Example #1
clish_xmlnode_t *clish_xmlnode_next_child(clish_xmlnode_t *parent, 
					  clish_xmlnode_t *curchild)
	node_t *roxc;

	if (!parent)
		return NULL;

	roxc = xmlnode_to_node(curchild);

	if (roxc) {
		return node_to_xmlnode(roxml_get_next_sibling(roxc));
	} else {
		node_t *roxp = xmlnode_to_node(parent);
		node_t *child = NULL;
		int count;

		count = roxml_get_chld_nb(roxp);
		if (count)
			child = roxml_get_chld(roxp, NULL, 0);

		return node_to_xmlnode(child);

	return NULL;
Example #2
int xcf_creator(int argc, char *project_path) {
	FILE* actor_src;
	int j, k, n,size_of_config, size_of_partitioning, size_of_partition, size_of_papi, len, actor_num, number_of_actions, number_of_events;
	int num = 0;
	node_t *configuration, *partitioning, *partition, *instance, *papi, *actor_instance, *action, *event;
	char *actor_path;

	char *mapping_file_path;

	if ((mapping_file_path = findMappingFile(project_path)) == NULL) {
		printf("Unable to locate a mapping file, make sure you are using the root path to the RVC CAL generated code with the C backend\n");

	int actors_num = get_actors_num(mapping_file_path);

	configuration = roxml_load_doc(mapping_file_path); //a: LIBROXML node http://www.libroxml.net/public-api.html
	if (configuration == NULL) {
		printf("I/O error when reading mapping file.\n");
	node_t *papi_root_node = roxml_add_node(configuration, 0, ROXML_ELM_NODE, "Papi", NULL);
	node_t *papi_instance_node, *papi_action_node, *papi_event_node;

	size_of_config = roxml_get_chld_nb(configuration); //a: This function return the number of children for a given node

	if(DEBUG)printf("Found %d configuration\n", size_of_config);

	partitioning = roxml_get_chld(configuration, NULL, 0); //a: This function returns a given child of a node either by name, or the nth child. (node, child name, number of the child to get)
	size_of_partitioning = roxml_get_chld_nb(partitioning); //a: This function return the number of children for a given node
	if(DEBUG)printf("	Found %d partitionings\n", size_of_partitioning);
	for (j = 0; j < size_of_partitioning; j++) {
		partition = roxml_get_chld(partitioning, NULL, j);
		if(DEBUG)printf("		Found partition, id = '%s'\n", roxml_get_content(roxml_get_attr(partition, "id", 0), NULL, 0, &len));
		size_of_partition = roxml_get_chld_nb(partition);
		for (k = 0; k < size_of_partition; k++) {
			instance = roxml_get_chld(partition, NULL, k);
			if(DEBUG)printf("			Found instance, id = '%s'\n", roxml_get_content(roxml_get_attr(instance, "id", 0), NULL, 0, &len));
			papi_instance_node = roxml_add_node(papi_root_node, 0, ROXML_ELM_NODE, "Instance", NULL);
			roxml_add_node(papi_instance_node, 0, ROXML_ATTR_NODE, "id", roxml_get_content(roxml_get_attr(instance, "id", 0), NULL, 0, &len));

			//this goes for every action in the actor:
			actor_path = malloc(strlen(project_path)+strlen(roxml_get_content(roxml_get_attr(instance, "id", 0), NULL, 0, &len))+10);
			actor_path = strcat(actor_path,"/src/");
			actor_path = strcat(actor_path,roxml_get_content(roxml_get_attr(instance, "id", 0), NULL, 0, &len));
			actor_path = strcat(actor_path,".c");
			printf("opening %s\n", actor_path);
			actor_src = fopen(actor_path,"r");
			put_actions(actor_src, papi_instance_node, papi_action_node, papi_event_node);

	char *mapping_file_cpy = malloc(strlen(mapping_file_path)+strlen(".papi.xcf")+1);

	strcpy(mapping_file_cpy, mapping_file_path);
	strcat(mapping_file_cpy, ".papi.xcf");

	//tmp = roxml_add_node(tmp, 0, ROXML_ELM_NODE, "price", "24");
	roxml_commit_changes(configuration, mapping_file_cpy, NULL, 1);

	// release the last allocated buffer even if no pointer is maintained by the user
	// here no memory leak can occur.

	return 0;