bool MovementAdapterWorkerDiscrete::injectMouseMove(const MouseMotion& motion, bool& freezeMouse)
	//this will move the entity instead of the mouse

	Vector<3> direction;;
	direction.x() = -motion.xRelativeMovement;
	direction.y() = motion.yRelativeMovement;
	direction = direction * mMovementSpeed;
	//hard coded to allow the shift button to increase the speed
	// 	if (Input::getSingleton().isKeyDown(SDLK_RSHIFT) || Input::getSingleton().isKeyDown(SDLK_LSHIFT)) {
	// 		direction = direction * 5;
	// 	}

	Quaternion orientation = Convert::toWF(getCamera().getOrientation());

	//We need to constraint the orientation to only around the z axis.
	WFMath::Vector<3> rotator(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
	WFMath::Quaternion adjustedOrientation;
	adjustedOrientation.fromRotMatrix(WFMath::RotMatrix<3>().rotationZ(atan2(rotator.y(), rotator.x())));

	orientation = adjustedOrientation;

	//move it relative to the camera
	direction = direction.rotate(orientation);

	getBridge()->move(direction);//move the entity a fixed distance for each mouse movement.

	//we don't want to move the cursor
	freezeMouse = true;

	return false;

Example #2
void Doom3Group::rotate(const Quaternion& rotation) {
	if (!isModel()) {
		ChildRotator rotator(rotation);
	else {
  // # Skookum:   Rotation@String() String
  // # Author(s): Markus Breyer
  static void mthd_String(SkInvokedMethod * scope_p, SkInstance ** result_pp)
    // Do nothing if result not desired
    if (result_pp)
      const FQuat & rotation = scope_p->this_as<SkRotation>();
      FRotator rotator(rotation);
      AString str(128u, "(yaw=%g, pitch=%g, roll=%g)", double(rotator.Yaw), double(rotator.Pitch), double(rotator.Roll));

      *result_pp = SkString::new_instance(str);
Example #4
bool Flip::toolOperations()
    DImg::FLIP flip = (DImg::FLIP)(settings()[QLatin1String("Flip")].toInt());

    if (JPEGUtils::isJpegImage(inputUrl().toLocalFile()) && image().isNull())
        JPEGUtils::JpegRotator rotator(inputUrl().toLocalFile());

        switch (flip)
            case DImg::HORIZONTAL:
                return rotator.exifTransform(MetaEngineRotation::FlipHorizontal);

            case DImg::VERTICAL:
                return rotator.exifTransform(MetaEngineRotation::FlipVertical);

                qCDebug(DIGIKAM_DPLUGIN_BQM_LOG) << "Unknown flip action";
                return false;

    if (!loadToDImg())
        return false;

    DImgBuiltinFilter filter;
    switch (flip)
        case DImg::HORIZONTAL:
            filter = DImgBuiltinFilter(DImgBuiltinFilter::FlipHorizontally);
        case DImg::VERTICAL:
            filter = DImgBuiltinFilter(DImgBuiltinFilter::FlipVertically);

    return (savefromDImg());
Example #5
void EntityMaker::createEntityOfType(Eris::TypeInfo* typeinfo, const std::string& parentEntityId, const std::string& name) {
	Atlas::Objects::Operation::Create c;
	//if the avatar is a "creator", i.e. and admin, we will set the TO property
	//this will bypass all of the server's filtering, allowing us to create any entity and have it have a working mind too
	if (mAvatar.getIsAdmin()) {

	Atlas::Message::MapType msg;
	msg["loc"] = parentEntityId;

	WFMath::Point<3> pos = WFMath::Point<3>::ZERO();
	WFMath::Quaternion orientation = WFMath::Quaternion::Identity();

	//Only place it if we're creating the new entity in the same location as the avatar
	if (parentEntityId == mAvatar.getEntity()->getLocation()->getId()) {
		//Place the new entity two meters in front of the avatar.
		WFMath::Vector<3> vector(0, 0, 2);

		//We need to constraint the orientation to only around the y axis.
		WFMath::Vector<3> rotator(0.0, 0.0, 1.0f);
		auto atan = std::atan2(rotator.x(), rotator.z());
		orientation.rotation(1, atan);

		pos = mAvatar.getEntity()->getPosition() + (vector.rotate(orientation));

	msg["pos"] = pos.toAtlas();
	msg["orientation"] = orientation.toAtlas();

	if (!name.empty()) {
		msg["name"] = name;
	msg["parent"] = typeinfo->getName();

	c->setArgsAsList(Atlas::Message::ListType(1, msg));
	std::stringstream ss;
	ss << pos;
	S_LOG_INFO("Trying to create entity of type " << typeinfo->getName() << " at position " << ss.str());

Example #6
// Luna task 748T
void ConvertPathToFrenets (Spline3D *pSpline, Matrix3 & relativeTransform, Tab<Matrix3> & tFrenets,
						   int numSegs, bool align, float rotateAroundZ) {
	// Given a path, a sequence of points in 3-space, create transforms
	// for putting a cross-section around each of those points, loft-style.

	// bezShape is provided by user, tFrenets contains output, numSegs is one less than the number of transforms requested.

	// Strategy: The Z-axis is mapped along the path, and the X and Y axes 
	// are chosen in a well-defined manner to get an orthonormal basis.

	int i;

	if (numSegs < 1) return;
	tFrenets.SetCount (numSegs+1);

	int numIntervals = pSpline->Closed() ? numSegs+1 : numSegs;
	float denominator = float(numIntervals);
	Point3 xDir, yDir, zDir, location, tangent, axis;
	float position, sine, cosine, theta;
	Matrix3 rotation;

	// Find initial x,y directions:
	location = relativeTransform * pSpline->InterpCurve3D (0.0f);
	tangent = relativeTransform.VectorTransform (pSpline->TangentCurve3D (0.0f));
	Point3 lastTangent = tangent;

	Matrix3 inverseBasisOfSpline(1);
	if (align) {
		theBasisFinder.BasisFromZDir (tangent, xDir, yDir);
		if (rotateAroundZ) {
			Matrix3 rotator(1);
			rotator.SetRotate (AngAxis (tangent, rotateAroundZ));
			xDir = xDir * rotator;
			yDir = yDir * rotator;
		Matrix3 basisOfSpline(1);
		basisOfSpline.SetRow (0, xDir);
		basisOfSpline.SetRow (1, yDir);
		basisOfSpline.SetRow (2, tangent);
		basisOfSpline.SetTrans (location);
		inverseBasisOfSpline = Inverse (basisOfSpline);
		lastTangent = Point3(0,0,1);
	} else {
		inverseBasisOfSpline.SetRow (3, -location);

	// Make relative transform take the spline from its own object space to our object space,
	// and from there into the space defined by its origin and initial direction:
	relativeTransform = relativeTransform * inverseBasisOfSpline;
	// (Note left-to-right evaluation order: Given matrices A,B, point x, x(AB) = (xA)B

	// The first transform is necessarily the identity:
	tFrenets[0].IdentityMatrix ();

	// Set up xDir, yDir, zDir to match our first-point basis:
	xDir = Point3 (1,0,0);
	yDir = Point3 (0,1,0);
	zDir = Point3 (0,0,1);

	for (i=1; i<=numIntervals; i++) {
		position = float(i) / denominator;
		location = relativeTransform * pSpline->InterpCurve3D (position);
		tangent = relativeTransform.VectorTransform (pSpline->TangentCurve3D (position));

		// This is the procedure we follow at each step in the path: find the
		// orthonormal basis with the right orientation, then compose with
		// the translation putting the origin at the path-point.

		// As we proceed along the path, we apply minimal rotations to
		// our original basis to keep the Z-axis tangent to the curve.
		// The X and Y axes follow in a natural manner.

		// xDir, yDir, zDir still have their values from last time...
		// Create a rotation matrix which maps the last tangent onto the current tangent:
		axis = lastTangent ^ tangent;	// gives axis, scaled by sine of angle.
		sine = FLength(axis);	// positive - keeps angle value in (0,PI) range.
		cosine = DotProd (lastTangent, tangent);	// Gives cosine of angle.
		theta = atan2f (sine, cosine);
		rotation.SetRotate (AngAxis (Normalize(axis), theta));
		xDir = Normalize (rotation * xDir);
		yDir = Normalize (rotation * yDir);
		zDir = Normalize (rotation * zDir);
		lastTangent = tangent;

		if (i<=numSegs) {
			tFrenets[i].IdentityMatrix ();
			tFrenets[i].SetRow (0, xDir);
			tFrenets[i].SetRow (1, yDir);
			tFrenets[i].SetRow (2, zDir);
			tFrenets[i].SetTrans (location);

	/* following code not needed for now - treating all splines as open.
	if (!pSpline->Closed ()) return;

	// If we have a closed loop, our procedure may result in X,Y vectors
	// that are twisted severely between the first and last point.
	// Here we correct for that by pre-transforming each frenet transform
	// by a small rotation around the Z-axis.  (The last pass through the above
	// loop should give the final twist: the initial and final Z-axis directions
	// are the same, and the difference between the initial and final X-axis
	// directions is the total twist along the spline.)

	// Now we measure the difference between our original and final x-vectors:
	axis = originalXDir ^ xDir;
	sine = FLength (axis);
	cosine = DotProd (originalXDir, xDir);
	theta = atan2f (sine, cosine);
	for (i=1; i<=numSegs; i++) {
		rotation.SetRotate (AngAxis (Normalize(axis), -theta/denominator));
		tFrenets[i] = rotation * tFrenets[i];