int deletePlaylist(FILE * fp, char * utf8file) { char * file = utf8ToFsCharset(utf8file); char * rfile = malloc(strlen(file)+strlen(".")+ strlen(PLAYLIST_FILE_SUFFIX)+1); char * actualFile; strcpy(rfile,file); strcat(rfile,"."); strcat(rfile,PLAYLIST_FILE_SUFFIX); if((actualFile = rpp2app(rfile)) && isPlaylist(actualFile)) free(rfile); else { free(rfile); commandError(fp, ACK_ERROR_NO_EXIST, "playlist \"%s\" not found", utf8file); return -1; } if(unlink(actualFile)<0) { commandError(fp, ACK_ERROR_SYSTEM, "problems deleting file", NULL); return -1; } return 0; }
int savePlaylist(FILE * fp, char * utf8file) { FILE * fileP; int i; struct stat st; char * file; char * rfile; char * actualFile; if(strstr(utf8file,"/")) { commandError(fp, ACK_ERROR_ARG, "cannot save \"%s\", saving playlists to " "subdirectories is not supported", utf8file); return -1; } file = strdup(utf8ToFsCharset(utf8file)); rfile = malloc(strlen(file)+strlen(".")+ strlen(PLAYLIST_FILE_SUFFIX)+1); strcpy(rfile,file); strcat(rfile,"."); strcat(rfile,PLAYLIST_FILE_SUFFIX); free(file); actualFile = rpp2app(rfile); free(rfile); if(0==stat(actualFile,&st)) { commandError(fp, ACK_ERROR_EXIST, "a file or directory already " "exists with the name \"%s\"", utf8file); return -1; } while(!(fileP = fopen(actualFile,"w")) && errno==EINTR); if(fileP==NULL) { commandError(fp, ACK_ERROR_SYSTEM, "problems opening file", NULL); return -1; } for(i=0;i<playlist.length;i++) { if(playlist_saveAbsolutePaths && playlist.songs[i]->type==SONG_TYPE_FILE) { myfprintf(fileP,"%s\n",rmp2amp(utf8ToFsCharset(( getSongUrl(playlist.songs[i]))))); } else myfprintf(fileP,"%s\n", utf8ToFsCharset(getSongUrl(playlist.songs[i]))); } while(fclose(fileP) && errno==EINTR); return 0; }
int loadPlaylist(FILE * fp, char * utf8file) { FILE * fileP; char s[MAXPATHLEN+1]; int slength = 0; char * temp = strdup(utf8ToFsCharset(utf8file)); char * rfile = malloc(strlen(temp)+strlen(".")+ strlen(PLAYLIST_FILE_SUFFIX)+1); char * actualFile; char * parent = parentPath(temp); int parentlen = strlen(parent); char * erroredFile = NULL; int tempInt; int commentCharFound = 0; strcpy(rfile,temp); strcat(rfile,"."); strcat(rfile,PLAYLIST_FILE_SUFFIX); free(temp); if((actualFile = rpp2app(rfile)) && isPlaylist(actualFile)) free(rfile); else { free(rfile); commandError(fp, ACK_ERROR_NO_EXIST, "playlist \"%s\" not found", utf8file); return -1; } while(!(fileP = fopen(actualFile,"r")) && errno==EINTR); if(fileP==NULL) { commandError(fp, ACK_ERROR_SYSTEM, "problems opening file \"%s\"", utf8file); return -1; } while((tempInt = fgetc(fileP))!=EOF) { s[slength] = tempInt; if(s[slength]=='\n' || s[slength]=='\0') { commentCharFound = 0; s[slength] = '\0'; if(s[0]==PLAYLIST_COMMENT) { commentCharFound = 1; } if(strncmp(s,musicDir,strlen(musicDir))==0) { strcpy(s,&(s[strlen(musicDir)])); } else if(parentlen) { temp = strdup(s); memset(s,0,MAXPATHLEN+1); strcpy(s,parent); strncat(s,"/",MAXPATHLEN-parentlen); strncat(s,temp,MAXPATHLEN-parentlen-1); if(strlen(s)>=MAXPATHLEN) { commandError(fp, ACK_ERROR_PLAYLIST_LOAD, "\"%s\" too long", temp); free(temp); while(fclose(fileP) && errno==EINTR); if(erroredFile) free(erroredFile); return -1; } free(temp); } slength = 0; temp = fsCharsetToUtf8(s); if(!temp) continue; temp = strdup(temp); if(commentCharFound && !getSongFromDB(temp) && !isRemoteUrl(temp)) { free(temp); continue; } if((addToPlaylist(stderr,temp))<0) { if(!erroredFile) erroredFile = strdup(temp); } free(temp); } else if(slength==MAXPATHLEN) { s[slength] = '\0'; commandError(fp, ACK_ERROR_PLAYLIST_LOAD, "line in \"%s\" is too long", utf8file); ERROR("line \"%s\" in playlist \"%s\" is too long\n", s, utf8file); while(fclose(fileP) && errno==EINTR); if(erroredFile) free(erroredFile); return -1; } else if(s[slength]!='\r') slength++; } while(fclose(fileP) && errno==EINTR); if(erroredFile) { commandError(fp, ACK_ERROR_PLAYLIST_LOAD, "can't add file \"%s\"", erroredFile); free(erroredFile); return -1; } return 0; }
int lsPlaylists(FILE * fp, char * utf8path) { DIR * dir; struct stat st; struct dirent * ent; char * dup; char * utf8; char s[MAXPATHLEN+1]; List * list = NULL; ListNode * node = NULL; char * path = strdup(utf8ToFsCharset(utf8path)); char * actualPath = rpp2app(path); int actlen = strlen(actualPath)+1; int maxlen = MAXPATHLEN-actlen; int suflen = strlen(PLAYLIST_FILE_SUFFIX)+1; int suff; if(actlen>MAXPATHLEN-1 || (dir = opendir(actualPath))==NULL) { free(path); return 0; } s[MAXPATHLEN] = '\0'; /* this is safe, notice actlen > MAXPATHLEN-1 above */ strcpy(s,actualPath); strcat(s,"/"); while((ent = readdir(dir))) { dup = ent->d_name; if(dup[0]!='.' && (suff=strlen(dup)-suflen)>0 && dup[suff]=='.' && strcmp(dup+suff+1,PLAYLIST_FILE_SUFFIX)==0) { strncpy(s+actlen,ent->d_name,maxlen); if(stat(s,&st)==0) { if(S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) { if(list==NULL) list = makeList(NULL, 1); dup = strdup(ent->d_name); dup[suff] = '\0'; if((utf8 = fsCharsetToUtf8(dup))) { insertInList(list,utf8,NULL); } free(dup); } } } } closedir(dir); free(path); if(list) { int i; sortList(list); dup = malloc(strlen(utf8path)+2); strcpy(dup,utf8path); for(i = strlen(dup)-1; i >= 0 && dup[i]=='/'; i--) { dup[i] = '\0'; } if(strlen(dup)) strcat(dup,"/"); node = list->firstNode; while(node!=NULL) { if(!strchr(node->key, '\n')) { myfprintf(fp,"playlist: %s%s\n",dup,node->key); } node = node->nextNode; } freeList(list); free(dup); } return 0; }