RCODE F_FSRestore::openRflFile(
	FLMUINT			uiFileNum)
	RCODE				rc = NE_SFLM_OK;
	char				szRflPath[ F_PATH_MAX_SIZE];
	char				szBaseName[ F_FILENAME_SIZE];
	FLMUINT			uiBaseNameSize;
	SFLM_DB_HDR			dbHdr;
	IF_FileHdl *	pFileHdl = NULL;

	flmAssert( m_bSetupCalled);
	flmAssert( uiFileNum);
	flmAssert( !m_pFileHdl);

	// Read the database header to determine the version number

	if( !m_uiDbVersion)

		if( RC_BAD( rc = gv_SFlmSysData.pFileSystem->openFile( m_szDbPath,
			goto Exit;

		if( RC_BAD( rc = flmReadAndVerifyHdrInfo( NULL, pFileHdl, &dbHdr)))
			goto Exit;

		pFileHdl = NULL;

		m_uiDbVersion = (FLMUINT)dbHdr.ui32DbVersion;

	// Generate the log file name.

	if( RC_BAD( rc = rflGetDirAndPrefix( m_szDbPath, m_szRflDir, szRflPath)))
		goto Exit;

	uiBaseNameSize = sizeof( szBaseName);
	rflGetBaseFileName( uiFileNum, szBaseName, &uiBaseNameSize, NULL);
	gv_SFlmSysData.pFileSystem->pathAppend( szRflPath, szBaseName);

	// Open the file.

	if( RC_BAD( rc = gv_SFlmSysData.pFileSystem->openFile( szRflPath,
		goto Exit;

	m_bOpen = TRUE;
	m_ui64Offset = 0;


	if( pFileHdl)

	return( rc);
Desc:	Returns disk space usage for the database
RCODE XFLAPI F_Db::getDiskSpaceUsage(
	FLMUINT64 *		pui64DataSize,
	FLMUINT64 *		pui64RollbackSize,
	FLMUINT64 *		pui64RflSize)
	RCODE				rc = NE_XFLM_OK;
	FLMBOOL			bStartedTrans = FALSE;
	FLMUINT			uiEndAddress;
	FLMUINT			uiLastFileNumber;
	FLMUINT64		ui64LastFileSize;
	char				szTmpName [F_PATH_MAX_SIZE];
	char				szRflDir [F_PATH_MAX_SIZE];
	IF_FileHdl *	pFileHdl = NULL;
	IF_DirHdl *		pDirHdl = NULL;

	if (m_eTransType == XFLM_READ_TRANS)
		goto Exit;
	else if (m_eTransType != XFLM_NO_TRANS)
		if (!okToCommitTrans())
			goto Exit;
		if (RC_BAD( rc = beginTrans( XFLM_UPDATE_TRANS)))
			goto Exit;
		bStartedTrans = TRUE;

	// See if they want the database files sizes.

	if (pui64DataSize)
		uiEndAddress = m_uiLogicalEOF;
		uiLastFileNumber = FSGetFileNumber( uiEndAddress);

		// Last file number better be in the proper range.

		flmAssert( uiLastFileNumber >= 1 &&
					  uiLastFileNumber <= MAX_DATA_BLOCK_FILE_NUMBER);

		// Get the actual size of the last file.

		if (RC_BAD( rc = m_pSFileHdl->getFileSize( uiLastFileNumber,
			if (rc == NE_FLM_IO_PATH_NOT_FOUND ||
				if (uiLastFileNumber > 1)
					rc = NE_XFLM_OK;
					ui64LastFileSize = 0;

					// Should always be a data file #1

					goto Exit;
				goto Exit;

		// One of two situations exists with respect to the last
		// file: 1) it has not been fully written out yet (blocks
		// are still cached, or 2) it has been written out and
		// extended beyond what the logical EOF shows.  We want
		// the larger of these two possibilities.

		if (FSGetFileOffset( uiEndAddress) > ui64LastFileSize)
			ui64LastFileSize = FSGetFileOffset( uiEndAddress);

		if (uiLastFileNumber == 1)

			// Only one file - use last file's size.

			*pui64DataSize = ui64LastFileSize;

			// Size is the sum of full size for all files except the last one,
			// plus the calculated (or actual) size of the last one.

			(*pui64DataSize) = (FLMUINT64)(uiLastFileNumber - 1) *
							(FLMUINT64)m_pDatabase->m_uiMaxFileSize +

	// See if they want the rollback files sizes.

	if (pui64RollbackSize)
		uiEndAddress = (FLMUINT)m_pDatabase->m_uncommittedDbHdr.ui32RblEOF;
		uiLastFileNumber = FSGetFileNumber( uiEndAddress);

		// Last file number better be in the proper range.

		flmAssert( !uiLastFileNumber ||
					  (uiLastFileNumber >=
					   uiLastFileNumber <=

		// Get the size of the last file number.

		if (RC_BAD( rc = m_pSFileHdl->getFileSize( uiLastFileNumber,
			if (rc == NE_FLM_IO_PATH_NOT_FOUND ||
				if (uiLastFileNumber)
					rc = NE_XFLM_OK;
					ui64LastFileSize = 0;

					// Should always have rollback file #0

					goto Exit;
				goto Exit;

		// If the EOF offset for the last file is greater than the
		// actual file size, use it instead of the actual file size.

		if (FSGetFileOffset( uiEndAddress) > ui64LastFileSize)
			ui64LastFileSize = FSGetFileOffset( uiEndAddress);

		// Special case handling here because rollback file numbers start with
		// zero and then skip to a file number that is one beyond the
		// highest data file number - so the calculation for file size needs
		// to account for this.

		if (!uiLastFileNumber)
			*pui64RollbackSize = ui64LastFileSize;

			// Add full size of file zero plus a full size for every file
			// except the last one.

			(*pui64RollbackSize) = (FLMUINT64)(uiLastFileNumber -
															uiFirstLogFileNum + 1) *
							(FLMUINT64)m_pDatabase->m_uiMaxFileSize +

	// See if they want the roll-forward log file sizes.

	if (pui64RflSize)
		char *	pszDbFileName = m_pDatabase->m_pszDbPath;

		*pui64RflSize = 0;

		// Scan the RFL directory for
		// RFL files.  The call below to rflGetDirAndPrefix is done
		// to get the prefix.  It will not return the correct
		// RFL directory name, because we are passing in a NULL
		// RFL directory path (which may or may not be correct).
		// That's OK, because we get the RFL directory directly
		// from the F_Rfl object anyway.

		if (RC_BAD( rc = rflGetDirAndPrefix( pszDbFileName,
									NULL, szRflDir)))
			goto Exit;

		// We need to get the RFL directory from the F_Rfl object.

		f_strcpy( szRflDir, m_pDatabase->m_pRfl->getRflDirPtr());

		// See if the directory exists.  If not, we are done.

		if (gv_XFlmSysData.pFileSystem->isDir( szRflDir))

			// Open the directory and scan for RFL files.

			if (RC_BAD( rc = gv_XFlmSysData.pFileSystem->openDir( szRflDir,
											"*", &pDirHdl)))
				goto Exit;
			for (;;)
				if (RC_BAD( rc = pDirHdl->next()))
					if (rc == NE_FLM_IO_NO_MORE_FILES)
						rc = NE_XFLM_OK;
						goto Exit;
				pDirHdl->currentItemPath( szTmpName);

				// If the item looks like an RFL file name, get
				// its size.

				if (!pDirHdl->currentItemIsDir() &&
					  rflGetFileNum( szTmpName, &uiLastFileNumber))

					// Open the file and get its size.

					if (RC_BAD( rc = gv_XFlmSysData.pFileSystem->openFile(
							szTmpName, gv_XFlmSysData.uiFileOpenFlags, &pFileHdl)))
						if (rc == NE_FLM_IO_PATH_NOT_FOUND ||
							rc = NE_XFLM_OK;
							ui64LastFileSize = 0;
							goto Exit;
						if (RC_BAD( rc = pFileHdl->size( &ui64LastFileSize)))
							goto Exit;
					if (pFileHdl)
						pFileHdl = NULL;
					(*pui64RflSize) += ui64LastFileSize;


	if (pFileHdl)

	if (pDirHdl)

	if (bStartedTrans)

	return( rc);
Desc:	Renames a database
	const char *		pszDbName,
	const char *		pszDataDir,
	const char *		pszRflDir,
	const char *		pszNewDbName,
	FLMBOOL				bOverwriteDestOk,
	STATUS_HOOK			fnStatusCallback,
	void *				UserData)
	RCODE					rc = FERR_OK;
	IF_FileHdl *		pFileHdl = NULL;
	FLMUINT				uiFileNumber;
	FILE_HDR				FileHdr;
	LOG_HDR				LogHdr;
	DBRenameInfo *		pRenameList = NULL;
	FLMBOOL				bFileFound;
	FLMBYTE *			pucBuffer = NULL;
	FLMBYTE *			pucLogHdr;
	char *				pszOldName;
	char *				pszNewName;
	char *				pszOldDataName;
	char *				pszNewDataName;
	char *				pszFullNewName;
	char					szOldBase[ F_FILENAME_SIZE];
	char					szNewBase[ F_FILENAME_SIZE];
	char *				pszExtOld;
	char *				pszExtNew;
	char *				pszDataExtOld;
	char *				pszDataExtNew;

	// Cannot handle empty database name.

	flmAssert( pszDbName && *pszDbName);
	flmAssert( pszNewDbName && *pszNewDbName);

	// Allocate memory for a read buffer, the log header, and various
	// file names.

	if( RC_BAD( rc = f_allocAlignedBuffer( 
		2048 + LOG_HEADER_SIZE + F_PATH_MAX_SIZE * 5, &pucBuffer)))
		goto Exit;
	pucLogHdr = pucBuffer + 2048;
	pszOldName = (char *)(pucLogHdr + LOG_HEADER_SIZE);
	pszNewName = pszOldName + F_PATH_MAX_SIZE;
	pszOldDataName = pszNewName + F_PATH_MAX_SIZE;
	pszNewDataName = pszOldDataName + F_PATH_MAX_SIZE;
	pszFullNewName = pszNewDataName + F_PATH_MAX_SIZE;

	// There must be either no directory specified for the new name, or
	// it must be identical to the old directory.

	if (RC_BAD( rc = gv_FlmSysData.pFileSystem->pathReduce( 
		pszDbName, pszOldName, szOldBase)))
		goto Exit;
	if (RC_BAD( rc = gv_FlmSysData.pFileSystem->pathReduce( 
		pszNewDbName, pszNewName, szNewBase)))
		goto Exit;

	// Directories must be the same.

	if (*pszNewName && f_stricmp( pszOldName, pszNewName) != 0)
		goto Exit;
	f_strcpy( pszNewName, pszOldName);
	if (RC_BAD( rc = gv_FlmSysData.pFileSystem->pathAppend( 
		pszNewName, szNewBase)))
		goto Exit;

	f_strcpy( pszFullNewName, pszNewName);
	f_strcpy( pszOldName, pszDbName);

	if( pszDataDir && *pszDataDir)
		f_strcpy( pszOldDataName, pszDataDir);
		f_strcpy( pszNewDataName, pszDataDir);
		if (RC_BAD( rc = gv_FlmSysData.pFileSystem->pathAppend( 
			pszOldDataName, szOldBase)))
			goto Exit;
		if (RC_BAD( rc = gv_FlmSysData.pFileSystem->pathAppend( 
			pszNewDataName, szNewBase)))
			goto Exit;
		f_strcpy( pszNewDataName, pszNewName);
		f_strcpy( pszOldDataName, pszOldName);

	// First make sure we have closed the databases and gotten rid of
	// them from our internal memory tables - in case they had been open.

	if( RC_BAD( rc = FlmConfig( FLM_CLOSE_FILE, 
		(void *)pszDbName, (void *)pszDataDir)))
		goto Exit;

	if( RC_BAD( rc = FlmConfig( FLM_CLOSE_FILE, 
		(void *)pszFullNewName, (void *)pszDataDir)))
		goto Exit;

	// Open the file so we can get the log header.

	if( RC_BAD( rc = gv_FlmSysData.pFileSystem->openFile( pszDbName, 
		gv_FlmSysData.uiFileOpenFlags, &pFileHdl)))
		goto Exit;

	// Read the header to get the low and high RFL log
	// file numbers.

	if (RC_BAD( flmReadAndVerifyHdrInfo( NULL, pFileHdl,
								pucBuffer, &FileHdr, &LogHdr, pucLogHdr)))
		goto Exit;

	// Close the file.

	pFileHdl = NULL;

	// Start renaming files, beginning with the main DB file.

	if( RC_BAD( rc = flmRenameFile( pszDbName, pszFullNewName,
								bOverwriteDestOk, FALSE,
								&pRenameList, &bFileFound,
								fnStatusCallback, UserData)))
		goto Exit;

	// Find where the extension of the old and new database names are

	pszExtOld = pszOldName + f_strlen( pszOldName) - 1;
	pszDataExtOld = pszOldDataName + f_strlen( pszOldDataName) - 1;
	while (pszExtOld != pszOldName && *pszExtOld != '.')

		// Both the old db name and old data name have the same
		// base name, so we can decrement pszDataExtOld
		// at the same time we decrement pszExtOld.

	if (*pszExtOld != '.')
		pszExtOld = pszOldName + f_strlen( pszOldName);
		pszDataExtOld = pszOldDataName + f_strlen( pszOldDataName);

	pszExtNew = pszNewName + f_strlen( pszNewName) - 1;
	pszDataExtNew = pszNewDataName + f_strlen( pszNewDataName) - 1;
	while (pszExtNew != pszOldName && *pszExtNew != '.')

		// Both the new db name and new data name have the same
		// base name, so we can decrement pszDataExtNew
		// at the same time we decrement pszExtNew.

	if (*pszExtNew != '.')
		pszExtNew = pszNewName + f_strlen( pszNewName);
		pszDataExtNew = pszNewDataName + f_strlen( pszNewDataName);

	// Rename the .lck file, if any.  This is necessary for UNIX.

	f_strcpy( pszExtOld, ".lck");
	f_strcpy( pszExtNew, ".lck");
	if (RC_BAD( rc = flmRenameFile( pszOldName, pszNewName,
								bOverwriteDestOk, TRUE,
								&pRenameList, &bFileFound,
								fnStatusCallback, UserData)))
		goto Exit;

	// Rename block (data) files.

	uiFileNumber = 1;
	for (;;)
		F_SuperFileClient::bldSuperFileExtension( FileHdr.uiVersionNum,
			uiFileNumber, pszDataExtOld);
		F_SuperFileClient::bldSuperFileExtension( FileHdr.uiVersionNum,
			uiFileNumber, pszDataExtNew);

		if (RC_BAD( rc = flmRenameFile( pszOldDataName, pszNewDataName,
									bOverwriteDestOk, TRUE,
									&pRenameList, &bFileFound,
									fnStatusCallback, UserData)))
			goto Exit;
		if (!bFileFound)
		if (uiFileNumber ==
				MAX_DATA_BLOCK_FILE_NUMBER( FileHdr.uiVersionNum))

	// Rename rollback log files.

	uiFileNumber =
			FIRST_LOG_BLOCK_FILE_NUMBER (FileHdr.uiVersionNum);
	for (;;)
		F_SuperFileClient::bldSuperFileExtension( FileHdr.uiVersionNum,
			uiFileNumber, pszExtOld);
		F_SuperFileClient::bldSuperFileExtension( FileHdr.uiVersionNum,
			uiFileNumber, pszExtNew);

		if (RC_BAD( rc = flmRenameFile( pszOldName, pszNewName,
									bOverwriteDestOk, TRUE,
									&pRenameList, &bFileFound,
									fnStatusCallback, UserData)))
			goto Exit;
		if (!bFileFound)
		if (uiFileNumber ==
				MAX_LOG_BLOCK_FILE_NUMBER( FileHdr.uiVersionNum))

	// Rename roll-forward log files.

	if (FileHdr.uiVersionNum < FLM_FILE_FORMAT_VER_4_3)

		// For pre-4.3 versions, only need to rename one RFL file.

		if (RC_BAD( rc = rflGetFileName( FileHdr.uiVersionNum,
									pszDbName, pszRflDir, 1, pszOldName)))
			goto Exit;
		if (RC_BAD( rc = rflGetFileName( FileHdr.uiVersionNum,
									pszFullNewName, pszRflDir, 1, pszNewName)))
			goto Exit;
		if (RC_BAD( rc = flmRenameFile( pszOldName, pszNewName,
									bOverwriteDestOk, TRUE,
									&pRenameList, &bFileFound,
									fnStatusCallback, UserData)))
			goto Exit;

		// For 4.3 and greater, rename the RFL directory.

		if (RC_BAD( rc = rflGetDirAndPrefix( FileHdr.uiVersionNum,
									pszDbName, pszRflDir, pszOldName, szOldBase)))
			goto Exit;

		if (RC_BAD( rc = rflGetDirAndPrefix( FileHdr.uiVersionNum,
									pszFullNewName, pszRflDir, pszNewName,
			goto Exit;

		if (RC_BAD( rc = flmRenameFile( pszOldName, pszNewName,
									bOverwriteDestOk, TRUE,
									&pRenameList, &bFileFound,
									fnStatusCallback, UserData)))
			goto Exit;


	if( pFileHdl)
	if( pucBuffer)
		f_freeAlignedBuffer( &pucBuffer);

	// Free the list of renamed files.

	while( pRenameList)
		DBRenameInfo *		pRenameFile;

		pRenameFile = pRenameList;
		pRenameList = pRenameList->pNext;

		// If we had an error of some sort, attempt to un-rename
		// the file that had been renamed.

		if (RC_BAD( rc))
				pRenameFile->Info.szDstFileName, pRenameFile->Info.szSrcFileName);
		f_free( &pRenameFile);
	return( rc);
Desc:		Renames all files of a database
RCODE F_DbSystem::dbRename(
    const char *			pszDbName,
    // [IN] Database to be renamed.
    const char *			pszDataDir,
    // [IN] Directory for data files.
    const char *			pszRflDir,
    // [IN] RFL directory of database. NULL can be
    // passed to indicate that the log files are located
    // in the same directory as the other database files.
    const char *			pszNewDbName,
    // [IN] New name to be given to the database.  May be
    // the short name only, or include a directory.  If it
    // includes a directory, it must be the same directory
    // as the directory given in pszDbName.
    FLMBOOL					bOverwriteDestOk,
    // [IN] Ok to overwrite existing file with rename?
    IF_DbRenameStatus *	ifpStatus)
// [IN] Status callback function.
    RCODE					rc = NE_SFLM_OK;
    FLMUINT				uiFileNumber;
    DBRenameInfo *		pRenameList = NULL;
    FLMBOOL				bFileFound;
    char *				pszOldName = NULL;
    char *				pszNewName;
    char *				pszOldDataName;
    char *				pszNewDataName;
    char *				pszFullNewName;
    char					szOldBase [F_FILENAME_SIZE];
    char					szNewBase [F_FILENAME_SIZE];
    char *				pszExtOld;
    char *				pszExtNew;
    char *				pszDataExtOld;
    char *				pszDataExtNew;

    // Cannot handle empty database name.

    flmAssert( pszDbName && *pszDbName);
    flmAssert( pszNewDbName && *pszNewDbName);

    // Allocate memory for a read buffer, the log header, and various
    // file names.

    if (RC_BAD( rc = f_alloc( F_PATH_MAX_SIZE * 5, &pszOldName)))
        goto Exit;
    pszNewName = pszOldName + F_PATH_MAX_SIZE;
    pszOldDataName = pszNewName + F_PATH_MAX_SIZE;
    pszNewDataName = pszOldDataName + F_PATH_MAX_SIZE;
    pszFullNewName = pszNewDataName + F_PATH_MAX_SIZE;

    // There must be either no directory specified for the new name, or
    // it must be identical to the old directory.

    if (RC_BAD( rc = gv_SFlmSysData.pFileSystem->pathReduce(
                         pszDbName, pszOldName, szOldBase)))
        goto Exit;
    if (RC_BAD( rc = gv_SFlmSysData.pFileSystem->pathReduce(
                         pszNewDbName, pszNewName, szNewBase)))
        goto Exit;

    // Directories must be the same.

    if (*pszNewName && f_stricmp( pszOldName, pszNewName) != 0)
        goto Exit;
    f_strcpy( pszNewName, pszOldName);
    if (RC_BAD( rc = gv_SFlmSysData.pFileSystem->pathAppend(
                         pszNewName, szNewBase)))
        goto Exit;

    f_strcpy( pszFullNewName, pszNewName);
    f_strcpy( pszOldName, pszDbName);

    if (pszDataDir && *pszDataDir)
        f_strcpy( pszOldDataName, pszDataDir);
        f_strcpy( pszNewDataName, pszDataDir);
        if (RC_BAD( rc = gv_SFlmSysData.pFileSystem->pathAppend(
                             pszOldDataName, szOldBase)))
            goto Exit;
        if (RC_BAD( rc = gv_SFlmSysData.pFileSystem->pathAppend(
                             pszNewDataName, szNewBase)))
            goto Exit;
        f_strcpy( pszNewDataName, pszNewName);
        f_strcpy( pszOldDataName, pszOldName);

    // First make sure we have closed the databases and gotten rid of
    // them from our internal memory tables - in case they had been open.

    if (RC_BAD( rc = checkDatabaseClosed( pszDbName, pszDataDir)))
        goto Exit;
    if (RC_BAD( rc = checkDatabaseClosed( pszFullNewName, pszDataDir)))
        goto Exit;

    // Start renaming files, beginning with the main DB file.

    if (RC_BAD( rc = flmRenameFile( pszDbName, pszFullNewName,
                                    bOverwriteDestOk, FALSE,
                                    &pRenameList, &bFileFound,
        goto Exit;

    // Find where the extension of the old and new database names are

    pszExtOld = pszOldName + f_strlen( pszOldName) - 1;
    pszDataExtOld = pszOldDataName + f_strlen( pszOldDataName) - 1;
    while (pszExtOld != pszOldName && *pszExtOld != '.')

        // Both the old db name and old data name have the same
        // base name, so we can decrement pszDataExtOld
        // at the same time we decrement pszExtOld.

    if (*pszExtOld != '.')
        pszExtOld = pszOldName + f_strlen( pszOldName);
        pszDataExtOld = pszOldDataName + f_strlen( pszOldDataName);

    pszExtNew = pszNewName + f_strlen( pszNewName) - 1;
    pszDataExtNew = pszNewDataName + f_strlen( pszNewDataName) - 1;
    while (pszExtNew != pszOldName && *pszExtNew != '.')

        // Both the new db name and new data name have the same
        // base name, so we can decrement pszDataExtNew
        // at the same time we decrement pszExtNew.

    if (*pszExtNew != '.')
        pszExtNew = pszNewName + f_strlen( pszNewName);
        pszDataExtNew = pszNewDataName + f_strlen( pszNewDataName);

    // Rename the .lck file, if any.  This is necessary for UNIX.

    f_strcpy( pszExtOld, ".lck");
    f_strcpy( pszExtNew, ".lck");
    if (RC_BAD( rc = flmRenameFile( pszOldName, pszNewName,
                                    bOverwriteDestOk, TRUE,
                                    &pRenameList, &bFileFound,
        goto Exit;

    // Rename block (data) files.

    uiFileNumber = 1;
    for (;;)
        F_SuperFileClient::bldSuperFileExtension( uiFileNumber, pszDataExtOld);
        F_SuperFileClient::bldSuperFileExtension( uiFileNumber, pszDataExtNew);

        if (RC_BAD( rc = flmRenameFile( pszOldDataName, pszNewDataName,
                                        bOverwriteDestOk, TRUE,
                                        &pRenameList, &bFileFound,
            goto Exit;
        if (!bFileFound)
        if (uiFileNumber == MAX_DATA_BLOCK_FILE_NUMBER)

    // Rename rollback log files.

    for (;;)
        F_SuperFileClient::bldSuperFileExtension( uiFileNumber, pszExtOld);
        F_SuperFileClient::bldSuperFileExtension( uiFileNumber, pszExtNew);

        if (RC_BAD( rc = flmRenameFile( pszOldName, pszNewName,
                                        bOverwriteDestOk, TRUE,
                                        &pRenameList, &bFileFound,
            goto Exit;
        if (!bFileFound)
        if (uiFileNumber == MAX_LOG_BLOCK_FILE_NUMBER)

    // Rename the RFL directory.

    if (RC_BAD( rc = rflGetDirAndPrefix( pszDbName, pszRflDir, pszOldName)))
        goto Exit;

    if (RC_BAD( rc = rflGetDirAndPrefix( pszFullNewName, pszRflDir,
        goto Exit;

    if (RC_BAD( rc = flmRenameFile( pszOldName, pszNewName,
                                    bOverwriteDestOk, TRUE,
                                    &pRenameList, &bFileFound,
        goto Exit;

    if (pszOldName)
        f_free( &pszOldName);

    // Free the list of renamed files.

    while (pRenameList)
        DBRenameInfo *		pRenameFile;

        pRenameFile = pRenameList;
        pRenameList = pRenameList->pNext;

        // If we had an error of some sort, attempt to un-rename
        // the file that had been renamed.

        if (RC_BAD( rc))
                pRenameFile->Info.szDstFileName, pRenameFile->Info.szSrcFileName);
        f_free( &pRenameFile);
    return( rc);
Example #5
Desc:	Copy a database's files, including roll-forward log files.
	FLMUINT				uiDbVersion,
	const char *		pszSrcDbName,
	const char *		pszSrcDataDir,
	const char *		pszSrcRflDir,
	const char *		pszDestDbName,
	const char *		pszDestDataDir,
	const char *		pszDestRflDir,
	STATUS_HOOK			fnStatusCallback,
	void *				UserData)
	RCODE						rc = FERR_OK;
	DB_COPY_INFO			DbCopyInfo;
	F_SuperFileHdl *		pSrcSFileHdl = NULL;
	F_SuperFileHdl *		pDestSFileHdl = NULL;
	F_SuperFileClient *	pSrcSFileClient = NULL;
	F_SuperFileClient *	pDestSFileClient = NULL;
	FLMUINT					uiFileNumber;
	FLMUINT					uiHighFileNumber;
	FLMUINT					uiHighLogFileNumber;
	FLMUINT64				ui64FileSize;
	FFILE *					pFile = NULL;
	FLMBOOL					bMutexLocked = FALSE;
	IF_FileHdl *			pLockFileHdl = NULL;
	IF_FileHdl *			pTmpFileHdl = NULL;
	IF_DirHdl *				pDirHdl = NULL;
	FLMBOOL					bFileLocked = FALSE;
	FLMBOOL					bWriteLocked = FALSE;
	IF_LockObject *		pWriteLockObj = NULL;
	IF_LockObject *		pFileLockObj = NULL;
	COPIED_NAME *			pCopiedList = NULL;
	FLMBOOL					bUsedFFile = FALSE;
	FLMBYTE *				pucInMemLogHdr = NULL;
	eLockType				currLockType;
	FLMUINT					uiLockThreadId;
	char *					pszActualSrcRflPath = NULL;
	char *					pszSrcPrefix = NULL;
	char *					pszActualDestRflPath = NULL;
	char *					pszDestPrefix = NULL;
	FLMBOOL					bCreatedDestRflDir = FALSE;
	F_SEM						hWaitSem = F_SEM_NULL;

	f_memset( &DbCopyInfo, 0, sizeof( DbCopyInfo));

	// Should not do anything if the source and destination names
	// are the same.

	if (f_stricmp( pszSrcDbName, pszDestDbName) == 0)
		goto Exit;
	// Allocate a semaphore

	if( RC_BAD( rc = f_semCreate( &hWaitSem)))
		goto Exit;
	// Allocate memory for paths we don't want to push onto the stack.

	if (RC_BAD( rc = f_calloc( 
		(F_PATH_MAX_SIZE + F_FILENAME_SIZE) * 2, &pszActualSrcRflPath)))
		goto Exit;

	pszSrcPrefix = &pszActualSrcRflPath[ F_PATH_MAX_SIZE];
	pszActualDestRflPath = &pszSrcPrefix[ F_FILENAME_SIZE];
	pszDestPrefix = &pszActualDestRflPath[ F_PATH_MAX_SIZE];

	// Set up the super file object for the source database.
	// Must at least open the control file.
	if( (pSrcSFileClient = f_new F_SuperFileClient) == NULL)
		rc = RC_SET( FERR_MEM);
		goto Exit;
	if( RC_BAD( rc = pSrcSFileClient->setup(
		pszSrcDbName, pszSrcDataDir, uiDbVersion)))
		goto Exit;
	if( (pSrcSFileHdl = f_new F_SuperFileHdl) == NULL)
		rc = RC_SET( FERR_MEM);
		goto Exit;

	if( RC_BAD( rc = pSrcSFileHdl->setup( pSrcSFileClient, 
		gv_FlmSysData.pFileHdlCache, gv_FlmSysData.uiFileOpenFlags, 0)))
		goto Exit;

	// Lock the destination database, if not already locked.
	// This is so we can overwrite it without necessarily
	// deleting it.  May unlock and re-lock the global mutex.

	f_mutexLock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);
	bMutexLocked = TRUE;

	if (RC_BAD( rc = flmFindFile( pszDestDbName, pszDestDataDir, &pFile)))
		goto Exit;

	// If we didn't find an FFILE structure, get an
	// exclusive lock on the file.

	if (!pFile)
		f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);
		bMutexLocked = FALSE;

		// Attempt to get an exclusive lock on the file.

		if (RC_BAD( rc = flmCreateLckFile( pszDestDbName, &pLockFileHdl)))
			goto Exit;
		// The call to flmVerifyFileUse will wait if the file is in
		// the process of being opened by another thread.

		if (RC_BAD( rc = flmVerifyFileUse( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex, &pFile)))
			goto Exit;

		// Increment the use count on the FFILE so it will not
		// disappear while we are copying the file.

		if (++pFile->uiUseCount == 1)
			flmUnlinkFileFromNUList( pFile);
		bUsedFFile = TRUE;

		f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);
		bMutexLocked = FALSE;
		pucInMemLogHdr = &pFile->ucLastCommittedLogHdr [0];

		// Lock the destination file object and transaction
		// object, if not already locked.
		pFile->pFileLockObj->getLockInfo( 0, &currLockType, &uiLockThreadId, NULL);
		if (currLockType != FLM_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE || uiLockThreadId != f_threadId())
			pFileLockObj = pFile->pFileLockObj;
			if (RC_BAD( rc = pFileLockObj->lock( hWaitSem,
				goto Exit;
			bFileLocked = TRUE;

		// Lock the write object, if not already locked

		pFile->pWriteLockObj->getLockInfo( 0, &currLockType, &uiLockThreadId, NULL);
		if( currLockType != FLM_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE || 
			 uiLockThreadId != f_threadId())
			pWriteLockObj = pFile->pWriteLockObj;

			// Only contention here is with the checkpoint thread - wait
			// forever until the checkpoint thread gives it up.
			if( RC_BAD( rc = pWriteLockObj->lock( hWaitSem, 
				goto Exit;

			bWriteLocked = TRUE;

	// Set up the super file object for the destination database.
	if( (pDestSFileClient = f_new F_SuperFileClient) == NULL)
		rc = RC_SET( FERR_MEM);
		goto Exit;
	if( RC_BAD( rc = pDestSFileClient->setup( 
		pszDestDbName, pszDestDataDir, uiDbVersion)))
		goto Exit;

	if( (pDestSFileHdl = f_new F_SuperFileHdl) == NULL)
		rc = RC_SET( FERR_MEM);
		goto Exit;
	if( RC_BAD( rc = pDestSFileHdl->setup( pDestSFileClient, 
		gv_FlmSysData.pFileHdlCache, gv_FlmSysData.uiFileOpenFlags,
		goto Exit;

	// See how many files we have and calculate the total size.

	uiHighFileNumber = 0;
	for (;;)
		if( RC_BAD( rc = pSrcSFileHdl->getFileSize( 
			uiHighFileNumber, &ui64FileSize)) || !ui64FileSize)
			if (rc == FERR_IO_PATH_NOT_FOUND ||
				 rc == FERR_IO_INVALID_PATH ||
				// If the control file doesn't exist, we will return
				// path not found.

				if (!uiHighFileNumber)
					goto Exit;
				rc = FERR_OK;
			goto Exit;

		DbCopyInfo.ui64BytesToCopy += ui64FileSize;
		if (uiHighFileNumber == MAX_DATA_BLOCK_FILE_NUMBER( uiDbVersion))

	// See how many rollback log files we have, and calculate
	// their total size.

	uiHighLogFileNumber = FIRST_LOG_BLOCK_FILE_NUMBER( uiDbVersion);
	for (;;)
		if ((RC_BAD( rc = pSrcSFileHdl->getFileSize( 
			uiHighLogFileNumber, &ui64FileSize))) || !ui64FileSize)
			if (rc == FERR_IO_PATH_NOT_FOUND ||
				 rc == FERR_IO_INVALID_PATH ||
				if (uiHighLogFileNumber ==
					uiHighLogFileNumber = 0;
				rc = FERR_OK;
			goto Exit;

		DbCopyInfo.ui64BytesToCopy += ui64FileSize;
		if (uiHighLogFileNumber == MAX_LOG_BLOCK_FILE_NUMBER( uiDbVersion))

	// Get the sizes of the roll-forward log files

	if( uiDbVersion < FLM_FILE_FORMAT_VER_4_3)
		// For pre-4.3 versions, only need to copy one RFL file.

		if (RC_BAD( rc = rflGetFileName( uiDbVersion,
			pszSrcDbName, pszSrcRflDir, 1, pszActualSrcRflPath)))
			goto Exit;

		if( RC_BAD( rc = gv_FlmSysData.pFileSystem->openFile( 
				pszActualSrcRflPath, gv_FlmSysData.uiFileOpenFlags,
			if (rc == FERR_IO_PATH_NOT_FOUND ||
				rc = FERR_OK;
				goto Exit;
			if (RC_BAD( rc = pTmpFileHdl->size( &ui64FileSize)))
				goto Exit;

			DbCopyInfo.ui64BytesToCopy += ui64FileSize;
			pTmpFileHdl = NULL;
		if( RC_BAD( rc = rflGetDirAndPrefix( uiDbVersion, pszSrcDbName, 
			pszSrcRflDir, pszActualSrcRflPath, pszSrcPrefix)))
			goto Exit;

		if (RC_BAD( rc = gv_FlmSysData.pFileSystem->openDir(
									pszActualSrcRflPath, (char *)"*", &pDirHdl)))
			goto Exit;

		for (;;)
			if( RC_BAD( rc = pDirHdl->next()))
				if (rc == FERR_IO_NO_MORE_FILES)
					rc = FERR_OK;
					goto Exit;

			// If the current file is an RFL file, increment ui64BytesToCopy

			if( rflGetFileNum( uiDbVersion, pszSrcPrefix,
				pDirHdl->currentItemName(), &uiFileNumber))
				DbCopyInfo.ui64BytesToCopy += pDirHdl->currentItemSize();

		pDirHdl = NULL;

	// Close all file handles in the source and destination


	// Copy the database files.

	for (uiFileNumber = 0; uiFileNumber <= uiHighFileNumber; uiFileNumber++)

		// Get the source file path and destination file path.

		if( RC_BAD( rc = pSrcSFileHdl->getFilePath( 
			uiFileNumber, DbCopyInfo.szSrcFileName)))
			goto Exit;
		if( RC_BAD( rc = pDestSFileHdl->getFilePath( 
			uiFileNumber, DbCopyInfo.szDestFileName)))
			goto Exit;

		// For the control file, don't copy first 2K - it will be set up 
		// to show maintenance in progress.  Then the first 2K will be copied
		// later.

		if (!uiFileNumber)
			DbCopyInfo.bNewSrcFile = TRUE;
			if (RC_BAD( rc = flmCopyFile( gv_FlmSysData.pFileSystem,
										2048, 0xFFFFFFFF,
										&DbCopyInfo, &pCopiedList, pucInMemLogHdr, TRUE,
										fnStatusCallback, UserData)))
				goto Exit;

			DbCopyInfo.bNewSrcFile = TRUE;
			if (RC_BAD( rc = flmCopyFile( gv_FlmSysData.pFileSystem,
										0, 0xFFFFFFFF,
										&DbCopyInfo, &pCopiedList, NULL, TRUE,
										fnStatusCallback, UserData)))
				goto Exit;

	// Copy the additional rollback log files, if any.

	for (uiFileNumber = FIRST_LOG_BLOCK_FILE_NUMBER( uiDbVersion);
		  uiFileNumber <= uiHighLogFileNumber; uiFileNumber++)

		// Get the source file path and destination file path.

		if (RC_BAD( rc = pSrcSFileHdl->getFilePath( uiFileNumber,
			goto Exit;

		if (RC_BAD( rc = pDestSFileHdl->getFilePath( uiFileNumber,	
			goto Exit;

		DbCopyInfo.bNewSrcFile = TRUE;
		if (RC_BAD( rc = flmCopyFile( gv_FlmSysData.pFileSystem,
									0, 0xFFFFFFFF,
									&DbCopyInfo, &pCopiedList, NULL, TRUE,
									fnStatusCallback, UserData)))
			goto Exit;

	// Copy the RFL files

	if( uiDbVersion < FLM_FILE_FORMAT_VER_4_3)
		// Get the source file path and the destination file path.

		if (RC_BAD( rc = rflGetFileName( uiDbVersion, pszSrcDbName,
										pszSrcRflDir, 1,
			goto Exit;

		if (RC_BAD( rc = rflGetFileName( uiDbVersion, pszDestDbName, 
									pszDestRflDir, 1,
			goto Exit;

		DbCopyInfo.bNewSrcFile = TRUE;
		if (RC_BAD( rc = flmCopyFile( gv_FlmSysData.pFileSystem,
									0, 0xFFFFFFFF,
									&DbCopyInfo, &pCopiedList, NULL, TRUE,
									fnStatusCallback, UserData)))
			goto Exit;
		// Create the destination RFL directory, if needed.  The purpose of this
		// code is two-fold: 1) We want to keep track of the fact that we tried
		// to create the destination RFL directory so we can try to remove it
		// if the copy fails; 2) If the destination RFL directory path specifies
		// a directory with existing files, we want to remove them.

		if( RC_BAD( rc = rflGetDirAndPrefix( uiDbVersion, pszDestDbName, 
			pszDestRflDir, pszActualDestRflPath, pszDestPrefix)))
			goto Exit;

		if( RC_OK( gv_FlmSysData.pFileSystem->doesFileExist( 
			if( gv_FlmSysData.pFileSystem->isDir( pszActualDestRflPath))
				// Remove the existing directory and all files, etc.

					pszActualDestRflPath, TRUE);
				(void)gv_FlmSysData.pFileSystem->deleteFile( pszActualDestRflPath);

		// Try to create the destination RFL directory.  This might fail if
		// another process was accessing the directory for some reason 
		// (i.e., from a command prompt), when we tried to remove it above.
		// We really don't care if the call to CreateDir is sucessful, because
		// when we try to create the destination files (below), the FLAIM file
		// file system code will try to create any necessary directories.

		(void)gv_FlmSysData.pFileSystem->createDir( pszActualDestRflPath);
		bCreatedDestRflDir = TRUE;

		// Copy the RFL files.  NOTE:  We need to copy all of the RFL files
		// in the source RFL directory so that they will be available
		// when performing a database restore operation.

		if (RC_BAD( rc = gv_FlmSysData.pFileSystem->openDir(
									pszActualSrcRflPath, (char *)"*", &pDirHdl)))
			goto Exit;

		for (;;)
			if( RC_BAD( rc = pDirHdl->next()))
				if (rc == FERR_IO_NO_MORE_FILES)
					rc = FERR_OK;
					goto Exit;

			// If the current file is an RFL file, copy it to the destination

			if( rflGetFileNum( uiDbVersion, pszSrcPrefix,
				pDirHdl->currentItemName(), &uiFileNumber))
				// Get the source file path and the destination file path.

				if (RC_BAD( rc = rflGetFileName( uiDbVersion, pszSrcDbName,
												pszSrcRflDir, uiFileNumber,
					goto Exit;

				if (RC_BAD( rc = rflGetFileName( uiDbVersion, pszDestDbName, 
											pszDestRflDir, uiFileNumber,
					goto Exit;

				DbCopyInfo.bNewSrcFile = TRUE;
				if (RC_BAD( rc = flmCopyFile( gv_FlmSysData.pFileSystem,
											0, 0xFFFFFFFF,
											&DbCopyInfo, &pCopiedList, NULL, TRUE,
											fnStatusCallback, UserData)))
					goto Exit;

		pDirHdl = NULL;

	// Do one final copy on the control file to copy just the first 2K

	if (RC_BAD( rc = pSrcSFileHdl->getFilePath( 0, DbCopyInfo.szSrcFileName)))
		goto Exit;

	if (RC_BAD( rc = pDestSFileHdl->getFilePath( 0, DbCopyInfo.szDestFileName)))
		goto Exit;

	DbCopyInfo.bNewSrcFile = FALSE;
	if (RC_BAD( rc = flmCopyFile( gv_FlmSysData.pFileSystem,
								0, 2048,
								&DbCopyInfo, NULL, pucInMemLogHdr, FALSE,
								fnStatusCallback, UserData)))
		goto Exit;


	if (bUsedFFile)
		if (!bMutexLocked)
			f_mutexLock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);
			bMutexLocked = TRUE;

		if (!(--pFile->uiUseCount))
			flmLinkFileToNUList( pFile);

	if (bMutexLocked)
		f_mutexUnlock( gv_FlmSysData.hShareMutex);
		bMutexLocked = FALSE;

	if (bWriteLocked)
		if( RC_BAD( rc = pWriteLockObj->unlock()))
			goto Exit;
		bWriteLocked = FALSE;

	if (bFileLocked)
		RCODE	rc3;

		if (RC_BAD( rc3 = pFileLockObj->unlock()))
			if (RC_OK( rc))
				rc = rc3;
		bFileLocked = FALSE;

	if (pWriteLockObj)
		pWriteLockObj = NULL;

	if (pFileLockObj)
		pFileLockObj = NULL;

	if (pLockFileHdl)
		pLockFileHdl = NULL;

	if( pTmpFileHdl)

	if( pDirHdl)

	// Free all the names of files that were copied.
	// If the copy didn't finish, try to delete any files
	// that were copied.

	while (pCopiedList)
		COPIED_NAME *	pNext = pCopiedList->pNext;

		// If the overall copy failed, delete the copied file.

		if (RC_BAD( rc))
			(void)gv_FlmSysData.pFileSystem->deleteFile( pCopiedList->szPath);

		f_free( &pCopiedList);
		pCopiedList = pNext;

	if( RC_BAD( rc) && bCreatedDestRflDir)
		(void)gv_FlmSysData.pFileSystem->removeDir( pszActualDestRflPath);

	if( pszActualSrcRflPath)
		f_free( &pszActualSrcRflPath);
	if( hWaitSem != F_SEM_NULL)
		f_semDestroy( &hWaitSem);
	if( pSrcSFileHdl)
	if( pSrcSFileClient)
	if( pDestSFileHdl)
	if( pDestSFileClient)

	return( rc);