Example #1
void ring_vm_addnewpointervar ( VM *pVM,const char *cStr,void *x,int y )
	List *pList  ;
	pList = ring_vm_newvar2(cStr,pVM->pActiveMem);
	/* Reference Counting */
Example #2
void ring_objfile_updateclassespointers ( RingState *pRingState )
	int x,x2,x3,x4,lFound  ;
	List *pList, *pList2, *pList3  ;
	const char *cString  ;
	char cPackageName[400]  ;
	char cClassName[400]  ;
	/* Update Class Pointer in Code */
	lFound = 0 ;
	for ( x = 1 ; x <= ring_list_getsize(pRingState->pRingGenCode) ; x++ ) {
		pList = ring_list_getlist(pRingState->pRingGenCode,x);
		if ( ring_list_getint(pList,1) == ICO_NEWCLASS ) {
			cString = ring_list_getstring(pList,2);
			for ( x2 = 1 ; x2 <= ring_list_getsize(pRingState->pRingClassesMap) ; x2++ ) {
				pList2 = ring_list_getlist(pRingState->pRingClassesMap,x2);
				if ( strcmp(cString,ring_list_getstring(pList2,1)) == 0 ) {
					lFound = 0 ;
					#ifdef DEBUG_OBJFILE
					puts("Pointer Updated ");
					break ;
			/* If we can't find the list (the class is inside a package) */
			if ( lFound == 0 ) {
	**  Update Class Pointers in Classes Map when the class belong to a Package 
	**  This updates works when the class name is : packagename.classname 
	for ( x = 1 ; x <= ring_list_getsize(pRingState->pRingClassesMap) ; x++ ) {
		pList = ring_list_getlist(pRingState->pRingClassesMap,x);
		cString = ring_list_getstring(pList,1);
		if ( ring_list_getstringsize(pList,1)  > 400 ) {
			/* Avoid large names - we have limits (400 letters per package name - 400 letters for class name) */
			continue ;
		for ( x2 = ring_list_getstringsize(pList,1) - 1 ; x2 >= 0 ; x2-- ) {
			if ( cString[x2] == '.' ) {
				**  Now we have a class name stored as packagename.classname 
				**  Get Package Name 
				for ( x3 = 0 ; x3 < x2 ; x3++ ) {
					cPackageName[x3] = cString[x3] ;
				cPackageName[x2] = '\0' ;
				#ifdef DEBUG_OBJFILE
				printf( "Package Name %s \n  ",cPackageName ) ;
				/* Get Class Name */
				for ( x3 = x2+1 ; x3 <= ring_list_getstringsize(pList,1) - 1 ; x3++ ) {
					cClassName[x3-x2-1] = cString[x3] ;
				cClassName[ring_list_getstringsize(pList,1) - 1 - x2] = '\0' ;
				#ifdef DEBUG_OBJFILE
				printf( "Class Name %s \n  ",cClassName ) ;
				/* Get The Package List */
				for ( x3 = 1 ; x3 <= ring_list_getsize(pRingState->pRingPackagesMap) ; x3++ ) {
					pList2 = ring_list_getlist(pRingState->pRingPackagesMap,x3);
					if ( strcmp(ring_list_getstring(pList2,1),cPackageName) == 0 ) {
						/* Get The Class List */
						pList2 = ring_list_getlist(pList2,2);
						for ( x4 = 1 ; x4 <= ring_list_getsize(pList2) ; x4++ ) {
							pList3 = ring_list_getlist(pList2,x4);
							if ( strcmp(ring_list_getstring(pList3,1),cClassName) == 0 ) {
								/* Now We have the Class - Update Pointer */
								ring_list_setpointer(pList,2,(void *) pList3);
								break ;
						break ;