ScrobblerAdapter::ScrobblerAdapter( QObject *parent, const QString &clientId ) : QObject( parent ), m_scrobbler( new lastfm::Audioscrobbler( clientId ) ), m_clientId( clientId ), m_lastSaved( 0 ) { DEBUG_BLOCK resetVariables(); //HACK work around a bug in liblastfm---it doesn't create its config dir, so when it // tries to write the track cache, it fails silently. until we have a fixed version, do this // path finding code taken from liblastfm/src/misc.cpp QString lpath = QDir::home().filePath( ".local/share/" ); QDir ldir = QDir( lpath ); if( !ldir.exists() ) { ldir.mkpath( lpath ); } connect( The::mainWindow(), SIGNAL( loveTrack( Meta::TrackPtr) ), SLOT( loveTrack( Meta::TrackPtr ) ) ); connect( The::mainWindow(), SIGNAL( banTrack() ), SLOT( banTrack() ) ); EngineController *engine = The::engineController(); connect( engine, SIGNAL( stopped( qint64, qint64 ) ), this, SLOT( stopped( qint64, qint64 ) ) ); connect( engine, SIGNAL( trackPositionChanged( qint64, bool ) ), this, SLOT( trackPositionChanged( qint64, bool ) ) ); //Use trackChanged instead of trackPlaying to prevent reset of current track after Unpausing. connect( engine, SIGNAL( trackChanged( Meta::TrackPtr ) ), this, SLOT( trackPlaying( Meta::TrackPtr ) ) ); connect( engine, SIGNAL( trackMetadataChanged( Meta::TrackPtr ) ), this, SLOT( trackMetadataChanged( Meta::TrackPtr ) ) ); }
void Slic::generateSpx(Mat & frame) { resetVariables(); Mat frameLab; cvtColor(frame, frameLab, CV_BGR2Lab); frameLab.convertTo(frameLab, CV_32FC3); //initializa clusters int diamSpx_d2 = m_diamSpx / 2; for (int y = diamSpx_d2 - 1; y < m_height; y += m_diamSpx) { //Vec3f* frameLab_r = frameLab.ptr<Vec3f>(y); for (int x = diamSpx_d2 - 1; x < m_width; x += m_diamSpx) { center c; c.xy = Point(x, y); Vec3f cLab; moveToLowGrad(c.xy, cLab, frameLab); c.Lab[0] = cLab[0]; c.Lab[1] = cLab[1]; c.Lab[2] = cLab[2]; m_allCenters.push_back(c); } } m_nSpx = (int)m_allCenters.size(); //real number of spx // iterate for (int it = 0; it < m_nIteration; it++) { findCenters(frameLab); updateCenters(frameLab); } //enforceConnectivity(); }
P_Crop::P_Crop( IWindow *dlg ) : ISetCanvas( P_CROP, dlg, dlg, IRectangle(), (ISetCanvas::classDefaultStyle | ISetCanvas::decksByGroup | ISetCanvas::packEven) & ~ISetCanvas::packTight ), enableCBx( P_CROP_ENABLE_CBX, this, this, IRectangle(), ICheckBox::classDefaultStyle | IControl::group | IControl::tabStop ) { // initialize variables resetVariables(); // force a groupbox around the canvas setText( "Crop" ).disableGroup(); // set the enable/disable checkbox enableCBx.setText( "enable" ); // setup handlers ISelectHandler:: handleEventsFor( &enableCBx ); ICommandHandler:: handleEventsFor( this ); IMenuHandler:: handleEventsFor( this ); IMenuHandler:: handleEventsFor( &enableCBx ); return; }
PDCreceive::PDCreceive(long product) { pinMode(RECEIVEPIN, INPUT); // irrecv.enableIRIn(); // Start the IR receiver my_id = product; resetVariables(); }
void AvalancheEngine::initVariables() { for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++) { _also[i][0] = nullptr; _also[i][1] = nullptr; } memset(_fxPal, 0, 16 * 16 * 3); for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) { _peds[i]._direction = kDirNone; _peds[i]._x = 0; _peds[i]._y = 0; _magics[i]._operation = kMagicNothing; _magics[i]._data = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { _portals[i]._operation = kMagicNothing; _portals[i]._data = 0; } for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { _fields[i]._x1 = 0; _fields[i]._y1 = 0; _fields[i]._x2 = 0; _fields[i]._y2 = 0; } _fieldNum = 0; _cp = 0; _ledStatus = 177; _alive = false; _subjectNum = 0; _him = kPeoplePardon; _her = kPeoplePardon; _it = Parser::kPardon; _roomCycles = 0; _doingSpriteRun = false; _isLoaded = false; _soundFx = true; _holdTheDawn = false; _lineNum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) _lines[i]._color = kColorWhite; _dropsOk = false; _cheat = false; _letMeOut = false; _thinks = 2; _thinkThing = true; _animationsEnabled = true; _currentMouse = 177; _holdLeftMouse = false; resetVariables(); }
void SwingState::onExit(Scene & scene) { stateManager_->MovementState().setDirection(xDirection_); stateManager_->MovementState().setSpeed(xSpeed_); stateManager_->MovementState().setAngle(angle_); stateManager_->MovementState().setRadius(radius_); stateManager_->MovementState().setKeyDirection(false); if (angleRange_ <= 0) { stateManager_->MovementState().setAngle(RESTING_ANGLE); } resetVariables(); }
void TSelectionClass::MakeSelection(UInt_t nEvents) {if(nEvents==0) this->nEvents=eventReader->GetEntries(); else if(nEvents>eventReader->GetEntries()){ cerr<<"nEvents is bigger than entries in eventReader tree: \""<<eventReader->getTree()->GetName()<<"\""<<endl; } else this->nEvents=nEvents; if(verbosity)cout<<"Make Selection"<<endl; if(verbosity)cout<<"goToSelectionTreeDir"<<endl; settings->goToSelectionTreeDir(); histSaver->SetNumberOfEvents(this->nEvents); createdTree=createSelectionTree(nEvents); if(!createdTree) return; this->setBranchAdressess(); createFiducialCut(); hFiducialCutSilicon->Reset(); hFiducialCutSiliconDiamondHit->Reset(); hFiducialCutSiliconOneAndOnlyOneDiamondHit->Reset(); hAnalysisFraction->Reset(); hSelectedEvents->Reset(); nUseForAlignment=0; nUseForAnalysis=0; nUseForSiliconAlignment=0; nValidButMoreThanOneDiaCluster=0; nValidSiliconNoDiamondHit=0; nNoValidSiliconTrack=0; nValidSiliconTrack=0; nValidSiliconAndDiamondCluster=0; nValidDiamondTrack=0; nSiliconTrackNotFiducialCut=0; nToBigDiamondCluster=0; cout<<"start selection in "<<nEvents<<" Events."<<endl; if(settings->getTrainingMethod()==TSettings::enumFraction) cout<<"Use Fraction Training, with fraction: "<<settings->getAlignment_training_track_fraction()*100.<<"%"<<endl; else cout<<"Use the first "<<settings->getAlignmentTrainingTrackNumber()<<" Events for Alignment!"<<endl; for(nEvent=0;nEvent<nEvents;nEvent++){ TRawEventSaver::showStatusBar(nEvent,nEvents,100,verbosity>=20); eventReader->LoadEvent(nEvent); if(verbosity>10)cout<<"Loaded Event "<<nEvent<<flush; resetVariables(); if(verbosity>10)cout<<"."<<flush; setVariables(); if(verbosity>10)cout<<"."<<flush; selectionTree->Fill(); if(verbosity>10)cout<<"DONE"<<endl; } createCutFlowDiagramm(); }
void myGauge2::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { QPainter painter(this); painter.setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing|QPainter::TextAntialiasing); resetVariables(&painter); drawOuterCircle(&painter); drawInnerCircle(&painter); drawColorPie(&painter); drawCoverCircle(&painter); drawMark(&painter); drawIndicator(&painter); drawCoverBall(&painter); drawTextRect(&painter); painter.end(); }
//Begins Text Input void getText(char *buffer) { int FINISHED = 0; clearScreen(); setupInterrupts(); initializeSprites(); drawKeyboard(); playBG = TRUE; while(!FINISHED) { if(playBG && !BGplaying) { // play the bg music DMA[2].cnt |= DMA_ON; REG_TM1CNT |= TM_ON; startBG = vblankcount; BGplaying = TRUE; DMA[2].src = flute; } checkMovement(); //Check Input and End Function if finished if(!endInput) { checkSelection(buffer); copyShadow(); waitForVblank(); moveSpriteToMem(); } else { DMA[2].cnt &= ~DMA_ON; REG_TM1CNT &= ~TM_ON; playBG = FALSE; waitForVblank(); FINISHED = 1; resetVariables(); endInput = 0; resetCursor(); } } clearScreen(); }
void TSelectionClass::createFiducialCut(){ // std::vector<std::pair<Float_t,Float_t> > xInt,yInt; // xInt.push_back( make_pair(settings->getSi_avg_fidcut_xlow(),settings->getSi_avg_fidcut_xhigh())); // yInt.push_back( make_pair(settings->getSi_avg_fidcut_ylow(),settings->getSi_avg_fidcut_yhigh())); // fiducialCuts = new TFidCutRegions(xInt,yInt,1); fiducialCuts = settings->getSelectionFidCuts(); cout<<"Create AutoFidCut with "<<endl; fiducialCuts->Print(1); UInt_t nEvents = settings->getAutoFidCutEvents(); if(nEvents>eventReader->GetEntries())nEvents=eventReader->GetEntries(); cout<<" "<<nEvents<<endl; for(nEvent=0;nEvent<nEvents;nEvent++){ TRawEventSaver::showStatusBar(nEvent,nEvents,100,verbosity>=20); eventReader->LoadEvent(nEvent); if(verbosity>10)cout<<"Loaded Event "<<nEvent<<flush; resetVariables(); if(verbosity>10)cout<<"."<<flush; setVariables(); } // findFiducialCut(hFiducialCutSiliconDiamondHit); if(settings->getUseAutoFidCut()==true){ delete fiducialCuts; fiducialCuts = new TFidCutRegions(hFiducialCutSiliconDiamondHit,settings->getNDiamonds(),settings->getAutoFidCutPercentage()); fiducialCuts->setRunDescription(settings->getRunDescription()); } else{ fiducialCuts->setHistogramm(hFiducialCutSiliconDiamondHit); } histSaver->SaveCanvas(fiducialCuts->getFiducialCutCanvas(TPlaneProperties::X_COR)); histSaver->SaveCanvas(fiducialCuts->getFiducialCutCanvas(TPlaneProperties::Y_COR)); TCanvas *c1 = fiducialCuts->getFiducialCutCanvas(TPlaneProperties::XY_COR); c1->SetTitle(Form("Fiducial Cut of Run %i with \"%s\"",settings->getRunNumber(),settings->getRunDescription().c_str())); c1->SetName("cFidCutCanvasXY"); histSaver->SaveCanvas(c1); if(verbosity) fiducialCuts->Print(1); if (verbosity>3&&verbosity%2==1){ cout<<"Press a key and enter to continue..."<<flush; char t; cin >>t; }
void MainWindow::on_enterButton_clicked() { input2 = inputString.toDouble(); if(function == "add"){ answer = input1 + input2; }else if(function == "subtract"){ answer = input1 - input2; }else if(function == "multiply"){ answer = input1 * input2; }else if(function == "divide"){ answer = input1 / input2; } inputString = QString::number(answer); ui->numberView->display(inputString); resetVariables(); }
void myGauge1::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) { QPainter painter; painter.begin(this); painter.setRenderHints(QPainter::Antialiasing|QPainter::TextAntialiasing); resetVariables(&painter); drawOuterCircle(&painter); drawInnerCircle(&painter); drawColorPies(&painter); drawGraph(&painter); drawCoverLines(&painter); drawCoverCircle(&painter); drawMarkAndText(&painter); drawTextRect(&painter); painter.end(); }
void CDebugDrawer::removeFramebuffers() { CTextureResource::bind(0, 0, GL_TEXTURE_2D); if(m_fboId != 0) { glDeleteFramebuffers(1, &m_fboId); } if(m_fboPickId != 0) { glDeleteTextures(1, &m_fboPickId); } if(m_fboDepthId != 0) { glDeleteTextures(1, &m_fboDepthId); } resetVariables(); }
Common::Error MortevielleEngine::run() { // Initialize the game Common::ErrorCode err = initialize(); if (err != Common::kNoError) return err; // Check for a savegame int loadSlot = 0; if (ConfMan.hasKey("save_slot")) { int gameToLoad = ConfMan.getInt("save_slot"); if ((gameToLoad >= 1) && (gameToLoad <= 999)) loadSlot = gameToLoad; } if (loadSlot == 0) // Show the game introduction showIntroduction(); else { _caff = 51; _text->taffich(); } // Either load the initial game state savegame, or the specified savegame number adzon(); resetVariables(); if (loadSlot != 0) _savegameManager->loadSavegame(generateSaveFilename(loadSlot)); // Run the main game loop mainGame(); // Cleanup (allocated in initialize()) _screenSurface->free(); free(_soundManager->_cfiphBuffer); free(_cfiecBuffer); return Common::kNoError; }
// ----- initialisation des registres specifiques au QEI ----- void QEIInit() { resetVariables(); LATCbits.LATC3 = 0; //desactivation des pattes LATCbits.LATC4 = 0; LATBbits.LATB5 = 0; LATBbits.LATB6 = 0; TRISCbits.TRISC3 = 1; //configuration en tant qu'inputs TRISCbits.TRISC4 = 1; TRISBbits.TRISB5 = 1; TRISBbits.TRISB6 = 1; //reconfiguration des pattes RP19/20 (moteur gauche) et RP5/6 (moteur droit) en mode QEI RPINR14bits.QEA1R = 19; //phases A et B moteur gauche RPINR14bits.QEB1R = 20; RPINR16bits.QEA2R = 5; //phases A et B moteur droit RPINR16bits.QEB2R = 6; QEI1CON = 0x0000; //reset "propre" du registre QEI2CON = 0x0000; QEI1CONbits.QEIM = 0b111; //configuration en mode x4 (POSxCNT reset si = MAXxCNT) QEI2CONbits.QEIM = 0b111; QEI1CONbits.SWPAB = 1; MAX1CNT = 360-1; //valeur maximale du compteur de position --> 360 pins par tour en x4 MAX2CNT = 360-1; POS1CNT = 0; //valeur initiale du compteur de position POS2CNT = 0; IEC3bits.QEI1IE = 1; //on active l'interruption IEC4bits.QEI2IE = 1; IFS3bits.QEI1IF = 0; //on reset le flag d'interruption IFS4bits.QEI2IF = 0; }
void P_Crop::deleteExtraControls() { // delete all of the unused controls IMenuHandler::stopHandlingEventsFor( xStartTxt ); IMenuHandler::stopHandlingEventsFor( yStartTxt ); IMenuHandler::stopHandlingEventsFor( xEndTxt ); IMenuHandler::stopHandlingEventsFor( yEndTxt ); IFocusHandler::stopHandlingEventsFor( xStartSB ); IFocusHandler::stopHandlingEventsFor( yStartSB ); IFocusHandler::stopHandlingEventsFor( xEndSB ); IFocusHandler::stopHandlingEventsFor( yEndSB ); delete( xStartTxt ); delete( yStartTxt ); delete( xStartSB ); delete( yStartSB ); delete( xEndTxt ); delete( yEndTxt ); delete( xEndSB ); delete( yEndSB ); resetVariables(); return; }
//print the array when the end of transmission code is received void PDCreceive::printTransmission() { Serial.println("print transmission called"); Serial.print("index = "); Serial.println(h_index); // delay(10); for (int i=0; i<h_index; i++) { Keyboard.print(transmissionArray[0][i]); // delay(10); Keyboard.print(","); // delay(10); Keyboard.print(transmissionArray[1][i]); // delay(10); if (i == h_index-1) { Keyboard.print(":"); // delay(10); } else { Keyboard.print(";"); // delay(10); } } resetVariables(); }
void HangState::onExit(Scene& scene) { resetVariables(); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { daemonize(); storepid();//Lagra pid nummer för att kunna stänga med stop-skript srand(time(NULL)); gameOver = true; ghostHitCount = 0; r3p1v.x = 180; r3p1v.y = 97; r3p1v.w = 16; r3p1v.h = 50; r3p1h.x = 440; r3p1h.y = 97; r3p1h.w = 16; r3p1h.h = 50; r2p0v.x = 0; r2p0v.y = 195; r2p0v.w = 16; r2p0v.h = 50; r2p0h.x = 270; r2p0h.y = 195; r2p0h.w = 16; r2p0h.h = 50; r2p1v.x = 370; r2p1v.y = 195; r2p1v.w = 16; r2p1v.h = 50; r2p1h.x = 622; r2p1h.y = 195; r2p1h.w = 16; r2p1h.h = 50; r1p1v.x = 190; r1p1v.y = 297; r1p1v.w = 16; r1p1v.h = 50; r1p1h.x = 450; r1p1h.y = 297; r1p1h.w = 16; r1p1h.h = 50; r0p0v.x = 0; r0p0v.y = 415; r0p0v.w = 16; r0p0v.h = 50; r0p0h.x = 622; r0p0h.y = 415; r0p0h.w = 16; r0p0h.h = 50; ghostRect1.x = 300; ghostRect1.y = 97; ghostRect1.w = 50; ghostRect1.h = 50; ghostRect2.x = 50; ghostRect2.y = 195; ghostRect2.w = 50; ghostRect2.h = 50; ghostRect3.x = 500; ghostRect3.y = 195; ghostRect3.w = 50; ghostRect3.h = 50; ghostRect4.x = 300; ghostRect4.y = 297; ghostRect4.w = 50; ghostRect4.h = 50; ghostRect5.x = 400; ghostRect5.y = 415; ghostRect5.w = 50; ghostRect5.h = 50; IPaddress ip, *remoteIP; int quit, quit2; char buffer[512]; bool clientInitiated; firstPosition = false; SDL_Thread *client1, *client2, *enemy1, *enemy2, *enemy3, *enemy4, *enemy5; positionSetMutex = SDL_CreateMutex(); ghostHitMutex = SDL_CreateMutex(); if(!positionSetMutex) { return 0; } if(!ghostHitMutex) { return 0; } initFunctions(&ip, &sd); //Initiera TCP för SDL enemy1 = SDL_CreateThread(nextMove, "ghost1", &ghostRect1); enemy2 = SDL_CreateThread(nextMove, "ghost1", &ghostRect2); enemy3 = SDL_CreateThread(nextMove, "ghost1", &ghostRect3); enemy4 = SDL_CreateThread(nextMove, "ghost1", &ghostRect4); enemy5 = SDL_CreateThread(nextMove, "ghost1", &ghostRect5); while(true) { if(gameOver == true) { waitForClients(&sd); // Väntar på 2 st klienter ska koppla upp sig resetVariables(); gameOver = false; client1Position = 0; client1 = SDL_CreateThread(startClient, "Client1", (void *)NULL); client2 = SDL_CreateThread(startClient, "Client2", (void *)NULL); SDL_DetachThread(client1); // Förhindrar att trÃ¥den tar upp minne efter att den stänger ner SDL_DetachThread(client2); } SDL_Delay(1000); } SDLNet_TCP_Close(sd); SDLNet_Quit(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
// Asservissement en vitesse des moteurs pour qu'il atteignent leur propre consigne void asservirMoteurs(void){ pos0 = position_m3; //pas inversé pos1 = pos1 + QEIVelocityGet(QEI1_BASE)*QEIDirectionGet(QEI1_BASE); //pas inversé pos2 = position_m2;//pas inversé pos3 = pos3 - QEIVelocityGet(QEI0_BASE)*QEIDirectionGet(QEI0_BASE); //inversé ajustementVitesse(); //Motor 0 measured_speed0 = (pos0 - previous_pos0)/dt; if(measured_speed0 < 0){ measured_speed0 = -measured_speed0; } previous_pos0 = pos0; if(consigne0 > 3200){ output0 = PIDHandler0(&consigne0, &measured_speed0, &I0, &previous_error0, dt); } else{ output0 = SlowPIDHandler0(&consigne0, &measured_speed0, &I0, &previous_error0, dt); } //Motor 1 measured_speed1 = QEIVelocityGet(QEI1_BASE)/dt;//(pos1 - previous_pos1)*10; if(measured_speed1 < 0){ measured_speed1 = -measured_speed1; } previous_pos1 = pos1; if(consigne1 > 3200){ output1 = PIDHandler1(&consigne1, &measured_speed1, &I1, &previous_error1, dt); } else{ output1 = SlowPIDHandler1(&consigne1, &measured_speed1, &I1, &previous_error1, dt); } //Motor 2 measured_speed2 = (pos2 - previous_pos2)/dt; if(measured_speed2 < 0){ measured_speed2 = -measured_speed2; } previous_pos2 = pos2; if(consigne2 > 3200){ output2 = PIDHandler2(&consigne2, &measured_speed2, &I2, &previous_error2, dt); } else{ output2 = SlowPIDHandler2(&consigne2, &measured_speed2, &I2, &previous_error2, dt); } //Motor 3 measured_speed3 = QEIVelocityGet(QEI0_BASE)/dt;//(pos3 - previous_pos3)*10; if(measured_speed3 < 0){ measured_speed3 = -measured_speed3; } previous_pos3 = pos3; if(consigne3 > 3200){ output3 = PIDHandler3(&consigne3, &measured_speed3, &I3, &previous_error3, dt); } else{ output3 = SlowPIDHandler3(&consigne3, &measured_speed3, &I3, &previous_error3, dt); } /*output0 = output0_old +(dt/Tf0)*(output0-output0_old); output1 = output1_old +(dt/Tf1)*(output1-output1_old); output2 = output2_old +(dt/Tf2)*(output2-output2_old); output3 = output3_old +(dt/Tf3)*(output3-output3_old); output0_old = output0; output1_old = output1; output2_old = output2; output3_old = output3;*/ //output0_table[index%10] = output0; //output1_table[index%10] = output1; //output2_table[index%10] = output2; //output3_table[index%10] = output3; //Traduction 6400e de tour fraction appliqué au pulse width float fraction0; float fraction1; float fraction2; float fraction3; //Une équation linéaire est utilisée x*0.5/7700 = % du duty cycle fraction0 = ((output0*0.5)/7700); if(fraction0 > 0.99){ fraction0 = 0.99; } else if(fraction0 < 0){ fraction0 = 0; } fraction1 = ((output1*0.5)/7700); if(fraction1 > 0.99){ fraction1 = 0.99; }else if(fraction1 < 0){ fraction1 = 0; } fraction2 = ((output2*0.5)/7700); if(fraction2 > 0.99){ fraction2 = 0.99; }else if(fraction2 < 0){ fraction2 = 0; } fraction3 = ((output3*0.5)/7700); if(fraction3 > 0.99){ fraction3 = 0.99; }else if(fraction3 < 0){ fraction3 = 0; } PWMPulseWidthSet(PWM_BASE, PWM_OUT_0, (periodPWM*fraction0)); PWMPulseWidthSet(PWM_BASE, PWM_OUT_1, (periodPWM*fraction1)); PWMPulseWidthSet(PWM_BASE, PWM_OUT_2, (periodPWM*fraction2)); PWMPulseWidthSet(PWM_BASE, PWM_OUT_3, (periodPWM*fraction3)); pos0_table[index%300]=GPIOPinRead(GPIO_PORTD_BASE, GPIO_PIN_4 | GPIO_PIN_5 | GPIO_PIN_6 | GPIO_PIN_7); pos1_table[index%300]=GPIOPinRead(GPIO_PORTE_BASE, GPIO_PIN_4 | GPIO_PIN_5); pos2_table[index%300]=pos2; pos3_table[index%300]=pos3; speed0_table[index%300]=measured_speed0; speed1_table[index%300]=measured_speed1; speed2_table[index%300]=measured_speed2; speed3_table[index%300]=measured_speed3; output0_table[index%300]=output0; output1_table[index%300]=output1; output2_table[index%300]=output2; output3_table[index%300]=output3; fraction0_table[index%300]=fraction0; fraction1_table[index%300]=fraction1; fraction2_table[index%300]=fraction2; fraction3_table[index%300]=fraction3; //Si le robot est immobile if(a_atteint_consigne && measured_speed0==0 && measured_speed1==0 && measured_speed2==0 && measured_speed3==0){ resetVariables(); resetQEIs(); ROM_PWMPulseWidthSet(PWM_BASE, PWM_OUT_0, 0);//periodPWM / 4); ROM_PWMPulseWidthSet(PWM_BASE, PWM_OUT_1, 0); ROM_PWMPulseWidthSet(PWM_BASE, PWM_OUT_2, 0); ROM_PWMPulseWidthSet(PWM_BASE, PWM_OUT_3, 0); est_en_mouvement = false; } else{ est_en_mouvement = true; } }
Sequence::Sequence(AvalancheEngine *vm) { _vm = vm; resetVariables(); }
PDCreceive::PDCreceive() { pinMode(RECEIVEPIN, INPUT); // irrecv.enableIRIn(); // Start the IR receiver resetVariables(); }
Nim::Nim(AvalancheEngine *vm) { _vm = vm; resetVariables(); }
void MainWindow::on_clearAllButton_clicked() { resetVariables(); ui->numberView->display("0"); }