Example #1
void Slit::build()
    m_path = QPainterPath(QPointF(0.0, -m_radius));
    m_path.lineTo(0.0, -m_slitRadius);
    m_path.moveTo(0.0, m_slitRadius);
    m_path.lineTo(QPointF(0.0, m_radius));
    m_leftEdge = leftEdge();
    m_rightEdge = rightEdge();
    m_leftSlitEdge = mapToScene(QPointF(0.0, -m_slitRadius));
    m_rightSlitEdge = mapToScene(QPointF(0.0, m_slitRadius));
    while(Ray * ray = m_rays.takeFirst()) ray->plot();
    foreach(LightSource * lightSource, m_opticalSystem->lightSources()) lightSource->replot(this);
void VerticalRayGraphicsItem::drawArrowhead( QPainter* painter,
                                             double targetY, bool isShootingUp )
  if ( this->scene( ) == 0 || this->scene( )->views( ).size( ) == 0 )
  QGraphicsView* view = this->scene( )->views( ).first( );
  QPointF arrowTip( this->m_source.x( ), targetY );
  QPoint pt = view->mapFromScene( arrowTip );
  if ( ! isShootingUp && this->m_isInfinite )
    if (view->horizontalScrollBar( ) &&
        view->horizontalScrollBar( )->isVisible( ) )
      // std::cout << view->horizontalScrollBar( )->height( ) << std::endl;
      pt.setY( pt.y( ) - view->horizontalScrollBar( )->height( ) - 5 );
      arrowTip = view->mapToScene( pt );
      // std::cout << "no scroll bar " << std::endl;
      pt.setY( pt.y( ) - 5 );
      arrowTip = view->mapToScene( pt );

  int dy = -1;
  if ( isShootingUp )
    dy = 1;
  QPoint leftPt( pt.x( ) - 3, pt.y( ) + 3*dy );
  QPoint rightPt( pt.x( ) + 3, pt.y( ) + 3*dy );
  QPointF left = view->mapToScene( leftPt );
  QPointF right = view->mapToScene( rightPt );
  QLineF leftEdge( left, arrowTip );
  QLineF rightEdge( arrowTip, right );
  painter->drawLine( leftEdge );
  painter->drawLine( rightEdge );
Example #3
  Size Transformation::getCropSize(vector<Point2f> areaCorners, Size targetSize)
    // Figure out the approximate width/height of the license plate region, so we can maintain the aspect ratio.
    LineSegment leftEdge(round(areaCorners[3].x), round(areaCorners[3].y), round(areaCorners[0].x), round(areaCorners[0].y));
    LineSegment rightEdge(round(areaCorners[2].x), round(areaCorners[2].y), round(areaCorners[1].x), round(areaCorners[1].y));
    LineSegment topEdge(round(areaCorners[0].x), round(areaCorners[0].y), round(areaCorners[1].x), round(areaCorners[1].y));
    LineSegment bottomEdge(round(areaCorners[3].x), round(areaCorners[3].y), round(areaCorners[2].x), round(areaCorners[2].y));

    float w = distanceBetweenPoints(leftEdge.midpoint(), rightEdge.midpoint());
    float h = distanceBetweenPoints(bottomEdge.midpoint(), topEdge.midpoint());
    float aspect = w/h;
    int width = targetSize.width;
    int height = round(((float) width) / aspect);
    if (height > targetSize.height)
      height = targetSize.height;
      width = round(((float) height) * aspect);

    return Size(width, height);
Example #4
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Coordinates:
// row and column are square coordinates.
// sr and sc are display coordinates
void Viewer::drawGrid() {
	GridChar gc;
	GridChar::LineType rowType;
	GridChar::LineType colType;

	for (int sr = 0; sr < height; ++sr) {
		// Classify row type
		if (topEdge(sr))
			rowType = GridChar::edge1;
		else if (botEdge(sr))
			rowType = GridChar::edge2;
		else if (majorRow(sr))
			rowType = GridChar::major;
		else if (minorRow(sr))
			rowType = GridChar::minor;
			rowType = GridChar::none;

		for (int sc = 0; sc < width; ++sc) {
			// Classify col type
			if (leftEdge(sc))
				colType = GridChar::edge1;
			else if (rightEdge(sc))
				colType = GridChar::edge2;
			else if (majorCol(sc))
				colType = GridChar::major;
			else if (minorCol(sc))
				colType = GridChar::minor;
				colType = GridChar::none;

			cv->setPixel(sr, sc, gc.boxGlyph(rowType, colType));

ViewerGL::Implementation::getWipePolygon(const RectD & texRectClipped,
                                         QPolygonF & polygonPoints,
                                         bool rightPlane) const
    ///Compute a second point on the plane separator line
    ///we don't really care how far it is from the center point, it just has to be on the line
    QPointF firstPoint, secondPoint;
    QPointF center;
    double angle;
        QMutexLocker l(&wipeControlsMutex);
        center = wipeCenter;
        angle = wipeAngle;

    ///extrapolate the line to the maximum size of the RoD so we're sure the line
    ///intersection algorithm works
    double maxSize = std::max(texRectClipped.x2 - texRectClipped.x1, texRectClipped.y2 - texRectClipped.y1) * 10000.;
    double xmax, ymax;

    xmax = std::cos(angle + M_PI_2) * maxSize;
    ymax = std::sin(angle + M_PI_2) * maxSize;

    firstPoint.setX(center.x() - xmax);
    firstPoint.setY(center.y() - ymax);
    secondPoint.setX(center.x() + xmax);
    secondPoint.setY(center.y() + ymax);

    QLineF inter(firstPoint, secondPoint);
    QLineF::IntersectType intersectionTypes[4];
    QPointF intersections[4];
    QLineF topEdge(texRectClipped.x1, texRectClipped.y2, texRectClipped.x2, texRectClipped.y2);
    QLineF rightEdge(texRectClipped.x2, texRectClipped.y2, texRectClipped.x2, texRectClipped.y1);
    QLineF bottomEdge(texRectClipped.x2, texRectClipped.y1, texRectClipped.x1, texRectClipped.y1);
    QLineF leftEdge(texRectClipped.x1, texRectClipped.y1, texRectClipped.x1, texRectClipped.y2);
    bool crossingTop = false, crossingRight = false, crossingLeft = false, crossingBtm = false;
    int validIntersectionsIndex[4];
    validIntersectionsIndex[0] = validIntersectionsIndex[1] = -1;
    int numIntersec = 0;
    intersectionTypes[0] = inter.intersect(topEdge, &intersections[0]);
    if (intersectionTypes[0] == QLineF::BoundedIntersection) {
        validIntersectionsIndex[numIntersec] = 0;
        crossingTop = true;
    intersectionTypes[1] = inter.intersect(rightEdge, &intersections[1]);
    if (intersectionTypes[1]  == QLineF::BoundedIntersection) {
        validIntersectionsIndex[numIntersec] = 1;
        crossingRight = true;
    intersectionTypes[2] = inter.intersect(bottomEdge, &intersections[2]);
    if (intersectionTypes[2]  == QLineF::BoundedIntersection) {
        validIntersectionsIndex[numIntersec] = 2;
        crossingBtm = true;
    intersectionTypes[3] = inter.intersect(leftEdge, &intersections[3]);
    if (intersectionTypes[3]  == QLineF::BoundedIntersection) {
        validIntersectionsIndex[numIntersec] = 3;
        crossingLeft = true;

    if ( (numIntersec != 0) && (numIntersec != 2) ) {
        ///Don't bother drawing the polygon, it is most certainly not visible in this case
        return ViewerGL::Implementation::eWipePolygonEmpty;

    ///determine the orientation of the planes
    double crossProd  = ( secondPoint.x() - center.x() ) * ( texRectClipped.y1 - center.y() )
                        - ( secondPoint.y() - center.y() ) * ( texRectClipped.x1 - center.x() );
    if (numIntersec == 0) {
        ///the bottom left corner is on the left plane
        if ( (crossProd > 0) && ( (center.x() >= texRectClipped.x2) || (center.y() >= texRectClipped.y2) ) ) {
            ///the plane is invisible because the wipe handle is below or on the left of the texRectClipped
            return rightPlane ? ViewerGL::Implementation::eWipePolygonEmpty : ViewerGL::Implementation::eWipePolygonFull;

        ///otherwise we draw the entire texture as usual
        return rightPlane ? ViewerGL::Implementation::eWipePolygonFull : ViewerGL::Implementation::eWipePolygonEmpty;
    } else {
        ///we have 2 intersects
        assert(validIntersectionsIndex[0] != -1 && validIntersectionsIndex[1] != -1);
        bool isBottomLeftOnLeftPlane = crossProd > 0;

        ///there are 6 cases
        if (crossingBtm && crossingLeft) {
            if ( (isBottomLeftOnLeftPlane && rightPlane) || (!isBottomLeftOnLeftPlane && !rightPlane) ) {
                //btm intersect is the first
                polygonPoints.insert(0, intersections[validIntersectionsIndex[0]]);
                polygonPoints.insert(1, intersections[validIntersectionsIndex[1]]);
                polygonPoints.insert( 2, QPointF(texRectClipped.x1, texRectClipped.y2) );
                polygonPoints.insert( 3, QPointF(texRectClipped.x2, texRectClipped.y2) );
                polygonPoints.insert( 4, QPointF(texRectClipped.x2, texRectClipped.y1) );
                polygonPoints.insert(5, intersections[validIntersectionsIndex[0]]);
            } else {
                polygonPoints.insert(0, intersections[validIntersectionsIndex[0]]);
                polygonPoints.insert(1, intersections[validIntersectionsIndex[1]]);
                polygonPoints.insert( 2, QPointF(texRectClipped.x1, texRectClipped.y1) );
                polygonPoints.insert(3, intersections[validIntersectionsIndex[0]]);
        } else if (crossingBtm && crossingTop) {
            if ( (isBottomLeftOnLeftPlane && rightPlane) || (!isBottomLeftOnLeftPlane && !rightPlane) ) {
                ///btm intersect is the second
                polygonPoints.insert(0, intersections[validIntersectionsIndex[1]]);
                polygonPoints.insert(1, intersections[validIntersectionsIndex[0]]);
                polygonPoints.insert( 2, QPointF(texRectClipped.x2, texRectClipped.y2) );
                polygonPoints.insert( 3, QPointF(texRectClipped.x2, texRectClipped.y1) );
                polygonPoints.insert(4, intersections[validIntersectionsIndex[1]]);
            } else {
                polygonPoints.insert(0, intersections[validIntersectionsIndex[1]]);
                polygonPoints.insert(1, intersections[validIntersectionsIndex[0]]);
                polygonPoints.insert( 2, QPointF(texRectClipped.x1, texRectClipped.y2) );
                polygonPoints.insert( 3, QPointF(texRectClipped.x1, texRectClipped.y1) );
                polygonPoints.insert(4, intersections[validIntersectionsIndex[1]]);
        } else if (crossingBtm && crossingRight) {
            if ( (isBottomLeftOnLeftPlane && rightPlane) || (!isBottomLeftOnLeftPlane && !rightPlane) ) {
                ///btm intersect is the second
                polygonPoints.insert(0, intersections[validIntersectionsIndex[1]]);
                polygonPoints.insert(1, intersections[validIntersectionsIndex[0]]);
                polygonPoints.insert( 2, QPointF(texRectClipped.x2, texRectClipped.y1) );
                polygonPoints.insert(3, intersections[validIntersectionsIndex[1]]);
            } else {
                polygonPoints.insert(0, intersections[validIntersectionsIndex[1]]);
                polygonPoints.insert(1, intersections[validIntersectionsIndex[0]]);
                polygonPoints.insert( 2, QPointF(texRectClipped.x2, texRectClipped.y2) );
                polygonPoints.insert( 3, QPointF(texRectClipped.x1, texRectClipped.y2) );
                polygonPoints.insert( 4, QPointF(texRectClipped.x1, texRectClipped.y1) );
                polygonPoints.insert(5, intersections[validIntersectionsIndex[1]]);
        } else if (crossingLeft && crossingTop) {
            if ( (isBottomLeftOnLeftPlane && rightPlane) || (!isBottomLeftOnLeftPlane && !rightPlane) ) {
                ///left intersect is the second
                polygonPoints.insert(0, intersections[validIntersectionsIndex[1]]);
                polygonPoints.insert(1, intersections[validIntersectionsIndex[0]]);
                polygonPoints.insert( 2, QPointF(texRectClipped.x1, texRectClipped.y2) );
                polygonPoints.insert(3, intersections[validIntersectionsIndex[1]]);
            } else {
                polygonPoints.insert(0, intersections[validIntersectionsIndex[1]]);
                polygonPoints.insert(1, intersections[validIntersectionsIndex[0]]);
                polygonPoints.insert( 2, QPointF(texRectClipped.x2, texRectClipped.y2) );
                polygonPoints.insert( 3, QPointF(texRectClipped.x2, texRectClipped.y1) );
                polygonPoints.insert( 4, QPointF(texRectClipped.x1, texRectClipped.y1) );
                polygonPoints.insert(5, intersections[validIntersectionsIndex[1]]);
        } else if (crossingLeft && crossingRight) {
            if ( (isBottomLeftOnLeftPlane && rightPlane) || (!isBottomLeftOnLeftPlane && !rightPlane) ) {
                ///left intersect is the second
                polygonPoints.insert(0, intersections[validIntersectionsIndex[1]]);
                polygonPoints.insert( 1, QPointF(texRectClipped.x1, texRectClipped.y2) );
                polygonPoints.insert( 2, QPointF(texRectClipped.x2, texRectClipped.y2) );
                polygonPoints.insert(3, intersections[validIntersectionsIndex[0]]);
                polygonPoints.insert(4, intersections[validIntersectionsIndex[1]]);
            } else {
                polygonPoints.insert(0, intersections[validIntersectionsIndex[1]]);
                polygonPoints.insert(1, intersections[validIntersectionsIndex[0]]);
                polygonPoints.insert( 2, QPointF(texRectClipped.x2, texRectClipped.y1) );
                polygonPoints.insert( 3, QPointF(texRectClipped.x1, texRectClipped.y1) );
                polygonPoints.insert(4, intersections[validIntersectionsIndex[1]]);
        } else if (crossingTop && crossingRight) {
            if ( (isBottomLeftOnLeftPlane && rightPlane) || (!isBottomLeftOnLeftPlane && !rightPlane) ) {
                ///right is second
                polygonPoints.insert(0, intersections[validIntersectionsIndex[0]]);
                polygonPoints.insert( 1, QPointF(texRectClipped.x2, texRectClipped.y2) );
                polygonPoints.insert(2, intersections[validIntersectionsIndex[1]]);
                polygonPoints.insert(3, intersections[validIntersectionsIndex[0]]);
            } else {
                polygonPoints.insert(0, intersections[validIntersectionsIndex[0]]);
                polygonPoints.insert(1, intersections[validIntersectionsIndex[1]]);
                polygonPoints.insert( 2, QPointF(texRectClipped.x2, texRectClipped.y1) );
                polygonPoints.insert( 3, QPointF(texRectClipped.x1, texRectClipped.y1) );
                polygonPoints.insert( 4, QPointF(texRectClipped.x1, texRectClipped.y2) );
                polygonPoints.insert(5, intersections[validIntersectionsIndex[0]]);
        } else {

    return ViewerGL::Implementation::eWipePolygonPartial;
} // getWipePolygon
Example #6
void Interval::setLeftEdge(double left)
	setEdges(left, rightEdge());
Example #7
void Interval::move(double delta)
	setEdges(leftEdge()+delta, rightEdge()+delta);
Example #8
bool Interval::intersects(Interval* that)
	return (qMax(leftEdge(), that->leftEdge()) <= qMin(rightEdge(), that->rightEdge()));
Example #9
double Interval::center()
	return (rightEdge() + leftEdge()) / 2.0;
Example #10
double Interval::width()
	return rightEdge() - leftEdge();