/** Stop control on a service. Removes the HTTP server binding for this service's control URL. @return error code */ int UPnP_DeviceControlUnBindService ( UPnPDeviceRuntime *deviceRuntime, /** the device runtime that owns the service. */ UPnPService *service /** the service to unbind */) { HTTP_CHAR *path = _getControlURL(service->device->rootDevice->descDoc, service->serviceElement); if (path) { /* build the event URL from the baseURL and eventSubURL in the DOM */ if (HTTP_ServerRemovePath(&deviceRuntime->upnpRuntime->httpServer, path) < 0) { rtp_free(path); return (-1); } SOAP_ServerShutdown(&service->soapContext); rtp_free(path); return (0); } return (-1); }
/** Initialize a service for control. Binds a service control URL to the HTTP server to enable SOAP action processing for that service. @return error code */ int UPnP_DeviceControlBindService ( UPnPDeviceRuntime *deviceRuntime, /** the device runtime that owns the service. */ UPnPService *service /** the service to bind */) { HTTP_CHAR *path = _getControlURL(service->device->rootDevice->descDoc, service->serviceElement); if (path) { if (SOAP_ServerInit(&service->soapContext, UPnP_DeviceControlSOAPCallback, service) < 0) { rtp_free(path); return (-1); } if (HTTP_ServerAddPath(&deviceRuntime->upnpRuntime->httpServer, path, 1, (HTTPRequestHandler)SOAP_ServerProcessRequest, 0, &service->soapContext) < 0) { rtp_free(path); SOAP_ServerShutdown(&service->soapContext); return (-1); } rtp_free(path); return (0); } return (-1); }
/** @memo Close a file. @doc Closes a file that was opened with rtp_stdio_fopen. @return 0 if successful, -1 otherwise. */ int rtp_stdio_fclose ( void * rtpfile /** File handle used to close the file. */ ) { int result = (-1); if( !rtpfile || (((RTP_STDIO_FILE *)rtpfile)->verify != RTP_FILE_VERIFICATION_VALUE) ) { /* --------------------------------------- */ /* Application passed an RTP_HANDLE */ /* instead of an RTP_STDIO_FILE. Should */ /* use low level rtp_file_close(). */ /* --------------------------------------- */ return (-1); } result = rtp_file_close (((RTP_STDIO_FILE *)rtpfile)->handle); if (((RTP_STDIO_FILE *)rtpfile)->buffer) { rtp_free ((void *)((RTP_STDIO_FILE *)rtpfile)->buffer); } rtp_free (rtpfile); rtpfile = (void *) 0; return (result); }
static void http_demo_release_vcontent(HTTP_INT32 virtUrlId, char **pContent) { HTTP_INT32 length = 0; char **_pContent = pContent; while (*_pContent) { rtp_free(*_pContent); _pContent++; } rtp_free(pContent); }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------* rtp_wfile_gfirst *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int rtp_wfile_gfirst (void ** dirobj, unsigned short * name) { #if (_WIN32_WINNT) >= 0x0400 WFSOBJ* winDirObj; #ifdef RTP_DEBUG SetLastError (0); #endif winDirObj = (WFSOBJ*) malloc(sizeof(WFSOBJ)); memset(winDirObj, 0, sizeof(WFSOBJ)); name = _rtp_unicode_name_to_winname(name); winDirObj->fsObject.attrib = _A_NORMAL | _A_SUBDIR; winDirObj->handle = _wfindfirst((const unsigned short *) name, &(winDirObj->fsObject)); if (winDirObj->handle == (long)(-1)) { rtp_free (winDirObj); #ifdef RTP_DEBUG RTP_DEBUG_OUTPUT_ERRNO("rtp_wfile_gfirst:"); #endif return (-1); } *dirobj = (void*) winDirObj; return (0); #endif return (-1); }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------* rtp_sig_semaphore_free *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void rtp_sig_semaphore_free (RTP_SEMAPHORE semHandle) { NATIVE_PROFILE_PAL_NETWORK(); rtp_free((void *)semHandle); }
int _UPnP_DeviceSendServiceAlive( UPnPService *service /** pointer to the service */) { char notifySubType[11]; /* holds ssdp:alive */ char destAddr[RTP_NET_NI_MAXHOST]; char *usn; UPnPRootDevice *rootDevice = service->device->rootDevice; char *descLocation; int result = -1; int ipType = service->device->rootDevice->deviceRuntime->upnpRuntime->ssdpContext.ipType; /* proceed if complete device information is available */ if(!service->serviceId || !service->serviceType || !service->device->rootDevice->descLocation) { return (-1); } if (ipType == RTP_NET_TYPE_IPV4) { rtp_strcpy(destAddr, (const char *) v4mcastAddr); } else if (ipType == RTP_NET_TYPE_IPV6) { rtp_strcpy(destAddr, IPV6_LINK_LOCAL_ADDRESS); } descLocation = _getLocation((unsigned char *) destAddr, mcastPort, ipType, rootDevice); if (descLocation) { /* allocate memory to notifytype to hold UDN, devicetype, :: and a string terminator */ usn = (char *) rtp_malloc((rtp_strlen(service->serviceId) + rtp_strlen(service->serviceType) + 3)); if (usn) { /* create a notify type using device UDN and device type */ rtp_strcpy(usn, service->serviceId); rtp_strcat(usn, "::"); rtp_strcat(usn, service->serviceType); rtp_strcpy(notifySubType, "ssdp:alive"); /* service advertisement */ if(SSDP_SendAlive (&rootDevice->deviceRuntime->upnpRuntime->ssdpContext, service->serviceType, usn, descLocation, (SSDP_UINT32*)&rootDevice->deviceRuntime->remoteCacheTimeoutSec) >= 0) { result = 0; } rtp_free(usn); } _freeLocation(rootDevice, descLocation); } return (result); }
static int DestroySlidingWindow(HBROWSER_HANDLE hbrowser, HDOC_HANDLE hdoc, struct _webcSlidingWindowView *slideObject) { HELEMENT_HANDLE SlideWindow; SlideWindow = webc_ElementGetParent(slideObject->SlidingElement); if (!SlideWindow) goto error; /* Hide the sliding window */ webc_ElementHide(slideObject->SlidingElement, WEBC_TRUE); /* Hide the viewport window */ webc_ElementHide(SlideWindow, WEBC_TRUE); /* Remove the slidewindow from the viewport */ webc_ElementRemoveChild(SlideWindow,slideObject->SlidingElement); /* Delete the selections we */ webc_ElementDeleteChildren(slideObject->SlidingElement); /* Delete the slider */ webc_ElementDelete(slideObject->SlidingElement); /* Delete the viewport window */ webc_ElementRemoveChild (webc_GetRootContainer(hdoc),SlideWindow); webc_ElementDelete(SlideWindow); // webc_ElementRedraw(webc_GetRootContainer(hdoc)); rtp_free(slideObject); return 0; error: assert(0); return -1; }
void _freeLocation (UPnPRootDevice *rootDevice, char *str) { if (rootDevice->autoAddr) { rtp_free(str); } }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------* rtp_file_gfirst *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int rtp_file_gfirst (void ** dirobj, char * name) { VDSTAT* nativeDirObj; #ifdef RTP_DEBUG int result; /* ----------------------------------- */ /* Clear the error state by setting */ /* to 0. */ /* ----------------------------------- */ set_errno (0); #endif nativeDirObj = (VDSTAT*) rtp_malloc(sizeof(VDSTAT)); rtp_memset(nativeDirObj, 0, sizeof(VDSTAT)); if (!vf_gfirst(nativeDirObj, (PFCHAR) name)) { rtp_free(nativeDirObj); #ifdef RTP_DEBUG result = xn_getlasterror( ); RTP_DEBUG_OUTPUT_STR("rtp_file_gfirst: error returned "); RTP_DEBUG_OUTPUT_INT(result); RTP_DEBUG_OUTPUT_STR(".\n"); #endif return (-1); } *dirobj = (void*) nativeDirObj; return (0); }
SSDP_INT32 SSDP_SendResponse ( SSDPServerContext *ctx, /** pointer to SSDP context */ SSDPPendingResponse *response /** buffer holding response information */) { SSDP_CHAR *msgBuffer; SSDP_SOCKET responseSock = ctx->announceSocket; msgBuffer = (SSDP_CHAR *) rtp_malloc(sizeof(SSDP_CHAR) * SSDP_BUFFER_SIZE); if (msgBuffer) { /* Send response */ rtp_sprintf(msgBuffer,"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" "LOCATION: %s\r\n" "EXT: \r\n" "USN: %s\r\n" "SERVER: %s\r\n" "CACHE-CONTROL: max-age=%d\r\n" "ST: %s\r\n" "\r\n", response->targetLocation, response->targetUSN, ctx->serverName, response->targetTimeoutSec, response->searchTarget); RTP_LOG_WRITE("SSDPSendResponse SEND", msgBuffer, rtp_strlen(msgBuffer)) /* Send response to the requesting client */ if (rtp_net_sendto(responseSock, (unsigned char*)msgBuffer, rtp_strlen(msgBuffer), response->clientAddr.ipAddr, response->clientAddr.port, response->clientAddr.type) < 0) { SSDP_ProcessError("Response"); rtp_free(msgBuffer); return(-1); } /* Free up the allocated memory */ rtp_free(msgBuffer); } else { return (-1);
static void FlyingWindowCloseCallback(int UserIntParm, void *UserVoidParm) { wcWinClose((wcCtx*)UserVoidParm); rtp_free(UserVoidParm); if (!FlyWithNoSpriteDone) StartFlyingWindowDemo(0,10, 0); FlyWithNoSpriteDone = 1; }
/** @memo Release all memory used by a list or menu object. @doc Releases all memory used by the list or menu object. Must be called to release memory allocated while the object was created and populated. @precondition rtp_gui_list_init must be called first @return Nothing */ void rtp_gui_list_destroy(void *vplist /** Handle returned from rtp_gui_list_init() */) { struct rtp_gui_list *plist; plist = (struct rtp_gui_list *) vplist; { struct rtp_gui_list_item *pnext, *pthis; pthis = plist->itemlist; while (pthis) { if (pthis->item) rtp_free(pthis->item); pnext = pthis->pnext; rtp_free(pthis); pthis = pnext; } } rtp_free(plist); }
/** @memo Destroy a UPnPRuntime @doc Must be called after all other UPnP SDK calls to clean up runtime data for UPnP. @return error code */ void UPnP_RuntimeDestroy ( UPnPRuntime* rt /** pointer to \Ref{UPnPRuntime} struct */ ) { HTTPServerConnection* connectCtxArray; SSDP_ServerDestroy(&rt->ssdpContext); HTTP_ServerDestroy(&rt->httpServer, &connectCtxArray); rtp_free(connectCtxArray); }
SOAP_INT32 SOAP_SendActionRequest ( SOAPAction* action ) { SOAP_CHAR* requestBuffer; SOAP_INT32 contentLen; HTTPRequest request; /* Create soap envelope for the request */ requestBuffer = (char *)rtp_malloc(action->bodyLen + SOAP_ACTION_ENVELOPE_LENGTH); if (requestBuffer) { rtp_sprintf(requestBuffer, SOAP_ACTION_REQUEST_TEMPLATE, action->bodyStr); /* get the length of the envelope which is the content length of SOAP Request */ contentLen = rtp_strlen(requestBuffer); /* send a Post or a M-Post request */ switch(action->state) { case SOAP_ACTION_CONNECTING_POST: /* Create soap envelope for the request */ #if (USE_EXPERIMENTAL_REQUEST) HTTP_ManagedClientRequestExExperimental(action->httpSession, "POST", action->postTargetURL.field.http.path, NULL, "text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\"", &contentLen, &request, "SOAPAction", action->soapAction); #else HTTP_ManagedClientRequestEx (action->httpSession, "POST", action->postTargetURL.field.http.path, NULL, "text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\"", contentLen, &request); #endif break; case SOAP_ACTION_CONNECTING_M_POST: HTTP_ManagedClientRequestEx (action->httpSession, "M-POST", action->postTargetURL.field.http.path, NULL, "text/xml; charset=\"utf-8\"", contentLen, &request); HTTP_SetRequestHeaderStr (&request, "Man", "\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\"; ns=s"); HTTP_SetRequestHeaderStr (&request, "s-SOAPAction", action->soapAction); break; } HTTP_ManagedClientRequestHeaderDone (action->httpSession, &request); /* write the POST data */ HTTP_ManagedClientWrite (action->httpSession, (SOAP_UINT8*)requestBuffer, contentLen); /* signal that the request is compete */ HTTP_ManagedClientWriteDone (action->httpSession); rtp_free(requestBuffer); return(0); } return (-1); }
static int _LoadPalleteFromPalletTemplate(HBROWSER_HANDLE hbrowser, HDOC_HANDLE hdoc, int isShadow) { char newhtml[256]; IXML_Element *ParentElement; IXML_Element *xmlElement; IXML_Document *Doc = PalletTemplate; char *lbuffer,*p; HELEMENT_HANDLE h; p = (char *) rtp_malloc(100000); lbuffer = p; *p = 0; newhtml[0] = 0; if (isShadow) h = webc_DocFindElement (hdoc, "ShadowPallete", 0, HTML_ELEMENT_ANY, 0); else h = webc_DocFindElement (hdoc, "Pallete", 0, HTML_ELEMENT_ANY, 0); if (!h) goto error; xmlElement = 0; ParentElement = rtpxmlGetElemInDocFromDomStr(Doc, PALLETDOMSTR); /* "PalletImages" */ if (ParentElement) xmlElement = (IXML_Element *)ixmlNode_getFirstChild((IXML_Node*) ParentElement); while (xmlElement) { if (xmlPalletElementToHtml(xmlElement, newhtml, isShadow) != 0) goto error; rtp_strcat(p,newhtml); p += rtp_strlen(p); xmlElement = (IXML_Element *) ixmlNode_getNextSibling((IXML_Node*) xmlElement); } webc_ElementSetInnerHtmlASCII (h, lbuffer); if (lbuffer) rtp_free(lbuffer); return 0; error: if (lbuffer) rtp_free(lbuffer); printf("Error CreatePalleteFromPalletTemplate()\n"); assert(0); return -1; }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------* rtp_threads_shutdown *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void rtp_threads_shutdown (void) { NATIVE_PROFILE_PAL_NETWORK(); int i; for (i = 0; i < CFG_NIFACES; i++) { IPTaskInitialized[i] = 0; InterruptTaskContInitialized[i] = 0; } TimerTaskContInitialized = 0; TimerTaskCompInitialized = 0; DHCPTaskInitialized = 0; #if (INCLUDE_RUN_TIME_CONFIG) rtp_free(IPTaskContinuation); rtp_free(InterruptTaskContinuation); rtp_free(IPTaskInitialized); rtp_free(InterruptTaskContInitialized); #endif }
/** @memo Add an text entry and a void * value a list or menu object. @doc Adds text and to a list or object. Also provides a void * value to attach to the item that will be returned when the item is selected. <br> If rtp_gui_list_execute() is called itemvalue will be returned. <br> If rtp_gui_list_execute_handle() is called the handle to the item is returned. @precondition rtp_gui_list_init must be called first. @return A handle to the menu or list entry object. */ void *rtp_gui_list_add_item(void *vplist, /** Handle returned from rtp_gui_list_init(). */ char *item, /** Text to display for the choice. */ void *itemvalue, /** void *value to return when the item is selected. */ int indentlevel, /** Spaces to indent when text is displayed. */ int isgreyed, /** 1 if the item may not be selected. */ int style /** Additional style attributes. <br> RTP_LIST_ITEM_STYLE_NOBREAK - Display this and the next list item side by side. <br> RTP_LIST_ITEM_STYLE_SUBMENU - Itemvalue is a menu or list handle returned from rtp_gui_list_init(). <br> RTP_LIST_ITEM_STYLE_COLLAPSED - Don't display the submenu/sublist.<br> RTP_LIST_ITEM_STYLE_EXPANDED - Expand and display the submenu/sublist. <br> */ ) { struct rtp_gui_list *plist; struct rtp_gui_list_item *newitem; plist = (struct rtp_gui_list *) vplist; newitem = (struct rtp_gui_list_item *) rtp_malloc(sizeof(*newitem)); if (!newitem) return(0); rtp_memset(newitem, 0, sizeof(*newitem)); newitem->item = rtp_strdup(item); if (!newitem->item) { rtp_free(newitem); return(0); } newitem->itemid = itemvalue; newitem->indentlevel = indentlevel; newitem->isgreyed = isgreyed; newitem->style = style; { struct rtp_gui_list_item *pthis; pthis = plist->itemlist; if (!pthis) plist->itemlist = newitem; else { while (pthis->pnext) { pthis = pthis->pnext; } pthis->pnext = newitem; } } plist->itemlistcount += 1; return((void *) newitem); }
/** @memo @doc close the session :: @return error code */ void SOAP_ActionDestroy ( SOAPAction* action ) { if (action->postTargetURL.buffer) { rtp_free(action->postTargetURL.buffer); } if (action->httpSession) { HTTP_ManagedClientCloseSession(action->httpSession); action->httpSession = 0; } }
/** @memo Opens a file using the supplied name. @doc Opens a file using the mode settings, and sets the file information. @return 0 if successful, -1 on failure, and -2 if a non-fatal error occurred. */ int rtp_stdio_fopen ( void ** rtpfile, /** A pointer to the address of an RTP_FILE to store the file information. */ const char * fname, /** The name of the file to open. */ const char * mode /** For the mode argument:<br> <pre> | "r" Open a file for reading only RTP_FILE_O_RDONLY | "r+" Open a file for reading and writing RTP_FILE_O_RDWR | "w" Open a file for writing only RTP_FILE_O_WRONLY | Create a file if it does not exist RTP_FILE_O_CREAT | Truncate a file to 0 bytes after opening RTP_FILE_O_TRUNC | "w+" Open a file for reading and writing RTP_FILE_O_RDWR | Create a file if it does not exist RTP_FILE_O_CREAT | Truncate a file to 0 bytes after opening RTP_FILE_O_TRUNC | "a" All writes will be appended to the file RTP_FILE_O_APPEND | Create a file if it does not exist RTP_FILE_O_CREAT | "a+" Open a file for reading and writing RTP_FILE_O_RDWR | All writes will be appended to the file RTP_FILE_O_APPEND | Create a file if it does not exist RTP_FILE_O_CREAT | "b..." b prepended to the mode in the open call | causes the file to be opened in binary mode RTP_FILE_O_BINARY | "t..." t prepended to the mode in the open call | causes the file to be opened in text mode RTP_FILE_O_TEXT | Note: If neither the b or t are prepended, text | mode is the default implementation. </pre> */ ) { RTP_STDIO_FILE * p; int result; result = (-1); p = (RTP_STDIO_FILE *) rtp_malloc ((unsigned int) sizeof (*p), 0); /* SPRZ */ if (p) { rtp_memset(p, 0, sizeof(*p)); p->verify = RTP_FILE_VERIFICATION_VALUE; if ((result = rtp_file_open (&(p->handle), fname, _rtp_mode_to_permission(mode), RTP_FILE_S_IWRITE | RTP_FILE_S_IREAD)) != 0) { /* --------------------------------------- */ /* ERROR: drop the handle block. */ /* --------------------------------------- */ rtp_free ((void *)p); } } *rtpfile = (void *)p; return (result); }
int http_server_demo(void) { HTTP_INT16 ipType = 4; rtp_net_init(); rtp_threads_init(); rtp_memset(&ExampleServerCtx, 0, sizeof(ExampleServerCtx)); rtp_strcpy(ExampleServerCtx.rootDirectory, DEMO_WWW_ROOT); ExampleServerCtx.chunkedEncoding = 0; ExampleServerCtx.numHelperThreads = DEMO_MAX_HELPERS; ExampleServerCtx.numConnections = DEMO_MAX_CONNECTIONS; rtp_strcpy(ExampleServerCtx.defaultFile,"index.htm"); ExampleServerCtx.defaultIpAddr[0] = DEFAULT_DEMO_IPADDRESS[0]; ExampleServerCtx.defaultIpAddr[1] = DEFAULT_DEMO_IPADDRESS[1]; ExampleServerCtx.defaultIpAddr[2] = DEFAULT_DEMO_IPADDRESS[2]; ExampleServerCtx.defaultIpAddr[3] = DEFAULT_DEMO_IPADDRESS[3]; rtp_sprintf(ExampleServerCtx.defaultIpAddrstr, "%d.%d.%d.%d", ExampleServerCtx.defaultIpAddr[0], ExampleServerCtx.defaultIpAddr[1], ExampleServerCtx.defaultIpAddr[2], ExampleServerCtx.defaultIpAddr[3]); /* Initialize the server */ if (http_server_demo_restart() != 0) return(-1); for (;;) { HTTP_ServerProcessOneRequest (&ExampleServerCtx.httpServer, 1000*60); if (ExampleServerCtx.timeToReload) { ExampleServerCtx.timeToReload = 0; HTTP_ServerDestroy(&ExampleServerCtx.httpServer, &ExampleServerCtx.connectCtxArray); rtp_free(ExampleServerCtx.connectCtxArray); /* Initialize the server */ if (http_server_demo_restart() != 0) return(-1); } } rtp_net_exit(); return (0); }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------* rtp_wfile_gfirst *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int rtp_wfile_gfirst (void ** dirobj, unsigned short * name) { #if (_WIN32_WINNT) >= 0x0400 WFSOBJ* winDirObj; #ifdef RTP_DEBUG int result; /* ----------------------------------- */ /* Clear the error state by setting */ /* to 0. */ /* ----------------------------------- */ SetLastError (0); #endif winDirObj = (WFSOBJ*) malloc(sizeof(WFSOBJ)); memset(winDirObj, 0, sizeof(WFSOBJ)); name = _rtp_unicode_name_to_winname(name); winDirObj->fsObject.attrib = _A_NORMAL | _A_SUBDIR; winDirObj->handle = _wfindfirst((const unsigned short *) name, &(winDirObj->fsObject)); if (winDirObj->handle == (long)(-1)) { rtp_free (winDirObj); #ifdef RTP_DEBUG result = GetLastError(); RTP_DEBUG_OUTPUT_STR("rtp_wfile_gfirst: error returned "); RTP_DEBUG_OUTPUT_INT(result); RTP_DEBUG_OUTPUT_STR(".\n"); #endif return (-1); } *dirobj = (void*) winDirObj; return (0); #endif return (-1); }
static HTMLEventStatus FlyingWindowBodyCallback(wcCtx* Ctx, wcEL element,HTMLEvent* event, char* param) { /* Close the Browser window when the dismiss button is clicked. */ int CycleTimer = 0; int MaxX,MaxY; struct flyingwindowcontrol *pcontrol; MaxX = 600; // Should call get canvas MaxY = 600; if (event->type == HTML_EVENT_OBJECT_CREATED) { struct flyingwindowcontrol *pcontrol; pcontrol = (struct flyingwindowcontrol *)rtp_malloc(sizeof(struct flyingwindowcontrol)); pcontrol->iteration = 0; pcontrol->xstep = 4; pcontrol->ystep = 2; wcPushData(Ctx, element, (void*) pcontrol); CycleTimer = 1; } else if (event->type == HTML_EVENT_MOUSEDOWN) { // experimental pcontrol = (struct flyingwindowcontrol *) wcGetData(Ctx, element); wcPopData(Ctx, element); rtp_free(pcontrol); wcWinClose(Ctx); StartFlyingWindowDemo(0, 10, WF_SPRITE); return (HTML_EVENT_STATUS_HALT); } else if (event->type == HTML_EVENT_TIMER) { int left,top,width,height; pcontrol = (struct flyingwindowcontrol *) wcGetData(Ctx, element); pcontrol->iteration += 1; if (pcontrol->iteration >= FLYINGWINDOWITERATIONS) { // free private data wcPopData(Ctx, element); rtp_free(pcontrol); // Make a private copy of the stack based context to pass to the Global timer handler wcCtx* KillCtx; KillCtx = (wcCtx*)rtp_malloc(sizeof(*Ctx)); *KillCtx = *Ctx; // Tell the global timer to call our close callback routine wcTimedCallback(FlyingWindowCloseCallback,0, 0, (void *) KillCtx); return (HTML_EVENT_STATUS_CONTINUE); } wcWinGetPos(Ctx, &left, &top, &width, &height); left += pcontrol->xstep; if (left < 0) { left = 0; pcontrol->xstep *= -1; } else if (left+width >= MaxX) { left -= pcontrol->xstep; pcontrol->xstep *= -1; } top += pcontrol->ystep; if (top < 0) { top = 0; pcontrol->ystep *= -1; } else if (top+height >= MaxY) { top -= pcontrol->ystep; pcontrol->ystep *= -1; } wcWinSetPos(Ctx, left, top, width, height); CycleTimer = 1; } if (CycleTimer) { HTMLEvent NewEvent; rtp_memset(&NewEvent, 0 ,sizeof(NewEvent)); NewEvent.type = HTML_EVENT_TIMER; wcTriggerEvent(element, &NewEvent, FLYINGWINDOWPERIOD); } return (HTML_EVENT_STATUS_CONTINUE); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void _HTTP_DeleteHost ( HTTPAuthenticationHost *host ) { rtp_free(host); }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void _HTTP_DeleteRealm ( HTTPAuthenticationRealm *realm ) { rtp_free(realm); }
int _UPnP_DeviceSendDeviceByeBye ( UPnPDevice *device /** address of the device */) { char notifySubType[13]; /* holds ssdp:bye-bye */ char *usn; char *descLocation; int result = -1; char destAddr[RTP_NET_NI_MAXHOST]; int ipType = device->rootDevice->deviceRuntime->upnpRuntime->ssdpContext.ipType; /* proceed if complete device information is available */ if(!device->UDN || !device->deviceType || !device->rootDevice->descLocation) { return (-1); } if (ipType == RTP_NET_TYPE_IPV4) { rtp_strcpy(destAddr, (const char *) v4mcastAddr); } else if (ipType == RTP_NET_TYPE_IPV6) { rtp_strcpy(destAddr, IPV6_LINK_LOCAL_ADDRESS); } descLocation = _getLocation((unsigned char *) destAddr, mcastPort, ipType, device->rootDevice); if (descLocation) { rtp_strcpy(notifySubType, "ssdp:bye-bye"); /* first device message of a specific device */ if(SSDP_SendByebye(&device->rootDevice->deviceRuntime->upnpRuntime->ssdpContext, device->UDN, device->UDN) >= 0) { /* allocate memory to notifytype to hold UDN, devicetype, :: and a string terminator */ usn = (char *) rtp_malloc((rtp_strlen(device->UDN) + rtp_strlen(device->deviceType) + 3)); if (usn) { /* create a notify type using device UDN and device type */ rtp_strcpy(usn, device->UDN); rtp_strcat(usn, "::"); rtp_strcat(usn, device->deviceType); /* Second device message of a specific device */ if(SSDP_SendByebye(&device->rootDevice->deviceRuntime->upnpRuntime->ssdpContext, device->UDN, device->UDN) >= 0) { result = 0; } rtp_free(usn); } } _freeLocation(device->rootDevice, descLocation); } return (result); }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------* rtp_file_gdone *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void rtp_file_gdone (void * dirobj) { vf_gdone((VDSTAT*) dirobj); rtp_free(dirobj); }
/** @memo Initialize a UPnPRuntime @doc Initializes the given \Ref{UPnPRuntime} struct, and sets up an HTTP server instance to receive control/event messages. This function must be called before any other function in the UPnP SDK. @return error code */ int UPnP_RuntimeInit ( UPnPRuntime* rt, /** pointer to uninitialized \Ref{UPnPRuntime} struct */ UPNP_UINT8* serverAddr, /** ip address to bind HTTP server to (NULL for IP_ADDR_ANY) */ UPNP_UINT16 serverPort, /** port to bind HTTP server to (0 for ANY_PORT) */ UPNP_INT16 ipType, /** type of ip version used (ipv4 or ipv6), (RTP_NET_TYPE_IPV4 for v4 and RTP_NET_TYPE_IPV6 for v6) */ UPNP_CHAR* wwwRootDir, /** HTTP root dir on local file system */ UPNP_INT16 maxConnections, /** the maximum limit on simultaneous HTTP server connections */ UPNP_INT16 maxHelperThreads /** if UPNP_MULTITHREAD is defined, the max number of helper threads to spawn */ ) { HTTPServerConnection* connectCtxArray; rt->ipType = ipType; connectCtxArray = (HTTPServerConnection*) rtp_malloc(sizeof(HTTPServerConnection) * maxConnections); if (connectCtxArray) { if (HTTP_ServerInit ( &rt->httpServer, UPNP_SERVER_NAME, // name wwwRootDir, // rootDir "index.html", // defaultFile 1, // httpMajorVersion 1, // httpMinorVersion serverAddr, // ipAddr serverPort, // port, ipType, // ipversion type(4 or 6) 0, // allowKeepAlive connectCtxArray, // connectCtxArray maxConnections, // maxConnections maxHelperThreads // maxHelperThreads ) >= 0) { if (SSDP_ServerInit ( &rt->ssdpContext, serverAddr, ipType, "RTPlatform/1.0, UPnP/1.0, EBS UPnPSDK/2.9", UPnP_SSDPCallback, rt ) >= 0) { #ifdef UPNP_MULTITHREAD if (rtp_sig_mutex_alloc(&rt->mutex, 0) >= 0) { rt->daemonState = UPNP_DAEMON_STOPPED; #endif /* UPNP_MULTITHREAD */ rt->deviceRuntime = 0; rt->controlPoint = 0; return (0); #ifdef UPNP_MULTITHREAD } #endif /* UPNP_MULTITHREAD */ SSDP_ServerDestroy(&rt->ssdpContext); } HTTP_ServerDestroy(&rt->httpServer, &connectCtxArray); } rtp_free(connectCtxArray); } return (-1); }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------* rtp_sig_semaphore_free *----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void rtp_sig_semaphore_free (RTP_SEMAPHORE semHandle) { rtp_free((RTP_PFCHAR)semHandle); }
SSDP_INT32 SSDP_SendByebye ( SSDPServerContext *ctx, /** pointer to SSDP context */ const SSDP_CHAR *notifyType, /** the notification type (NT) string */ const SSDP_CHAR *usn /** pointer to string containing USN header */) { SSDP_CHAR ipAddr[RTP_NET_NI_MAXHOST]; SSDP_CHAR *msgBfr; SSDP_SOCKET notifySock = ctx->announceSocket; if(ctx->ipType == RTP_NET_TYPE_IPV6) { rtp_sprintf(ipAddr, "[FF02::C]:1900"); } else if (ctx->ipType == RTP_NET_TYPE_IPV4) { rtp_sprintf(ipAddr, ""); } msgBfr = (SSDP_CHAR *) rtp_malloc(sizeof(SSDP_CHAR) * SSDP_BUFFER_SIZE); if (!msgBfr) { return (-1); } /* Send Advertisements */ /* Fix (03/18/2007) - Correct formatting changed format fields from: "HOST:%s\r\n" "Cache-Control:max-age=%d\r\n" "Location:%s\r\n" "NT:%s\r\n" "NTS:%s\r\n" "Server:%s\r\n" "USN:%s\r\n" */ #if (USE_INTEL_SDK_ORDER) rtp_sprintf(msgBfr,"NOTIFY * HTTP/1.1\r\n" "HOST: %s\r\n" "NTS: ssdp:byebye\r\n" "USN: %s\r\n" "NT: %s\r\n" "\r\n", ipAddr, usn, notifyType); #else rtp_sprintf(msgBfr,"NOTIFY * HTTP/1.1\r\n" "HOST: %s\r\n" "NT: %s\r\n" "NTS: ssdp:byebye\r\n" "USN: %s\r\n" "\r\n", ipAddr, notifyType, usn); #endif if(ctx->ipType == RTP_NET_TYPE_IPV6) { rtp_strcpy(ipAddr, IPV6_LINK_LOCAL_ADDRESS); } else if (ctx->ipType == RTP_NET_TYPE_IPV4) { rtp_strcpy(ipAddr, (const char*)v4mcastAddr); } RTP_LOG_WRITE("SSDP_SendByeBye SEND", msgBfr, rtp_strlen(msgBfr)) /* Send the message to the multicast channel */ if (rtp_net_sendto(notifySock, (unsigned char*)msgBfr, rtp_strlen(msgBfr),(unsigned char *) ipAddr, mcastPort, ctx->ipType) < 0) { SSDP_ProcessError("SendTo"); rtp_free(msgBfr); return(-1); } /* Free up the allocated memory */ rtp_free(msgBfr); return(0); }