Example #1
//returns a transposed version of resized image
//matlab leftover!
int *mexResizeTranspose(float *im, const int rows, const int cols, const int channels,
		const int rRows, const int rCols) {
	const float scaleFactor = (float)rRows/(float)rows;
	//assert((int)cols*scaleFactor == rCols);
	if(scaleFactor > 1 || scaleFactor <=0) {
		fprintf(stderr,"mexResize:: invalid scaling factor\n");
		return NULL;
//	if(channels != 3) {
//		fprintf(stderr,"mexResize:: image should be 3 channeled\n");
//		return NULL;
//	}
	printf("rRows %d; rCols %d\n",rRows,rCols);
	float *dst = (float *) esvmMalloc(rRows*rCols*channels*sizeof(float));
	float *tmp = (float *) esvmMalloc(rRows*cols*channels*sizeof(int));
	int *dstInt = (int *) esvmMalloc(rRows*rCols*channels*sizeof(int));
	for(int i=0;i<rRows*rCols*channels;i++) {
		dstInt[i] = (int)dst[i];
	return dstInt;
Example #2
IplImage* FeatPyramid::resize (const IplImage *mxsrc, const float mxscale)
  float *src = getImgData <float> (mxsrc);
  int sdims[3];
	getDimensions(mxsrc, sdims);
  float scale = mxscale;

  if (scale > 1.0)
    cout << "Invalid scaling factor" << endl;

  int ddims[3];
  ddims[0] = (int)round(sdims[0]*scale);
  ddims[1] = (int)round(sdims[1]*scale);
  ddims[2] = sdims[2];

  assert (ddims[0] > 0);
  assert (ddims[1] > 0);
  CvSize size = cvSize(ddims[1], ddims[0]);
  IplImage *mxdst = cvCreateImage (size, IPL_DEPTH_32F, 3);
  assert (mxdst != NULL);

  assert (ddims[2] > 0);
  float *dst = new float [ddims[0] * ddims[1] * ddims[2]];
  assert (dst != NULL);
  for (int l = 0; l < ddims[0] * ddims[1] * ddims[2]; l++)
    dst[l] = 0;

  assert (sdims[1] > 0);
  assert (sdims[2] > 0);
  float *tmp = new float [ddims[0] * sdims[1] * sdims[2]];
  assert (tmp != NULL);
  for (int l = 0; l < ddims[0] * sdims[1] * sdims[2]; l++)
    tmp[l] = 0;

  resize1dtran(src, sdims[0], tmp, ddims[0], sdims[1], sdims[2]);
  resize1dtran(tmp, sdims[1], dst, ddims[1], ddims[0], sdims[2]);

  setImgData (mxdst, dst);

	delete[] src;
  delete[] dst;
  delete[] tmp;

  return mxdst;
Example #3
//accepts a transpose image. returns a non-transposed, resized image.
int *mexResize(float *im, const int rows, const int cols, const int channels,
		const int rRows, const int rCols) 
	const float scaleFactor = (float)rRows/(float)rows;
	//assert((int)cols*scaleFactor == rCols);
	if(scaleFactor > 1 || scaleFactor <=0) {
		fprintf(stderr,"mexResize:: invalid scaling factor\n");
		return NULL;

	if(channels!=3) {
		fprintf(stderr,"mexResize:: input image is not 3 channeled. This is odd, but I will process it anyway.\n");				

	float *dst = (float *) esvmMalloc(rRows*rCols*channels*sizeof(float));
	float *tmp = (float *) esvmMalloc(rRows*cols*channels*sizeof(int));

	int *dstInt = (int *) esvmMalloc(rRows*rCols*channels*sizeof(int));

	const int dim1 = rRows*rCols;	

	for(int i=0;i<rRows;i++) {
		for(int j=0;j<rCols;j++) {
			dstInt[0*dim1+i*rCols+j] = (int)dst[0*dim1+j*rRows+i];
			dstInt[1*dim1+i*rCols+j] = (int)dst[1*dim1+j*rRows+i];
			dstInt[2*dim1+i*rCols+j] = (int)dst[2*dim1+j*rRows+i];

	return dstInt;
