Example #1
static VALUE
bsock_recv_nonblock(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE sock)
    return rsock_s_recvfrom_nonblock(sock, argc, argv, RECV_RECV);
Example #2
/* :nodoc: */
static VALUE
bsock_recv_nonblock(VALUE sock, VALUE len, VALUE flg, VALUE str, VALUE ex)
    return rsock_s_recvfrom_nonblock(sock, len, flg, str, ex, RECV_RECV);
Example #3
static VALUE
bsock_recv_nonblock(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE sock)
    return rsock_s_recvfrom_nonblock(sock, argc, argv, RECV_RECV);
Example #4
 * call-seq:
 *   udpsocket.recvfrom_nonblock(maxlen) => [mesg, sender_inet_addr]
 *   udpsocket.recvfrom_nonblock(maxlen, flags) => [mesg, sender_inet_addr]
 * Receives up to _maxlen_ bytes from +udpsocket+ using recvfrom(2) after
 * O_NONBLOCK is set for the underlying file descriptor.
 * If _maxlen_ is omitted, its default value is 65536.
 * _flags_ is zero or more of the +MSG_+ options.
 * The first element of the results, _mesg_, is the data received.
 * The second element, _sender_inet_addr_, is an array to represent the sender address.
 * When recvfrom(2) returns 0,
 * Socket#recvfrom_nonblock returns an empty string as data.
 * It means an empty packet.
 * === Parameters
 * * +maxlen+ - the number of bytes to receive from the socket
 * * +flags+ - zero or more of the +MSG_+ options
 * === Example
 * 	require 'socket'
 * 	s1 = UDPSocket.new
 * 	s1.bind("", 0)
 * 	s2 = UDPSocket.new
 * 	s2.bind("", 0)
 * 	s2.connect(*s1.addr.values_at(3,1))
 * 	s1.connect(*s2.addr.values_at(3,1))
 * 	s1.send "aaa", 0
 * 	begin # emulate blocking recvfrom
 * 	  p s2.recvfrom_nonblock(10)  #=> ["aaa", ["AF_INET", 33302, "localhost.localdomain", ""]]
 * 	rescue IO::WaitReadable
 * 	  IO.select([s2])
 * 	  retry
 * 	end
 * Refer to Socket#recvfrom for the exceptions that may be thrown if the call
 * to _recvfrom_nonblock_ fails.
 * UDPSocket#recvfrom_nonblock may raise any error corresponding to recvfrom(2) failure,
 * including Errno::EWOULDBLOCK.
 * If the exception is Errno::EWOULDBLOCK or Errno::AGAIN,
 * it is extended by IO::WaitReadable.
 * So IO::WaitReadable can be used to rescue the exceptions for retrying recvfrom_nonblock.
 * === See
 * * Socket#recvfrom
static VALUE
udp_recvfrom_nonblock(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE sock)
    return rsock_s_recvfrom_nonblock(sock, argc, argv, RECV_IP);