Example #1
world* create_world(int width, int height) {
  world* result = (world*) malloc(sizeof(world));

  result->width = width;
  result->height = height;
  result->game_player = create_player(0, 0);
  result->pellet = create_collectible(0, 0, 1);
  result->walls = (point*)malloc(sizeof(point) * width * height);



  return result;
Example #2
/*! \brief Main menu screen
 * This is the main menu... just display the opening and then the menu and
 * then wait for input.  Also handles loading a saved game, and the config menu.
 * \param   c zero if the splash (the bit with the staff and the eight heroes)
 *            should be displayed.
 * \returns 1 if new game, 0 if continuing, 2 if exit
int start_menu (int skip_splash)
   int stop = 0, ptr = 0, redraw = 1, a, b;
   DATAFILE *bg;
   BITMAP *staff, *dudes, *tdudes;

   if (debugging == 0) {
      play_music ("oxford.s3m", 0);
      /* Play splash (with the staff and the heroes in circle */
      if (skip_splash == 0) {
         bg = load_datafile_object (PCX_DATAFILE, "KQT_PCX");
         staff = create_bitmap_ex (8, 72, 226);
         dudes = create_bitmap_ex (8, 112, 112);
         tdudes = create_bitmap_ex (8, 112, 112);
         blit ((BITMAP *) bg->dat, staff, 0, 7, 0, 0, 72, 226);
         blit ((BITMAP *) bg->dat, dudes, 80, 0, 0, 0, 112, 112);
         clear_bitmap (double_buffer);
         blit (staff, double_buffer, 0, 0, 124, 22, 72, 226);
         blit2screen (0, 0);

         kq_wait (1000);
         for (a = 0; a < 42; a++) {
            stretch_blit (staff, double_buffer, 0, 0, 72, 226, 124 - (a * 32),
                          22 - (a * 96), 72 + (a * 64), 226 + (a * 192));
            blit2screen (0, 0);
            kq_wait (100);
         for (a = 0; a < 5; a++) {
            color_scale (dudes, tdudes, 53 - a, 53 + a);
            draw_sprite (double_buffer, tdudes, 106, 64);
            blit2screen (0, 0);
            kq_wait (100);
         draw_sprite (double_buffer, dudes, 106, 64);
         blit2screen (0, 0);
         kq_wait (1000);
         destroy_bitmap (staff);
         destroy_bitmap (dudes);
         destroy_bitmap (tdudes);
            TODO: this fade should actually be to white
            if (_color_depth == 8)
            fade_from (pal, whp, 1);
         do_transition (TRANS_FADE_WHITE, 1);
      clear_to_color (double_buffer, 15);
      blit2screen (0, 0);
      set_palette (pal);
      bg = load_datafile_object (PCX_DATAFILE, "TITLE_PCX");
      for (a = 0; a < 16; a++) {
         clear_to_color (double_buffer, 15 - a);
         masked_blit ((BITMAP *) bg->dat, double_buffer, 0, 0, 0, 60 - (a * 4),
                      320, 124);
         blit2screen (0, 0);
         kq_wait (a == 0 ? 500 : 100);
      if (skip_splash == 0)
         kq_wait (500);
   } else {
      set_palette (pal);
      bg = load_datafile_object (PCX_DATAFILE, "TITLE_PCX");

   reset_world ();

   /* Draw menu and handle menu selection */
   while (!stop) {
      if (redraw) {
         clear_bitmap (double_buffer);
         masked_blit ((BITMAP *) bg->dat, double_buffer, 0, 0, 0, 0, 320, 124);
         menubox (double_buffer, 112, 116, 10, 4, BLUE);
         print_font (double_buffer, 128, 124, _("Continue"), FNORMAL);
         print_font (double_buffer, 128, 132, _("New Game"), FNORMAL);
         print_font (double_buffer, 136, 140, _("Config"), FNORMAL);
         print_font (double_buffer, 144, 148, _("Exit"), FNORMAL);
         draw_sprite (double_buffer, menuptr, 112, ptr * 8 + 124);
         redraw = 0;
      display_credits ();
      blit2screen (0, 0);
      readcontrols ();
      if (bhelp) {
         unpress ();
         show_help ();
         redraw = 1;
      if (up) {
         unpress ();
         if (ptr > 0)
            ptr = 3;
         play_effect (SND_CLICK, 128);
         redraw = 1;
      if (down) {
         unpress ();
         if (ptr < 3)
            ptr = 0;
         play_effect (SND_CLICK, 128);
         redraw = 1;
      if (balt) {
         unpress ();
         if (ptr == 0) {        /* User selected "Continue" */
            if (snc[0] == 0 && snc[1] == 0 && snc[2] == 0 && snc[3] == 0
                && snc[4] == 0)
               stop = 2;
            else if (saveload (0) == 1)
               stop = 1;
            redraw = 1;
         } else if (ptr == 1) { /* User selected "New Game" */
            stop = 2;
         } else if (ptr == 2) { /* Config */
            clear (double_buffer);
            config_menu ();
            redraw = 1;

            /* TODO: Save Global Settings Here */
         } else if (ptr == 3) { /* Exit */
            unload_datafile_object (bg);
            klog (_("Then exit you shall!"));
            return 2;
   unload_datafile_object (bg);
   if (stop == 2) {
      /* New game init */
      for (a = 0; a < MAXCHRS; a++)
         memcpy (&party[a], &players[a].plr, sizeof (s_player));
      init_players ();
      memset (progress, 0, SIZE_PROGRESS);
      memset (treasure, 0, SIZE_TREASURE);
      numchrs = 0;
      for (a = 0; a < NUMSHOPS; a++) {
         for (b = 0; b < SHOPITEMS; b++)
            shops[a].items_current[b] = shops[a].items_max[b];
      for (b = 0; b < 2; b++) {
         for (a = 0; a < MAX_INV; a++)
            g_inv[a][b] = 0;
   return stop - 1;
void init() {
  for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {