bool ViewHeader::checkState() { if ( !count() || m_init ) return false; QByteArray state = TomahawkSettings::instance()->playlistColumnSizes( m_guid ); if ( !state.isEmpty() ) { restoreState( state ); if ( m_guid.startsWith( "playlistview" ) ) // HACK setSortIndicator( -1, Qt::AscendingOrder ); } else { for ( int i = 0; i < count() - 1; i++ ) { if ( isSectionHidden( i ) ) continue; double nw = (double)m_parent->width() * i ); resizeSection( i, qMax( minimumSectionSize(), int( nw - 0.5 ) ) ); } } m_init = true; connect( this, SIGNAL( sectionMoved( int, int, int ) ), SLOT( onSectionsChanged() ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( sectionResized( int, int, int ) ), SLOT( onSectionsChanged() ) ); return true; }
void StretchHeaderView::UpdateWidths(const QList<int>& sections) { if (!stretch_enabled_) return; ColumnWidthType total_w = 0.0; for (int i=0 ; i<column_widths_.count() ; ++i) { const ColumnWidthType w = column_widths_[i]; int pixels = w * width(); if (pixels != 0 && total_w - int(total_w) > 0.5) pixels ++; total_w += w; if (!sections.isEmpty() && !sections.contains(i)) continue; if (pixels == 0 && !isSectionHidden(i)) hideSection(i); else if (pixels != 0 && isSectionHidden(i)) { showSection(i); AssertMinimalColumnWidth(i); } if (pixels != 0) resizeSection(i, pixels); } }
void GameList::LoadInterfaceLayout() { auto header = tree_view->header(); if (!header->restoreState(UISettings::values.gamelist_header_state)) { // We are using the name column to display icons and titles // so make it as large as possible as default. header->resizeSection(COLUMN_NAME, header->width()); } item_model->sort(header->sortIndicatorSection(), header->sortIndicatorOrder()); }
void RotatedHeader::read_settings() { QSettings *s = DT->user_settings(); int cell_size = s->value("options/grid/cell_size", DEFAULT_CELL_SIZE).toInt(); for(int i=1; i < count(); ++i) { if (!m_spacer_indexes.contains(i)) { resizeSection(i, cell_size); } } m_shade_column_headers = s->value("options/grid/shade_column_headers", true).toBool(); }
void HeaderView::showEvent(QShowEvent* event) { if (m_resizeOnShow) { for (int i = 0; i < m_sectionSizes.count(); ++i) { int size = m_parent->width() *; resizeSection(i, size); } } QHeaderView::showEvent(event); }
/*! \reimp */ void QxtHeaderView::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* event) { QHeaderView::resizeEvent(event); if (qxt_d().proportional) { int total = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count(); ++i) total += qxt_d().factors.value(i, 1); int totalSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count() - 1; ++i) { qreal factor = qxt_d().factors.value(i, 1) / static_cast<qreal>(total); int sectionSize = factor * (orientation() == Qt::Horizontal ? width() : height()); sectionSize = qMax(minimumSectionSize(), sectionSize); resizeSection(i, sectionSize); totalSize += sectionSize; } // avoid rounding errors, give rest to the last section resizeSection(count() - 1, width() - totalSize); } }
/*! adjust geometry and repaint header . */ void SpreadsheetHeaderView::refresh() { //TODO // adjust geometry and repaint header (still looking for a more elegant solution) int width = sectionSize(count()-1); m_slave->setStretchLastSection(true); // ugly hack /*(flaw in Qt? Does anyone know a better way?)*/ m_slave->updateGeometry(); m_slave->setStretchLastSection(false); // ugly hack part 2 setStretchLastSection(true); // ugly hack (flaw in Qt? Does anyone know a better way?) updateGeometry(); setStretchLastSection(false); // ugly hack part 2 resizeSection(count()-1, width); update(); }
bool ViewHeader::checkState() { if ( !count() || m_init ) return false; disconnect( this, SIGNAL( sectionMoved( int, int, int ) ), this, SLOT( onSectionsChanged() ) ); disconnect( this, SIGNAL( sectionResized( int, int, int ) ), this, SLOT( onSectionsChanged() ) ); QByteArray state; if ( !m_guid.isEmpty() ) state = TomahawkSettings::instance()->playlistColumnSizes( m_guid ); if ( !state.isEmpty() ) { tDebug( LOGVERBOSE ) << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Restoring columns state for view:" << m_guid; restoreState( state ); } else { tDebug( LOGVERBOSE ) << Q_FUNC_INFO << "Giving columns of view" << m_guid << "initial weighting:" << m_columnWeights << "for" << count() << "columns"; for ( int i = 0; i < count() - 1; i++ ) { if ( isSectionHidden( i ) ) continue; if ( i >= m_columnWeights.count() ) break; double nw = (double)m_parent->width() * i ); resizeSection( i, qMax( minimumSectionSize(), int( nw - 0.5 ) ) ); } } connect( this, SIGNAL( sectionMoved( int, int, int ) ), SLOT( onSectionsChanged() ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( sectionResized( int, int, int ) ), SLOT( onSectionsChanged() ) ); m_init = true; return true; }
void RDHeaderView::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if(m_movingSection >= 0) { m_sectionPreview->move(event->x() - m_sectionPreviewOffset, 0); return; } if(m_customSizing) { if(m_resizeState.first == NoResize || m_resizeState.second < 0 || m_resizeState.second >= m_sections.count()) { auto res = checkResizing(event); bool hasCursor = testAttribute(Qt::WA_SetCursor); if(res.first != NoResize) { if(!hasCursor) setCursor(Qt::SplitHCursor); } else if(hasCursor) { unsetCursor(); } } else { int curX = QCursor::pos().x(); int delta = curX - m_cursorPos; int idx = m_resizeState.second; if(m_resizeState.first == LeftResize && idx > 0) idx--; // batch the cache update m_suppressSectionCache = true; int firstCol = idx; int lastCol = idx; // idx is the last in a group, so search backwards to see if there are neighbour sections we // should share the resize with while(firstCol > 0 && m_sections[firstCol - 1].group == m_sections[lastCol].group) firstCol--; // how much space could we lose on the columns, in total int freeSpace = 0; for(int col = firstCol; col <= lastCol; col++) freeSpace += m_sections[col].size - minimumSectionSize(); int numCols = lastCol - firstCol + 1; // spread the delta amonst the colummns int perSectionDelta = delta / numCols; // call resizeSection to emit the sectionResized signal but we set m_suppressSectionCache so // we won't cache sections. for(int col = firstCol; col <= lastCol; col++) resizeSection(col, qMax(minimumSectionSize(), m_sections[col].size + perSectionDelta)); // if there was an uneven spread, a few pixels will remain int remainder = delta - perSectionDelta * numCols; // loop around for the remainder pixels, assigning them one by one to the smallest/largest // column. // this is inefficient but remainder is very small - at most 3. int step = remainder < 0 ? -1 : 1; for(int i = 0; i < qAbs(remainder); i++) { int chosenCol = firstCol; for(int col = firstCol; col <= lastCol; col++) { if(step > 0 && m_sections[col].size < m_sections[chosenCol].size) chosenCol = col; else if(step < 0 && m_sections[col].size > m_sections[chosenCol].size) chosenCol = col; } resizeSection(chosenCol, qMax(minimumSectionSize(), m_sections[chosenCol].size + step)); } // only updating the cursor when the section is moving means that it becomes 'sticky'. If we // try to size down below the minimum size and keep going then it doesn't start resizing up // until it passes the divider again. int appliedDelta = delta; // if we were resizing down, at best we removed the remaining free space if(delta < 0) appliedDelta = qMax(delta, -freeSpace); m_cursorPos += appliedDelta; m_suppressSectionCache = false; cacheSections(); } return QAbstractItemView::mouseMoveEvent(event); } QHeaderView::mouseMoveEvent(event); }
AggregatorTab::AggregatorTab (const InitParams& params, QObject *plugin) : TabClass_ { params.TabClass_ } , ParentPlugin_ { plugin } , ChannelActions_ { params.ChannelActions_ } , FlatToFolders_ { std::make_shared<Util::FlatToFoldersProxyModel> (params.TagsManager_) } , ChannelsFilterModel_ { new ChannelsFilterModel { this } } { ChannelsFilterModel_->setSourceModel (params.ChannelsModel_); ChannelsFilterModel_->setFilterKeyColumn (0); Ui_.setupUi (this); auto itemsWidgetDeps = params.ItemsWidgetDeps_; itemsWidgetDeps.ChannelsModel_ = ChannelsFilterModel_; Ui_.ItemsWidget_->InjectDependencies (itemsWidgetDeps); connect (Ui_.ItemsWidget_, &ItemsWidget::movedToChannel, this, &AggregatorTab::handleItemsMovedToChannel); Ui_.MergeItems_->setChecked (XmlSettingsManager::Instance ()->Property ("MergeItems", false).toBool ()); Ui_.Feeds_->addAction (ChannelActions_->ActionMarkChannelAsRead_); Ui_.Feeds_->addAction (ChannelActions_->ActionMarkChannelAsUnread_); Ui_.Feeds_->addAction (Util::CreateSeparator (Ui_.Feeds_)); Ui_.Feeds_->addAction (ChannelActions_->ActionRemoveFeed_); Ui_.Feeds_->addAction (ChannelActions_->ActionUpdateSelectedFeed_); Ui_.Feeds_->addAction (ChannelActions_->ActionRenameFeed_); Ui_.Feeds_->addAction (Util::CreateSeparator (Ui_.Feeds_)); Ui_.Feeds_->addAction (ChannelActions_->ActionRemoveChannel_); Ui_.Feeds_->addAction (Util::CreateSeparator (Ui_.Feeds_)); Ui_.Feeds_->addAction (ChannelActions_->ActionChannelSettings_); Ui_.Feeds_->addAction (Util::CreateSeparator (Ui_.Feeds_)); Ui_.Feeds_->addAction (params.AppWideActions_.ActionAddFeed_); connect (Ui_.Feeds_, &QWidget::customContextMenuRequested, this, &AggregatorTab::handleFeedsContextMenuRequested); const auto fm = fontMetrics (); int dateTimeSize = fm.width (QDateTime::currentDateTime ().toString (Qt::SystemLocaleShortDate) + "__"); const auto channelsHeader = Ui_.Feeds_->header (); channelsHeader->resizeSection (0, fm.width ("Average channel name")); channelsHeader->resizeSection (1, fm.width ("_9999_")); channelsHeader->resizeSection (2, dateTimeSize); connect (Ui_.TagsLine_, &QLineEdit::textChanged, ChannelsFilterModel_, &QSortFilterProxyModel::setFilterFixedString); new Util::TagsCompleter (Ui_.TagsLine_); Ui_.TagsLine_->AddSelector (); Ui_.MainSplitter_->setStretchFactor (0, 5); Ui_.MainSplitter_->setStretchFactor (1, 9); connect (FlatToFolders_.get (), &QAbstractItemModel::rowsInserted, Ui_.Feeds_, &QTreeView::expand); LoadColumnWidth (Ui_.Feeds_, "feeds"); Ui_.ItemsWidget_->ConstructBrowser (); Ui_.ItemsWidget_->LoadUIState (); UiStateGuard_ = Util::MakeScopeGuard ([this] { SaveColumnWidth (Ui_.Feeds_, "feeds"); Ui_.ItemsWidget_->SaveUIState (); }); handleGroupChannels (); XmlSettingsManager::Instance ()->RegisterObject ("GroupChannelsByTags", this, "handleGroupChannels"); currentChannelChanged (); }
void WTrackTableViewHeader::setModel(QAbstractItemModel* model) { TrackModel* oldTrackModel = getTrackModel(); if (dynamic_cast<QAbstractItemModel*>(oldTrackModel) == model) { // If the models are the same, do nothing but the redundant call. QHeaderView::setModel(model); return; } // Won't happen in practice since the WTrackTableView new's a new // WTrackTableViewHeader each time a new TrackModel is loaded. // if (oldTrackModel) { // saveHeaderState(); // } // First clear all the context menu actions for the old model. clearActions(); // Now set the header view to show the new model QHeaderView::setModel(model); // Now build actions for the new TrackModel TrackModel* trackModel = dynamic_cast<TrackModel*>(model); if (!trackModel) { return; } // Restore saved header state to get sizes, column positioning, etc. back. restoreHeaderState(); // Here we can override values to prevent restoring corrupt values from database setMovable(true); // Setting true in the next line causes Bug #925619 at least with Qt 4.6.1 setCascadingSectionResizes(false); setMinimumSectionSize(WTTVH_MINIMUM_SECTION_SIZE); int columns = model->columnCount(); for (int i = 0; i < columns; ++i) { if (trackModel->isColumnInternal(i)) { continue; } QString title = model->headerData(i, orientation()).toString(); QAction* action = new QAction(title, &m_menu); action->setCheckable(true); /* If Mixxx starts the first time or the header states have been cleared * due to database schema evolution we gonna hide all columns that may * contain a potential large number of NULL values. Here we uncheck * item in the context menu that are hidden by defualt (e.g., key * column) */ if (!hasPersistedHeaderState() && trackModel->isColumnHiddenByDefault(i)) { action->setChecked(false); } else { action->setChecked(!isSectionHidden(i)); } // Map this action's signals via our QSignalMapper m_signalMapper.setMapping(action, i); m_columnActions.insert(i, action); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), &m_signalMapper, SLOT(map())); m_menu.addAction(action); // force the section size to be a least WTTVH_MINIMUM_SECTION_SIZE if (sectionSize(i) < WTTVH_MINIMUM_SECTION_SIZE) { // This might happen if WTTVH_MINIMUM_SECTION_SIZ has changed or // the header state from database was corrupt resizeSection(i,WTTVH_MINIMUM_SECTION_SIZE); } } // Safety check against someone getting stuck with all columns hidden // (produces an empty library table). Just re-show them all. if (hiddenCount() == columns) { for (int i = 0; i < columns; ++i) { showSection(i); } } }
ColorListWidget::ColorListWidget(Map* map, MainWindow* window, QWidget* parent) : QWidget(parent) , map(map) , window(window) { react_to_changes = true; setWhatsThis(Util::makeWhatThis("color_dock_widget.html")); // Color table color_table = new QTableWidget(map->getNumColors(), 7); color_table->setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView::SelectedClicked | QAbstractItemView::AnyKeyPressed); color_table->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection); color_table->setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectRows); color_table->verticalHeader()->setVisible(false); color_table->setHorizontalHeaderLabels(QStringList() << QString{} << tr("Name") << tr("Spot color") << tr("CMYK") << tr("RGB") << tr("K.o.") << tr("Opacity") ); color_table->setItemDelegateForColumn(0, new ColorItemDelegate(this)); color_table->setItemDelegateForColumn(6, new PercentageDelegate(this)); color_table->setColumnHidden(6, true); auto new_button_menu = new QMenu(this); (void) new_button_menu->addAction(tr("New"), this, SLOT(newColor())); duplicate_action = new_button_menu->addAction(tr("Duplicate"), this, SLOT(duplicateColor())); duplicate_action->setIcon(QIcon(QString::fromLatin1(":/images/tool-duplicate.png"))); // Buttons auto new_button = newToolButton(QIcon(QString::fromLatin1(":/images/plus.png")), tr("New")); new_button->setPopupMode(QToolButton::DelayedPopup); // or MenuButtonPopup new_button->setMenu(new_button_menu); delete_button = newToolButton(QIcon(QString::fromLatin1(":/images/minus.png")), tr("Delete")); auto add_remove_layout = new SegmentedButtonLayout(); add_remove_layout->addWidget(new_button); add_remove_layout->addWidget(delete_button); move_up_button = newToolButton(QIcon(QString::fromLatin1(":/images/arrow-up.png")), tr("Move Up")); move_up_button->setAutoRepeat(true); move_down_button = newToolButton(QIcon(QString::fromLatin1(":/images/arrow-down.png")), tr("Move Down")); move_down_button->setAutoRepeat(true); auto up_down_layout = new SegmentedButtonLayout(); up_down_layout->addWidget(move_up_button); up_down_layout->addWidget(move_down_button); // TODO: In Mapper >= 0.6, switch to ColorWidget (or generic) translation context. edit_button = newToolButton(QIcon(QString::fromLatin1(":/images/settings.png")), QApplication::translate("OpenOrienteering::MapEditorController", "&Edit").remove(QLatin1Char('&'))); edit_button->setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon); auto help_button = newToolButton(QIcon(QString::fromLatin1(":/images/help.png")), tr("Help")); help_button->setAutoRaise(true); // The buttons row layout auto buttons_group_layout = new QHBoxLayout(); buttons_group_layout->addLayout(add_remove_layout); buttons_group_layout->addLayout(up_down_layout); buttons_group_layout->addWidget(edit_button); buttons_group_layout->addWidget(new QLabel(QString::fromLatin1(" ")), 1); buttons_group_layout->addWidget(help_button); // The layout of all components below the table auto bottom_layout = new QVBoxLayout(); QStyleOption style_option(QStyleOption::Version, QStyleOption::SO_DockWidget); bottom_layout->setContentsMargins( style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutLeftMargin, &style_option) / 2, 0, // Covered by the main layout's spacing. style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutRightMargin, &style_option) / 2, style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutBottomMargin, &style_option) / 2 ); bottom_layout->addLayout(buttons_group_layout); bottom_layout->addWidget(new QLabel(tr("Double-click a color value to open a dialog."))); // The main layout auto layout = new QVBoxLayout(); layout->setContentsMargins(QMargins()); layout->addWidget(color_table, 1); layout->addLayout(bottom_layout); setLayout(layout); for (int i = 0; i < map->getNumColors(); ++i) addRow(i); auto header_view = color_table->horizontalHeader(); header_view->setSectionResizeMode(QHeaderView::Interactive); header_view->resizeSections(QHeaderView::ResizeToContents); header_view->setSectionResizeMode(0, QHeaderView::Fixed); // Color header_view->resizeSection(0, 32); header_view->setSectionResizeMode(1, QHeaderView::Stretch); // Name header_view->setSectionResizeMode(1, QHeaderView::Interactive); // Spot colors header_view->setSectionResizeMode(5, QHeaderView::Fixed); // Knockout header_view->resizeSection(5, 32); header_view->setSectionsClickable(false); currentCellChange(color_table->currentRow(), 0, 0, 0); // enable / disable move color buttons // Connections connect(color_table, &QTableWidget::cellChanged, this, &ColorListWidget::cellChange); connect(color_table, &QTableWidget::currentCellChanged, this, &ColorListWidget::currentCellChange); connect(color_table, &QTableWidget::cellDoubleClicked, this, &ColorListWidget::editCurrentColor); connect(new_button, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &ColorListWidget::newColor); connect(delete_button, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &ColorListWidget::deleteColor); connect(move_up_button, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &ColorListWidget::moveColorUp); connect(move_down_button, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &ColorListWidget::moveColorDown); connect(edit_button, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &ColorListWidget::editCurrentColor); connect(help_button, &QAbstractButton::clicked, this, &ColorListWidget::showHelp); connect(map, &Map::colorAdded, this, &ColorListWidget::colorAdded); connect(map, &Map::colorChanged, this, &ColorListWidget::colorChanged); connect(map, &Map::colorDeleted, this, &ColorListWidget::colorDeleted); }
// makes sure the column will apear no matter what void StretchHeaderView::AssertMinimalColumnWidth(int logical) { if (sectionSize(logical) < kMinimumColumnWidth) { resizeSection(logical, kMinimumColumnWidth); } }