Example #1
void FeatureSet::exclude( const FeatureSet &features )
   PROFILE_SCOPE( FeatureSet_Exclude );

   for ( U32 i=0; i < features.mFeatures.size(); i++ )
      removeFeature( *features.mFeatures[i].type );

Example #2
void CSTimeView::removeObjectsUsingBaseId(uint16 baseId) {
	uint16 groupId = getGroupFromBaseId(baseId);

	Feature *node = _rootNode->_next;
	while (node->_next) {
		Feature *curr = node;
		node = node->_next;
		if (curr->_data.compoundSHAPIndex == groupId) {
			removeFeature(curr, true);
Example #3
// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
void processMultiPlayerArtifacts(void)
	static UDWORD lastCall;
	UDWORD	x,y,pl;
	Position position;
	BOOL	found=false;

	// only do this every now and again.
	if(lastCall > gameTime)lastCall= 0;
	if ( (gameTime - lastCall) <2000)
	lastCall = gameTime;

	for(pF = apsFeatureLists[0]; pF ; pF = pFN)
		pFN = pF->psNext;
		// artifacts
		if(pF->psStats->subType == FEAT_GEN_ARTE)
			found = objectInRange((BASE_OBJECT *)apsDroidLists[selectedPlayer], pF->pos.x, pF->pos.y, (TILE_UNITS+(TILE_UNITS/3))  );
				position = pF->pos;				// Add an effect

				x = pF->pos.x;
				y = pF->pos.y;
				pl= pF->player;
				removeFeature(pF);			// remove artifact+ send info.
				giftArtifact(pl,x,y);		// reward player.
				pF->player = 0;
				audio_QueueTrack( ID_SOUND_ARTIFACT_RECOVERED );
Example #4
/* Remove a Feature and free it's memory */
bool destroyFeature(FEATURE *psDel)
	UDWORD			widthScatter,breadthScatter,heightScatter, i;
	EFFECT_TYPE		explosionSize;
	Vector3i pos;
	UDWORD			width,breadth;
	UDWORD			mapX,mapY;

	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(false, psDel != NULL, "Invalid feature pointer");

 	/* Only add if visible and damageable*/
	if(psDel->visible[selectedPlayer] && psDel->psStats->damageable)
		/* Set off a destruction effect */
		/* First Explosions */
		widthScatter = TILE_UNITS/2;
		breadthScatter = TILE_UNITS/2;
		heightScatter = TILE_UNITS/4;
		//set which explosion to use based on size of feature
		if (psDel->psStats->baseWidth < 2 && psDel->psStats->baseBreadth < 2)
			explosionSize = EXPLOSION_TYPE_SMALL;
		else if (psDel->psStats->baseWidth < 3 && psDel->psStats->baseBreadth < 3)
			explosionSize = EXPLOSION_TYPE_MEDIUM;
			explosionSize = EXPLOSION_TYPE_LARGE;
		for(i=0; i<4; i++)
			pos.x = psDel->pos.x + widthScatter - rand()%(2*widthScatter);
			pos.z = psDel->pos.y + breadthScatter - rand()%(2*breadthScatter);
			pos.y = psDel->pos.z + 32 + rand()%heightScatter;

		if(psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_SKYSCRAPER)
			pos.x = psDel->pos.x;
			pos.z = psDel->pos.y;
			pos.y = psDel->pos.z;
			initPerimeterSmoke(psDel->sDisplay.imd, pos);


		/* Then a sequence of effects */
		pos.x = psDel->pos.x;
		pos.z = psDel->pos.y;
		pos.y = map_Height(pos.x,pos.z);

		//play sound
		// ffs gj
		if(psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_SKYSCRAPER)
			audio_PlayStaticTrack( psDel->pos.x, psDel->pos.y, ID_SOUND_BUILDING_FALL );
			audio_PlayStaticTrack( psDel->pos.x, psDel->pos.y, ID_SOUND_EXPLOSION );

	if (psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_SKYSCRAPER)
		// ----- Flip all the tiles under the skyscraper to a rubble tile
		// smoke effect should disguise this happening
		mapX = map_coord(psDel->pos.x) - psDel->psStats->baseWidth/2;
		mapY = map_coord(psDel->pos.y) - psDel->psStats->baseBreadth/2;
		for (width = 0; width < psDel->psStats->baseWidth; width++)
			for (breadth = 0; breadth < psDel->psStats->baseBreadth; breadth++)
				MAPTILE *psTile = mapTile(mapX+width,mapY+breadth);
				// stops water texture chnaging for underwateer festures
				if (terrainType(psTile) != TER_WATER)
					if (terrainType(psTile) != TER_CLIFFFACE)
						/* Clear feature bits */
						psTile->texture = TileNumber_texture(psTile->texture) | RUBBLE_TILE;
						/* This remains a blocking tile */
						psTile->psObject = NULL;
						psTile->texture = TileNumber_texture(psTile->texture) | BLOCKING_RUBBLE_TILE;

	return true;
Example #5
/* Create a feature on the map */
FEATURE * buildFeature(FEATURE_STATS *psStats, UDWORD x, UDWORD y,BOOL FromSave)
	UDWORD		mapX, mapY;
	UDWORD		width,breadth, foundationMin,foundationMax, height;
	UDWORD		startX,startY,max,min;
	UBYTE		vis;
	//try and create the Feature
	FEATURE* psFeature = createFeature();

	if (psFeature == NULL)
		debug(LOG_WARNING, "Feature couldn't be built.");
		return NULL;
	psFeature->psStats = psStats;
	// features are not in the cluster system
	// this will cause an assert when they still end up there
	psFeature->cluster = ~0;
	//add the feature to the list - this enables it to be drawn whilst being built

	// get the terrain average height
	startX = map_coord(x);
	startY = map_coord(y);
	foundationMin = TILE_MAX_HEIGHT;
	foundationMax = TILE_MIN_HEIGHT;
	for (breadth = 0; breadth < psStats->baseBreadth; breadth++)
		for (width = 0; width < psStats->baseWidth; width++)
			getTileMaxMin(startX + width, startY + breadth, &max, &min);
			if (foundationMin > min)
				foundationMin = min;
			if (foundationMax < max)
				foundationMax = max;
	//return the average of max/min height
	height = (foundationMin + foundationMax) / 2;

	// snap the coords to a tile
	if (!FromSave)
		x = (x & ~TILE_MASK) + psStats->baseWidth  %2 * TILE_UNITS/2;
		y = (y & ~TILE_MASK) + psStats->baseBreadth%2 * TILE_UNITS/2;
		if ((x & TILE_MASK) != psStats->baseWidth  %2 * TILE_UNITS/2 ||
		    (y & TILE_MASK) != psStats->baseBreadth%2 * TILE_UNITS/2)
			debug(LOG_WARNING, "Feature not aligned. position (%d,%d), size (%d,%d)", x, y, psStats->baseWidth, psStats->baseBreadth);

	psFeature->pos.x = x;
	psFeature->pos.y = y;

	/* Dump down the building wrecks at random angles - still looks shit though */
	if(psStats->subType == FEAT_BUILD_WRECK || psStats->subType == FEAT_TREE)
		psFeature->rot.direction = gameRand(DEG_360);
		psFeature->rot.direction = 0;
	psFeature->selected = false;
	psFeature->body = psStats->body;
	psFeature->player = MAX_PLAYERS+1;	//set the player out of range to avoid targeting confusions
	objSensorCache((BASE_OBJECT *)psFeature, NULL);
	objEcmCache((BASE_OBJECT *)psFeature, NULL);
	psFeature->bTargetted = false;
	psFeature->timeLastHit = 0;
	psFeature->lastHitWeapon = WSC_NUM_WEAPON_SUBCLASSES;  // no such weapon

	// it has never been drawn
	psFeature->sDisplay.frameNumber = 0;

		vis = 0;
  			vis = UBYTE_MAX;
			vis = 0;

	// note that the advanced armour system current unused for features
	for (i = 0; i < NUM_HIT_SIDES; i++)
		int j;

		for (j = 0; j < WC_NUM_WEAPON_CLASSES; j++)
			psFeature->armour[i][j] = psFeature->psStats->armourValue;

	memset(psFeature->seenThisTick, 0, sizeof(psFeature->seenThisTick));
	memset(psFeature->visible, 0, sizeof(psFeature->visible));

	//load into the map data
	mapX = map_coord(x) - psStats->baseWidth/2;
	mapY = map_coord(y) - psStats->baseBreadth/2;

	// set up the imd for the feature
		psFeature->sDisplay.imd = getRandomWreckageImd();
		psFeature->sDisplay.imd = psStats->psImd;

	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(NULL, psFeature->sDisplay.imd, "No IMD for feature");		// make sure we have an imd.

	for (width = 0; width < psStats->baseWidth; width++)
		for (breadth = 0; breadth < psStats->baseBreadth; breadth++)
			MAPTILE *psTile = mapTile(mapX + width, mapY + breadth);

			//check not outside of map - for load save game
			ASSERT_OR_RETURN(NULL, mapX + width < mapWidth, "x coord bigger than map width - %s, id = %d", getName(psFeature->psStats->pName), psFeature->id);
			ASSERT_OR_RETURN(NULL, mapY + breadth < mapHeight, "y coord bigger than map height - %s, id = %d", getName(psFeature->psStats->pName), psFeature->id);

			if (width != psStats->baseWidth && breadth != psStats->baseBreadth)
				if (TileHasFeature(psTile))
					FEATURE *psBlock = (FEATURE *)psTile->psObject;

					debug(LOG_ERROR, "%s(%d) already placed at (%d+%d, %d+%d) when trying to place %s(%d) at (%d+%d, %d+%d) - removing it",
					      getName(psBlock->psStats->pName), psBlock->id, map_coord(psBlock->pos.x), psBlock->psStats->baseWidth, map_coord(psBlock->pos.y),
					      psBlock->psStats->baseBreadth, getName(psFeature->psStats->pName), psFeature->id, mapX, psStats->baseWidth, mapY, psStats->baseBreadth);


				psTile->psObject = (BASE_OBJECT*)psFeature;

				// if it's a tall feature then flag it in the map.
				if (psFeature->sDisplay.imd->max.y > TALLOBJECT_YMAX)
					auxSetBlocking(mapX + width, mapY + breadth, AIR_BLOCKED);

				if (psStats->subType != FEAT_GEN_ARTE && psStats->subType != FEAT_OIL_DRUM && psStats->subType != FEAT_BUILD_WRECK)
					auxSetBlocking(mapX + width, mapY + breadth, FEATURE_BLOCKED);

			if( (!psStats->tileDraw) && (FromSave == false) )
				psTile->height = height;
	psFeature->pos.z = map_TileHeight(mapX,mapY);//jps 18july97

//	// set up the imd for the feature
//	if(psFeature->psStats->subType==FEAT_BUILD_WRECK)
//	{
//		psFeature->sDisplay.imd = wreckageImds[rand()%MAX_WRECKAGE];
//	}
//	else
//	{
//		psFeature->sDisplay.imd = psStats->psImd;
// 	}

	return psFeature;
Example #6
/* Create a feature on the map */
FEATURE * buildFeature(FEATURE_STATS *psStats, UDWORD x, UDWORD y,bool FromSave)
	UDWORD		mapX, mapY;
	UDWORD		width,breadth, foundationMin,foundationMax, height;
	UDWORD		startX,startY,max,min;
	//try and create the Feature
	FEATURE *psFeature = new FEATURE(generateSynchronisedObjectId(), psStats);

	if (psFeature == NULL)
		debug(LOG_WARNING, "Feature couldn't be built.");
		return NULL;
	// features are not in the cluster system
	// this will cause an assert when they still end up there
	psFeature->cluster = ~0;
	//add the feature to the list - this enables it to be drawn whilst being built

	// get the terrain average height
	startX = map_coord(x);
	startY = map_coord(y);
	foundationMin = TILE_MAX_HEIGHT;
	foundationMax = TILE_MIN_HEIGHT;
	for (breadth = 0; breadth < psStats->baseBreadth; breadth++)
		for (width = 0; width < psStats->baseWidth; width++)
			getTileMaxMin(startX + width, startY + breadth, &max, &min);
			if (foundationMin > min)
				foundationMin = min;
			if (foundationMax < max)
				foundationMax = max;
	//return the average of max/min height
	height = (foundationMin + foundationMax) / 2;

	// snap the coords to a tile
	if (!FromSave)
		x = (x & ~TILE_MASK) + psStats->baseWidth  %2 * TILE_UNITS/2;
		y = (y & ~TILE_MASK) + psStats->baseBreadth%2 * TILE_UNITS/2;
		if ((x & TILE_MASK) != psStats->baseWidth  %2 * TILE_UNITS/2 ||
		    (y & TILE_MASK) != psStats->baseBreadth%2 * TILE_UNITS/2)
			debug(LOG_WARNING, "Feature not aligned. position (%d,%d), size (%d,%d)", x, y, psStats->baseWidth, psStats->baseBreadth);

	psFeature->pos.x = x;
	psFeature->pos.y = y;

	if (psStats->subType == FEAT_TREE)
		psFeature->rot.direction = gameRand(DEG_360);
		psFeature->rot.direction = 0;
	psFeature->body = psStats->body;
	psFeature->inFire = false;
	objSensorCache((BASE_OBJECT *)psFeature, NULL);
	objEcmCache((BASE_OBJECT *)psFeature, NULL);

	// it has never been drawn
	psFeature->sDisplay.frameNumber = 0;

	for (int j = 0; j < WC_NUM_WEAPON_CLASSES; j++)
		psFeature->armour[j] = psFeature->psStats->armourValue;

	memset(psFeature->seenThisTick, 0, sizeof(psFeature->seenThisTick));
	memset(psFeature->visible, 0, sizeof(psFeature->visible));

	//load into the map data
	mapX = map_coord(x) - psStats->baseWidth/2;
	mapY = map_coord(y) - psStats->baseBreadth/2;

	// set up the imd for the feature
	psFeature->sDisplay.imd = psStats->psImd;

	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(NULL, psFeature->sDisplay.imd, "No IMD for feature");		// make sure we have an imd.

	for (width = 0; width < psStats->baseWidth; width++)
		for (breadth = 0; breadth < psStats->baseBreadth; breadth++)
			MAPTILE *psTile = mapTile(mapX + width, mapY + breadth);

			//check not outside of map - for load save game
			ASSERT_OR_RETURN(NULL, mapX + width < mapWidth, "x coord bigger than map width - %s, id = %d", getName(psFeature->psStats->pName), psFeature->id);
			ASSERT_OR_RETURN(NULL, mapY + breadth < mapHeight, "y coord bigger than map height - %s, id = %d", getName(psFeature->psStats->pName), psFeature->id);

			if (width != psStats->baseWidth && breadth != psStats->baseBreadth)
				if (TileHasFeature(psTile))
					FEATURE *psBlock = (FEATURE *)psTile->psObject;

					debug(LOG_ERROR, "%s(%d) already placed at (%d+%d, %d+%d) when trying to place %s(%d) at (%d+%d, %d+%d) - removing it",
					      getName(psBlock->psStats->pName), psBlock->id, map_coord(psBlock->pos.x), psBlock->psStats->baseWidth, map_coord(psBlock->pos.y),
					      psBlock->psStats->baseBreadth, getName(psFeature->psStats->pName), psFeature->id, mapX, psStats->baseWidth, mapY, psStats->baseBreadth);


				psTile->psObject = (BASE_OBJECT*)psFeature;

				// if it's a tall feature then flag it in the map.
				if (psFeature->sDisplay.imd->max.y > TALLOBJECT_YMAX)
					auxSetBlocking(mapX + width, mapY + breadth, AIR_BLOCKED);

				if (psStats->subType != FEAT_GEN_ARTE && psStats->subType != FEAT_OIL_DRUM)
					auxSetBlocking(mapX + width, mapY + breadth, FEATURE_BLOCKED);

			if( (!psStats->tileDraw) && (FromSave == false) )
				psTile->height = height;
	psFeature->pos.z = map_TileHeight(mapX,mapY);//jps 18july97

	return psFeature;
Example #7
/* Create a feature on the map */
FEATURE * buildFeature(FEATURE_STATS *psStats, UDWORD x, UDWORD y,bool FromSave)
	//try and create the Feature
	FEATURE *psFeature = new FEATURE(generateSynchronisedObjectId(), psStats);

	if (psFeature == NULL)
		debug(LOG_WARNING, "Feature couldn't be built.");
		return NULL;
	// features are not in the cluster system
	// this will cause an assert when they still end up there
	psFeature->cluster = ~0;
	//add the feature to the list - this enables it to be drawn whilst being built

	// snap the coords to a tile
	if (!FromSave)
		x = (x & ~TILE_MASK) + psStats->baseWidth  %2 * TILE_UNITS/2;
		y = (y & ~TILE_MASK) + psStats->baseBreadth%2 * TILE_UNITS/2;
		if ((x & TILE_MASK) != psStats->baseWidth  %2 * TILE_UNITS/2 ||
		    (y & TILE_MASK) != psStats->baseBreadth%2 * TILE_UNITS/2)
			debug(LOG_WARNING, "Feature not aligned. position (%d,%d), size (%d,%d)", x, y, psStats->baseWidth, psStats->baseBreadth);

	psFeature->pos.x = x;
	psFeature->pos.y = y;

	StructureBounds b = getStructureBounds(psFeature);

	// get the terrain average height
	int foundationMin = INT32_MAX;
	int foundationMax = INT32_MIN;
	for (int breadth = 0; breadth <= b.size.y; ++breadth)
		for (int width = 0; width <= b.size.x; ++width)
			int h = map_TileHeight(b.map.x + width, b.map.y + breadth);
			foundationMin = std::min(foundationMin, h);
			foundationMax = std::max(foundationMax, h);
	//return the average of max/min height
	int height = (foundationMin + foundationMax) / 2;

	if (psStats->subType == FEAT_TREE)
		psFeature->rot.direction = gameRand(DEG_360);
		psFeature->rot.direction = 0;
	psFeature->body = psStats->body;
	psFeature->periodicalDamageStart = 0;
	psFeature->periodicalDamage = 0;

	// it has never been drawn
	psFeature->sDisplay.frameNumber = 0;

	memset(psFeature->seenThisTick, 0, sizeof(psFeature->seenThisTick));
	memset(psFeature->visible, 0, sizeof(psFeature->visible));

	// set up the imd for the feature
	psFeature->sDisplay.imd = psStats->psImd;

	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(NULL, psFeature->sDisplay.imd, "No IMD for feature");		// make sure we have an imd.

	for (int breadth = 0; breadth < b.size.y; ++breadth)
		for (int width = 0; width < b.size.x; ++width)
			MAPTILE *psTile = mapTile(b.map.x + width, b.map.y + breadth);

			//check not outside of map - for load save game
			ASSERT_OR_RETURN(NULL, b.map.x + width < mapWidth, "x coord bigger than map width - %s, id = %d", getName(psFeature->psStats), psFeature->id);
			ASSERT_OR_RETURN(NULL, b.map.y + breadth < mapHeight, "y coord bigger than map height - %s, id = %d", getName(psFeature->psStats), psFeature->id);

			if (width != psStats->baseWidth && breadth != psStats->baseBreadth)
				if (TileHasFeature(psTile))
					FEATURE *psBlock = (FEATURE *)psTile->psObject;

					debug(LOG_ERROR, "%s(%d) already placed at (%d+%d, %d+%d) when trying to place %s(%d) at (%d+%d, %d+%d) - removing it",
					      getName(psBlock->psStats), psBlock->id, map_coord(psBlock->pos.x), psBlock->psStats->baseWidth, map_coord(psBlock->pos.y),
					      psBlock->psStats->baseBreadth, getName(psFeature->psStats), psFeature->id, b.map.x, b.size.x, b.map.y, b.size.y);


				psTile->psObject = (BASE_OBJECT*)psFeature;

				// if it's a tall feature then flag it in the map.
				if (psFeature->sDisplay.imd->max.y > TALLOBJECT_YMAX)
					auxSetBlocking(b.map.x + width, b.map.y + breadth, AIR_BLOCKED);

				if (psStats->subType != FEAT_GEN_ARTE && psStats->subType != FEAT_OIL_DRUM)
					auxSetBlocking(b.map.x + width, b.map.y + breadth, FEATURE_BLOCKED);

			if( (!psStats->tileDraw) && (FromSave == false) )
				psTile->height = height;
	psFeature->pos.z = map_TileHeight(b.map.x, b.map.y);//jps 18july97

	return psFeature;
Example #8
shMapLevel::moveWalls (int action)
    shFeature *f;

    int north = (1 == action or -1 == action) ? 1 : 0;

    int squares[20];
    int n = 0;
    int x, y;
    int i, j;
    int seen = 0;
    int interrupt = 0;
    int heard = 0;

    // move the wall
    y = -1;
    for (i = 0; i < mFeatures.count (); i++) {
        f = mFeatures.get (i);
        if (shFeature::kMovingHWall != f->mType) {
        if (action > 0) {
            /* close in */
            if (north and f->mMovingHWall.mBeginY < f->mMovingHWall.mEndY and
                f->mY < f->mMovingHWall.mEndY)
                //if (Hero.canSee (f->mX, f->mY))
                //    setMemory (f->mX, f->mY, ' ');
                mVisibility[f->mX][f->mY] = 0;
                y = f->mY + 1;
                squares[n++] = f->mX;
                addMachinery (f->mX, f->mY-1);
            } else if (!north and f->mMovingHWall.mBeginY > f->mMovingHWall.mEndY and
                f->mY > f->mMovingHWall.mEndY)
                //if (Hero.canSee (f->mX, f->mY))
                //    setMemory (f->mX, f->mY, ' ');
                mVisibility[f->mX][f->mY] = 0;
                y = f->mY - 1;
                squares[n++] = f->mX;
                addMachinery (f->mX, f->mY+1);
            } else {
            if (Hero.canSee (f->mX, f->mY)) {
            } else if (distance (&Hero, f->mX, f->mY) < 100) {
        } else if (action < 0) {
            /* reset */
            int oldy = f->mY;
            if (north and f->mMovingHWall.mBeginY < f->mMovingHWall.mEndY and
                f->mY > f->mMovingHWall.mBeginY)
                y = f->mY - 1;
                shFeature *machinery = getFeature (f->mX, y);
                if (machinery)
                    removeFeature (machinery);
            } else if (!north and
                       f->mMovingHWall.mBeginY > f->mMovingHWall.mEndY and
                       f->mY < f->mMovingHWall.mBeginY)
                y = f->mY + 1;
                shFeature *machinery = getFeature (f->mX, y);
                if (machinery)
                    removeFeature (machinery);
            } else {
            if (Hero.canSee (f->mX, oldy))

    if (!Hero.getStoryFlag ("walls moving")) {
        if (seen) {
            I->p ("The walls are moving!");
            Hero.setStoryFlag ("walls moving", 1);
        } else if (heard and !Hero.getStoryFlag ("walls heard")) {
            I->p ("You hear a loud rumbling!");
            Hero.setStoryFlag ("walls heard", 1);

    // displace objects and creatures

    if (n) {
        shuffle (squares, n, sizeof(int));

        for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            x = squares[i];

            shObjectVector *v = getObjects (x, y);
            if (v) {
                int y2 = north ? y + 1 : y - 1;
                int safe = !isObstacle (x, y2);
                for (j = 0; j < v->count (); j++) {
                    shObject *obj = v->get (j);
                    if (safe) {
                        putObject (obj, x, y2);
                    } else {
                        delete obj;
                if (Hero.mX == x and Hero.mY == y2) {
                    I->p ("%s pushed into your vicinity.",
                          v->count () > 1 ? "Some objects are"
                                          : "An object is");
                delete v;
                setObjects (x, y, NULL);

            shCreature *c = getCreature (x, y);
            if (c) {
                if (c->mZ < 0) {
                    if (c->isHero ()) {
                        I->p ("You are sealed below the moving wall!");
                        I->p ("That's not supposed to be possible!");
                        I->p ("Please send me a bug report! -cyrus");
                } else {
                    pushCreature (c, north ? kSouth : kNorth);
    if (interrupt)
        Hero.interrupt ();
Example #9
/* Remove a Feature and free it's memory */
bool destroyFeature(FEATURE *psDel, unsigned impactTime)
	UDWORD			widthScatter, breadthScatter, heightScatter, i;
	EFFECT_TYPE		explosionSize;
	Vector3i pos;

	ASSERT_OR_RETURN(false, psDel != NULL, "Invalid feature pointer");
	ASSERT(gameTime - deltaGameTime < impactTime, "Expected %u < %u, gameTime = %u, bad impactTime", gameTime - deltaGameTime, impactTime, gameTime);

	/* Only add if visible and damageable*/
	if (psDel->visible[selectedPlayer] && psDel->psStats->damageable)
		/* Set off a destruction effect */
		/* First Explosions */
		widthScatter = TILE_UNITS / 2;
		breadthScatter = TILE_UNITS / 2;
		heightScatter = TILE_UNITS / 4;
		//set which explosion to use based on size of feature
		if (psDel->psStats->baseWidth < 2 && psDel->psStats->baseBreadth < 2)
			explosionSize = EXPLOSION_TYPE_SMALL;
		else if (psDel->psStats->baseWidth < 3 && psDel->psStats->baseBreadth < 3)
			explosionSize = EXPLOSION_TYPE_MEDIUM;
			explosionSize = EXPLOSION_TYPE_LARGE;
		for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
			pos.x = psDel->pos.x + widthScatter - rand() % (2 * widthScatter);
			pos.z = psDel->pos.y + breadthScatter - rand() % (2 * breadthScatter);
			pos.y = psDel->pos.z + 32 + rand() % heightScatter;
			addEffect(&pos, EFFECT_EXPLOSION, explosionSize, false, NULL, 0, impactTime);

		if (psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_SKYSCRAPER)
			pos.x = psDel->pos.x;
			pos.z = psDel->pos.y;
			pos.y = psDel->pos.z;
			addEffect(&pos, EFFECT_DESTRUCTION, DESTRUCTION_TYPE_SKYSCRAPER, true, psDel->sDisplay.imd, 0, impactTime);
			initPerimeterSmoke(psDel->sDisplay.imd, pos);

			shakeStart(250);	// small shake

		/* Then a sequence of effects */
		pos.x = psDel->pos.x;
		pos.z = psDel->pos.y;
		pos.y = map_Height(pos.x, pos.z);
		addEffect(&pos, EFFECT_DESTRUCTION, DESTRUCTION_TYPE_FEATURE, false, NULL, 0, impactTime);

		//play sound
		// ffs gj
		if (psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_SKYSCRAPER)
			audio_PlayStaticTrack(psDel->pos.x, psDel->pos.y, ID_SOUND_BUILDING_FALL);
			audio_PlayStaticTrack(psDel->pos.x, psDel->pos.y, ID_SOUND_EXPLOSION);

	if (psDel->psStats->subType == FEAT_SKYSCRAPER)
		// ----- Flip all the tiles under the skyscraper to a rubble tile
		// smoke effect should disguise this happening
		StructureBounds b = getStructureBounds(psDel);
		for (int breadth = 0; breadth < b.size.y; ++breadth)
			for (int width = 0; width < b.size.x; ++width)
				MAPTILE *psTile = mapTile(b.map.x + width, b.map.y + breadth);
				// stops water texture changing for underwater features
				if (terrainType(psTile) != TER_WATER)
					if (terrainType(psTile) != TER_CLIFFFACE)
						/* Clear feature bits */
						psTile->texture = TileNumber_texture(psTile->texture) | RUBBLE_TILE;
						auxClearBlocking(b.map.x + width, b.map.y + breadth, AUXBITS_ALL);
						/* This remains a blocking tile */
						psTile->psObject = NULL;
						auxClearBlocking(b.map.x + width, b.map.y + breadth, AIR_BLOCKED);  // Shouldn't remain blocking for air units, however.
						psTile->texture = TileNumber_texture(psTile->texture) | BLOCKING_RUBBLE_TILE;

	psDel->died = impactTime;
	return true;