Example #1
void render()
    clearScreen();      // clears the current screen and draw from scratch
    renderMap();        // renders the map to the buffer first
    renderCharacter();  // renders the character into the buffer
    renderFramerate();  // renders debug information, frame rate, elapsed time, etc
    renderToScreen();   // dump the contents of the buffer to the screen, one frame worth of game
Example #2
// Purpose  : Render function is to update the console screen
//            At this point, you should know exactly what to draw onto the screen.
//            Just draw it!
//            To get an idea of the values for colours, look at console.h and the URL listed there
// Input    : void
// Output   : void
void render()
    clearScreen();      // clears the current screen and draw from scratch 
    switch (g_eGameState)
        case S_SPLASHSCREEN: renderSplashScreen();
        case S_GAME: renderGame();
    renderFramerate();  // renders debug information, frame rate, elapsed time, etc
    renderToScreen();   // dump the contents of the buffer to the screen, one frame worth of game