UAVSimulation::UAVSimulation(const DUNE::Math::Matrix& pos, const DUNE::Math::Matrix& vel, const double& bank_time_cst, const double& speed_time_cst, const double& alt_time_cst, const double& altitude_cmd, const double& airspeed_cmd, const double& bank_cmd): //! Simulation type m_sim_type("5DOF") { resetModel(); //! Vehicle position setPosition(pos); //! Vehicle velocity vector setVelocity(vel); //! Vehicle model parameters //! - Bank time constant m_bank_time_cst = bank_time_cst; m_bank_time_cst_f = true; //! - Airspeed time constant m_speed_time_cst = speed_time_cst; m_speed_time_cst_f = true; //! - Altitude time constant m_alt_time_cst = alt_time_cst; m_alt_time_cst_f = true; //! Control commands //! - Bank m_bank_cmd = bank_cmd; //! - Airspeed m_airspeed_cmd = airspeed_cmd; m_airspeed_cmd_ini = true; //! - Altitude m_altitude_cmd = altitude_cmd; m_altitude_cmd_ini = true; }
void BindingModel::selectionChanged(const QList<ModelNode> &selectedNodes) { m_handleDataChanged = false; m_selectedModelNodes = selectedNodes; resetModel(); m_handleDataChanged = true; }
MainWindow::MainWindow() { setupUi(this); tabWidget->setCurrentIndex(0); tmpTxtFile = new QTemporaryFile; setWindowTitle("Fcitx Table Editor"); progressBar = new QProgressBar(this); progressBar->setWindowModality(Qt::ApplicationModal); progressBar->hide(); statusBar()->addWidget(progressBar); connect(&xx, SIGNAL(setProgressRange(int,int)), progressBar, SLOT(setRange(int,int))); connect(&xx, SIGNAL(setProgressValue(int)), progressBar, SLOT(setValue(int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(setSaveProgressRange(int,int)), progressBar, SLOT(setRange(int,int))); connect(this, SIGNAL(setSaveProgressValue(int)), progressBar, SLOT(setValue(int))); addWordDict = 0; ruleModel = new RuleModel(); wordModel = new WordModel(); proxyModel = new FilterProxyModel(); regType_comboBox->addItem(tr("Regular expression"), QRegExp::RegExp); regType_comboBox->addItem(tr("Wildcard"), QRegExp::Wildcard); regType_comboBox->addItem(tr("Fixed string"), QRegExp::FixedString); regType_comboBox->setCurrentIndex(1); resetModel(); connect(this, SIGNAL(warningHappend(QString,QString)), this, SLOT(popWarning(QString,QString))); connect(&openFileWatcher, SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(finishedOpen())); }
void StatesEditorView::propertiesRemoved(const QList<AbstractProperty>& propertyList) { foreach (const AbstractProperty &property, propertyList) { if ( == "states" && property.parentModelNode().isRootNode()) resetModel(); } }
void MetaWindow::createActions(){ resetAct = new QAction(tr("&Reset"),this); resetAct->setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+R")); resetAct->setStatusTip(tr("Reset the list to its original state.")); connect(resetAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(resetModel())); saveAct = new QAction(tr("&Save"),this); saveAct->setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+S")); saveAct->setStatusTip(tr("Save the current file.")); connect(saveAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(saveFile())); saveAsAct = new QAction(tr("Save As..."),this); saveAsAct->setStatusTip(tr("Save the current file to a specified file name.")); connect(saveAsAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(saveFileAs())); loadAct = new QAction(tr("&Load"),this); loadAct->setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+L")); loadAct->setStatusTip(tr("Load input file")); connect(loadAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(loadFile())); quitAct = new QAction(tr("&Quit"),this); quitAct->setShortcut(tr("Ctrl+Q")); quitAct->setStatusTip(tr("Quit")); connect(quitAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(close())); aboutAct = new QAction(tr("About"),this); searchAct = new QAction(tr("Search For Parameter/Parameter List"), this); searchAct->setToolTip("Search for a particular Parameter or ParameterList"); connect(aboutAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showAbout())); connect(searchAct, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(initiateSearch())); }
int fl_gui::MainWindowController::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = QObject::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { switch (_id) { case 0: resetModel(); break; case 1: loadExample1(); break; case 2: loadExample2(); break; case 3: loadExample3(); break; case 4: showSetupWindow(); break; case 5: showTestWindow(); break; default: ; } _id -= 6; } return _id; }
// Don't reload the model if folders are not from current account or a local folder, // folders list can be long in some cases. foreach (QMailFolderId folderId, ids) { QMailFolder folder(folderId); if (folderId == QMailFolder::LocalStorageFolderId || folder.parentAccountId() == m_accountId) { resetModel(); return; } }
void QCompletionModel::setFiltered(bool filtered) { if (showAll == !filtered) return; showAll = !filtered; resetModel(); }
void CurvesManagerView::createCurvesSettings() { curvesSettings = new CurvesSettings(this); ui->curvesSettingsLayout->addWidget(curvesSettings); connect(curvesFiller, SIGNAL(dataWasSetted()), curvesSettings, SLOT(resetView())); connect(curvesSettings, SIGNAL(visibilityCurveChanged()), curvesFiller, SLOT(resetModel())); }
KNMusicCategoryModel::KNMusicCategoryModel(QObject *parent) : QStandardItemModel(parent) { //Set the default no album icon. setNoAlbumIcon(KNMusicGlobal::instance()->noAlbumArt()); //Initial the model. resetModel(); }
LS3SelectionDisplayModel::LS3SelectionDisplayModel(LS3Datastore* datastore, QObject* parent): QAbstractListModel(parent) { m_datastore=datastore; loadData(); connect(datastore, SIGNAL(selectionChanged(int, bool)), this, SLOT(resetModel())); connect(datastore, SIGNAL(massiveSelectionChange()), this, SLOT(resetModel())); }
UAVSimulation::UAVSimulation(const DUNE::Math::Matrix& vel): //! Simulation type m_sim_type("3DOF") { resetModel(); //! Vehicle velocity vector setVelocity(vel); }
SnapshotHandler::SnapshotHandler(QObject *parent) : QAbstractTableModel(parent), m_positionIcon(QIcon(":/debugger/images/location_16.png")), m_emptyIcon(QIcon(":/debugger/images/debugger_empty_14.png")) { m_currentIndex = 0; connect(theDebuggerAction(OperateByInstruction), SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(resetModel())); }
void QgsAttributeTableModel::featuresDeleted( const QgsFeatureIds &fids ) { QList<int> rows; const auto constFids = fids; for ( QgsFeatureId fid : constFids ) { QgsDebugMsgLevel( QStringLiteral( "(%2) fid: %1, size: %3" ).arg( fid ).arg( mFeatureRequest.filterType() ).arg( mIdRowMap.size() ), 4 ); int row = idToRow( fid ); if ( row != -1 ) rows << row; } std::sort( rows.begin(), rows.end() ); int lastRow = -1; int beginRow = -1; int currentRowCount = 0; int removedRows = 0; bool reset = false; const auto constRows = rows; for ( int row : constRows ) { #if 0 qDebug() << "Row: " << row << ", begin " << beginRow << ", last " << lastRow << ", current " << currentRowCount << ", removed " << removedRows; #endif if ( lastRow == -1 ) { beginRow = row; } if ( row != lastRow + 1 && lastRow != -1 ) { if ( rows.count() > 100 && currentRowCount < 10 ) { reset = true; break; } removeRows( beginRow - removedRows, currentRowCount ); beginRow = row; removedRows += currentRowCount; currentRowCount = 0; } currentRowCount++; lastRow = row; } if ( !reset ) removeRows( beginRow - removedRows, currentRowCount ); else resetModel(); }
void QCompletionModel::filter(const QStringList& parts) { Q_D(QCompletionModel); engine->filter(parts); resetModel(); if (d->model->canFetchMore(engine->curParent)) d->model->fetchMore(engine->curParent); }
void DocumentPropertiesDialog::piRemove () { const QModelIndex &idx = ui->listViewPI->currentIndex(); if ( !idx.isValid() ) return; QString key = piKeyByIndex ( idx ); _pi.remove ( key ); resetModel (); }
StackHandler::StackHandler(QObject *parent) : QAbstractTableModel(parent), m_positionIcon(QIcon(":/debugger/images/location.svg")), m_emptyIcon(QIcon(":/debugger/images/empty.svg")) { m_currentIndex = 0; m_canExpand = false; connect(theDebuggerAction(OperateByInstruction), SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(resetModel())); }
UAVSimulation::UAVSimulation(const double& alt_time_cst): //! Simulation type m_sim_type("4DOF_alt") { resetModel(); //! Vehicle model parameters //! - Altitude time constant m_alt_time_cst = alt_time_cst; m_alt_time_cst_f = true; }
void DocumentPropertiesDialog::piAdd () { QString newTarget; for ( int i=1; true; i++ ) { newTarget = tr("target_%1").arg ( i ); if ( !_pi.keys().contains( newTarget ) ) break; } _pi.insert ( newTarget, tr("Data") ); resetModel(); }
void StatesEditorView::modelAttached(Model *model) { if (model == QmlModelView::model()) return; Q_ASSERT(model); QmlModelView::modelAttached(model); if (m_statesEditorWidget) m_statesEditorWidget->setNodeInstanceView(nodeInstanceView()); resetModel(); }
UAVSimulation::UAVSimulation(const DUNE::Math::Matrix& vel, const double& alt_time_cst): //! Simulation type m_sim_type("4DOF_alt") { resetModel(); //! Vehicle velocity vector setVelocity(vel); //! Vehicle model parameters //! - Altitude time constant m_alt_time_cst = alt_time_cst; m_alt_time_cst_f = true; }
UAVSimulation::UAVSimulation(const double& bank_time_cst, const double& speed_time_cst): //! Simulation type m_sim_type("4DOF_bank") { resetModel(); //! Vehicle model parameters //! - Bank time constant m_bank_time_cst = bank_time_cst; m_bank_time_cst_f = true; //! - Airspeed time constant m_speed_time_cst = speed_time_cst; m_speed_time_cst_f = true; }
CParticleLinkDialog::CParticleLinkDialog(CSkeletonTreeModel *model, QWidget *parent) : QDockWidget(parent) { _ui.setupUi(this); qobject_cast<QMainWindow *>(parent)->addDockWidget(Qt::RightDockWidgetArea, this); _ui.treeView->setModel(model); connect(model, SIGNAL(modelReset()), this, SLOT(resetModel())); connect(_ui.linkPushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setLink())); connect(_ui.unlinkPushButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setUnlink())); connect(_ui.treeView, SIGNAL(clicked(QModelIndex)), this, SLOT(clickedItem(QModelIndex))); }
void StatesEditorView::modelAttached(Model *model) { if (model == AbstractView::model()) return; Q_ASSERT(model); AbstractView::modelAttached(model); if (m_statesEditorWidget) m_statesEditorWidget->setNodeInstanceView(nodeInstanceView()); checkForApplicationWindow(); resetModel(); }
UAVSimulation::UAVSimulation(const DUNE::Math::Matrix& vel, const double& bank_time_cst, const double& speed_time_cst): //! Simulation type m_sim_type("4DOF_bank") { resetModel(); //! Vehicle velocity vector setVelocity(vel); //! Vehicle model parameters //! - Bank time constant m_bank_time_cst = bank_time_cst; m_bank_time_cst_f = true; //! - Airspeed time constant m_speed_time_cst = speed_time_cst; m_speed_time_cst_f = true; }
/* self */ void DocumentPropertiesDialog::setDocument ( DocumentXMLNode *doc ) { _document = doc; if ( !_document ) { // TODO: make dialog disabled ui->tabWidget->setEnabled ( false ); ui->buttonBox->setStandardButtons ( QDialogButtonBox::Close ); return; } /* fill dialog */ /* Encoding */ QString codec_name = QString::fromLatin1 ( _document->codec()->name() ); int cb_idx = codecs_for_cb.indexOf ( codec_name ); ui->comboBoxEncoding->setCurrentIndex ( cb_idx ); /* Version */ ui->lineEditVersion->setText ( _document->version() ); /* Indent */ ui->checkBoxAutoFormatting->setChecked( _document->autoFormatting() ); int indent = _document->formattingIndent(); if ( indent < 0 ) { ui->radioButtonTabs->setChecked ( true ); ui->radioButtonSpaces->setChecked ( false ); ui->spinBoxNumber->setValue ( -indent ); } else { ui->radioButtonTabs->setChecked ( false ); ui->radioButtonSpaces->setChecked ( true ); ui->spinBoxNumber->setValue ( indent ); } /* Processing Instructions */ _pi = _document->processingInstructions(); resetModel (); }
void MainWindow::finishedOpen(void) { progressBar->hide(); resetModel(); setEnabled(true); }
void StatesEditorView::modelAboutToBeDetached(Model *model) { AbstractView::modelAboutToBeDetached(model); resetModel(); }
void AttachmentListModel::setMessageId(int id) { m_messageId = QMailMessageId(id); m_message = QMailMessage(m_messageId); resetModel(); }
void StatesEditorView::nodeOrderChanged(const NodeListProperty &listProperty, const ModelNode & /*movedNode*/, int /*oldIndex*/) { if (listProperty.isValid() && listProperty.parentModelNode().isRootNode() && == "states") resetModel(); }