CString CTDLImportOutlookObjectsDlg::FormatFieldAndData(const OUTLOOK_FIELD& oaField) const
	CEnString sField(oaField.nIDFieldName);
	CEnString sData, sFieldAndData(sField);
	if (m_mapRefData.Lookup(oaField.nFieldType, sData) && !sData.IsEmpty())
		sFieldAndData.Format(_T("%s (%s)"), sField, sData);
	else if (COutlookHelper::IsConfidential(oaField.nFieldType) && COutlookHelper::HasDenyConfidential())
		if (CONFIDENTIAL.IsEmpty())

		sFieldAndData.Format(_T("%s [%s]"), sField, CONFIDENTIAL);

	return sFieldAndData;
Example #2
bool ASMu3Dmx::assembleL2matrices (SparseMatrix& A, StdVector& B,
                                   const IntegrandBase& integrand,
                                   bool continuous) const
  const int p1 = projBasis->order(0);
  const int p2 = projBasis->order(1);
  const int p3 = projBasis->order(2);

  // Get Gaussian quadrature points
  const int ng1 = continuous ? nGauss : p1 - 1;
  const int ng2 = continuous ? nGauss : p2 - 1;
  const int ng3 = continuous ? nGauss : p3 - 1;
  const double* xg = GaussQuadrature::getCoord(ng1);
  const double* yg = GaussQuadrature::getCoord(ng2);
  const double* zg = GaussQuadrature::getCoord(ng3);
  const double* wg = continuous ? GaussQuadrature::getWeight(nGauss) : nullptr;
  if (!xg || !yg || !zg) return false;
  if (continuous && !wg) return false;

  size_t nnod = this->getNoProjectionNodes();
  double dV = 0.0;
  Vectors phi(2);
  Matrices dNdu(2);
  Matrix sField, Xnod, Jac;
  std::vector<Go::BasisDerivs> spl1(2);
  std::vector<Go::BasisPts> spl0(2);

  // === Assembly loop over all elements in the patch ==========================
  LR::LRSplineVolume* geoVol;
  if (m_basis[geoBasis-1]->nBasisFunctions() == projBasis->nBasisFunctions())
    geoVol = m_basis[geoBasis-1].get();
    geoVol = projBasis.get();

  for (const LR::Element* el1 : geoVol->getAllElements())
    double uh = (el1->umin()+el1->umax())/2.0;
    double vh = (el1->vmin()+el1->vmax())/2.0;
    double wh = (el1->wmin()+el1->wmax())/2.0;
    std::vector<size_t> els;
    els.push_back(projBasis->getElementContaining(uh, vh, wh) + 1);
    els.push_back(m_basis[geoBasis-1]->getElementContaining(uh, vh, wh) + 1);

    if (continuous)
      // Set up control point (nodal) coordinates for current element
      if (!this->getElementCoordinates(Xnod,els[1]))
        return false;
      else if ((dV = 0.25*this->getParametricVolume(els[1])) < 0.0)
        return false; // topology error (probably logic error)

    // Compute parameter values of the Gauss points over this element
    RealArray gpar[3], unstrGpar[3];

    // convert to unstructred mesh representation
    expandTensorGrid(gpar, unstrGpar);

    // Evaluate the secondary solution at all integration points
    if (!this->evalSolution(sField,integrand,unstrGpar))
      return false;

    // set up basis function size (for extractBasis subroutine)
    const LR::Element* elm = projBasis->getElement(els[0]-1);
    IntVec lmnpc;
    if (projBasis != m_basis[0]) {
      for (const LR::Basisfunction* f : elm->support())
    const IntVec& mnpc = projBasis == m_basis[0] ? MNPC[els[1]-1] : lmnpc;

    // --- Integration loop over all Gauss points in each direction ----------
    Matrix eA(phi[0].size(), phi[0].size());
    Vectors eB(sField.rows(), Vector(phi[0].size()));
    int ip = 0;
    for (int k = 0; k < ng3; k++)
      for (int j = 0; j < ng2; j++)
        for (int i = 0; i < ng1; i++, ip++)
          if (continuous)
            projBasis->computeBasis(gpar[0][i], gpar[1][j], gpar[2][k],
                                    spl1[0], els[0]-1);
            m_basis[geoBasis-1]->computeBasis(gpar[0][i], gpar[1][j], gpar[2][k],
                                              spl1[1], els[1]-1);
            SplineUtils::extractBasis(spl1[1], phi[1], dNdu[1]);
            projBasis->computeBasis(gpar[0][i], gpar[1][j], gpar[2][k],
                                    spl0[0], els[0]-1);
            phi[0] = spl0[0].basisValues;

          // Compute the Jacobian inverse and derivatives
          double dJw = 1.0;
          if (continuous)
            dJw = dV*wg[i]*wg[j]*wg[k]*utl::Jacobian(Jac,dNdu[1],Xnod,dNdu[1],false);
            if (dJw == 0.0) continue; // skip singular points

          // Integrate the mass matrix
          eA.outer_product(phi[0], phi[0], true, dJw);

          // Integrate the rhs vector B
          for (size_t r = 1; r <= sField.rows(); r++)

    for (size_t i = 0; i < eA.rows(); ++i) {
      for (size_t j = 0; j < eA.cols(); ++j)
        A(mnpc[i]+1, mnpc[j]+1) += eA(i+1,j+1);

      int jp = mnpc[i]+1;
      for (size_t r = 0; r < sField.rows(); r++, jp += nnod)
        B(jp) += eB[r](1+i);

  return true;
bool CHexeMarkupEvaluator::ProcessHeader (SHTTPRequestCtx &Ctx, CDatum dResult)

//	ProcessHeader
//	Outputs the given header

	//	Check for error

	if (dResult.IsError())
		m_Output.Write(strPattern(ERR_PROCESSING_HEADER, dResult.AsString()));
		return true;

	//	Processing depends on result type

	switch (dResult.GetBasicType())
		case CDatum::typeNil:
			return true;

		//	If this is a string or anything else, we expect both field and value
		//	are in the same string and we need to parse it.

			CString sData = dResult.AsString();

			//	Parse into field and value

			char *pPos = sData.GetParsePointer();
			while (strIsWhitespace(pPos))

			//	Look for the field name

			char *pStart = pPos;
			while (*pPos != ':' && *pPos != '\0')

			CString sField(pStart, pPos - pStart);
			if (sField.IsEmpty())
				m_Output.Write(strPattern(ERR_NO_HEADER_FIELD, sData));
				return true;

			//	Look for the value

			CString sValue;
			if (*pPos == ':')
				while (strIsWhitespace(pPos))

				sValue = CString(pPos);

			//	Done

			CHTTPMessage::SHeader *pNewHeader = m_Headers.Insert();
			pNewHeader->sField = sField;
			pNewHeader->sValue = sValue;

	return true;