Example #1
main (int argc, char **argv)
  GError *error = NULL;
  RestXmlParser *parser;
  RestXmlNode *root, *node;
  char *xml;

  g_thread_init (NULL);
  g_type_init ();

  parser = rest_xml_parser_new ();

  root = rest_xml_parser_parse_from_data (parser, TEST_XML, strlen (TEST_XML));
  g_assert (root);

  xml = rest_xml_node_print (root);

  g_assert (xml);

  if (strcmp (TEST_XML, xml))
      g_error ("Generated output for parsed XML does not match:\n"
               "in:  %s\n"
               "out: %s\n",
               TEST_XML, xml);

  rest_xml_node_unref (root);

  root = rest_xml_node_add_child (NULL, "node0");
  rest_xml_node_add_attr (root, "a00", "v00");
  rest_xml_node_add_attr (root, "a01", "v01");

  node = rest_xml_node_add_child (root, "node1");
  rest_xml_node_add_attr (node, "a10", "v10");

  node = rest_xml_node_add_child (root, "node1");
  rest_xml_node_add_attr (node, "a10", "v10");

  rest_xml_node_set_content (root, "Cont0");

  xml = rest_xml_node_print (root);

  g_assert (xml);

  if (strcmp (TEST_XML, xml))
      g_error ("Generated output for constructed XML does not match:\n"
               "in:  %s\n"
               "out: %s\n",
               TEST_XML, xml);

  rest_xml_node_unref (root);

  return 0;
Example #2
static gchar *
_construct_upload_atom_xml (GHashTable *fields, gboolean incomplete)
  GHashTableIter iter;
  gpointer key, value;
  RestXmlNode *entry = rest_xml_node_add_child (NULL, "entry");
  RestXmlNode *group = rest_xml_node_add_child (entry, "media:group");
  gchar *bare_xml;
  gchar *full_xml;

  rest_xml_node_add_attr (entry, "xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom");
  rest_xml_node_add_attr (entry, "xmlns:media",
  rest_xml_node_add_attr (entry, "xmlns:yt",

  if (incomplete)
    rest_xml_node_add_child (group, "yt:incomplete");

  g_hash_table_iter_init (&iter, fields);

  while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&iter, &key, &value)) {
    RestXmlNode *node;
    gchar *tag_name;
    const gchar* field_value = value;
    const gchar* field_key = key;

    tag_name = g_strdup_printf ("media:%s", field_key);

    node = rest_xml_node_add_child (group, tag_name);

    if (g_strcmp0 (field_key, "title") == 0 ||
        g_strcmp0 (field_key, "description") == 0)
      rest_xml_node_add_attr (node, "type", "plain");

    if (g_strcmp0 (field_key, "category") == 0)
      rest_xml_node_add_attr (node, "scheme", "http://gdata.youtube.com/"

    rest_xml_node_set_content (node, field_value);

  bare_xml = rest_xml_node_print (entry);
  full_xml = g_strdup_printf ("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n%s", bare_xml);

  rest_xml_node_unref (entry);
  g_free (bare_xml);

  return full_xml;
static YtsMetadata *
create_message (char const  *type,
                GVariant    *payload)

  RestXmlNode *node;
  char        *payload_str;
  char        *payload_str_escaped;;

  node = rest_xml_node_add_child (NULL, "message");
  /* PONDERING need those keywords be made reserved */
  rest_xml_node_add_attr (node, "type", type);
  rest_xml_node_add_attr (node, "capability", SERVICE_FQC_ID);

  payload_str = g_variant_print (payload, false);
  /* FIXME this is just a stopgap solution to lacking g_markup_unescape_text()
   * want to move to complex message bodies anywy. */
  payload_str_escaped = g_uri_escape_string (payload_str, NULL, true);
  rest_xml_node_add_attr (node, "payload", payload_str_escaped);
  g_free (payload_str_escaped);
  g_free (payload_str);

  if (g_variant_is_floating (payload))
    g_variant_unref (payload);

  return g_object_new (YTS_TYPE_MESSAGE,
                       "top-level-node", node,