int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i, len, controlfd; double eval, clk; long long ncycles_ref, counter; double eptime; double add_delay; struct cfg cf; char buf[256]; struct recfilter loop_error; struct PFD phase_detector; useconds_t usleep_time; struct sched_param sparam; #if RTPP_DEBUG double sleep_time, filter_lastval; #endif memset(&cf, 0, sizeof(cf)); cf.stable = malloc(sizeof(struct rtpp_cfg_stable)); if (cf.stable == NULL) { err(1, "can't allocate memory for the struct rtpp_cfg_stable"); /* NOTREACHED */ } memset(cf.stable, '\0', sizeof(struct rtpp_cfg_stable)); init_config(&cf, argc, argv); seedrandom(); cf.stable->sessions_ht = rtpp_hash_table_ctor(); if (cf.stable->sessions_ht == NULL) { err(1, "can't allocate memory for the hash table"); /* NOTREACHED */ } cf.stable->rtpp_stats = rtpp_stats_ctor(); if (cf.stable->rtpp_stats == NULL) { err(1, "can't allocate memory for the stats data"); /* NOTREACHED */ } init_port_table(&cf); controlfd = init_controlfd(&cf); if (cf.stable->nodaemon == 0) { if (rtpp_daemon(0, 0) == -1) err(1, "can't switch into daemon mode"); /* NOTREACHED */ } if (rtpp_notify_init() != 0) errx(1, "can't start notification thread"); cf.stable->glog = rtpp_log_open(cf.stable, "rtpproxy", NULL, LF_REOPEN); rtpp_log_setlevel(cf.stable->glog, cf.stable->log_level); _sig_cf = &cf; atexit(ehandler); rtpp_log_write(RTPP_LOG_INFO, cf.stable->glog, "rtpproxy started, pid %d", getpid()); i = open(pid_file, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, DEFFILEMODE); if (i >= 0) { len = sprintf(buf, "%u\n", (unsigned int)getpid()); write(i, buf, len); close(i); } else { rtpp_log_ewrite(RTPP_LOG_ERR, cf.stable->glog, "can't open pidfile for writing"); } signal(SIGHUP, sighup); signal(SIGINT, fatsignal); signal(SIGKILL, fatsignal); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGTERM, fatsignal); signal(SIGXCPU, fatsignal); signal(SIGXFSZ, fatsignal); signal(SIGVTALRM, fatsignal); signal(SIGPROF, fatsignal); signal(SIGUSR1, fatsignal); signal(SIGUSR2, fatsignal); if (cf.stable->sched_policy != SCHED_OTHER) { sparam.sched_priority = sched_get_priority_max(cf.stable->sched_policy); if (sched_setscheduler(0, cf.stable->sched_policy, &sparam) == -1) { rtpp_log_ewrite(RTPP_LOG_ERR, cf.stable->glog, "sched_setscheduler(SCHED_%s, %d)", (cf.stable->sched_policy == SCHED_FIFO) ? "FIFO" : "RR", sparam.sched_priority); } } if (cf.stable->run_uname != NULL || cf.stable->run_gname != NULL) { if (drop_privileges(&cf) != 0) { rtpp_log_ewrite(RTPP_LOG_ERR, cf.stable->glog, "can't switch to requested user/group"); exit(1); } } set_rlimits(&cf); cf.stable->controlfd = controlfd; cf.sessinfo.sessions[0] = NULL; cf.sessinfo.nsessions = 0; cf.rtp_nsessions = 0; rtpp_command_async_init(&cf); rtpp_proc_async_init(&cf); counter = 0; recfilter_init(&loop_error, 0.96, 0.0, 0); PFD_init(&phase_detector, 2.0); for (;;) { eptime = getdtime(); clk = (eptime + cf.stable->sched_offset) * cf.stable->target_pfreq; ncycles_ref = llrint(clk); eval = PFD_get_error(&phase_detector, clk); #if RTPP_DEBUG filter_lastval = loop_error.lastval; #endif if (eval != 0.0) { recfilter_apply(&loop_error, sigmoid(eval)); } #if RTPP_DEBUG if (counter % (unsigned int)cf.stable->target_pfreq == 0 || counter < 1000) { rtpp_log_write(RTPP_LOG_DBUG, cf.stable->glog, "run %lld ncycles %f raw error1 %f, filter lastval %f, filter nextval %f", counter, clk, eval, filter_lastval, loop_error.lastval); } #endif add_delay = freqoff_to_period(cf.stable->target_pfreq, 1.0, loop_error.lastval); usleep_time = add_delay * 1000000.0; #if RTPP_DEBUG if (counter % (unsigned int)cf.stable->target_pfreq == 0 || counter < 1000) { rtpp_log_write(RTPP_LOG_DBUG, cf.stable->glog, "run %lld filter lastval %f, filter nextval %f, error %f", counter, filter_lastval, loop_error.lastval, sigmoid(eval)); rtpp_log_write(RTPP_LOG_DBUG, cf.stable->glog, "run %lld extra sleeping time %llu", counter, usleep_time); } sleep_time = getdtime(); #endif rtpp_proc_async_wakeup(cf.stable->rtpp_proc_cf, counter, ncycles_ref); usleep(usleep_time); #if RTPP_DEBUG sleep_time = getdtime() - sleep_time; if (counter % (unsigned int)cf.stable->target_pfreq == 0 || counter < 1000 || sleep_time > add_delay * 2.0) { rtpp_log_write(RTPP_LOG_DBUG, cf.stable->glog, "run %lld sleeping time required %llu sleeping time actual %f, CSV: %f,%f,%f", \ counter, usleep_time, sleep_time, (double)counter / cf.stable->target_pfreq, ((double)usleep_time) / 1000.0, sleep_time * 1000.0); } #endif counter += 1; if (cf.stable->slowshutdown != 0) { pthread_mutex_lock(&cf.sessinfo.lock); if (cf.sessinfo.nsessions == 0) { /* The below unlock is not necessary, but does not hurt either */ pthread_mutex_unlock(&cf.sessinfo.lock); rtpp_log_write(RTPP_LOG_INFO, cf.stable->glog, "deorbiting-burn sequence completed, exiting"); break; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&cf.sessinfo.lock); } } exit(0); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i, len, timeout, controlfd, alarm_tick; double sptime, eptime, last_tick_time; unsigned long delay; struct cfg cf; char buf[256]; memset(&cf, 0, sizeof(cf)); init_config(&cf, argc, argv); seedrandom(); init_hash_table(&cf.stable); init_port_table(&cf); controlfd = init_controlfd(&cf); if (cf.stable.nodaemon == 0) { if (rtpp_daemon(0, 0) == -1) err(1, "can't switch into daemon mode"); /* NOTREACHED */ } glog = cf.stable.glog = rtpp_log_open(&cf.stable, "rtpproxy", NULL, LF_REOPEN); atexit(ehandler); rtpp_log_write(RTPP_LOG_INFO, cf.stable.glog, "rtpproxy started, pid %d", getpid()); if (cf.timeout_socket != NULL) { cf.timeout_handler = rtpp_notify_init(glog, cf.timeout_socket); if (cf.timeout_handler == NULL) { rtpp_log_ewrite(RTPP_LOG_ERR, glog, "can't start notification thread"); exit(1); } } i = open(pid_file, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, DEFFILEMODE); if (i >= 0) { len = sprintf(buf, "%u\n", (unsigned int)getpid()); write(i, buf, len); close(i); } else { rtpp_log_ewrite(RTPP_LOG_ERR, cf.stable.glog, "can't open pidfile for writing"); } signal(SIGHUP, fatsignal); signal(SIGINT, fatsignal); signal(SIGKILL, fatsignal); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGTERM, fatsignal); signal(SIGXCPU, fatsignal); signal(SIGXFSZ, fatsignal); signal(SIGVTALRM, fatsignal); signal(SIGPROF, fatsignal); signal(SIGUSR1, fatsignal); signal(SIGUSR2, fatsignal); if (cf.stable.run_uname != NULL || cf.stable.run_gname != NULL) { if (drop_privileges(&cf) != 0) { rtpp_log_ewrite(RTPP_LOG_ERR, cf.stable.glog, "can't switch to requested user/group"); exit(1); } } cf.stable.controlfd = controlfd; cf.sessinfo.sessions[0] = NULL; cf.sessinfo.nsessions = 0; cf.rtp_nsessions = 0; rtpp_command_async_init(&cf); sptime = 0; last_tick_time = 0; for (;;) { pthread_mutex_lock(&cf.glock); pthread_mutex_lock(&cf.sessinfo.lock); if (cf.rtp_nsessions > 0 || cf.sessinfo.nsessions > 0) { timeout = RTPS_TICKS_MIN; } else { timeout = TIMETICK * 1000; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&cf.sessinfo.lock); pthread_mutex_unlock(&cf.glock); eptime = getdtime(); delay = (eptime - sptime) * 1000000.0; if (delay < (1000000 / POLL_LIMIT)) { usleep((1000000 / POLL_LIMIT) - delay); sptime = getdtime(); } else { sptime = eptime; } pthread_mutex_lock(&cf.sessinfo.lock); if (cf.sessinfo.nsessions > 0) { i = poll(cf.sessinfo.pfds, cf.sessinfo.nsessions, timeout); pthread_mutex_unlock(&cf.sessinfo.lock); if (i < 0 && errno == EINTR) continue; } else { pthread_mutex_unlock(&cf.sessinfo.lock); usleep(timeout * 1000); } eptime = getdtime(); pthread_mutex_lock(&cf.glock); if (cf.rtp_nsessions > 0) { process_rtp_servers(&cf, eptime); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&cf.glock); if (eptime > last_tick_time + TIMETICK) { alarm_tick = 1; last_tick_time = eptime; } else { alarm_tick = 0; } pthread_mutex_lock(&cf.glock); process_rtp(&cf, eptime, alarm_tick); pthread_mutex_unlock(&cf.glock); } exit(0); }