Example #1
void mapbuffer::save( bool delete_after_save )
    std::stringstream map_directory;
    map_directory << world_generator->active_world->world_path << "/maps";
    assure_dir_exist( map_directory.str().c_str() );

    int num_saved_submaps = 0;
    int num_total_submaps = submap_list.size();

    point map_origin = overmapbuffer::sm_to_omt_copy( g->levx, g->levy );
    map_origin.x += g->cur_om->pos().x * OMAPX;
    map_origin.y += g->cur_om->pos().y * OMAPY;

    // A set of already-saved submaps, in global overmap coordinates.
    std::set<tripoint, pointcomp> saved_submaps;
    std::list<tripoint> submaps_to_delete;
    for( std::map<tripoint, submap *, pointcomp>::iterator it = submaps.begin();
         it != submaps.end(); ++it ) {
        if (num_total_submaps > 100 && num_saved_submaps % 100 == 0) {
            popup_nowait(_("Please wait as the map saves [%d/%d]"),
                         num_saved_submaps, num_total_submaps);
        // Whatever the coordinates of the current submap are,
        // we're saving a 2x2 quad of submaps at a time.
        // Submaps are generated in quads, so we know if we have one member of a quad,
        // we have the rest of it, if that assumtion is broken we have REAL problems.
        const tripoint om_addr = overmapbuffer::sm_to_omt_copy( it->first );
        if( saved_submaps.count( om_addr ) != 0 ) {
            // Already handled this one.
        saved_submaps.insert( om_addr );

        // A segment is a chunk of 32x32 submap quads.
        // We're breaking them into subdirectories so there aren't too many files per directory.
        // Might want to make a set for this one too so it's only checked once per save().
        std::stringstream segment_path;
        tripoint segment_addr = overmapbuffer::omt_to_seg_copy( om_addr );
        segment_path << map_directory.str() << "/" << segment_addr.x << "." <<
            segment_addr.y << "." << segment_addr.z;
        assure_dir_exist( segment_path.str().c_str() );

        std::stringstream quad_path;
        quad_path << segment_path.str() << "/" << om_addr.x << "." <<
            om_addr.y << "." << om_addr.z << ".map";

                   // delete_on_save deletes everything, otherwise delete submaps
                   // outside the current map.
        save_quad( quad_path.str(), om_addr, submaps_to_delete,
                   delete_after_save || om_addr.z != g->levz ||
                   om_addr.x < map_origin.x || om_addr.y < map_origin.y ||
                   om_addr.x > map_origin.x + (MAPSIZE / 2) ||
                   om_addr.y > map_origin.y + (MAPSIZE / 2) );
        num_saved_submaps += 4;
    for( std::list<tripoint>::iterator it = submaps_to_delete.begin();
         it != submaps_to_delete.end(); ++it ) {
        remove_submap( *it );
Example #2
void mapbuffer::save( bool delete_after_save )
    std::stringstream map_directory;
    map_directory << world_generator->active_world->world_path << "/maps";
    assure_dir_exist( map_directory.str().c_str() );

    int num_saved_submaps = 0;
    int num_total_submaps = submaps.size();

    const tripoint map_origin = overmapbuffer::sm_to_omt_copy( g->m.get_abs_sub() );
    const bool map_has_zlevels = g != nullptr && g->m.has_zlevels();

    // A set of already-saved submaps, in global overmap coordinates.
    std::set<tripoint> saved_submaps;
    std::list<tripoint> submaps_to_delete;
    for( auto &elem : submaps ) {
        if (num_total_submaps > 100 && num_saved_submaps % 100 == 0) {
            popup_nowait(_("Please wait as the map saves [%d/%d]"),
                         num_saved_submaps, num_total_submaps);
        // Whatever the coordinates of the current submap are,
        // we're saving a 2x2 quad of submaps at a time.
        // Submaps are generated in quads, so we know if we have one member of a quad,
        // we have the rest of it, if that assumption is broken we have REAL problems.
        const tripoint om_addr = overmapbuffer::sm_to_omt_copy( elem.first );
        if( saved_submaps.count( om_addr ) != 0 ) {
            // Already handled this one.
        saved_submaps.insert( om_addr );

        // A segment is a chunk of 32x32 submap quads.
        // We're breaking them into subdirectories so there aren't too many files per directory.
        // Might want to make a set for this one too so it's only checked once per save().
        std::stringstream dirname;
        tripoint segment_addr = overmapbuffer::omt_to_seg_copy( om_addr );
        dirname << map_directory.str() << "/" << segment_addr.x << "." <<
                     segment_addr.y << "." << segment_addr.z;

        std::stringstream quad_path;
        quad_path << dirname.str() << "/" << om_addr.x << "." <<
                  om_addr.y << "." << om_addr.z << ".map";

        // delete_on_save deletes everything, otherwise delete submaps
        // outside the current map.
        const bool zlev_del = !map_has_zlevels && om_addr.z != g->get_levz();
        save_quad( dirname.str(), quad_path.str(), om_addr, submaps_to_delete,
                   delete_after_save || zlev_del ||
                   om_addr.x < map_origin.x || om_addr.y < map_origin.y ||
                   om_addr.x > map_origin.x + (MAPSIZE / 2) ||
                   om_addr.y > map_origin.y + (MAPSIZE / 2) );
        num_saved_submaps += 4;
    for( auto &elem : submaps_to_delete ) {
        remove_submap( elem );