Example #1
void ViewFieldUnicodeTransformer::transform(unsigned & lenTarget, char * & target, unsigned lenSource, const char * source)
    unsigned lenUnicodeSrc;
    unsigned lenUnicodeTarget;
    rtlDataAttr unicodeSrc;
    rtlDataAttr unicodeTarget;

    rtlUtf8ToUnicodeX(lenUnicodeSrc, unicodeSrc.refustr(), lenSource, source);
    (*function)(lenUnicodeTarget, unicodeTarget.refustr(), lenUnicodeSrc, unicodeSrc.getustr());
    rtlUnicodeToUtf8X(lenTarget, target, lenUnicodeTarget, unicodeTarget.getustr());
Example #2
    void CouchbaseEmbedFunctionContext::getUnicodeResult(size32_t &chars, UChar * &result)
        auto value = nextResultScalar();
        if (value && *value)
            unsigned numchars = rtlUtf8Length(strlen(value), value);
            rtlUtf8ToUnicodeX(chars, result, numchars, value);

        NullFieldProcessor p(NULL);
        rtlUnicodeToUnicodeX(chars, result, p.resultChars, p.unicodeResult);
Example #3
    void CouchbaseRowBuilder::getUnicodeResult(const RtlFieldInfo *field, size32_t &chars, UChar * &result)
        const char * value = nextField(field);

        if (!value || !*value)
            NullFieldProcessor p(field);
            rtlUnicodeToUnicodeX(chars, result, p.resultChars, p.unicodeResult);

        unsigned numchars = rtlUtf8Length(strlen(value), value);  // MORE - is it a good assumption that it is utf8 ? Depends how the database is configured I think
        rtlUtf8ToUnicodeX(chars, result, numchars, value);
Example #4
static void getUnicodeResult(const RtlFieldInfo *field, const MYSQL_BIND &bound, size32_t &chars, UChar * &result)
    if (*bound.is_null)
        NullFieldProcessor p(field);
        rtlUnicodeToUnicodeX(chars, result, p.resultChars, p.unicodeResult);
    if (bound.buffer_type != MYSQL_TYPE_STRING && bound.buffer_type != MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING)
        typeError("string", field);
    const char *text = (const char *) bound.buffer;
    unsigned long bytes = *bound.length;
    unsigned numchars = rtlUtf8Length(bytes, text);  // MORE - is it a good assumption that it is utf8 ? Depends how the database is configured I think
    rtlUtf8ToUnicodeX(chars, result, numchars, text);