Example #1
int fs_getattr(const char *path, struct stat *statbuf) {
   fprintf(stderr, "fs_getattr(path=\"%s\")\n", path);
   s3context_t *ctx = GET_PRIVATE_DATA;
char* s3bucket = (char*)ctx;
s3dirent_t* dirs = NULL;
s3dirent_t* more_dirs = NULL;
   ssize_t size = s3fs_get_object(s3bucket, path, (uint8_t**)&dirs, 0, 0);
   if (size<0) {
       printf("This object does not exist\n");
return -ENOENT;
char* copy_path_1 = strdup(path);
char* copy_path_2 = strdup(path);
char* directory = dirname(copy_path_1);
char* base = basename(copy_path_2);
   size = s3fs_get_object(s3bucket, directory, (uint8_t**)&more_dirs, 0, 0);
if (size < 0) {
return -EIO;
int entries = size/sizeof(s3dirent_t);
printf("ENTRIES = %d\n", entries);
int i=0;
for(;i<entries;i++) {
if ( strcasecmp(more_dirs[i].name, base) == 0) {
if (more_dirs[i].type == 'F') {
printf("found the file! & doing stat for file!\n");
statbuf->st_mode = more_dirs[i].protection;
statbuf->st_uid = more_dirs[i].user_id;
   	 statbuf->st_nlink = more_dirs[i].hard_links;
statbuf->st_size = more_dirs[i].size;
statbuf->st_atime = more_dirs[i].last_access;
statbuf->st_mtime = more_dirs[i].mod_time;
statbuf->st_ctime = more_dirs[i].status_change;
return 0;
printf("doing stat for a directory!\n");
statbuf->st_mode = dirs[0].protection;
statbuf->st_uid = dirs[0].user_id;
   statbuf->st_nlink = dirs[0].hard_links;
statbuf->st_size = dirs[0].size;
statbuf->st_atime = dirs[0].last_access;
statbuf->st_mtime = dirs[0].mod_time;
statbuf->st_ctime = dirs[0].status_change;
return 0;
Example #2
* Rename a file.
int fs_rename(const char *path, const char *newpath) {
   fprintf(stderr, "fs_rename(fpath=\"%s\", newpath=\"%s\")\n", path, newpath);
   s3context_t *ctx = GET_PRIVATE_DATA;
char* s3bucket = (char*)ctx;
s3dirent_t* more_dirs = NULL;
   ssize_t size = s3fs_get_object(s3bucket, path, (uint8_t**)&f, 0, 0);
   if (size<0) {
       printf("This object does not exist\n");
return -ENOENT;
s3fs_put_object(s3bucket, path, (uint8_t*)f, sizeof(f));
char* copy_path_1 = strdup(path);
char* copy_path_2 = strdup(path);
char* directory = dirname(copy_path_1);
char* base = basename(copy_path_2);
char* copy_new_path = strdup(newpath);
char* newbase = basename(copy_new_path);
   size = s3fs_get_object(s3bucket, directory, (uint8_t**)&more_dirs, 0, 0);
if (size < 0) {
return -EIO;
int entries = size/sizeof(s3dirent_t);
printf("ENTRIES = %d\n", entries);
int i=0;
for(;i<entries;i++) {
if ( strcasecmp(more_dirs[i].name,base) == 0) {
more_dirs[i].name = newbase;
s3fs_put_object(s3bucket, directory, (uint8_t*)more_dirs, sizeof(more_dirs));
   return -EIO;
Example #3
* Create a new directory.
* Note that the mode argument may not have the type specification
* bits set, i.e. S_ISDIR(mode) can be false.  To obtain the
* correct directory type bits (for setting in the metadata)
* use mode|S_IFDIR.
int fs_mkdir(const char *path, mode_t mode) {
   fprintf(stderr, "fs_mkdir(path=\"%s\", mode=0%3o)\n", path, mode);
   s3context_t *ctx = GET_PRIVATE_DATA;
   char* s3bucket = (char*)ctx;
   mode |= S_IFDIR;
s3dirent_t* init_dirs = NULL;
// check if the directory already exists
   ssize_t size = s3fs_get_object(s3bucket, path, (uint8_t**)&init_dirs, 0, 0);
if (size >= 0) {
       printf("This Directory Already Exists!\n");
return -EIO;
// put a new object
s3dirent_t new_dir_obj;
new_dir_obj.name = ".";
new_dir_obj.type = 'D';
new_dir_obj.protection = mode;
new_dir_obj.user_id = getuid();
new_dir_obj.group_id = getgid();
new_dir_obj.hard_links = 0;
new_dir_obj.size = 0;
new_dir_obj.last_access = time(NULL);
new_dir_obj.mod_time = time(NULL);
new_dir_obj.status_change = time(NULL);
   s3fs_put_object(s3bucket, path, (uint8_t*)&new_dir_obj, sizeof(s3dirent_t) );
// add to end of directory
printf("JUST ADDED NEW OBJECT WITH KEY %s\n", path);
s3dirent_t* dirs = NULL;
char* copy_path_1 = strdup(path);
char* copy_path_2 = strdup(path);
char* directory = dirname(copy_path_1);
printf("DIRECTORY = %s\n", directory);
char* base = basename(copy_path_2);
printf("BASE = %s\n", base);
   size = s3fs_get_object(s3bucket, directory, (uint8_t**)&dirs, 0, 0);
if (size < 0) {
return -EIO;
int entries = size/sizeof(s3dirent_t);
printf("NEW ENTRIES mkdir %d\n", entries);
s3dirent_t new_dirent;
new_dirent.name = base;
s3dirent_t new_arr[entries+1];
int i=0;
for(;i<entries;i++) {
printf("ADDING TO NEW ARR %s at %d\n", dirs[i].name, i);
new_arr[i] = dirs[i];
new_arr[i] = new_dirent;
printf("ADDING TO NEW ARR %s at %d\n", new_dirent.name, i);
s3fs_put_object(s3bucket, directory, (uint8_t*)&new_arr, sizeof(s3dirent_t)*(entries+1));
//missing frees
   return 0;
Example #4
 * Change the size of an open file.  Very similar to fs_truncate (and,
 * depending on your implementation), you could possibly treat it the
 * same as fs_truncate.
int fs_ftruncate(const char *path, off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info *fi) {

    char * dir_name = dirname(strdup(path));
    char * base_name = basename(strdup(path));
    ssize_t ret_val = 0;
    uint8_t * buffer = NULL;
    s3context_t *ctx = GET_PRIVATE_DATA;

    size_t path_len = strlen(path);
    char * file_content_key = (char *)malloc(path_len + 2); // no point of multiplying by sizeof(char)
							    // since the below code assumes ANSI anyways
    file_content_key[0] = '~';
    memcpy(&file_content_key[1], path, path_len);
    file_content_key[path_len + 1] = '\0';
    ret_val = s3fs_get_object(ctx->s3bucket, file_content_key, &buffer, 0, 0);
    if (NULL != buffer) {
    if (0 > ret_val) {
	return -ENOENT;
    ret_val = s3fs_put_object(ctx->s3bucket, file_content_key, NULL, 0);
    // set the new size and times
    ret_val = s3fs_get_object(ctx->s3bucket, dir_name, &buffer, 0, 0);
    if (0 > ret_val) {
	return -EIO;
    s3dirent_t * entries = (s3dirent_t *)buffer;
    int dirent_count = ret_val / sizeof(s3dirent_t);
    int i = 0;
    time_t current_time = time(NULL);
    for (; i < dirent_count; i++) {
	if (0 == strncmp(entries[i].name, base_name, 256)) {
	    entries[i].size = 0;
	    entries[i].atime = current_time;
	    entries[i].mtime = current_time;
	    if (-1 == s3fs_put_object(ctx->s3bucket, dir_name, (uint8_t *)buffer, ret_val)) {
		return -EIO;
	    return 0;
    return -EIO;
Example #5
* Create a file "node".  When a new file is created, this
* function will get called.  
* This is called for creation of all non-directory, non-symlink
* nodes.  You *only* need to handle creation of regular
* files here.  (See the man page for mknod (2).)
int fs_mknod(const char *path, mode_t mode, dev_t dev) {
   fprintf(stderr, "fs_mknod(path=\"%s\", mode=0%3o)\n", path, mode);
   s3context_t *ctx = GET_PRIVATE_DATA;
   char* s3bucket = (char*)ctx;
s3dirent_t* dirs = NULL;
ssize_t size = s3fs_get_object(s3bucket, path, (uint8_t**)&dirs, 0, 0);
if (size >= 0) {
       printf("This File Already Exists!\n");
return -EIO;
char* copy_path_1 = strdup(path);
char* copy_path_2 = strdup(path);
char* directory = dirname(copy_path_1);
printf("DIRECTORY = %s\n", directory);
char* base = basename(copy_path_2);
printf("BASE = %s\n", base);
// PUT a new file object containing empty content
FILE* f = fopen(base,"a+");
   if ( s3fs_put_object(s3bucket, path, (uint8_t*)f, sizeof(f) ) < 0 ) {
return -EIO;
// add to end of directory
   size = s3fs_get_object(s3bucket, directory, (uint8_t**)&dirs, 0, 0);
if (size < 0) {
return -EIO;
int entries = size/sizeof(s3dirent_t);
printf("NUM ENTRIES mknod %d\n", entries);
s3dirent_t file_obj;
file_obj.name = base;
file_obj.type = 'F';
file_obj.protection = mode;
file_obj.user_id = getuid();
file_obj.group_id = getgid();
file_obj.hard_links = 0;
file_obj.size = sizeof(f);
file_obj.last_access = time(0);
file_obj.mod_time = time(0);
file_obj.status_change = time(0);

s3dirent_t new_arr[entries+1];
int i=0;
for(;i<entries;i++) {
printf("ADDING TO NEW ARR %s at %d\n", dirs[i].name, i);
new_arr[i] = dirs[i];
new_arr[i] = file_obj;
printf("ADDING TO NEW NEW ARR %s at %d\n", file_obj.name, i);
s3fs_put_object(s3bucket, directory, (uint8_t*)&new_arr, sizeof(s3dirent_t)*(entries+1));
   return 0;
Example #6
/* STEP 1
 * Remove a directory. 
int fs_rmdir(const char *path) {
    char * dir_name = dirname(strdup(path));
    char * base_name = basename(strdup(path));
    ssize_t ret_val = 0;
    uint8_t * buffer = NULL;

    fprintf(stderr, "fs_rmdir(path=\"%s\")\n", path);
    s3context_t *ctx = GET_PRIVATE_DATA;
    ret_val = s3fs_get_object(ctx->s3bucket, path, &buffer, 0, 0);
    if (0 > ret_val) {
	return -ENOENT;

    if (sizeof(s3dirent_t) != ret_val) {
	// more than one entry, I chose to use EINVAL here
	return -EINVAL;
    if (0 != s3fs_remove_object(ctx->s3bucket, path)) {
	return -EIO;

    ret_val = s3fs_get_object(ctx->s3bucket, dir_name, &buffer, 0, 0);
    if (0 > ret_val) {
	// no parent
	return -EIO;

    // make room for all entries but the deleted directory
    s3dirent_t * new_parent_dir = (s3dirent_t *)malloc(ret_val - sizeof(s3dirent_t));
    s3dirent_t * entries = (s3dirent_t *)buffer;
    int dirent_count = ret_val / sizeof(s3dirent_t);
    int i = 0;
    int copy_index = 0;
    for (; i < dirent_count; i++) {
	if (0 != strncmp(entries[i].name, base_name, 256) && (copy_index < (dirent_count - 1))) {
	    memcpy(&new_parent_dir[copy_index], &entries[i], sizeof(s3dirent_t));
    ret_val = s3fs_put_object(ctx->s3bucket, dir_name, (uint8_t *)new_parent_dir, (dirent_count - 1) * sizeof(s3dirent_t));
    if (-1 == ret_val) {
	return -EIO;


    return 0;
Example #7
 * Change the size of a file.
int fs_truncate(const char *path, off_t newsize) {
    fprintf(stderr, "fs_truncate(path=\"%s\", newsize=%d)\n", path, (int)newsize);
    s3context_t *ctx = GET_PRIVATE_DATA;
	uint8_t *dir = NULL;
	char *temp_path = strdup(path), *temp_path1 = strdup(path);
	char *dir_name = strdup(dirname(temp_path)), *base_name = strdup(basename(temp_path1));
	free(temp_path); free(temp_path1);
	if(s3fs_get_object(ctx->s3bucket, path, &dir, 0, 0)<0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "INVALID PATH: fs_truncate\n");
		free(base_name); free(dir_name);
		return -ENOENT;
	char *file = (char *)dir;
	file = realloc(file, 0);
	/*if(s3fs_remove_object(ctx->s3bucket, path)!=0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "error removing object\n");
		free(base_name); free(dir_name);
		return -EIO;
	if(s3fs_put_object(ctx->s3bucket, path, file, 0) != 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "error putting on truncated file\n");
		free(base_name); free(dir_name);
		return -EIO;
	uint8_t *dir1 = NULL;
	ssize_t dir_size;
	if((dir_size=s3fs_get_object(ctx->s3bucket, dir_name, &dir1, 0, 0))< 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "ERROR PULLING PARENT DIRECTORY\n");
		free(base_name); free(dir_name);
		return -EIO;
	s3dirent_t *dirent = (s3dirent_t *)dir1;
	int i = 0;
	for(;i<dir_size/sizeof(s3dirent_t);i++) {
		if(!strcmp(base_name, dirent[i].name)) {
			dirent[i].metadata.st_size = 0;
			printf("size of file in directory: %d\n", dirent[i].metadata.st_size);
	printf("new size of parent directory: %d\n",sizeof(*dirent));
	if(s3fs_put_object(ctx->s3bucket, dir_name, (uint8_t*)dirent, sizeof(*dirent))!=sizeof(*dirent)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Error putting object back: fs_truncate\n");
		free(dirent);free(dir_name); free(base_name);
		return -EIO;
    free(dirent); free(dir_name); free(base_name);
	return 0;
Example #8
 * Read directory.  See the project description for how to use the filler
 * function for filling in directory items.
int fs_readdir(const char *path, void *buf, fuse_fill_dir_t filler, off_t offset,
	       struct fuse_file_info *fi)
    fprintf(stderr, "fs_readdir(path=\"%s\", buf=%p, offset=%d)\n",
	        path, buf, (int)offset);
    s3context_t *ctx = GET_PRIVATE_DATA;
	char* temp_path = strdup(path);
	uint8_t *dir = NULL;
	ssize_t dir_size = NULL;
	if((dir_size = s3fs_get_object(ctx->s3bucket, temp_path, &dir, 0,0))<0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "CANNOT READ FILE: fs_readdir\n");
		return -EIO;
	s3dirent_t *directory = (s3dirent_t *)dir;
	if(directory[0].type != 'D') {
		fprintf(stderr, "NOT A DIRECTORY!:fs_readdir\n");
		free(directory); free(temp_path);return -EIO;
	int numdirent = dir_size/sizeof(s3dirent_t), i = 0;
	for(;i<numdirent;i++) {
		if(filler(buf, directory[i].name, NULL, 0) != 0) {
			return -ENOMEM;
	free(directory); free(temp_path);

    return 0;
Example #9
 * Read data from an open file
 * Read should return exactly the number of bytes requested except
 * on EOF or error, otherwise the rest of the data will be
 * substituted with zeroes.  
int fs_read(const char *path, char *buf, size_t size, off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
    fprintf(stderr, "fs_read(path=\"%s\", buf=%p, size=%d, offset=%d)\n",
	        path, buf, (int)size, (int)offset);
    s3context_t *ctx = GET_PRIVATE_DATA;
	uint8_t *file = NULL;
	ssize_t file_size, new_size;
	int i = offset;
	if((file_size = s3fs_get_object(ctx->s3bucket, path, &file, 0,0))<0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "INVALID PATH: fs_read\n");
		return -ENOENT;
	char *file_data = strdup((char *)file);
	if(offset+size > file_size) {
		new_size = offset + size;
		for(;i<file_size;i++) {
			buf[i] = file_data[i];
		for(;i<new_size;i++) {
			buf[i] = 0;
	}else {
		new_size = file_size;
		for(;i<new_size;i++) {
			buf[i] = file_data[i];
    return new_size;
Example #10
* Find what type of file path, return 1 on directory, 2 on file, 0 if
* it does not exist
int fs_findtype( char *path){
    char parent[1024];
    char file[1024];
    char cpy[1024];
    strcpy(file, basename(cpy));
    if(!strcmp(path,"/")){//if looking for root
        strcpy(file, ".");
    uint8_t * buff;
    int rv = s3fs_get_object(getenv(S3BUCKET), parent, &buff, 0, 0);
    int dirsize = (rv)/(sizeof(s3dirent_t));
    s3dirent_t * parentdir = (s3dirent_t*)buff;
    int i = 0;
    fprintf(stderr, "\n%d\n", rv);
    parentdir[0].atime = time(NULL);// update access time
    s3fs_put_object(getenv(S3BUCKET), parent, (uint8_t*) parentdir, parentdir[0].st_size);
        fprintf(stderr, "FILE\n%s\n%s\n%s\n", file,parent,parentdir[i].name);
        if (!(strcmp(parentdir[i].name,file))){
            if (parentdir[i].type == 'd'){
                return 1;
            return 2; //assuming that filetype is not corrupted --> may want to add check/ handling later
    return 0;
Example #11
 * File open operation
 * No creation, or truncation flags (O_CREAT, O_EXCL, O_TRUNC)
 * will be passed to open().  Open should check if the operation
 * is permitted for the given flags.  
 * Optionally open may also return an arbitrary filehandle in the 
 * fuse_file_info structure (fi->fh).
 * which will be passed to all file operations.
 * (In stages 1 and 2, you are advised to keep this function very,
 * very simple.)
int fs_open(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
    char * dir_name = dirname(strdup(path));
    char * base_name = basename(strdup(path));
    uint8_t * buffer = NULL;
    ssize_t ret_val = 0;
    fprintf(stderr, "fs_open(path\"%s\")\n", path);
    s3context_t *ctx = GET_PRIVATE_DATA;
    size_t path_len = strlen(path);
    char * file_content_key = (char *)malloc(path_len + 2); // no point of multiplying by sizeof(char)
							    // since the below code assumes ANSI anyways
    file_content_key[0] = '~';
    memcpy(&file_content_key[1], path, path_len);
    file_content_key[path_len + 1] = '\0';
    ret_val = s3fs_get_object(ctx->s3bucket, file_content_key, &buffer, 0, 0);
    if (NULL != buffer) {
    if (0 > ret_val) {
	return -ENOENT;
    return 0;
Example #12
* Remove a file.
int fs_unlink(const char *path) {
   fprintf(stderr, "fs_unlink(path=\"%s\")\n", path);
       s3context_t *ctx = GET_PRIVATE_DATA;
char* cpy_path_1 = strdup(path);
char* cpy_path_2 = strdup(path);
char* d = dirname(cpy_path_1);
char* b = basename(cpy_path_2);
   char* s3bucket = (char*)ctx;
s3dirent_t* dirs_rem = NULL;
   ssize_t size = s3fs_get_object(s3bucket, d, (uint8_t**)&dirs_rem, 0, 0);
if (size<0) {
return -EIO; // directory does not exist
int entries = size/sizeof(s3dirent_t);
s3dirent_t arr[entries-1];
int i=0;
int k=0;
for (;i<entries;i++) {
if (strcasecmp(dirs_rem[i].name,b) != 0) {
arr[k] = dirs_rem[i];
s3fs_put_object(s3bucket, d, (uint8_t*)&arr, ((sizeof(s3dirent_t))*(entries-1)));
s3fs_remove_object(s3bucket, path);	
return 0;
Example #13
 * Read data from an open file
 * Read should return exactly the number of bytes requested except
 * on EOF or error, otherwise the rest of the data will be
 * substituted with zeroes.  
int fs_read(const char *path, char *buf, size_t size, off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
    ssize_t ret_val = 0;
    uint8_t * buffer = NULL;
    fprintf(stderr, "fs_read(path=\"%s\", buf=%p, size=%d, offset=%d)\n",
	        path, buf, (int)size, (int)offset);
    s3context_t *ctx = GET_PRIVATE_DATA;
    size_t path_len = strlen(path);
    char * file_content_key = (char *)malloc(path_len + 2); // no point of multiplying by sizeof(char)
							    // since the below code assumes ANSI anyways
    file_content_key[0] = '~';
    memcpy(&file_content_key[1], path, path_len);
    file_content_key[path_len + 1] = '\0';
    ret_val = s3fs_get_object(ctx->s3bucket, file_content_key, &buffer, offset, 0);

    if (0 == ret_val) {
	return 0;
    } else if (0 > ret_val) {
	memset(buf, 0, size);
	return -1;
    if (size > ret_val) {
	size = ret_val;

    memcpy(buf, buffer, size);
    return size;
Example #14
/* STEP 1
 * Read directory.  See the project description for how to use the filler
 * function for filling in directory items.
int fs_readdir(const char *path, void *buf, fuse_fill_dir_t filler, off_t offset,
	       struct fuse_file_info *fi)
    ssize_t ret_val = 0;
    uint8_t * buffer = NULL;
    s3dirent_t * dir = NULL;
    fprintf(stderr, "fs_readdir(path=\"%s\", buf=%p, offset=%d)\n",
	        path, buf, (int)offset);
    s3context_t *ctx = GET_PRIVATE_DATA;
    ret_val = s3fs_get_object(ctx->s3bucket, path, &buffer, 0, 0);
    if (0 > ret_val) {
	return -ENOENT;
    dir = (s3dirent_t *)buffer;
    int dirent_count = ret_val / sizeof(s3dirent_t);
    int i = 0;
    for (; i < dirent_count; i++) {
        if (0 != filler(buf, dir[i].name, NULL, 0)) {
            return -ENOMEM;
    if (NULL != buffer) {
    return 0;
Example #15
* Remove a directory. 
int fs_rmdir(const char *path) {
   fprintf(stderr, "fs_rmdir(path=\"%s\")\n", path);
   s3context_t *ctx = GET_PRIVATE_DATA;
   char* s3bucket = (char*)ctx;
s3dirent_t* dirs_r = NULL;
   ssize_t s = s3fs_get_object(s3bucket, path, (uint8_t**)&dirs_r, 0, 0);
if (s<0) {
return -EIO; // directory does not exist
int e = s/sizeof(s3dirent_t);
if (e>1)
return -EIO; // there is more than one thing in this 
char* cpy_path_1 = strdup(path);
char* cpy_path_2 = strdup(path);
char* d = dirname(cpy_path_1);
char* b = basename(cpy_path_2);
s3dirent_t* dirs_rem = NULL;
   ssize_t size = s3fs_get_object(s3bucket, d, (uint8_t**)&dirs_rem, 0, 0);
if (size<0) {
return -EIO; // directory does not exist
int entries = size/sizeof(s3dirent_t);
printf("NUM ENTRIES IN REMOVE IS %d\n", entries);
s3dirent_t arr[entries-1];
int i=0;
int k=0;
for (;i<entries;i++) {
       printf("NAME? in remove %s\n", dirs_rem[i].name);
printf("base name is %s\n", b);
if (strcasecmp(dirs_rem[i].name,b) != 0) {
printf("NOT THE SAME!\n");
arr[k] = dirs_rem[i];
s3fs_put_object(s3bucket, d, (uint8_t*)&arr, ((sizeof(s3dirent_t))*(entries-1)));
printf("REMOVING OBJECT (PATH) %s\n", path);
s3fs_remove_object(s3bucket, path);
return 0;
Example #16
int fs_getattr(const char *path, struct stat *statbuf) {
    fprintf(stderr, "fs_getattr(path=\"%s\")\n", path);
    s3context_t *ctx = GET_PRIVATE_DATA;
	uint8_t *dir = NULL, *dir1 = NULL;
	int i = 0;
	char *temp_path1 = strdup(path), *temp_path2 = strdup(path), *temp_path3 = strdup(path);
	char *dir_name = strdup(dirname(temp_path1)), *base_name = strdup(basename(temp_path2));
	free(temp_path1); free(temp_path2);
	ssize_t dir_size;
	if(s3fs_get_object(ctx->s3bucket, temp_path3, &dir1, 0,0)< 0) {
		fprintf(stderr,"INVALID PATH: fs_getattr\n");
		free(dir_name); free(base_name); free(temp_path3);
		return -ENOENT;
	if(!strcmp(path, "/")) {
		s3dirent_t *directory = (s3dirent_t *)dir1;
		*statbuf = directory[0].metadata;
		free(directory); free(dir_name); free(base_name);
		return 0;
	if((dir_size = s3fs_get_object(ctx->s3bucket, dir_name, &dir, 0,0))<0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "INVALID PATH: fs_getattr\n");
		free(temp_path3); free(base_name); free(dir_name);
		return -ENOENT;
	}else {
		s3dirent_t *direct = (s3dirent_t*)dir;
		for(;i<dir_size/sizeof(s3dirent_t);i++) {
			if(!strcmp(direct[i].name,base_name)) {
				if(direct[i].type == 'D') {
					s3dirent_t *new_dirent = (s3dirent_t *)dir1;
					*statbuf = new_dirent[0].metadata;
					free(new_dirent); free(direct); free(temp_path3); free(base_name); free(dir_name);
					return 0;
				printf("FOUND A FILE\n");
				*statbuf = direct[i].metadata;
				free(direct); free(temp_path3); free(base_name); free(dir_name); free(dir1);
				return 0;
		fprintf(stderr, "FS_GETATTR: path not found\n");
		free(direct);free(temp_path3); free(base_name); free(dir_name);free(dir1);
		return -ENOENT;
Example #17
* File open operation
* No creation, or truncation flags (O_CREAT, O_EXCL, O_TRUNC)
* will be passed to open().  Open should check if the operation
* is permitted for the given flags.  
* Optionally open may also return an arbitrary filehandle in the 
* fuse_file_info structure (fi->fh).
* which will be passed to all file operations.
* (In stages 1 and 2, you are advised to keep this function very,
* very simple.)
int fs_open(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
   fprintf(stderr, "fs_open(path\"%s\")\n", path);
   s3context_t *ctx = GET_PRIVATE_DATA;
   char* s3bucket = (char*)ctx;
s3dirent_t* f_dirs = NULL;
   ssize_t size = s3fs_get_object(s3bucket, path, (uint8_t**)&f_dirs, 0, 0);
   if (size>=0){
return 0;
return -EIO;    
Example #18
 * Open directory
 * This method should check if the open operation is permitted for
 * this directory
int fs_opendir(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
    fprintf(stderr, "fs_opendir(path=\"%s\")\n", path);
    s3context_t *ctx = GET_PRIVATE_DATA;
	uint8_t *dir;
	if(s3fs_get_object(ctx->s3bucket, path, &dir, 0,0) < 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "CANNOT ACCESS DIRECTORY: fs_opendir fail\n");
		return -EIO;
	return 0;
Example #19
 * File open operation
 * No creation, or truncation flags (O_CREAT, O_EXCL, O_TRUNC)
 * will be passed to open().  Open should check if the operation
 * is permitted for the given flags.  
 * Optionally open may also return an arbitrary filehandle in the 
 * fuse_file_info structure (fi->fh).
 * which will be passed to all file operations.
 * (In stages 1 and 2, you are advised to keep this function very,
 * very simple.)
int fs_open(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
    fprintf(stderr, "fs_open(path\"%s\")\n", path);
    s3context_t *ctx = GET_PRIVATE_DATA;
	uint8_t* file;
	if(s3fs_get_object(ctx->s3bucket, path, &file, 0,0)<0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "INVALID PATH\n");
		return -ENOENT;
    return 0;
Example #20
* Read data from an open file
* Read should return exactly the number of bytes requested except
* on EOF or error, otherwise the rest of the data will be
* substituted with zeroes.  
int fs_read(const char *path, char *buf, size_t size, off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
   fprintf(stderr, "fs_read(path=\"%s\", buf=%p, size=%d, offset=%d)\n",
         path, buf, (int)size, (int)offset);
   s3context_t *ctx = GET_PRIVATE_DATA;
   char* s3bucket = (char*)ctx;
s3dirent_t* read_f_dirs = NULL;
ssize_t size_obj = s3fs_get_object(s3bucket, path, (uint8_t**)&buf, offset, size);
if (size_obj<0){
return -EIO;
printf("This path does not exist!");
return 0;
Example #21
 * Check file access permissions.  For now, just return 0 (success!)
 * Later, actually check permissions (don't bother initially).
int fs_access(const char *path, int mask) {
    fprintf(stderr, "fs_access(path=\"%s\", mask=0%o)\n", path, mask);
    s3context_t *ctx = GET_PRIVATE_DATA;
	uint8_t *dir = NULL, *direct = NULL;
	ssize_t dir_size;
	if(s3fs_get_object(ctx->s3bucket, path, &dir, 0,0)<0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "error retrieving object\n");
		return -EIO;
	char *temp_path = strdup(path), *temp_path1 = strdup(path);
	char *dir_name = strdup(dirname(temp_path)), *base_name = strdup(basename(temp_path1));
	free(temp_path); free(temp_path1);
	if((dir_size=s3fs_get_object(ctx->s3bucket, dir_name, &direct, 0,0))<0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "error retrieving object\n");
		return -EIO;
	int i = 0;
	s3dirent_t *dirent = (s3dirent_t*)direct;
	s3dirent_t *dir1 = (s3dirent_t*)dir;
	for(;i<dir_size/sizeof(s3dirent_t);i++) {
		if(!strcmp(base_name, dirent[i].name)) {
			if(dirent[i].type == 'D') {
				if(dir1[0].metadata.st_mode ==(dir1[0].metadata.st_mode & mask)) {
					free(dir_name); free(base_name); free(dir1); free(dirent);
					return 0;
			}else {
				if(dirent[i].metadata.st_mode == (dirent[i].metadata.st_mode & mask)) {
					free(dir_name); free(base_name); free(dir1); free(dirent);
					return 0;
//we assumed logical and would make the most sense becuase it would match up with 
//the bits you want. However we could not figure it out in time. 
    return 0;
Example #22
 * File open operation
 * No creation, or truncation flags (O_CREAT, O_EXCL, O_TRUNC)
 * will be passed to open().  Open should check if the operation
 * is permitted for the given flags.  
 * Optionally open may also return an arbitrary filehandle in the 
 * fuse_file_info structure (fi->fh).
 * which will be passed to all file operations.
 * (In stages 1 and 2, you are advised to keep this function very,
 * very simple.)
int fs_open(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
	//sommers code    
	fprintf(stderr, "fs_open(path\"%s\")\n", path);
    s3context_t *ctx = GET_PRIVATE_DATA;

	//our code
	s3dirent_t * dir;	
    if (s3fs_get_object(ctx->s3bucket, path, (uint8_t **)&dir, 0,0)<0) //if not a real directory
            fprintf(stderr, "file does not exist");
            return -EEXIST;
    return 0;
Example #23
* Write data to an open file
* Write should return exactly the number of bytes requested
* except on error.
int fs_write(const char *path, const char *buf, size_t size, off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
   fprintf(stderr, "fs_write(path=\"%s\", buf=%p, size=%d, offset=%d)\n",
         path, buf, (int)size, (int)offset);
   s3context_t *ctx = GET_PRIVATE_DATA;
char* s3bucket = (char*)ctx;
ssize_t size_obj = s3fs_get_object(s3bucket, path, (uint8_t**)&f, offset, size);
if (size_obj<0){
return -EIO;
   return 0;
Example #24
 * Read data from an open file
 * Read should return exactly the number of bytes requested except
 * on EOF or error, otherwise the rest of the data will be
 * substituted with zeroes.  
int fs_read(const char *path, char *buf, size_t size, off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
   	//sommers code
	fprintf(stderr, "fs_read(path=\"%s\", buf=%p, size=%d, offset=%d)\n",
    path, buf, (int)size, (int)offset);
    s3context_t *ctx = GET_PRIVATE_DATA;

	//our code
    if (s3fs_get_object(ctx->s3bucket, path, (uint8_t **)&buf, offset,size)<0) //if not a real directory
            fprintf(stderr, "failed to read file");
            return -EIO;
    return 0;
Example #25
/* STEP 1
 * Open directory
 * This method should check if the open operation is permitted for
 * this directory
int fs_opendir(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
    ssize_t ret_val = 0;
    uint8_t * buffer = NULL;
    fprintf(stderr, "fs_opendir(path=\"%s\")\n", path);
    s3context_t *ctx = GET_PRIVATE_DATA;
    ret_val = s3fs_get_object(ctx->s3bucket, path, &buffer, 0, 0);
    if (0 > ret_val) {
	return -ENOENT;
    if (NULL != buffer) {
Example #26
 * Remove a file.
int fs_unlink(const char *path) {
    fprintf(stderr, "fs_unlink(path=\"%s\")\n", path);
    s3context_t *ctx = GET_PRIVATE_DATA;
	ssize_t dir_size;
	int i = 0, j = 0;
	uint8_t *dir;
	if(fs_open(path, (struct fuse_file_info *)NULL) != 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "INVALID PATH\n");
		return -ENOENT;
	char *temp_path1 = strdup(path), *temp_path2 = strdup(path);
	char *dir_name = strdup(dirname(temp_path1)), *base_name = strdup(basename(temp_path2));
	free(temp_path1); free(temp_path2);
	dir_size=s3fs_get_object(ctx->s3bucket, dir_name, &dir, 0, 0);
	s3dirent_t* direct = (s3dirent_t*)dir;
	for(;i<dir_size/sizeof(s3dirent_t);i++) {
		if(!strcmp(direct[i].name, base_name)) {
			i++; break;
	for(;i<dir_size/sizeof(s3dirent_t);i++) {
		j = i-1;
		direct[j] = direct[i];
	s3dirent_t* new_dir;
	ssize_t new_dir_size;
	new_dir = malloc(dir_size - sizeof(s3dirent_t));
	memcpy(new_dir, direct, dir_size - sizeof(s3dirent_t));
	new_dir_size = dir_size - sizeof(s3dirent_t);
	printf("dir_size: %d   new_dir_size: %d\n", dir_size, new_dir_size);
	printf("updated directory from file remove path: %s\n",dir_name);
	if(s3fs_put_object(ctx->s3bucket, dir_name, (uint8_t*)new_dir, new_dir_size)!= new_dir_size) {
		fprintf(stderr, "SOMETHING WENT WRONG WHILE PUTTING TO S3: fs_unlink\n");
		free(new_dir); free(direct); free(base_name); free(dir_name);
		return -EIO;
	if(s3fs_remove_object(ctx->s3bucket, path) != 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "ERROR WHILE TRYING TO DELTE FILE: fs_unlink");
		free(new_dir); free(direct); free(base_name); free(dir_name);
		return -EIO;
	free(new_dir); free(direct); free(base_name); free(dir_name);
    return 0;
Example #27
* Read directory.  See the project description for how to use the filler
* function for filling in directory items.
int fs_readdir(const char *path, void *buf, fuse_fill_dir_t filler, off_t offset,
        struct fuse_file_info *fi)
   fprintf(stderr, "fs_readdir(path=\"%s\", buf=%p, offset=%d)\n",
         path, buf, (int)offset);
   s3context_t *ctx = GET_PRIVATE_DATA;
   char* s3bucket = (char*)ctx;
s3dirent_t* dirs_to_read = NULL;
   ssize_t size = s3fs_get_object(s3bucket, path, (uint8_t**)&dirs_to_read, 0, 0);
int entries = size/sizeof(s3dirent_t);
int i=0;
for (;i<entries;i++) {
if (filler(buf,dirs_to_read[i].name,NULL,0) != 0) {
return -EIO;
   return 0;
Example #28
 * Read directory.  See the project description for how to use the filler
 * function for filling in directory items.
int fs_readdir(const char *path, void *buf, fuse_fill_dir_t filler, off_t offset,
         struct fuse_file_info *fi)
	//sommers code
    fprintf(stderr, "fs_readdir(path=\"%s\", buf=%p, offset=%d)\n", path, buf, (int)offset);
    s3context_t *ctx = GET_PRIVATE_DATA;

	//our code
	s3dirent_t * dir = NULL;
	if (s3fs_get_object(ctx->s3bucket, path, (uint8_t **)&dir, 0,0)<0) //if not a real directory, else store in dir
		fprintf(stderr, "path is not valid");
		return -EIO;
	//check to make sure it is a directory
	/*if (strcmp((*dir).type, "D")!=0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "not a real directory");
		return -EIO;
	int i = 0;
	printf("%s", "dirarray[i].type:     ");
	printf("%s", dir[i].type);
	while(strcmp((dir[i].type),"U")!=0) {
		//call filler function to fill in directory name to supplied buffer
		if(filler(buf,dir[i].name, NULL, 0) != 0) {
			return -ENOMEM;

	free(dir);		//free malloced dir
	printf("%s\n","-----READDIR FINISHED-------------");
    return 0;
Example #29
 * Open directory
 * This method should check if the open operation is permitted for
 * this directory
int fs_opendir(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
	//sommers code
    fprintf(stderr, "fs_opendir(path=\"%s\")\n", path);
    s3context_t *ctx = GET_PRIVATE_DATA;

	//our code
	s3dirent_t * dir = NULL;
	if (s3fs_get_object(ctx->s3bucket, path, (uint8_t **)&dir, 0,0)<0) //if not a real directory, else store in dir
		fprintf(stderr, "path is not valid");
		return -EIO;

	//check  to see if the type == "directory"
	if (strcmp((*dir).type, "D")!=0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "not a real directory");
		return -EIO;
	printf("%s\n","----finished opendir-------");
    return 0;
Example #30
 * Write data to an open file
 * Write should return exactly the number of bytes requested
 * except on error.
int fs_write(const char *path, const char *buf, size_t size, off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
    char * dir_name = dirname(strdup(path));
    char * base_name = basename(strdup(path));
    ssize_t ret_val = 0;
    uint8_t * buffer = NULL;
    fprintf(stderr, "fs_write(path=\"%s\", buf=%p, size=%d, offset=%d)\n",
	        path, buf, (int)size, (int)offset);
    s3context_t *ctx = GET_PRIVATE_DATA;

    size_t path_len = strlen(path);
    char * file_content_key = (char *)malloc(path_len + 2); // no point of multiplying by sizeof(char)
							    // since the below code assumes ANSI anyways
    file_content_key[0] = '~';
    memcpy(&file_content_key[1], path, path_len);
    file_content_key[path_len + 1] = '\0';
    ret_val = s3fs_get_object(ctx->s3bucket, file_content_key, &buffer, 0, 0);
    if (0 > ret_val) {
	return -ENOENT;
    int new_buffer_size = ret_val + size;

    uint8_t * new_buffer = (uint8_t *)malloc(new_buffer_size);
    if (offset > ret_val) {
	offset = ret_val;

    memcpy(&new_buffer[offset], buf, size);
    if (0 != offset) {
	memcpy(new_buffer, buffer, offset);
    if (offset < ret_val) {
	memcpy(&new_buffer[offset + size], &buffer[offset], ret_val - offset);
    ret_val = s3fs_put_object(ctx->s3bucket, file_content_key, (uint8_t *)new_buffer, new_buffer_size);
    if (-1 == ret_val) {
	return -1;
    // set the new size and times
    ret_val = s3fs_get_object(ctx->s3bucket, dir_name, &buffer, 0, 0);
    if (0 > ret_val) {
	return -EIO;
    s3dirent_t * entries = (s3dirent_t *)buffer;
    int dirent_count = ret_val / sizeof(s3dirent_t);
    int i = 0;
    time_t current_time = time(NULL);
    for (; i < dirent_count; i++) {
	if (0 == strncmp(entries[i].name, base_name, 256)) {
	    entries[i].size = new_buffer_size;
	    entries[i].atime = current_time;
	    entries[i].mtime = current_time;
	    if (-1 == s3fs_put_object(ctx->s3bucket, dir_name, (uint8_t *)buffer, ret_val)) {
		return -EIO;
	    return size;
    return -EIO;