Example #1
void player::remove_child_flag(std::string flag)
    for (int i = 0; i < mutation_data[flag].replacements.size(); i++) {
        std::string tmp = mutation_data[flag].replacements[i];
        if (has_trait(tmp)) {
        } else if (has_child_flag(tmp)) {
Example #2
void player::remove_child_flag(game *g, pl_flag flag)
 for (int i = 0; i < g->mutation_data[flag].replacements.size(); i++) {
  pl_flag tmp = g->mutation_data[flag].replacements[i];
  if (has_trait(tmp)) {
   remove_mutation(g, tmp);
  } else if (has_child_flag(g, tmp)) {
   remove_child_flag(g, tmp);
Example #3
void player::remove_mutation(std::string mut)
    // Check for dependant mutations first
    std::vector<std::string> dependant;

    for (std::map<std::string, trait>::iterator iter = traits.begin(); iter != traits.end(); ++iter) {
        for (int i = 0; i < mutation_data[iter->first].prereqs.size(); i++) {
            if (mutation_data[iter->first].prereqs[i] == iter->first) {

    if (dependant.size() > 0) {
        remove_mutation(dependant[rng(0, dependant.size()-1)]);

    // Check if there's a prereq we should shrink back into
    std::string replacing = "";
    std::vector<std::string> originals = mutation_data[mut].prereqs;
    for (int i = 0; replacing == "" && i < originals.size(); i++) {
        std::string pre = originals[i];
        for (int j = 0; replacing == "" && j < mutation_data[pre].replacements.size(); j++) {
            if (mutation_data[pre].replacements[j] == mut) {
                replacing = pre;
    std::string replacing2 = "";
    std::vector<std::string> originals2 = mutation_data[mut].prereqs2;
    for (int i = 0; replacing2 == "" && i < originals2.size(); i++) {
        std::string pre2 = originals2[i];
        for (int j = 0; replacing2 == "" && j < mutation_data[pre2].replacements.size(); j++) {
            if (mutation_data[pre2].replacements[j] == mut) {
                replacing2 = pre2;

    // See if this mutation is cancelled by a base trait
    //Only if there's no prereq to shrink to, thus we're at the bottom of the trait line
    if (replacing == "") {
        //Check each mutation until we reach the end or find a trait to revert to
        for (std::map<std::string, trait>::iterator iter = traits.begin(); replacing == "" && iter != traits.end(); ++iter) {
            //See if it's in our list of base traits but not active
            if (has_base_trait(iter->first) && !has_trait(iter->first)) {
                //See if that base trait cancels the mutation we are using
                std::vector<std::string> traitcheck = mutation_data[iter->first].cancels;
                if (!traitcheck.empty()) {
                    for (int j = 0; replacing == "" && j < traitcheck.size(); j++) {
                        if (traitcheck[j] == mut) {
                            replacing = (iter->first);
    // Duplicated for prereq2
    if (replacing2 == "") {
        //Check each mutation until we reach the end or find a trait to revert to
        for (std::map<std::string, trait>::iterator iter = traits.begin(); replacing2 == "" && iter != traits.end(); ++iter) {
            //See if it's in our list of base traits but not active
            if (has_base_trait(iter->first) && !has_trait(iter->first)) {
                //See if that base trait cancels the mutation we are using
                std::vector<std::string> traitcheck = mutation_data[iter->first].cancels;
                if (!traitcheck.empty()) {
                    for (int j = 0; replacing2 == "" && j < traitcheck.size(); j++) {
                        if (traitcheck[j] == mut) {
                            replacing2 = (iter->first);
    // This should revert back to a removed base trait rather than simply removing the mutation

    bool mutation_replaced = false;
    if (replacing != "") {
        g->add_msg(_("Your %1$s mutation turns into %2$s."), traits[mut].name.c_str(),
        mutation_loss_effect(*this, mut);
        mutation_effect(*this, replacing);
        mutation_replaced = true;
    if (replacing2 != "") {
        g->add_msg(_("Your %1$s mutation turns into %2$s."), traits[mut].name.c_str(),
        mutation_loss_effect(*this, mut);
        mutation_effect(*this, replacing2);
        mutation_replaced = true;
    if(!mutation_replaced) {
        g->add_msg(_("You lose your %s mutation."), traits[mut].name.c_str());
        mutation_loss_effect(*this, mut);

Example #4
void player::mutate()
    bool force_bad = one_in(3);
    bool force_good = false;
    if (has_trait("ROBUST") && force_bad) {
        // Robust Genetics gives you a 33% chance for a good mutation,
        // instead of the 33% chance of a bad one.
        force_bad = false;
        force_good = true;

    // Determine the highest mutation categorie
    std::string cat = get_highest_category();

    // See if we should ugrade/extend an existing mutation...
    std::vector<std::string> upgrades;

    // ... or remove one that is not in our highest category
    std::vector<std::string> downgrades;

    // For each mutation...
    for (std::map<std::string, trait>::iterator iter = traits.begin(); iter != traits.end(); ++iter) {
        std::string base_mutation = iter->first;

        // ...that we have...
        if (has_trait(base_mutation)) {
            // ...consider the mutations that replace it.
            for (int i = 0; i < mutation_data[base_mutation].replacements.size(); i++) {
                std::string mutation = mutation_data[base_mutation].replacements[i];

                if (mutation_ok(mutation, force_good, force_bad)) {

            // ...consider the mutations that add to it.
            for (int i = 0; i < mutation_data[base_mutation].additions.size(); i++) {
                std::string mutation = mutation_data[base_mutation].additions[i];

                if (mutation_ok(mutation, force_good, force_bad)) {

            // ...consider whether its in our highest category
            if( has_trait(base_mutation) && !has_base_trait(base_mutation) ) { // Starting traits don't count toward categories
                std::vector<std::string> group = mutations_category[cat];
                bool in_cat = false;
                for (int j = 0; j < group.size(); j++) {
                    if (group[j] == base_mutation) {
                        in_cat = true;

                // mark for removal
                if(!in_cat) {

    // Preliminary round to either upgrade or remove existing mutations
    if(one_in(2)) {
        if (upgrades.size() > 0) {
            // (upgrade count) chances to pick an upgrade, 4 chances to pick something else.
            int roll = rng(0, upgrades.size() + 4);
            if (roll < upgrades.size()) {
                // We got a valid upgrade index, so use it and return.
    } else {
      // Remove existing mutations that don't fit into our category
      if (downgrades.size() > 0 && cat != "") {
          int roll = rng(0, downgrades.size() + 4);
          if (roll < downgrades.size()) {

    std::vector<std::string> valid; // Valid mutations
    bool first_pass = true;

    do {
        // If we tried once with a non-NULL category, and couldn't find anything valid
        // there, try again with MUTCAT_NULL
        if (!first_pass) {
            cat = "";

        if (cat == "") {
            // Pull the full list
            for (std::map<std::string, trait>::iterator iter = traits.begin(); iter != traits.end(); ++iter) {
                if (mutation_data[iter->first].valid) {
                    valid.push_back( iter->first );
        } else {
            // Pull the category's list
            valid = mutations_category[cat];

        // Remove anything we already have, that we have a child of, or that
        // goes against our intention of a good/bad mutation
        for (int i = 0; i < valid.size(); i++) {
            if (!mutation_ok(valid[i], force_good, force_bad)) {
                valid.erase(valid.begin() + i);

        if (valid.empty()) {
            // So we won't repeat endlessly
            first_pass = false;
    } while (valid.empty() && cat != "");

    if (valid.empty()) {
        // Couldn't find anything at all!

    std::string selection = valid[ rng(0, valid.size() - 1) ]; // Pick one!
Example #5
void player::mutate_towards(std::string mut)
    if (has_child_flag(mut)) {

    bool has_prereqs = false;
    bool prereq1 = false;
    bool prereq2 = false;
    std::string canceltrait = "";
    std::vector<std::string> prereq = mutation_data[mut].prereqs;
    std::vector<std::string> prereqs2 = mutation_data[mut].prereqs2;
    std::vector<std::string> cancel = mutation_data[mut].cancels;

    for (int i = 0; i < cancel.size(); i++) {
        if (!has_trait( cancel[i] )) {
            cancel.erase(cancel.begin() + i);
        } else if (has_base_trait( cancel[i] )) {
            //If we have the trait, but it's a base trait, don't allow it to be removed normally
            canceltrait = cancel[i];
            cancel.erase(cancel.begin() + i);

    if (!cancel.empty()) {
        std::string removed = cancel[ rng(0, cancel.size() - 1) ];

    for (int i = 0; (!prereq1) && i < prereq.size(); i++) {
        if (has_trait(prereq[i])) {
            prereq1 = true;
    for (int i = 0; (!prereq2) && i < prereqs2.size(); i++) {
        if (has_trait(prereqs2[i])) {
            prereq2 = true;

    if (prereq1 && prereq2) {
        has_prereqs = true;
    if (!has_prereqs && (!prereq.empty() || !prereqs2.empty())) {
        if (!prereq1 && !prereq.empty()) {
            std::string devel = prereq[ rng(0, prereq.size() - 1) ];
        else if (!prereq2 && !prereqs2.empty()) {
            std::string devel = prereqs2[ rng(0, prereqs2.size() - 1) ];
    // Check for threshhold mutation, if needed
    bool threshold = mutation_data[mut].threshold;
    bool has_threshreq = false;
    std::vector<std::string> threshreq = mutation_data[mut].threshreq;
    std::vector<std::string> mutcat;
    mutcat = mutation_data[mut].category;
    // It shouldn't pick a Threshold anyway (they're supposed to be non-Valid)
    // but if it does, just reroll
    if (threshold) {
        g->add_msg(_("You feel something straining deep inside you, yearning to be free..."));

    for (int i = 0; !has_threshreq && i < threshreq.size(); i++) {
        if (has_trait(threshreq[i])) {
            has_threshreq = true;

    // No crossing The Threshold by simply not having it
    // Reroll mutation, uncategorized (prevents looping)
    if (!has_threshreq && !threshreq.empty()) {
        g->add_msg(_("You feel something straining deep inside you, yearning to be free..."));

    // Check if one of the prereqs that we have TURNS INTO this one
    std::string replacing = "";
    prereq = mutation_data[mut].prereqs; // Reset it
    for (int i = 0; i < prereq.size(); i++) {
        if (has_trait(prereq[i])) {
            std::string pre = prereq[i];
            for (int j = 0; replacing == "" && j < mutation_data[pre].replacements.size(); j++) {
                if (mutation_data[pre].replacements[j] == mut) {
                    replacing = pre;

    if (replacing != "") {
        g->add_msg(_("Your %1$s mutation turns into %2$s!"), traits[replacing].name.c_str(), traits[mut].name.c_str());
        g->u.add_memorial_log(_("'%s' mutation turned into '%s'"), traits[replacing].name.c_str(), traits[mut].name.c_str());
        mutation_loss_effect(*this, replacing);
        mutation_effect(*this, mut);

    } else if (canceltrait != "") {
        // If this new mutation cancels a base trait, remove it and add the mutation at the same time
        g->add_msg(_("Your innate %1$s trait turns into %2$s!"), traits[canceltrait].name.c_str(), traits[mut].name.c_str());
        g->u.add_memorial_log(_("'%s' trait turned into '%s'"), traits[canceltrait].name.c_str(), traits[mut].name.c_str());
        mutation_loss_effect(*this, canceltrait);
        mutation_effect(*this, mut);
    } else {
        g->add_msg(_("You gain a mutation called %s!"), traits[mut].name.c_str());
        g->u.add_memorial_log(_("Gained the mutation '%s'."), traits[mut].name.c_str());
        mutation_effect(*this, mut);

Example #6
void player::mutate_towards(game *g, pl_flag mut)
 if (has_child_flag(g, mut)) {
  remove_child_flag(g, mut);
 bool has_prereqs = false;
 std::vector<pl_flag> prereq = g->mutation_data[mut].prereqs;
 std::vector<pl_flag> cancel = g->mutation_data[mut].cancels;

 for (int i = 0; i < cancel.size(); i++) {
  if (!has_trait( cancel[i] )) {
   cancel.erase(cancel.begin() + i);

 if (!cancel.empty()) {
  pl_flag removed = cancel[ rng(0, cancel.size() - 1) ];
  remove_mutation(g, removed);

 for (int i = 0; !has_prereqs && i < prereq.size(); i++) {
  if (has_trait(prereq[i]))
   has_prereqs = true;
 if (!has_prereqs && !prereq.empty()) {
  pl_flag devel = prereq[ rng(0, prereq.size() - 1) ];
  mutate_towards(g, devel);

// Check if one of the prereqs that we have TURNS INTO this one
 pl_flag replacing = PF_NULL;
 prereq = g->mutation_data[mut].prereqs; // Reset it
 for (int i = 0; i < prereq.size(); i++) {
  if (has_trait(prereq[i])) {
   pl_flag pre = prereq[i];
   for (int j = 0; replacing == PF_NULL &&
                   j < g->mutation_data[pre].replacements.size(); j++) {
    if (g->mutation_data[pre].replacements[j] == mut)
     replacing = pre;

 if (replacing != PF_NULL) {
  g->add_msg("Your %s turns into %s!", traits[replacing].name.c_str(),
 } else
  g->add_msg("You gain %s!", traits[mut].name.c_str());
 mutation_effect(g, *this, mut);

// Weight us towards any categories that include this mutation
 for (int i = 0; i < NUM_MUTATION_CATEGORIES; i++) {
  std::vector<pl_flag> group = mutations_from_category(mutation_category(i));
  bool found = false;
  for (int j = 0; !found && j < group.size(); j++) {
   if (group[j] == mut)
    found = true;
  if (found)
   mutation_category_level[i] += 8;
  else if (mutation_category_level[i] > 0 &&

bool player::mutate_towards( const trait_id &mut )
    if (has_child_flag(mut)) {
        return true;
    const mutation_branch &mdata = mut.obj();

    bool has_prereqs = false;
    bool prereq1 = false;
    bool prereq2 = false;
    std::vector<trait_id> canceltrait;
    std::vector<trait_id> prereq = mdata.prereqs;
    std::vector<trait_id> prereqs2 = mdata.prereqs2;
    std::vector<trait_id> cancel = mdata.cancels;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < cancel.size(); i++) {
        if (!has_trait( cancel[i] )) {
            cancel.erase(cancel.begin() + i);
        } else if (has_base_trait( cancel[i] )) {
            //If we have the trait, but it's a base trait, don't allow it to be removed normally
            canceltrait.push_back( cancel[i]);
            cancel.erase(cancel.begin() + i);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < cancel.size(); i++) {
        if (!cancel.empty()) {
            trait_id removed = cancel[i];
            cancel.erase(cancel.begin() + i);
            // This checks for cases where one trait knocks out several others
            // Probably a better way, but gets it Fixed Now--KA101
            return mutate_towards(mut);

    for (size_t i = 0; (!prereq1) && i < prereq.size(); i++) {
        if (has_trait(prereq[i])) {
            prereq1 = true;

    for (size_t i = 0; (!prereq2) && i < prereqs2.size(); i++) {
        if (has_trait(prereqs2[i])) {
            prereq2 = true;

    if (prereq1 && prereq2) {
        has_prereqs = true;

    if (!has_prereqs && (!prereq.empty() || !prereqs2.empty())) {
        if (!prereq1 && !prereq.empty()) {
            return mutate_towards( random_entry( prereq ) );
        } else if (!prereq2 && !prereqs2.empty()) {
            return mutate_towards( random_entry( prereqs2 ) );

    // Check for threshold mutation, if needed
    bool threshold = mdata.threshold;
    bool profession = mdata.profession;
    bool has_threshreq = false;
    std::vector<trait_id> threshreq = mdata.threshreq;

    // It shouldn't pick a Threshold anyway--they're supposed to be non-Valid
    // and aren't categorized. This can happen if someone makes a threshold mutation into a prerequisite.
    if (threshold) {
        add_msg_if_player(_("You feel something straining deep inside you, yearning to be free..."));
        return false;
    if (profession) {
        // Profession picks fail silently
        return false;

    for (size_t i = 0; !has_threshreq && i < threshreq.size(); i++) {
        if (has_trait(threshreq[i])) {
            has_threshreq = true;

    // No crossing The Threshold by simply not having it
    if (!has_threshreq && !threshreq.empty()) {
        add_msg_if_player(_("You feel something straining deep inside you, yearning to be free..."));
        return false;

    // Check if one of the prerequisites that we have TURNS INTO this one
    trait_id replacing = trait_id::NULL_ID();
    prereq = mdata.prereqs; // Reset it
    for( auto &elem : prereq ) {
        if( has_trait( elem ) ) {
            trait_id pre = elem;
            const auto &p = pre.obj();
            for (size_t j = 0; !replacing && j < p.replacements.size(); j++) {
                if (p.replacements[j] == mut) {
                    replacing = pre;

    // Loop through again for prereqs2
    trait_id replacing2 = trait_id::NULL_ID();
    prereq = mdata.prereqs2; // Reset it
    for( auto &elem : prereq ) {
        if( has_trait( elem ) ) {
            trait_id pre2 = elem;
            const auto &p = pre2.obj();
            for (size_t j = 0; !replacing2 && j < p.replacements.size(); j++) {
                if (p.replacements[j] == mut) {
                    replacing2 = pre2;


    bool mutation_replaced = false;

    game_message_type rating;

    if( replacing ) {
        const auto &replace_mdata = replacing.obj();
        if(mdata.mixed_effect || replace_mdata.mixed_effect) {
            rating = m_mixed;
        } else if(replace_mdata.points - mdata.points < 0) {
            rating = m_good;
        } else if(mdata.points - replace_mdata.points < 0) {
            rating = m_bad;
        } else {
            rating = m_neutral;
        // TODO: Limit this to visible mutations
        // TODO: In case invisible mutation turns into visible or vice versa
        //  print only the visible mutation appearing/disappearing
            _("Your %1$s mutation turns into %2$s!"),
            _("<npcname>'s %1$s mutation turns into %2$s!"),
            replace_mdata.name.c_str(), mdata.name.c_str() );
        add_memorial_log(pgettext("memorial_male", "'%s' mutation turned into '%s'"),
                         pgettext("memorial_female", "'%s' mutation turned into '%s'"),
                         replace_mdata.name.c_str(), mdata.name.c_str());
        mutation_replaced = true;
    if( replacing2 ) {
        const auto &replace_mdata = replacing2.obj();
        if(mdata.mixed_effect || replace_mdata.mixed_effect) {
            rating = m_mixed;
        } else if(replace_mdata.points - mdata.points < 0) {
            rating = m_good;
        } else if(mdata.points - replace_mdata.points < 0) {
            rating = m_bad;
        } else {
            rating = m_neutral;
            _("Your %1$s mutation turns into %2$s!"),
            _("<npcname>'s %1$s mutation turns into %2$s!"),
            replace_mdata.name.c_str(), mdata.name.c_str() );
        add_memorial_log(pgettext("memorial_male", "'%s' mutation turned into '%s'"),
                         pgettext("memorial_female", "'%s' mutation turned into '%s'"),
                         replace_mdata.name.c_str(), mdata.name.c_str());
        mutation_replaced = true;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < canceltrait.size(); i++) {
        const auto &cancel_mdata = canceltrait[i].obj();
        if(mdata.mixed_effect || cancel_mdata.mixed_effect) {
            rating = m_mixed;
        } else if(mdata.points < cancel_mdata.points) {
            rating = m_bad;
        } else if(mdata.points > cancel_mdata.points) {
            rating = m_good;
        } else if(mdata.points == cancel_mdata.points) {
            rating = m_neutral;
        } else {
            rating = m_mixed;
        // If this new mutation cancels a base trait, remove it and add the mutation at the same time
        add_msg_player_or_npc( rating,
            _("Your innate %1$s trait turns into %2$s!"),
            _("<npcname>'s innate %1$s trait turns into %2$s!"),
            cancel_mdata.name.c_str(), mdata.name.c_str() );
        add_memorial_log(pgettext("memorial_male", "'%s' mutation turned into '%s'"),
                        pgettext("memorial_female", "'%s' mutation turned into '%s'"),
                        cancel_mdata.name.c_str(), mdata.name.c_str());
        mutation_replaced = true;
    if (!mutation_replaced) {
        if(mdata.mixed_effect) {
            rating = m_mixed;
        } else if(mdata.points > 0) {
            rating = m_good;
        } else if(mdata.points < 0) {
            rating = m_bad;
        } else {
            rating = m_neutral;
        // TODO: Limit to visible mutations
        add_msg_player_or_npc( rating,
            _("You gain a mutation called %s!"),
            _("<npcname> gains a mutation called %s!"),
            mdata.name.c_str() );
        add_memorial_log(pgettext("memorial_male", "Gained the mutation '%s'."),
                         pgettext("memorial_female", "Gained the mutation '%s'."),

    return true;
void player::mutate()
    bool force_bad = one_in(3);
    bool force_good = false;
    if (has_trait( trait_ROBUST ) && force_bad) {
        // Robust Genetics gives you a 33% chance for a good mutation,
        // instead of the 33% chance of a bad one.
        force_bad = false;
        force_good = true;

    // Determine the highest mutation category
    std::string cat = get_highest_category();

    // See if we should upgrade/extend an existing mutation...
    std::vector<trait_id> upgrades;

    // ... or remove one that is not in our highest category
    std::vector<trait_id> downgrades;

    // For each mutation...
    for( auto &traits_iter : mutation_branch::get_all() ) {
        const auto &base_mutation = traits_iter.first;
        const auto &base_mdata = traits_iter.second;
        bool thresh_save = base_mdata.threshold;
        bool prof_save = base_mdata.profession;
        bool purify_save = base_mdata.purifiable;

        // ...that we have...
        if (has_trait(base_mutation)) {
            // ...consider the mutations that replace it.
            for( auto &mutation : base_mdata.replacements ) {
                bool valid_ok = mutation->valid;

                if ( (mutation_ok(mutation, force_good, force_bad)) &&
                     (valid_ok) ) {

            // ...consider the mutations that add to it.
            for( auto &mutation : base_mdata.additions ) {
                bool valid_ok = mutation->valid;

                if ( (mutation_ok(mutation, force_good, force_bad)) &&
                     (valid_ok) ) {

            // ...consider whether its in our highest category
            if( has_trait(base_mutation) && !has_base_trait(base_mutation) ) {
                // Starting traits don't count toward categories
                std::vector<trait_id> group = mutations_category[cat];
                bool in_cat = false;
                for( auto &elem : group ) {
                    if( elem == base_mutation ) {
                        in_cat = true;

                // mark for removal
                // no removing Thresholds/Professions this way!
                if(!in_cat && !thresh_save && !prof_save) {
                    // non-purifiable stuff should be pretty tenacious
                    // category-enforcement only targets it 25% of the time
                    // (purify_save defaults true, = false for non-purifiable)
                    if( purify_save || ( one_in( 4 ) && !purify_save ) ) {

    // Preliminary round to either upgrade or remove existing mutations
    if(one_in(2)) {
        if (!upgrades.empty()) {
            // (upgrade count) chances to pick an upgrade, 4 chances to pick something else.
            size_t roll = rng(0, upgrades.size() + 4);
            if (roll < upgrades.size()) {
                // We got a valid upgrade index, so use it and return.
    } else {
        // Remove existing mutations that don't fit into our category
        if( !downgrades.empty() && !cat.empty() ) {
            size_t roll = rng(0, downgrades.size() + 4);
            if (roll < downgrades.size()) {

    std::vector<trait_id> valid; // Valid mutations
    bool first_pass = true;

    do {
        // If we tried once with a non-NULL category, and couldn't find anything valid
        // there, try again with MUTCAT_NULL
        if (!first_pass) {

        if( cat.empty() ) {
            // Pull the full list
            for( auto &traits_iter : mutation_branch::get_all() ) {
                if( traits_iter.second.valid ) {
                    valid.push_back( traits_iter.first );
        } else {
            // Pull the category's list
            valid = mutations_category[cat];

        // Remove anything we already have, that we have a child of, or that
        // goes against our intention of a good/bad mutation
        for (size_t i = 0; i < valid.size(); i++) {
            if ( (!mutation_ok(valid[i], force_good, force_bad)) ||
                 (!valid[i]->valid) ) {
                valid.erase(valid.begin() + i);

        if (valid.empty()) {
            // So we won't repeat endlessly
            first_pass = false;
    } while ( valid.empty() && !cat.empty() );

    if (valid.empty()) {
        // Couldn't find anything at all!

    if (mutate_towards(random_entry(valid))) {
    } else {
        // if mutation failed (errors, post-threshold pick), try again once.
Example #9
void player::mutate_towards( const std::string &mut )
    if (has_child_flag(mut)) {
    const auto &mdata = mutation_branch::get( mut );

    bool has_prereqs = false;
    bool prereq1 = false;
    bool prereq2 = false;
    std::vector<std::string> canceltrait;
    std::vector<std::string> prereq = mdata.prereqs;
    std::vector<std::string> prereqs2 = mdata.prereqs2;
    std::vector<std::string> cancel = mdata.cancels;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < cancel.size(); i++) {
        if (!has_trait( cancel[i] )) {
            cancel.erase(cancel.begin() + i);
        } else if (has_base_trait( cancel[i] )) {
            //If we have the trait, but it's a base trait, don't allow it to be removed normally
            canceltrait.push_back( cancel[i]);
            cancel.erase(cancel.begin() + i);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < cancel.size(); i++) {
        if (!cancel.empty()) {
            std::string removed = cancel[i];
            cancel.erase(cancel.begin() + i);
            // This checks for cases where one trait knocks out several others
            // Probably a better way, but gets it Fixed Now--KA101

    for (size_t i = 0; (!prereq1) && i < prereq.size(); i++) {
        if (has_trait(prereq[i])) {
            prereq1 = true;

    for (size_t i = 0; (!prereq2) && i < prereqs2.size(); i++) {
        if (has_trait(prereqs2[i])) {
            prereq2 = true;

    if (prereq1 && prereq2) {
        has_prereqs = true;

    if (!has_prereqs && (!prereq.empty() || !prereqs2.empty())) {
        if (!prereq1 && !prereq.empty()) {
            mutate_towards( random_entry( prereq ) );
        } else if (!prereq2 && !prereqs2.empty()) {
            mutate_towards( random_entry( prereqs2 ) );

    // Check for threshhold mutation, if needed
    bool threshold = mdata.threshold;
    bool profession = mdata.profession;
    bool has_threshreq = false;
    std::vector<std::string> threshreq = mdata.threshreq;

    // It shouldn't pick a Threshold anyway--they're supposed to be non-Valid
    // and aren't categorized--but if it does, just reroll
    if (threshold) {
        add_msg(_("You feel something straining deep inside you, yearning to be free..."));
    if (profession) {
        // Profession picks fail silently

    for (size_t i = 0; !has_threshreq && i < threshreq.size(); i++) {
        if (has_trait(threshreq[i])) {
            has_threshreq = true;

    // No crossing The Threshold by simply not having it
    // Rerolling proved more trouble than it was worth, so deleted
    if (!has_threshreq && !threshreq.empty()) {
        add_msg(_("You feel something straining deep inside you, yearning to be free..."));

    // Check if one of the prereqs that we have TURNS INTO this one
    std::string replacing = "";
    prereq = mdata.prereqs; // Reset it
    for( auto &elem : prereq ) {
        if( has_trait( elem ) ) {
            std::string pre = elem;
            const auto &p = mutation_branch::get( pre );
            for (size_t j = 0; replacing == "" && j < p.replacements.size(); j++) {
                if (p.replacements[j] == mut) {
                    replacing = pre;

    // Loop through again for prereqs2
    std::string replacing2 = "";
    prereq = mdata.prereqs2; // Reset it
    for( auto &elem : prereq ) {
        if( has_trait( elem ) ) {
            std::string pre2 = elem;
            const auto &p = mutation_branch::get( pre2 );
            for (size_t j = 0; replacing2 == "" && j < p.replacements.size(); j++) {
                if (p.replacements[j] == mut) {
                    replacing2 = pre2;


    bool mutation_replaced = false;

    game_message_type rating;

    if (replacing != "") {
        const auto &replace_mdata = mutation_branch::get( replacing );
        if(mdata.mixed_effect || replace_mdata.mixed_effect) {
            rating = m_mixed;
        } else if(replace_mdata.points - mdata.points < 0) {
            rating = m_good;
        } else if(mdata.points - replace_mdata.points < 0) {
            rating = m_bad;
        } else {
            rating = m_neutral;
        add_msg(rating, _("Your %1$s mutation turns into %2$s!"),
                replace_mdata.name.c_str(), mdata.name.c_str());
        add_memorial_log(pgettext("memorial_male", "'%s' mutation turned into '%s'"),
                         pgettext("memorial_female", "'%s' mutation turned into '%s'"),
                         replace_mdata.name.c_str(), mdata.name.c_str());
        mutation_replaced = true;
    if (replacing2 != "") {
        const auto &replace_mdata = mutation_branch::get( replacing2 );
        if(mdata.mixed_effect || replace_mdata.mixed_effect) {
            rating = m_mixed;
        } else if(replace_mdata.points - mdata.points < 0) {
            rating = m_good;
        } else if(mdata.points - replace_mdata.points < 0) {
            rating = m_bad;
        } else {
            rating = m_neutral;
        add_msg(rating, _("Your %1$s mutation turns into %2$s!"),
                replace_mdata.name.c_str(), mdata.name.c_str());
        add_memorial_log(pgettext("memorial_male", "'%s' mutation turned into '%s'"),
                         pgettext("memorial_female", "'%s' mutation turned into '%s'"),
                         replace_mdata.name.c_str(), mdata.name.c_str());
        mutation_replaced = true;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < canceltrait.size(); i++) {
        const auto &cancel_mdata = mutation_branch::get( canceltrait[i] );
        if(mdata.mixed_effect || cancel_mdata.mixed_effect) {
            rating = m_mixed;
        } else if(mdata.points < cancel_mdata.points) {
            rating = m_bad;
        } else if(mdata.points > cancel_mdata.points) {
            rating = m_good;
        } else if(mdata.points == cancel_mdata.points) {
            rating = m_neutral;
        } else {
            rating = m_mixed;
        // If this new mutation cancels a base trait, remove it and add the mutation at the same time
        add_msg(rating, _("Your innate %1$s trait turns into %2$s!"),
                cancel_mdata.name.c_str(), mdata.name.c_str());
        add_memorial_log(pgettext("memorial_male", "'%s' mutation turned into '%s'"),
                        pgettext("memorial_female", "'%s' mutation turned into '%s'"),
                        cancel_mdata.name.c_str(), mdata.name.c_str());
        mutation_replaced = true;
    if (!mutation_replaced) {
        if(mdata.mixed_effect) {
            rating = m_mixed;
        } else if(mdata.points > 0) {
            rating = m_good;
        } else if(mdata.points < 0) {
            rating = m_bad;
        } else {
            rating = m_neutral;
        add_msg(rating, _("You gain a mutation called %s!"), mdata.name.c_str());
        add_memorial_log(pgettext("memorial_male", "Gained the mutation '%s'."),
                         pgettext("memorial_female", "Gained the mutation '%s'."),

Example #10
void player::remove_mutation(game *g, pl_flag mut)
    // Check for dependant mutations first
    std::vector<pl_flag> dependant;
    for (int i = 0; i < PF_MAX2; i++)
        for (std::vector<pl_flag>::iterator it = g->mutation_data[i].prereqs.begin();
             it != g->mutation_data[i].prereqs.end(); it++)
            if (*it == i)
    if (dependant.size() != 0)

// Check if there's a prereq we should shrink back into
 pl_flag replacing = PF_NULL;
 std::vector<pl_flag> originals = g->mutation_data[mut].prereqs;
 for (int i = 0; replacing == PF_NULL && i < originals.size(); i++) {
  pl_flag pre = originals[i];
  for (int j = 0; replacing == PF_NULL &&
                  j < g->mutation_data[pre].replacements.size(); j++) {
   if (g->mutation_data[pre].replacements[j] == mut)
    replacing = pre;
// See if this mutation is cancelled by a base trait
//Only if there's no prereq to shrink to, thus we're at the bottom of the trait line
 if (replacing == PF_NULL) { 
 //Check each mutation until we reach the end or find a trait to revert to
 for (int i = 1; replacing == PF_NULL && i < PF_MAX2; i++) { 
   //See if it's in our list of base traits but not active
   if (has_base_trait(i) && !has_trait(i)) {
    //See if that base trait cancels the mutation we are using
    std::vector<pl_flag> traitcheck = g->mutation_data[i].cancels;
	if (!traitcheck.empty()) {
	 for (int j = 0; replacing == PF_NULL && j < traitcheck.size(); j++) {
	  if (g->mutation_data[i].cancels[j] == mut)
	   replacing = ((pl_flag)i);
// This should revert back to a removed base trait rather than simply removing the mutation
 if (replacing != PF_NULL) {
  g->add_msg("Your %s mutation turns into %s.", traits[mut].name.c_str(),
  mutation_loss_effect(g, *this, mut);
  mutation_effect(g, *this, replacing);
 } else {
  g->add_msg("You lose your %s mutation.", traits[mut].name.c_str());
  mutation_loss_effect(g, *this, mut);

Example #11
void player::mutate(game *g)
    bool force_bad = one_in(3);
    bool force_good = false;
    if (has_trait(PF_ROBUST) && force_bad)
        // Robust Genetics gives you a 33% chance for a good mutation,
        // instead of the 33% chance of a bad one.
        force_bad = false;
        force_good = true;

    // Determine the mutation categorie
    mutation_category cat = MUTCAT_NULL;

    // Count up the players number of mutations in categories and find
    // the category with the highest single count.
    int total = 0, highest = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_MUTATION_CATEGORIES; i++)
        total += mutation_category_level[i];
        if (mutation_category_level[i] > highest)
            cat = mutation_category(i);
            highest = mutation_category_level[i];

    // See if we should ugrade/extend an existing mutation...
    std::vector<pl_flag> upgrades;
    // ... or remove one that is not in our highest category
    std::vector<pl_flag> downgrades;
    // For each mutation...
    for (int base_mutation_index = 1; base_mutation_index < PF_MAX2; base_mutation_index++)
        pl_flag base_mutation = (pl_flag) base_mutation_index;

        // ...that we have...
        if (has_trait(base_mutation))
            // ...consider the mutations that replace it.
            for (int i = 0; i < g->mutation_data[base_mutation].replacements.size(); i++)
                pl_flag mutation = g->mutation_data[base_mutation].replacements[i];

                if (mutation_ok(g, mutation, force_good, force_bad))

            // ...consider the mutations that add to it.
            for (int i = 0; i < g->mutation_data[base_mutation].additions.size(); i++)
                pl_flag mutation = g->mutation_data[base_mutation].additions[i];

                if (mutation_ok(g, mutation, force_good, force_bad))

            // ...consider whether its in our highest category
            if( has_trait(base_mutation) && !has_base_trait(base_mutation) ){ // Starting traits don't count toward categories
                std::vector<pl_flag> group = mutations_from_category(cat);
                bool in_cat = false;
                for (int j = 0; j < group.size(); j++)
                    if (group[j] == base_mutation)
                        in_cat = true;
                // mark for removal
                if(!in_cat) downgrades.push_back(base_mutation);

    // Preliminary round to either upgrade or remove existing mutations
      if (upgrades.size() > 0)
          // (upgrade count) chances to pick an upgrade, 4 chances to pick something else.
          int roll = rng(0, upgrades.size() + 4);
          if (roll < upgrades.size())
              // We got a valid upgrade index, so use it and return.
              mutate_towards(g, upgrades[roll]);
    else {
      // Remove existing mutations that don't fit into our category
      if (downgrades.size() > 0 && cat != MUTCAT_NULL)
          int roll = rng(0, downgrades.size() + 4);
          if (roll < downgrades.size())
              remove_mutation(g, downgrades[roll]);

    std::vector<pl_flag> valid; // Valid mutations
    bool first_pass = true;

        // If we tried once with a non-NULL category, and couldn't find anything valid
        // there, try again with MUTCAT_NULL
        if (!first_pass)
            cat = MUTCAT_NULL;

        if (cat == MUTCAT_NULL)
            // Pull the full list
            for (int i = 1; i < PF_MAX2; i++)
                if (g->mutation_data[i].valid)
                    valid.push_back( pl_flag(i) );
            // Pull the category's list
            valid = mutations_from_category(cat);

        // Remove anything we already have, that we have a child of, or that
        // goes against our intention of a good/bad mutation
        for (int i = 0; i < valid.size(); i++)
            if (!mutation_ok(g, valid[i], force_good, force_bad))
                valid.erase(valid.begin() + i);

        if (valid.empty())
            // So we won't repeat endlessly
            first_pass = false;

    while (valid.empty() && cat != MUTCAT_NULL);

    if (valid.empty())
        // Couldn't find anything at all!

    pl_flag selection = valid[ rng(0, valid.size() - 1) ]; // Pick one!

    mutate_towards(g, selection);
Example #12
void player::mutate_towards(game *g, std::string mut)
    if (has_child_flag(g, mut)) {
        remove_child_flag(g, mut);

    bool has_prereqs = false;
    std::string canceltrait = "";
    std::vector<std::string> prereq = mutation_data[mut].prereqs;
    std::vector<std::string> cancel = mutation_data[mut].cancels;

    for (int i = 0; i < cancel.size(); i++) {
        if (!has_trait( cancel[i] )) {
            cancel.erase(cancel.begin() + i);
        } else if (has_base_trait( cancel[i] )) {
            //If we have the trait, but it's a base trait, don't allow it to be removed normally
            canceltrait = cancel[i];
            cancel.erase(cancel.begin() + i);

    if (!cancel.empty()) {
        std::string removed = cancel[ rng(0, cancel.size() - 1) ];
        remove_mutation(g, removed);

    for (int i = 0; !has_prereqs && i < prereq.size(); i++) {
        if (has_trait(prereq[i])) {
            has_prereqs = true;

    if (!has_prereqs && !prereq.empty()) {
        std::string devel = prereq[ rng(0, prereq.size() - 1) ];
        mutate_towards(g, devel);

    // Check if one of the prereqs that we have TURNS INTO this one
    std::string replacing = "";
    prereq = mutation_data[mut].prereqs; // Reset it
    for (int i = 0; i < prereq.size(); i++) {
        if (has_trait(prereq[i])) {
            std::string pre = prereq[i];
            for (int j = 0; replacing == "" && j < mutation_data[pre].replacements.size(); j++) {
                if (mutation_data[pre].replacements[j] == mut) {
                    replacing = pre;

    if (replacing != "") {
        g->add_msg(_("Your %1$s mutation turns into %2$s!"), traits[replacing].name.c_str(), traits[mut].name.c_str());
        g->u.add_memorial_log(_("'%s' mutation turned into '%s'"), traits[replacing].name.c_str(), traits[mut].name.c_str());
        mutation_loss_effect(g, *this, replacing);
        mutation_effect(g, *this, mut);

    } else if (canceltrait != "") {
        // If this new mutation cancels a base trait, remove it and add the mutation at the same time
        g->add_msg(_("Your innate %1$s trait turns into %2$s!"), traits[canceltrait].name.c_str(), traits[mut].name.c_str());
        g->u.add_memorial_log(_("'%s' trait turned into '%s'"), traits[canceltrait].name.c_str(), traits[mut].name.c_str());
        mutation_loss_effect(g, *this, canceltrait);
        mutation_effect(g, *this, mut);
    } else {
        g->add_msg(_("You gain a mutation called %s!"), traits[mut].name.c_str());
        g->u.add_memorial_log(_("Gained the mutation '%s'."), traits[mut].name.c_str());
        mutation_effect(g, *this, mut);

Example #13
void player::remove_mutation(game *g, pl_flag mut)
    // Check for dependant mutations first
    std::vector<pl_flag> dependant;
    for (int i = 0; i < PF_MAX2; i++)
        for (std::vector<pl_flag>::iterator it = g->mutation_data[i].prereqs.begin();
             it != g->mutation_data[i].prereqs.end(); it++)
            if (*it == i)
    if (dependant.size() != 0)

// Check if there's a prereq we should shrink back into
 pl_flag replacing = PF_NULL;
 std::vector<pl_flag> originals = g->mutation_data[mut].prereqs;
 for (int i = 0; replacing == PF_NULL && i < originals.size(); i++) {
  pl_flag pre = originals[i];
  for (int j = 0; replacing == PF_NULL &&
                  j < g->mutation_data[pre].replacements.size(); j++) {
   if (g->mutation_data[pre].replacements[j] == mut)
    replacing = pre;
// See if this mutation is cancelled by a base trait
//Only if there's no prereq to shrink to, thus we're at the bottom of the trait line
 if (replacing == PF_NULL) { 
 //Check each mutation until we reach the end or find a trait to revert to
 for (int i = 1; replacing == PF_NULL && i < PF_MAX2; i++) { 
   //See if it's in our list of base traits but not active
   if (has_base_trait(i) && !has_trait(i)) {
    //See if that base trait cancels the mutation we are using
    std::vector<pl_flag> traitcheck = g->mutation_data[i].cancels;
	if (!traitcheck.empty()) {
	 for (int j = 0; replacing == PF_NULL && j < traitcheck.size(); j++) {
	  if (g->mutation_data[i].cancels[j] == mut)
	   replacing = ((pl_flag)i);
// This should revert back to a removed base trait rather than simply removing the mutation
 if (replacing != PF_NULL) {
  g->add_msg(_("Your %1$s mutation turns into %2$s."), traits[mut].name.c_str(),
  mutation_loss_effect(g, *this, mut);
  mutation_effect(g, *this, replacing);
 } else {
  g->add_msg(_("You lose your %s mutation."), traits[mut].name.c_str());
  mutation_loss_effect(g, *this, mut);
// Reduce the strength of the categories the removed mutation is a part of
 for (int i = 0; i < NUM_MUTATION_CATEGORIES; i++) {
  std::vector<pl_flag> group = mutations_from_category(mutation_category(i));
  bool found = false;
  for (int j = 0; !found && j < group.size(); j++) {
   if (group[j] == mut)
    found = true;
  if (found) {
   mutation_category_level[i] -= 8;
   // If the category strength is below 0, set it to 0. We don't want negative category strength.
   if (mutation_category_level[i] < 0) {
    mutation_category_level[i] = 0;