void StatesEditorView::addState()
    // can happen when root node is e.g. a ListModel
    if (!QmlItemNode::isValidQmlItemNode(rootModelNode()))

    QStringList modelStateNames = rootStateGroup().names();

    QString newStateName;
    int index = 1;
    while (true) {
        newStateName = QString("State%1").arg(index++);
        if (!modelStateNames.contains(newStateName))

    try {
        if ((rootStateGroup().allStates().count() < 1) && //QtQuick import might be missing
            (!model()->hasImport(Import::createLibraryImport("QtQuick", "1.0"), true, true)))
            model()->changeImports(QList<Import>() << Import::createLibraryImport("QtQuick", "1.0"), QList<Import>());
        ModelNode newState = rootStateGroup().addState(newStateName);
    }  catch (RewritingException &e) {
        QMessageBox::warning(0, "Error", e.description());
bool StatesEditorView::validStateName(const QString &name) const
    if (name == tr("base state"))
        return false;
    QList<QmlModelState> modelStates = rootStateGroup().allStates();
    foreach (const QmlModelState &state, modelStates) {
        if (state.name() == name)
            return false;
    return true;
void StatesEditorView::instancesPreviewImageChanged(const QVector<ModelNode> &nodeList)
    int minimumIndex = 10000;
    int maximumIndex = -1;
    foreach(const ModelNode &node, nodeList) {
        if (node.isRootNode()) {
            minimumIndex = qMin(minimumIndex, 0);
            maximumIndex = qMax(maximumIndex, 0);
        } else {
            int index = rootStateGroup().allStates().indexOf(QmlModelState(node)) + 1;
            if (index > 0) {
                minimumIndex = qMin(minimumIndex, index);
                maximumIndex = qMax(maximumIndex, index);

    if (maximumIndex >= 0)
        m_statesEditorModel->updateState(minimumIndex, maximumIndex);
void StatesEditorView::duplicateCurrentState()
    QmlModelState state = currentState();


    QString newName = state.name();

    // Strip out numbers at the end of the string
    QRegExp regEx(QString("[0-9]+$"));
    int numberIndex = newName.indexOf(regEx);
    if ((numberIndex != -1) && (numberIndex+regEx.matchedLength()==newName.length()))
        newName = newName.left(numberIndex);

    int i = 1;
    QStringList stateNames = rootStateGroup().names();
    while (stateNames.contains(newName + QString::number(i)))

    QmlModelState newState = state.duplicate(newName + QString::number(i));