Example #1
void * add_pathlist( void * arg ) {
  arg_pack_type * arg_pack = arg_pack_safe_cast( arg );
  runpath_list_type * list = arg_pack_iget_ptr( arg_pack , 0 );
  int offset = arg_pack_iget_int( arg_pack , 1 );
  int bs = arg_pack_iget_int( arg_pack , 2 );
  int i;
  for (i=0; i < bs; i++) 
    runpath_list_add( list , i + offset , 0,  "Path" , "Basename");

  return NULL;
Example #2
static void enkf_main_export_runpath_file(enkf_main_type * enkf_main,
                                          const int_vector_type * realizations,
                                          const int_vector_type * iterations) {

  ecl_config_type * ecl_config            = enkf_main_get_ecl_config(enkf_main);
  const model_config_type * model_config  = enkf_main_get_model_config(enkf_main);
  const char * basename_fmt               = ecl_config_get_eclbase(ecl_config);
  const char * runpath_fmt                = model_config_get_runpath_as_char(model_config);
  const qc_module_type * qc_module        = enkf_main_get_qc_module( enkf_main );

  runpath_list_type * runpath_list = runpath_list_alloc( qc_module_get_runpath_list_file( qc_module ));

  for (int iter = 0; iter < int_vector_size(iterations); ++iter) {
    for (int iens = 0; iens < int_vector_size(realizations); ++iens) {
      int iter_value = int_vector_iget(iterations, iter);
      int iens_value = int_vector_iget(realizations, iens);
      char * basename;
      char * runpath;

      if (basename_fmt)
        basename = util_alloc_sprintf(basename_fmt, iens_value);
        basename = util_alloc_sprintf("--%d", iens_value);

      if (model_config_runpath_requires_iter(model_config))
        runpath = util_alloc_sprintf(runpath_fmt, iens_value, iter_value);
        runpath = util_alloc_sprintf(runpath_fmt, iens_value);

      runpath_list_add(runpath_list, iens_value, iter_value, runpath, basename);

Example #3
void test_runpath_list() {
  runpath_list_type * list = runpath_list_alloc();

  test_assert_int_equal( runpath_list_size( list ) , 0 );

  runpath_list_add( list , 3 , 0, "path" , "base");
  runpath_list_add( list , 2 , 0, "path" , "base");
  runpath_list_add( list , 1 , 0, "path" , "base");

  runpath_list_add( list , 3 , 1, "path" , "base");
  runpath_list_add( list , 2 , 1, "path" , "base");
  runpath_list_add( list , 1 , 1, "path" , "base");
  test_assert_int_equal( runpath_list_size( list ) , 6 );
  test_assert_int_equal( runpath_list_iget_iens( list , 0 ) , 3 );
  test_assert_int_equal( runpath_list_iget_iens( list , 2 ) , 1 );
  test_assert_int_equal( runpath_list_iget_iter( list , 3 ) , 1 );
  runpath_list_sort( list );

  test_assert_int_equal( runpath_list_iget_iens( list , 0 ) , 1 );
  test_assert_int_equal( runpath_list_iget_iens( list , 4 ) , 3 );
  runpath_list_clear( list );
  test_assert_int_equal( runpath_list_size( list ) , 0 );

  test_assert_string_equal( runpath_list_get_line_fmt( list ) , RUNPATH_LIST_DEFAULT_LINE_FMT );
    const char * other_line = "%d %s %s";
    runpath_list_set_line_fmt( list , other_line );
    test_assert_string_equal( runpath_list_get_line_fmt( list ) , other_line );
  runpath_list_set_line_fmt( list , NULL );
  test_assert_string_equal( runpath_list_get_line_fmt( list ) , RUNPATH_LIST_DEFAULT_LINE_FMT );

    const int block_size = 100;
    const int threads = 100;
    thread_pool_type * tp = thread_pool_alloc( threads , true );
    int it;
    for (it = 0; it < threads; it++) {
      int iens_offset = it * block_size;
      arg_pack_type * arg_pack = arg_pack_alloc();

      arg_pack_append_ptr( arg_pack , list );
      arg_pack_append_int( arg_pack , iens_offset );
      arg_pack_append_int( arg_pack , block_size );
      thread_pool_add_job( tp , add_pathlist , arg_pack );
    thread_pool_join( tp );
    test_assert_int_equal( runpath_list_size( list ) , block_size * threads );
    runpath_list_sort( list );
      int iens;
      for (iens = 0; iens < block_size * threads; iens++)
        test_assert_int_equal( runpath_list_iget_iens( list , iens ) , iens );
      test_work_area_type * work_area = test_work_area_alloc("enkf_runpath_list" );
      const char *filename = "runpath_list.txt";
        FILE * stream = util_fopen( filename, "w");
        runpath_list_fprintf( list , stream );
        fclose( stream );

        int file_iens;
        int file_iter;
        char file_path[256];
        char file_base[256];
        int iens;
        FILE * stream = util_fopen( filename, "r");
        for (iens = 0; iens < threads * block_size; iens++) {
          int fscanf_return = fscanf( stream , "%d %s %s %d" , &file_iens , file_path , file_base, &file_iter);
          test_assert_int_equal(fscanf_return, 4 );
          test_assert_int_equal( file_iens , iens );
          test_assert_int_equal( file_iter , 0 );
        fclose( stream );
      test_work_area_free( work_area );
  runpath_list_free( list );
Example #4
void enkf_tui_run_manual_load__( void * arg ) {
  enkf_main_type * enkf_main                   = enkf_main_safe_cast( arg );
  enkf_fs_type * fs                            = enkf_main_get_fs( enkf_main ); 
  const int last_report                        = -1;
  const int ens_size                           = enkf_main_get_ensemble_size( enkf_main );
  int step1,step2;
  bool_vector_type * iactive = bool_vector_alloc( 0 , false );
  run_mode_type run_mode = ENSEMBLE_EXPERIMENT; 
  enkf_main_init_run(enkf_main , run_mode);     /* This is ugly */
  step1 = 0;
  step2 = last_report;  /** Observe that for the summary data it will load all the available data anyway. */
    char * prompt = util_alloc_sprintf("Which realizations to load  (Ex: 1,3-5) <Enter for all> [M to return to menu] : [ensemble size:%d] : " , ens_size);
    char * select_string;
    util_printf_prompt(prompt , PROMPT_LEN , '=' , "=> ");
    select_string = util_alloc_stdin_line();

    enkf_tui_util_sscanf_active_list( iactive , select_string , ens_size );
    util_safe_free( select_string );
    free( prompt );

  if (bool_vector_count_equal( iactive , true )) {
    int iens;
    arg_pack_type ** arg_list = util_calloc( ens_size , sizeof * arg_list );
    thread_pool_type * tp = thread_pool_alloc( 4 , true );  /* num_cpu - HARD coded. */

    for (iens = 0; iens < ens_size; iens++) {
      arg_pack_type * arg_pack = arg_pack_alloc();
      arg_list[iens] = arg_pack;
      if (bool_vector_iget(iactive , iens)) {
        enkf_state_type * enkf_state = enkf_main_iget_state( enkf_main , iens );

        arg_pack_append_ptr( arg_pack , enkf_state);                                        /* 0: */
        arg_pack_append_ptr( arg_pack , fs );                                               /* 1: */
        arg_pack_append_int( arg_pack , step1 );                                            /* 2: This will be the load start parameter for the run_info struct. */
        arg_pack_append_int( arg_pack , step1 );                                            /* 3: Step1 */ 
        arg_pack_append_int( arg_pack , step2 );                                            /* 4: Step2 For summary data it will load the whole goddamn thing anyway.*/
        arg_pack_append_bool( arg_pack , true );                                            /* 5: Interactive */                  
        arg_pack_append_owned_ptr( arg_pack , stringlist_alloc_new() , stringlist_free__);  /* 6: List of interactive mode messages. */
        thread_pool_add_job( tp , enkf_state_load_from_forward_model_mt , arg_pack);
    thread_pool_join( tp );
    thread_pool_free( tp );

      qc_module_type * qc_module = enkf_main_get_qc_module( enkf_main );
      runpath_list_type * runpath_list = qc_module_get_runpath_list( qc_module );

      for (iens = 0; iens < ens_size; iens++) {
        if (bool_vector_iget(iactive , iens)) {
          const enkf_state_type * state = enkf_main_iget_state( enkf_main , iens );
          runpath_list_add( runpath_list , iens , enkf_state_get_run_path( state ) , enkf_state_get_eclbase( state ));

      qc_module_export_runpath_list( qc_module );

    for (iens = 0; iens < ens_size; iens++) {
      if (bool_vector_iget(iactive , iens)) {
        stringlist_type * msg_list = arg_pack_iget_ptr( arg_list[iens] , 6 );
        if (stringlist_get_size( msg_list ))
          enkf_tui_display_load_msg( iens , msg_list );
    for (iens = 0; iens < ens_size; iens++) 
      arg_pack_free( arg_list[iens]);
    free( arg_list );      
  bool_vector_free( iactive );
Example #5
void enkf_tui_run_manual_load__( void * arg ) {
  enkf_main_type * enkf_main = enkf_main_safe_cast( arg );
  const int ens_size         = enkf_main_get_ensemble_size( enkf_main );
  bool_vector_type * iactive = bool_vector_alloc( 0 , false );
  run_mode_type run_mode     = ENSEMBLE_EXPERIMENT;
  int iter = 0;
  enkf_main_init_run(enkf_main , iactive , run_mode , INIT_NONE);  /* This is ugly */

    char * prompt = util_alloc_sprintf("Which realizations to load  (Ex: 1,3-5) <Enter for all> [M to return to menu] : [ensemble size:%d] : " , ens_size);
    char * select_string;
    util_printf_prompt(prompt , PROMPT_LEN , '=' , "=> ");
    select_string = util_alloc_stdin_line();

    enkf_tui_util_sscanf_active_list( iactive , select_string , ens_size );
    util_safe_free( select_string );
    free( prompt );

    const model_config_type * model_config = enkf_main_get_model_config( enkf_main );
    if (model_config_runpath_requires_iter( model_config )) {
      const char * prompt = "Which iteration to load from [0...?) : ";
      char * input;
      bool OK;
      util_printf_prompt(prompt , PROMPT_LEN , '=' , "=> ");

      input = util_alloc_stdin_line();
      if (input == NULL) 

      OK = util_sscanf_int( input , &iter ); 

      free( input );
      if (!OK)

  if (bool_vector_count_equal( iactive , true )) {
    stringlist_type ** realizations_msg_list = util_calloc( ens_size , sizeof * realizations_msg_list );
    int iens = 0;
    for (; iens < ens_size; ++iens) {
      realizations_msg_list[iens] = stringlist_alloc_new();

    enkf_main_load_from_forward_model(enkf_main, iter , iactive, realizations_msg_list);

      qc_module_type * qc_module = enkf_main_get_qc_module( enkf_main );
      runpath_list_type * runpath_list = qc_module_get_runpath_list( qc_module );

      for (iens = 0; iens < ens_size; ++iens) {
        if (bool_vector_iget(iactive , iens)) {
          const enkf_state_type * state = enkf_main_iget_state( enkf_main , iens );
          runpath_list_add( runpath_list , iens , enkf_state_get_run_path( state ) , enkf_state_get_eclbase( state ));
      qc_module_export_runpath_list( qc_module );

    for (iens = 0; iens < ens_size; ++iens) {
      stringlist_type * msg_list = realizations_msg_list[iens];
      if (bool_vector_iget(iactive, iens)) {
        if (stringlist_get_size( msg_list )) {
          enkf_tui_display_load_msg( iens , msg_list );

  bool_vector_free( iactive );