + oam1) &~ oam1; oh.bsssize = osection[0].vsize; oh.datasize = osection[2].vsize + osection[3].vsize; oh.database = osection[2].vaddr; oh.codesize = osection[1].vsize; oh.codebase = osection[1].vaddr; oh.headersize = osection[1].rawdataptr; if (rvamin < osection[0].rawdataptr) throwCantPack("object alignment too small"); if (opt->win32_pe.strip_relocs && !isdll) oh.flags |= RELOCS_STRIPPED; //for (ic = 0; ic < oh.filealign; ic += 4) // set_le32(ibuf + ic,get_le32("UPX ")); ibuf.clear(0, oh.filealign); info("Image size change: %u -> %u KiB", ih.imagesize / 1024, oh.imagesize / 1024); infoHeader("[Writing compressed file]"); if (soresources == 0) { oh.objects = 3; memset(&osection[3], 0, sizeof(osection[3])); } // write loader + compressed file fo->write(&oh,sizeof(oh)); fo->write(osection,sizeof(osection)); // some alignment if (identsplit == identsize) { unsigned n = osection[1].rawdataptr - fo->getBytesWritten() - identsize; assert(n <= oh.filealign); fo->write(ibuf, n); } fo->write(loader + codesize,identsize); infoWriting("loader", fo->getBytesWritten()); fo->write(obuf,c_len); infoWriting("compressed data", c_len); fo->write(loader,codesize); if (opt->debug.dump_stub_loader) OutputFile::dump(opt->debug.dump_stub_loader, loader, codesize); if ((ic = fo->getBytesWritten() & 3) != 0) fo->write(ibuf,4 - ic); fo->write(otls,sotls); if ((ic = fo->getBytesWritten() & fam1) != 0) fo->write(ibuf,oh.filealign - ic); fo->write(oxrelocs,soxrelocs); fo->write(oimpdlls,soimpdlls); fo->write(oexport,soexport); if ((ic = fo->getBytesWritten() & fam1) != 0) fo->write(ibuf,oh.filealign - ic); fo->write(oresources,soresources); if ((ic = fo->getBytesWritten() & fam1) != 0) fo->write(ibuf,oh.filealign - ic); #if 0 printf("%-13s: program hdr : %8ld bytes\n", getName(), (long) sizeof(oh)); printf("%-13s: sections : %8ld bytes\n", getName(), (long) sizeof(osection)); printf("%-13s: ident : %8ld bytes\n", getName(), (long) identsize); printf("%-13s: compressed : %8ld bytes\n", getName(), (long) c_len); printf("%-13s: decompressor : %8ld bytes\n", getName(), (long) codesize); printf("%-13s: tls : %8ld bytes\n", getName(), (long) sotls); printf("%-13s: resources : %8ld bytes\n", getName(), (long) soresources); printf("%-13s: imports : %8ld bytes\n", getName(), (long) soimpdlls); printf("%-13s: exports : %8ld bytes\n", getName(), (long) soexport); printf("%-13s: relocs : %8ld bytes\n", getName(), (long) soxrelocs); #endif // verify verifyOverlappingDecompression(); // copy the overlay copyOverlay(fo, overlay, &obuf); // finally check the compression ratio if (!checkFinalCompressionRatio(fo)) throwNotCompressible(); }