Example #1
bool RenderWidget::setWidgetGeometry(const LayoutRect& frame)
    IntRect clipRect = roundedIntRect(enclosingLayer()->childrenClipRect());
    IntRect newFrameRect = roundedIntRect(frame);
    IntRect oldFrameRect = m_widget->frameRect();
    bool clipChanged = m_clipRect != clipRect;
    bool boundsChanged = oldFrameRect != newFrameRect;

    if (!boundsChanged && !clipChanged)
        return false;

    m_clipRect = clipRect;

    WeakPtr<RenderWidget> weakThis = createWeakPtr();
    // These calls *may* cause this renderer to disappear from underneath...
    if (boundsChanged)
    else if (clipChanged)
    // ...so we follow up with a sanity check.
    if (!weakThis)
        return true;

    if (boundsChanged && hasLayer() && layer()->isComposited())
    return oldFrameRect.size() != newFrameRect.size();
Example #2
bool RenderWidget::setWidgetGeometry(const LayoutRect& frame)
    if (!node())
        return false;

    IntRect clipRect = roundedIntRect(enclosingLayer()->childrenClipRect());
    IntRect newFrame = roundedIntRect(frame);
    bool clipChanged = m_clipRect != clipRect;
    bool frameRectChanged = m_widget->frameRect() != newFrame;

    if (!frameRectChanged && !clipChanged)
        return false;

    m_clipRect = clipRect;

    RefPtr<RenderWidget> protector(this);
    RefPtr<Node> protectedNode(node());

    if (clipChanged && !frameRectChanged)

    if (hasLayer() && layer()->compositingState() == PaintsIntoOwnBacking)

    bool boundsChanged = m_widget->frameRect().size() != newFrame.size();
    return boundsChanged;
void CoordinatedLayerTreeHost::setVisibleContentsRect(const FloatRect& rect, float scale, const FloatPoint& trajectoryVector)
    bool contentsRectDidChange = rect != m_visibleContentsRect;
    bool contentsScaleDidChange = scale != m_contentsScale;

    // A zero trajectoryVector indicates that tiles all around the viewport are requested.

    if (contentsRectDidChange || contentsScaleDidChange) {
        m_visibleContentsRect = rect;
        m_contentsScale = scale;

        HashSet<WebCore::CoordinatedGraphicsLayer*>::iterator end = m_registeredLayers.end();
        for (HashSet<WebCore::CoordinatedGraphicsLayer*>::iterator it = m_registeredLayers.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
            if (contentsScaleDidChange)
            if (contentsRectDidChange)

    if (m_webPage->useFixedLayout()) {
        // Round the rect instead of enclosing it to make sure that its size stays
        // the same while panning. This can have nasty effects on layout.

    if (contentsRectDidChange)
        m_shouldSendScrollPositionUpdate = true;
Example #4
// Return true if the rectangle is aligned to integer boundaries.
// See comments for computeBitmapDrawRects() for how this is used.
static bool areBoundariesIntegerAligned(const SkRect& rect)
    // Value is 1.19209e-007. This is the tolerance threshold.
    const float epsilon = std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon();
    SkIRect roundedRect = roundedIntRect(rect);

    return fabs(rect.x() - roundedRect.x()) < epsilon
        && fabs(rect.y() - roundedRect.y()) < epsilon
        && fabs(rect.right() - roundedRect.right()) < epsilon
        && fabs(rect.bottom() - roundedRect.bottom()) < epsilon;
bool LayoutPart::setWidgetGeometry(const LayoutRect& frame)
    if (!node())
        return false;

    Widget* widget = this->widget();

    IntRect newFrame = roundedIntRect(frame);

    if (widget->frameRect() == newFrame)
        return false;

    RefPtr<LayoutPart> protector(this);
    RawPtr<Node> protectedNode(node());
    return widget->frameRect().size() != newFrame.size();
Example #6
void CoordinatedGraphicsLayer::computePixelAlignment(FloatPoint& position, FloatSize& size, FloatPoint3D& anchorPoint, FloatSize& alignmentOffset)
    if (isIntegral(effectiveContentsScale())) {
        position = m_position;
        size = m_size;
        anchorPoint = m_anchorPoint;
        alignmentOffset = FloatSize();

    FloatPoint positionRelativeToBase = computePositionRelativeToBase();

    FloatRect baseRelativeBounds(positionRelativeToBase, m_size);
    FloatRect scaledBounds = baseRelativeBounds;

    // Scale by the effective scale factor to compute the screen-relative bounds.

    // Round to integer boundaries.
    // NOTE: When using enclosingIntRect (as mac) it will have different sizes depending on position.
    FloatRect alignedBounds = roundedIntRect(scaledBounds);

    // Convert back to layer coordinates.
    alignedBounds.scale(1 / effectiveContentsScale());

    // Convert back to layer coordinates.
    alignmentOffset = baseRelativeBounds.location() - alignedBounds.location();

    position = m_position - alignmentOffset;
    size = alignedBounds.size();

    // Now we have to compute a new anchor point which compensates for rounding.
    float anchorPointX = m_anchorPoint.x();
    float anchorPointY = m_anchorPoint.y();

    if (alignedBounds.width())
        anchorPointX = (baseRelativeBounds.width() * anchorPointX + alignmentOffset.width()) / alignedBounds.width();

    if (alignedBounds.height())
        anchorPointY = (baseRelativeBounds.height() * anchorPointY + alignmentOffset.height()) / alignedBounds.height();

    anchorPoint = FloatPoint3D(anchorPointX, anchorPointY, m_anchorPoint.z() * effectiveContentsScale());
Example #7
// FIXME: Remove this code when SkCanvas accepts SkRect as source rectangle.
// See crbug.com/117597 for background.
// WebKit wants to draw a sub-rectangle (FloatRect) in a bitmap and scale it to
// another FloatRect. However Skia only allows bitmap to be addressed by a
// IntRect. This function computes the appropriate IntRect that encloses the
// source rectangle and the corresponding enclosing destination rectangle,
// while maintaining the scale factor.
// |srcRect| is the source rectangle in the bitmap. Return true if fancy
// alignment is required. User of this function needs to clip to |dstRect|.
// Return false if clipping is not needed.
// |dstRect| is the input rectangle that |srcRect| is scaled to.
// |outSrcRect| and |outDstRect| are the corresponding output rectangles.
// The objective is to (a) find an enclosing IntRect for the source rectangle
// and (b) the corresponding FloatRect in destination space.
// These are the steps performed:
// 1. IntRect enclosingSrcRect = enclosingIntRect(srcRect)
//    Compute the enclosing IntRect for |srcRect|. This ensures the bitmap
//    image is addressed with integer boundaries.
// 2. FloatRect enclosingDestRect = mapSrcToDest(enclosingSrcRect)
//    Map the enclosing source rectangle to destination coordinate space.
// The output will be enclosingSrcRect and enclosingDestRect from the
// algorithm above.
static bool computeBitmapDrawRects(const SkISize& bitmapSize, const SkRect& srcRect, const SkRect& dstRect, SkIRect* outSrcRect, SkRect* outDstRect)
    if (areBoundariesIntegerAligned(srcRect)) {
        *outSrcRect = roundedIntRect(srcRect);
        *outDstRect = dstRect;
        return false;

    SkIRect bitmapRect = SkIRect::MakeSize(bitmapSize);
    SkIRect enclosingSrcRect = enclosingIntRect(srcRect);
    enclosingSrcRect.intersect(bitmapRect); // Clip to bitmap rectangle.
    SkRect enclosingDstRect;
    SkMatrix transform;
    transform.setRectToRect(srcRect, dstRect, SkMatrix::kFill_ScaleToFit);
    *outSrcRect = enclosingSrcRect;
    *outDstRect = enclosingDstRect;
    return true;
Example #8
void CompositingCoordinator::setVisibleContentsRect(const FloatRect& rect, const FloatPoint& trajectoryVector)
    // A zero trajectoryVector indicates that tiles all around the viewport are requested.
    if (CoordinatedGraphicsLayer* contentsLayer = mainContentsLayer())

    bool contentsRectDidChange = rect != m_visibleContentsRect;
    if (contentsRectDidChange) {
        m_visibleContentsRect = rect;

        for (auto& registeredLayer : m_registeredLayers.values())

    FrameView* view = m_page->mainFrame().view();
    if (view->useFixedLayout() && contentsRectDidChange) {
        // Round the rect instead of enclosing it to make sure that its size stays
        // the same while panning. This can have nasty effects on layout.
Example #9
void CoordinatedLayerTreeHost::setVisibleContentsRect(const FloatRect& rect, const FloatPoint& trajectoryVector)
    // A zero trajectoryVector indicates that tiles all around the viewport are requested.

    bool contentsRectDidChange = rect != m_visibleContentsRect;
    if (contentsRectDidChange) {
        m_visibleContentsRect = rect;

        LayerMap::iterator end = m_registeredLayers.end();
        for (LayerMap::iterator it = m_registeredLayers.begin(); it != end; ++it) {

    if (m_webPage->useFixedLayout()) {
        // Round the rect instead of enclosing it to make sure that its size stays
        // the same while panning. This can have nasty effects on layout.
LayoutRect RenderLayerScrollableArea::exposeRect(const LayoutRect& rect, const ScrollAlignment& alignX, const ScrollAlignment& alignY)
    LayoutRect localExposeRect(box().absoluteToLocalQuad(FloatQuad(FloatRect(rect)), UseTransforms).boundingBox());
    LayoutRect layerBounds(0, 0, box().clientWidth(), box().clientHeight());
    LayoutRect r = ScrollAlignment::getRectToExpose(layerBounds, localExposeRect, alignX, alignY);

    IntSize clampedScrollOffset = clampScrollOffset(adjustedScrollOffset() + toIntSize(roundedIntRect(r).location()));
    if (clampedScrollOffset == adjustedScrollOffset())
        return rect;

    IntSize oldScrollOffset = adjustedScrollOffset();
    IntSize scrollOffsetDifference = adjustedScrollOffset() - oldScrollOffset;
    return LayoutRect(box().localToAbsoluteQuad(FloatQuad(FloatRect(localExposeRect)), UseTransforms).boundingBox());