Example #1
static inline void
shmem_init_private (int npes)
    if (!check_pe_status ()) {

    shmemi_comms_init ();

    /* just note start_pes() not passed 0, it's not a big deal */
    if (npes != 0) {
        shmemi_trace (SHMEM_LOG_INFO,
                      "start_pes() was passed %d, should be 0", npes);

    report_up ();

     * and we're up and running
Example #2
File: main.c Project: jaseg/fw-vfd
int main(void) {
     /* pin map:
      * PB0 hardware shift (r/l, TODO: split r/l)
      * PB1 row data out (to 74HC595)
      * PB2 row shift (same)
      * PB3 row X8 direct output
      * PB4 col in  Y9
      * PB5 col in  Y8
      * PB6 XTAL
      * PB7 XTAL
      * PC0 col in  Y5
      * PC1 col in  Y0
      * PC2 col in  Y1
      * PC3 col in  Y2
      * PC4 col in  Y3
      * PC5 col in  Y4
      * PC6 !RESET
      * PD0 RXD
      * PD1 TXD
      * PD2 col in  Y6
      * PD3 col in  Y7
      * PD4 NC
      * PD5 NC
      * PD6 NC
      * PD7 NC
      * We're not un-scrambling the rows here, we are just using them directly to index the lookup table.
      * The device outputs 9N1 (!) data on its uart. The 9th bit indicates key press (1) or release (0), the remaining 8
      * bits the USB HID keycode.
    DDRB   = 0x0f; /* row outputs, shift */

    /* uart setup */
    DDRD  |= 0x02;
    UBRR0  = F_CPU/16/(BAUDRATE-1);
    UCSR0B = (1<<TXEN0) | (1<<UCSZ02);
    UCSR0C = (1<<UCSZ01) | (1<<UCSZ00);

    int ridx = 0;
    while (23) {
        uint16_t cols = read_cols();

        uint8_t cidx = ridx;
        if (ridx == 30)
            cols |= (PINB&1)<<1; /* map hard shift to keycode 0x1f (31) */
        while (cidx < ridx+10) {
            if (keystate[cidx] > 1) {
            } else if (keystate[cidx] < 0) {
            } else {
                uint8_t c = keymap[cidx];
                if (cols & 1) {
                    if (!keystate[cidx]) {
                        keystate[cidx] = DEBOUNCE_TIME;
                } else {
                    if (keystate[cidx]) {
                        keystate[cidx] = -DEBOUNCE_TIME;
            cidx ++;
            cols >>= 1;

        if (ridx == 80) {
            ridx = 0;
        } else {
            ridx += 10;