Example #1
/*! \fn int newuoa_initialization(INIT_DATA *initData)
 *  This function performs initialization using the newuoa function, which is
 *  a trust region method that forms quadratic models by interpolation.
int newuoa_initialization(INIT_DATA *initData)
  long IPRINT = ACTIVE_STREAM(LOG_INIT) ? 1000 : 0;
  long MAXFUN = 1000 * initData->nVars;
  double RHOEND = 1.0e-12;
  double RHOBEG = 10;     /* This should be about one tenth of the greatest
                             expected value of a variable. Perhaps the nominal
                             value can be used for this. */
  long NPT = 2*initData->nVars+1;

  double *W = (double*)calloc((NPT+13)*(NPT+initData->nVars)+3*initData->nVars*(initData->nVars+3)/2, sizeof(double));
  ASSERT(W, "out of memory");

  globalData = initData->simData;
  globalInitialResiduals = initData->initialResiduals;

  NEWUOA(&initData->nVars, &NPT, initData->vars, &RHOBEG, &RHOEND, &IPRINT, &MAXFUN, W, leastSquare);

  globalData = NULL;
  globalInitialResiduals = NULL;

  /* Calculate the residual to verify that equations are consistent. */
  return reportResidualValue(initData);
Example #2
/*! \fn int simplex_initialization(DATA* data, INIT_DATA* initData)
 *  This function performs initialization by using the simplex algorithm.
 *  This does not require a jacobian for the residuals.
int simplex_initialization(INIT_DATA* initData)
  int ind = 0;
  double funcValue = 0;
  double STOPCR = 0, SIMP = 0;
  long IPRINT = 0, NLOOP = 0, IQUAD = 0, IFAULT = 0, MAXF = 0;

  double *STEP = (double*)malloc(initData->nVars * sizeof(double));
  double *VAR = (double*)malloc(initData->nVars * sizeof(double));
  ASSERT(STEP, "out of memory");
  ASSERT(VAR, "out of memory");

  /* Start with stepping .5 in each direction. */
  for(ind = 0; ind<initData->nVars; ind++)
    /* some kind of scaling */
    STEP[ind] = (initData->vars[ind] !=0.0 ? fabs(initData->vars[ind])/1000.0 : 1);    /* 1.0 */
    VAR[ind]  = 0.0;

  /* Set max. no. of function evaluations = 5000, print every 100. */

  MAXF = 1000 * initData->nVars;

  /* Set value for stopping criterion.   Stopping occurs when the
  * standard deviation of the values of the objective function at
  * the points of the current simplex < stopcr. */

  STOPCR = 1.e-12;
  NLOOP = initData->nVars;

  /* Fit a quadratic surface to be sure a minimum has been found. */

  IQUAD = 0;

  /* As function value is being evaluated in DOUBLE PRECISION, it
  * should be accurate to about 15 decimals.   If we set simp = 1.d-6,
  * we should get about 9 dec. digits accuracy in fitting the surface. */

  SIMP = 1.e-12;

  /* Now call NELMEAD to do the work. */
  funcValue = leastSquareWithLambda(initData, 1.0);

  if(fabs(funcValue) != 0)
    globalData = initData->simData;
    globalInitialResiduals = initData->initialResiduals;

    NELMEAD(initData->vars, STEP, &initData->nVars, &funcValue, &MAXF, &IPRINT, &STOPCR, &NLOOP, &IQUAD, &SIMP, VAR, leastSquare, &IFAULT);

    globalData = NULL;
    globalInitialResiduals = NULL;
    INFO1(LOG_INIT, "simplex_initialization | Result of leastSquare method = %g. The initial guess fits to the system", funcValue);

  funcValue = leastSquareWithLambda(initData, 1.0);
  INFO1(LOG_INIT, "leastSquare=%g", funcValue);

  if(IFAULT == 1)
    if(SIMP < funcValue)
      WARNING1(LOG_INIT, "Error in initialization. Solver iterated %d times without finding a solution", (int)MAXF);
      return -1;
  else if(IFAULT == 2)
    WARNING(LOG_INIT, "Error in initialization. Inconsistent initial conditions.");
    return -2;
  else if(IFAULT == 3)
    WARNING(LOG_INIT, "Error in initialization. Number of initial values to calculate < 1");
    return -3;
  else if(IFAULT == 4)
    WARNING(LOG_INIT, "Error in initialization. Internal error, NLOOP < 1.");
    return -4;
  return reportResidualValue(initData);