Example #1
bool ColorConvert::test() {
    Image a(123, 234, 3, 3);
    Noise::apply(a, 0.3, 0.7); // Gotta be in-gamut for all our spaces tested
    Image b = a;

    if (!nearlyEqual(a, xyz2rgb(rgb2xyz(a)))) return false;

    string spaces[] = {"xyz", "rgb", "argb", "yuv", "lab", "hsv"};
    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
            printf("%s -> %s -> %s\n", spaces[j].c_str(), spaces[i].c_str(), spaces[j].c_str());
            Image to = apply(a, spaces[j], spaces[i]);
            Image from = apply(to, spaces[i], spaces[j]);
            if (!nearlyEqual(a, from)) return false;
            // Check luminance is preserved
            printf("y -> %s -> y\n", spaces[i].c_str());
            Image y = a.channel(0);
            Image to = apply(y, "y", spaces[i]);
            Image from = apply(to, spaces[i], "y");
            if (!nearlyEqual(y, from)) return false;
    return true;
Example #2
void Image::rgb2xyz()
	if (xyz_data == nullptr)
		xyz_data = new precision[3 * width * height];
	for (unsigned int h = 0; h < height; h++)
		for (unsigned int w = 0; w < width; w++)
			auto rc = this->rc(w, h);
			auto gc = this->gc(w, h);
			auto bc = this->bc(w, h);
			precision x, y, z;
			rgb2xyz(rc, gc, bc, &x, &y, &z);
			this->x(w, h, x);
			this->y(w, h, y);
			this->z(w, h, z);
Example #3
// BANG - calculate and output
void cs_bang(t_cs *x)
	if(x->attr_mode == ps_rgb2hsl) rgb2hsl(x, x->val1, x->val2, x->val3); // first for speed
	else if(x->attr_mode == ps_hsl2rgb) hsl2rgb(x, x->val1, x->val2, x->val3);
	else if(x->attr_mode == ps_no_transform) no_transform(x);
	else if(x->attr_mode == ps_rgb2cmy) rgb2cmy(x, x->val1, x->val2, x->val3);
	else if(x->attr_mode == ps_cmy2rgb) cmy2rgb(x, x->val1, x->val2, x->val3);
	else if(x->attr_mode == ps_rgb2hsv) rgb2hsv(x, x->val1, x->val2, x->val3);
	else if(x->attr_mode == ps_hsv2rgb) hsv2rgb(x, x->val1, x->val2, x->val3);
	else if(x->attr_mode == ps_rgb2xyz) rgb2xyz(x, x->val1, x->val2, x->val3);
	else if(x->attr_mode == ps_xyz2rgb) xyz2rgb(x, x->val1, x->val2, x->val3);
	else if(x->attr_mode == ps_rgb2uvw) rgb2uvw(x, x->val1, x->val2, x->val3);
	else if(x->attr_mode == ps_uvw2rgb) uvw2rgb(x, x->val1, x->val2, x->val3);
	else if(x->attr_mode == ps_rgb2retinalcone) rgb2cone(x, x->val1, x->val2, x->val3);
	else if(x->attr_mode == ps_retinalcone2rgb) cone2rgb(x, x->val1, x->val2, x->val3);
	else if(x->attr_mode == ps_rgb2lab) rgb2lab(x, x->val1, x->val2, x->val3);
	else if(x->attr_mode == ps_lab2rgb) lab2rgb(x, x->val1, x->val2, x->val3);
	else if(x->attr_mode == ps_rgb2yiq) rgb2yiq(x, x->val1, x->val2, x->val3);
	else if(x->attr_mode == ps_yiq2rgb) yiq2rgb(x, x->val1, x->val2, x->val3);
	else if(x->attr_mode == ps_rgb2hls) rgb2hls(x, x->val1, x->val2, x->val3);
	else if(x->attr_mode == ps_hls2rgb) hls2rgb(x, x->val1, x->val2, x->val3);
	else if(x->attr_mode == ps_rgb2rgbcie) rgb2rgbcie(x, x->val1, x->val2, x->val3);
	else if(x->attr_mode == ps_rgbcie2rgb) rgbcie2rgb(x, x->val1, x->val2, x->val3);
	else if(x->attr_mode == ps_rgb2rgbsmpte) rgb2rgbsmpte(x, x->val1, x->val2, x->val3);
	else if(x->attr_mode == ps_rgbsmpte2rgb) rgbsmpte2rgb(x, x->val1, x->val2, x->val3);

	if(x->attr_outputtype == ps_packed){
		Atom temp_list[3];
		atom_setlong(temp_list+0, x->calc1);
		atom_setlong(temp_list+1, x->calc2);
		atom_setlong(temp_list+2, x->calc3);
		outlet_list(x->out1, 0L, 3, temp_list);	// output the result
		outlet_int(x->out3, x->calc3);	// output the result	
		outlet_int(x->out2, x->calc2);	// output the result	
		outlet_int(x->out1, x->calc1);	// output the result
Example #4
Image ColorConvert::rgb2argb(Image im) {
    return xyz2argb(rgb2xyz(im));
Example #5
Image ColorConvert::rgb2lab(Image im) {
    assert(im.channels == 3, "Image does not have 3 channels\n");
    return xyz2lab(rgb2xyz(im));
Example #6
Image ColorConvert::apply(Image im, string from, string to) {
    // check for the trivial case
    assert(from != to, "color conversion from %s to %s is pointless\n", from.c_str(), to.c_str());

    // unsupported destination color spaces
    if (to == "yuyv" ||
        to == "uyvy") {
        panic("Unsupported destination color space: %s\n", to.c_str());

    // direct conversions that don't have to go via rgb
    if (from == "yuyv" && to == "yuv") {
        return yuyv2yuv(im);
    } else if (from == "uyvy" && to == "yuv") {
        return uyvy2yuv(im);
    } else if (from == "xyz" && to == "lab") {
        return xyz2lab(im);
    } else if (from == "lab" && to == "xyz") {
        return lab2xyz(im);
    } else if (from == "argb" && to == "xyz") {
        return argb2xyz(im);
    } else if (from == "xyz" && to == "argb") {
        return xyz2argb(im);
    } else if (from != "rgb" && to != "rgb") {
        // conversions that go through rgb
        Image halfway = apply(im, from, "rgb");
        return apply(halfway, "rgb", to);
    } else if (from == "rgb") { // from rgb
        if (to == "hsv" || to == "hsl" || to == "hsb") {
            return rgb2hsv(im);
        } else if (to == "yuv") {
            return rgb2yuv(im);
        } else if (to == "xyz") {
            return rgb2xyz(im);
        } else if (to == "y" || to == "gray" ||
                   to == "grayscale" || to == "luminance") {
            return rgb2y(im);
        } else if (to == "lab") {
            return rgb2lab(im);
        } else if (to == "argb") {
            return rgb2argb(im);
        } else {
            panic("Unknown color space %s\n", to.c_str());
    } else { //(to == "rgb")
        if (from == "hsv" || from == "hsl" || from == "hsb") {
            return hsv2rgb(im);
        } else if (from == "yuv") {
            return yuv2rgb(im);
        } else if (from == "xyz") {
            return xyz2rgb(im);
        } else if (from == "y" || from == "gray" ||
                   from == "grayscale" || from == "luminance") {
            return y2rgb(im);
        } else if (from == "lab") {
            return lab2rgb(im);
        } else if (from == "uyvy") {
            return uyvy2rgb(im);
        } else if (from == "yuyv") {
            return yuyv2rgb(im);
        } else if (from == "argb") {
            return argb2rgb(im);
        } else {
            panic("Unknown color space %s\n", from.c_str());

    // keep the compiler happy
    return Image();

Example #7
double *rgb2lab(double arr[]) {
	double *xyz = rgb2xyz(arr);
	double *lab = xyz2lab(xyz);
	return lab;