int main ( int argc, char * argv[] ) { int rv; aws_init (); aws_set_debug ( 0 ); int rc = aws_read_config ( "sample" ); if ( rc ) { puts ( "Could not find a credential in the config file" ); puts ( "Make sure your ~/.awsAuth file is correct" ); exit ( 1 ); } s3_set_bucket ("aws4c.samples"); s3_set_mime ("text/plain"); s3_set_acl ("public-read"); IOBuf * bf = aws_iobuf_new (); rv = putObject ( "aws4c.samplefile", bf ); printf ( "RV %d\n", rv ); printf ( "CODE [%d] \n", bf->code ); printf ( "RESULT [%s] \n", bf->result ); printf ( "LEN [%d] \n", bf->len ); printf ( "LASTMOD [%s] \n", bf->lastMod ); printf ( "ETAG [%s] \n", bf->eTag ); while(-1) { char Ln[1024]; int sz = aws_iobuf_getdata ( bf, Ln, sizeof(Ln)); if ( Ln[0] == 0 ) break; printf ( "S[%3d] %s", sz, Ln ); } /// Now Repeat using the RRS bf = aws_iobuf_new (); aws_set_rrs ( 1 ) ; rv = putObject ( "aws4c.samplefile.rrs", bf ); printf ( "RV %d\n", rv ); printf ( "CODE [%d] \n", bf->code ); printf ( "RESULT [%s] \n", bf->result ); printf ( "LEN [%d] \n", bf->len ); printf ( "LASTMOD [%s] \n", bf->lastMod ); printf ( "ETAG [%s] \n", bf->eTag ); aws_deinit (); return 0; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { aws_init(); if(argv[3] != NULL) { aws_set_debug(atoi(argv[3])); } IOBuf * aws_buf = aws_iobuf_new(); // Read credential file int rv = aws_read_config("myteksi"); if ( rv ) { fprintf(stderr, "Could not find a credential in the config file \n" ); fprintf(stderr, "Make sure your ~/.awsAuth file is correct \n" ); exit (1); } // Read config file FILE *fp = NULL; char getline[ LINE_MAX * sizeof(char) ]; if( (fp = fopen("s3config", "r")) == NULL) { //File does not exist. Initialize it if( (fp = fopen("s3config", "w+")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to create config file.\n"); exit(0); } // Ask for bucket_name fprintf(stdout, "Config file doesn't exist yet! Creating one now. \n"); fprintf(stdout, "Please specify the AWS S3 base address " "[default] :"); char getInput[ LINE_MAX * sizeof(char) ]; if( fgets( getInput, sizeof(getInput) , stdin ) != NULL ) { if( strcmp(getInput, "\n") != 0 ) { S3_host = strndup(getInput, strlen(getInput) -1); // Remove trailing NL } else { S3_host = strdup(""); } } int validbucketname = 0; while( !validbucketname ) { fprintf(stdout, "Please specify the bucket name: "); if( fgets( getInput, sizeof(getInput) , stdin ) != NULL ) { bucketname = strndup(getInput, strlen(getInput) -1); validbucketname = 1; } } char * buf = malloc( snprintf(NULL, 0, "S3_Base_Address=\"%s\"\n" "bucket_name=\"%s\"\n", S3_host, bucketname)); sprintf(buf, "S3_Base_Address=\"%s\"\n" "bucket_name=\"%s\"\n", S3_host, bucketname ); if( fputs( buf, fp ) == EOF ) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unable to create config file.\n"); } } // Config file exist, parse it else { char delim[4] = {'=', '\"', '\n', '\0'}; char* left; char* right; while( fgets( getline, sizeof(getline) , fp ) != NULL ) { if( (left = strtok(getline, delim)) != NULL ) { right = strtok(NULL, delim); } else { //Empty Line } // Match the strings char* comparison = "S3_Base_Address"; if( strcmp(left, comparison) == 0) { if(right != NULL) { S3_host = strdup(right); } else { S3_host = strdup(""); } } comparison = "bucket_name"; if( strcmp(left, comparison) == 0 && right != NULL) { bucketname = strdup(right); } } // End while if( S3_host == NULL || bucketname == NULL ) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Invalid entry in config file.\n"); } } // Set parameters in S3 library s3_set_host(S3_host); s3_set_bucket(bucketname); s3_set_acl(S3_acl); // Check for valid arguments if ( argc != 3 && argc != 4 ) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: s3util <operation> <filename>\n"); fprintf(stderr, "Operation can be one of {PUT, GET, DELETE}\n"); exit(1); } // Check if operation is valid operation = strdup(argv[1]); filename = strdup(argv[2]); // PUT file if( strcmp(operation, "PUT") == 0 ) { int rc; char s3replyMD5[33]; rv = put_file( aws_buf, filename ); rc = -1; if( aws_buf->eTag != NULL && strlen(aws_buf->eTag) > 2 ) { memset(s3replyMD5, 0, 33); memcpy(s3replyMD5, aws_buf->eTag + 1, 32); rc = verifyMD5(filename, s3replyMD5); } if(rv != 0 || rc != 0) { printf ( "PUT operation was unsuccessful \n" ); return rc; } printf ( "MD5SUM matches, file uploaded successfully \n" ); } // GET file else if( strcmp(operation, "GET") == 0 ) { rv = get_file( aws_buf, filename ); if(rv == 0 && aws_buf->code == 200) { printf ( "File was successfully downloaded \n" ); } else { printf ( "GET operation was unsuccessful \n" ); return(-1); } } // DELETE FILE else if( strcmp(operation, "DELETE") == 0 ) { rv = delete_file( aws_buf, filename ); if(rv == 0 && aws_buf->code == 204) { printf ( "File was successfully deleted \n" ); } else { printf ( "DELETE operation was unsuccessful \n" ); return(-1); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid operation, operation must be one of " "{PUT, GET, DELETE}\n"); return(1); } /* printf ( "RV %d\n", rv ); printf ( "CODE [%d] \n", aws_buf->code ); printf ( "RESULT [%s] \n", aws_buf->result ); printf ( "LEN [%d] \n", aws_buf->len ); printf ( "LASTMOD [%s] \n", aws_buf->lastMod ); printf ( "ETAG [%s] \n", aws_buf->eTag ); */ aws_iobuf_free(aws_buf); global_free(); return 0; }
static void s3_connect( IOR_param_t* param ) { if (param->verbose >= VERBOSE_2) { printf("-> s3_connect\n"); /* DEBUGGING */ } if ( param->curl_flags & IOR_CURL_INIT ) { if (param->verbose >= VERBOSE_2) { printf("<- s3_connect [nothing to do]\n"); /* DEBUGGING */ } return; } // --- Done once-only (per rank). Perform all first-time inits. // // The aws library requires a config file, as illustrated below. We // assume that the user running the test has an entry in this file, // using their login moniker (i.e. `echo $USER`) as the key, as // suggested in the example: // // <user>:<s3_login_id>:<s3_private_key> // // This file must not be readable by other than user. // // NOTE: These inits could be done in init_IORParam_t(), in ior.c, but // would require conditional compilation, there. aws_set_debug(param->verbose >= 4); aws_read_config(getenv("USER")); // requires ~/.awsAuth aws_reuse_connections(1); // initalize IOBufs. These are basically dynamically-extensible // linked-lists. "growth size" controls the increment of new memory // allocated, whenever storage is used up. param->io_buf = aws_iobuf_new(); aws_iobuf_growth_size(param->io_buf, 1024*1024*1); param->etags = aws_iobuf_new(); aws_iobuf_growth_size(param->etags, 1024*1024*8); // WARNING: if you have http_proxy set in your environment, you may need // to override it here. TBD: add a command-line variable to // allow you to define a proxy. // // our hosts are currently - 10.140 0.18 // TBD: Try DNS-round-robin server at // TBD: try HAProxy round-robin at #if 1 // snprintf(buff, BUFF_SIZE, "10.140.0.%d:9020", 15 + (rank % 4)); // s3_set_proxy(buff); // // snprintf(buff, BUFF_SIZE, "10.140.0.%d", 15 + (rank % 4)); // s3_set_host(buff); snprintf(buff, BUFF_SIZE, "10.140.0.%d:9020", 15 + (rank % 4)); s3_set_host(buff); #else /* * If you just want to go to one if the ECS nodes, put that IP * address in here directly with port 9020. * */ // s3_set_host(""); /* * If you want to go to, this is its IP * address. * */ // s3_set_proxy(""); // s3_set_host( ""); #endif // make sure test-bucket exists s3_set_bucket((char*)bucket_name); if (rank == 0) { AWS4C_CHECK( s3_head(param->io_buf, "") ); if ( param->io_buf->code == 404 ) { // "404 Not Found" printf(" bucket '%s' doesn't exist\n", bucket_name); AWS4C_CHECK( s3_put(param->io_buf, "") ); /* creates URL as bucket + obj */ AWS4C_CHECK_OK( param->io_buf ); // assure "200 OK" printf("created bucket '%s'\n", bucket_name); } else { // assure "200 OK" AWS4C_CHECK_OK( param->io_buf ); } } MPI_CHECK(MPI_Barrier(param->testComm), "barrier error"); // Maybe allow EMC extensions to S3 s3_enable_EMC_extensions(param->curl_flags & IOR_CURL_S3_EMC_EXT); // don't perform these inits more than once param->curl_flags |= IOR_CURL_INIT; if (param->verbose >= VERBOSE_2) { printf("<- s3_connect [success]\n"); } }
static int create( void ** instance_struct, struct jx *hook_args ) { aws_init (); aws_set_debug (0); char line[256]; if(s3_files_in_archive == NULL){ s3_files_in_archive = hash_table_create(0,0); } struct archive_instance *a = archive_instance_create(); *instance_struct = a; if(jx_lookup_string(hook_args, "archive_dir")){ a->dir = xxstrdup(jx_lookup_string(hook_args, "archive_dir")); } else { a->dir = string_format("%s%d", MAKEFLOW_ARCHIVE_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY, getuid()); } if(jx_lookup_boolean(hook_args, "archive_s3_no_check")){ a->s3_check = 0; } else{ a->s3_check = 1; } if(jx_lookup_string(hook_args, "archive_s3_arg")){ a->s3 = 1; a->s3_dir = xxstrdup(jx_lookup_string(hook_args, "archive_s3_arg")); } else if(jx_lookup_string(hook_args, "archive_s3_no_arg")) { a->s3 = 1; a->s3_dir = string_format("%s",MAKEFLOW_ARCHIVE_DEFAULT_S3_BUCKET); } else{ a->s3 = 0; } if(jx_lookup_string(hook_args, "s3_hostname")){ s3_set_host(xxstrdup(jx_lookup_string(hook_args, "s3_hostname"))); } if(jx_lookup_string(hook_args, "s3_keyid")){ aws_set_keyid(xxstrdup(jx_lookup_string(hook_args, "s3_keyid"))); } else{ FILE *fp = popen("grep aws_access_key_id ~/.aws/credentials | cut -d ""="" -f 2 | tr -d ' '","r"); fgets(line, 255, fp); line[strlen(line)-1] = '\0'; aws_set_keyid(line); pclose(fp); } if(jx_lookup_string(hook_args, "s3_secretkey")){ aws_set_key(xxstrdup(jx_lookup_string(hook_args, "s3_secretkey"))); } else{ FILE *ft = popen("grep aws_secret_access_key ~/.aws/credentials | cut -d ""="" -f 2 | tr -d ' '","r"); fgets(line, 255, ft); line[strlen(line)-1] = '\0'; aws_set_key(line); pclose(ft); } if(jx_lookup_boolean(hook_args, "archive_read")){ a->read = 1; } if(jx_lookup_boolean(hook_args, "archive_write")){ a->write = 1; } if (!create_dir(a->dir, 0777) && errno != EEXIST){ debug(D_ERROR|D_MAKEFLOW_HOOK, "could not create base archiving directory %s: %d %s\n", a->dir, errno, strerror(errno)); return MAKEFLOW_HOOK_FAILURE; } char *files_dir = string_format("%s/files", a->dir); if (!create_dir(files_dir, 0777) && errno != EEXIST){ debug(D_ERROR|D_MAKEFLOW_HOOK, "could not create files archiving directory %s: %d %s\n", files_dir, errno, strerror(errno)); free(files_dir); return MAKEFLOW_HOOK_FAILURE; } free(files_dir); char *tasks_dir = string_format("%s/tasks", a->dir); if (!create_dir(tasks_dir, 0777) && errno != EEXIST){ debug(D_ERROR|D_MAKEFLOW_HOOK, "could not create tasks archiving directory %s: %d %s\n", tasks_dir, errno, strerror(errno)); free(tasks_dir); return MAKEFLOW_HOOK_FAILURE; } free(tasks_dir); s3_set_bucket (a->s3_dir); return MAKEFLOW_HOOK_SUCCESS; }