Example #1
    void getAllExtensions( OutputIterator & output ) const
        Runtime * rntm( Runtime::getDefault() );

        for( Runtime::ExtensionIterator i = rntm->extensionsBegin(); i != rntm->extensionsEnd(); ++i )
            ::boost::shared_ptr< Extension >   extension( *i );
            if( extension->getPoint() == m_id && extension->isEnable() == true
                    && extension->validate() == Extension::Valid
                *output = extension;
Example #2
Extension::Validity Extension::validate()
    // Skips the validation if already done.
    if( m_validity != UnknownValidity )
        return m_validity;

    // Retrieves the extension point.
    Runtime * rntm( Runtime::getDefault() );
     ::boost::shared_ptr< ExtensionPoint >  point( rntm->findExtensionPoint(m_point) );

    // Checks that the point exists.
    if( !point )
        throw RuntimeException(m_point + " : invalid point reference.");

    // Validates the extension.
    ::boost::shared_ptr< io::Validator >   validator( point->getExtensionValidator() );
    OSLM_ASSERT("Sorry, validator creation failed for point "<<point->getIdentifier(), validator );

    // Check extension XML Node <extension id="xxx" implements="yyy" >...</extension>
    if( validator->validate( m_xmlNode ) == true )
        m_validity = Valid;
        m_validity = Invalid;
        const std::string   identifier = m_id.empty() ? "anonymous" : m_id;
        OSLM_ERROR("In bundle " << getBundle()->getIdentifier() << ". " << identifier
                << ": invalid extension XML element node does not respect schema. Verification error log is : "
                << std::endl << validator->getErrorLog() );

    return m_validity;