void GameMap1GraphicsComponent::loadMesh(void)
	int i,j,k;
	D3DXVECTOR3 rowPos(0.0,0.0,0.0);
	D3DXVECTOR3 colPos(0.0,0.0,0.0);
	D3DCOLOR initialColor = D3DCOLOR_XRGB(127, 130, 127);
	float rangeMax = 10;
	float rangeMin = 0;

	numVtx = numRows*numCols;
	this->numRows = numRows;
	this->numCols = numCols;
	this->dx = dx;
	this->dz = dz;
	float texCoordStepX = 10.0f/numCols;
	float texCoordStepY = 10.0f/numRows;
	numQuads = (numRows-1) * (numCols-1);
	numTriangles = numQuads * 2;
	numIndices = numTriangles * 3;

	// allocate memory
	vtx = (struct MeshVertex *) malloc(sizeof(struct MeshVertex) * numVtx);
	if (vtx == NULL) {
		// error
		goto err;

	ind = (long *) malloc(sizeof(long) * numTriangles * 3);
	if (ind == NULL) {
		// error
		goto err;

	// Fill the vertex buffer with positions	
	k = 0;
	for(i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
		// assign the pos vector for all comumns in a row
		colPos = rowPos;
		for(j = 0; j < numCols; j++) {
			// Negate the depth coordinate to put in quadrant four.  
			// Then offset to center about coordinate system.
			vtx[k].pos =  colPos;
			//vtx[k].pos.y = (long)((double)rand()/(RAND_MAX+1) * (rangeMax - rangeMin)
			//	+ rangeMin);
			vtx[k].pos.y = 0;
			//vtx[k].color = initialColor;
			vtx[k].normal = D3DXVECTOR3(0, 1, 0);

			vtx[k].tex1 = D3DXVECTOR2(j*texCoordStepX, i*texCoordStepY);

			colPos.x += dx;
		rowPos.z += dz;

	// fill the index buffer

	k = 0;
	for(i = 0; i < numRows-1; i++) {
		for(j = 0; j < numCols-1; j++)
			// fill indices for the quad
			ind[k++] = i * numCols + j;
			ind[k++] = (i+1) * numCols + j + 1;
			ind[k++] = i * numCols + j + 1;
			ind[k++] = i * numCols + j;
			ind[k++] = (i+1) * numCols + j;
			ind[k++] = (i+1) * numCols + j + 1;



	// clean up
    /** Sets the value of the field in the @c ExtentSeries' current record.
        Note that @param val must be the correct size (or NULL)

        - The name of the Field must have been set and the associated
        @c ExtentSeries must have a current record. 

        @param val source value for the copy
        @param val_size size of the value
    void set(const void *val, uint32_t val_size = 0) {
        set(dataseries.getExtentRef(), rowPos(), val, val_size);
    /** Returns the value of the field in the @c ExtentSeries' current record.

        - The name of the Field must have been set and the
        @c ExtentSeries must have a current record. */
    const byte *val() const {
        return val(dataseries.getExtentRef(), rowPos());
    /** Returns the value of the field in the @c ExtentSeries' current record.

        - The name of the Field must have been set and the
        @c ExtentSeries must have a current record. */
    const byte *val(const Extent &e, const dataseries::SEP_RowOffset &row_offset) const {
        return val(e, rowPos(e, row_offset));
    /** Sets the value of the field in the @c ExtentSeries' current record.
        Note that @param val must be the correct size (or NULL)

        - The name of the Field must have been set and the associated
        @c ExtentSeries must have a current record. 

        @param e Extent in which set the value
        @param row_offset Offset of the row to be set
        @param val source value for the copy
        @param val_size size of the value
    void set(Extent &e, const dataseries::SEP_RowOffset &row_offset,
             const void *val, uint32_t val_size = 0) {
        set(e, rowPos(e, row_offset), val, val_size);