int main(int argc, char **argv)
  ros::init(argc, argv, "rovio_av_test");
  if (argc != 2)
    ROS_INFO("usage: rovio_av_test hello.wav");
    return 1;

  ros::NodeHandle n;
  ros::ServiceClient client = n.serviceClient<rovio_shared::wav_play>("wav_play");
  rovio_shared::wav_play srv;
  std::string s_argv(argv[1]);
  srv.request.f = s_argv;
  ROS_INFO("srv.request.f=%s", argv[1]);
  if (
//    ROS_INFO("Sum: %ld", (long int)srv.response.sum);
    ROS_ERROR("Failed to call service send_a_wav");
    return 1;

  return 0;
Example #2
// TODO: use a vector<string> would make all this a bit more readable
void RInside::initialize(const int argc, const char* const argv[], const bool loadRcpp, 
                         const bool verbose, const bool interactive) {

    if (instance_m) {
        throw std::runtime_error( "can only have one RInside instance" ) ;
    } else {
        instance_m = this ;

    verbose_m = verbose;          	// Default is false
    interactive_m = interactive;

    // generated from Makevars{.win}
    #include "RInsideEnvVars.h"

    #ifdef WIN32
    // we need a special case for Windows where users may deploy an RInside binary from CRAN
    // which will have R_HOME set at compile time to CRAN's value -- so let's try to correct
    // this here: a) allow user's setting of R_HOME and b) use R's get_R_HOME() function
    if (getenv("R_HOME") == NULL) { 		// if on Windows and not set
        char *rhome = get_R_HOME();		// query it, including registry
        if (rhome != NULL) {                    // if something was found
            setenv("R_HOME", get_R_HOME(), 1);  // store what we got as R_HOME
        }					// this will now be used in next blocks 

    for (int i = 0; R_VARS[i] != NULL; i+= 2) {
        if (getenv(R_VARS[i]) == NULL) { // if env variable is not yet set
            if (setenv(R_VARS[i],R_VARS[i+1],1) != 0){
                throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Could not set R environment variable ") +
                                         std::string(R_VARS[i]) + std::string(" to ") +

    #ifndef WIN32
    R_SignalHandlers = 0;               // Don't let R set up its own signal handlers


    const char *R_argv[] = {(char*)programName, "--gui=none", "--no-save", 
                            "--no-readline", "--silent", "--vanilla", "--slave"};
    int R_argc = sizeof(R_argv) / sizeof(R_argv[0]);
    Rf_initEmbeddedR(R_argc, (char**)R_argv);

    #ifndef WIN32
    R_CStackLimit = -1;      		// Don't do any stack checking, see R Exts, '8.1.5 Threading issues'

    R_ReplDLLinit();                    // this is to populate the repl console buffers

    structRstart Rst;
    Rst.R_Interactive = (Rboolean) interactive_m;       // sets interactive() to eval to false
    #ifdef WIN32
    Rst.rhome = getenv("R_HOME");       // which is set above as part of R_VARS
    Rst.home = getRUser();
    Rst.CharacterMode = LinkDLL;
    Rst.ReadConsole = myReadConsole;
    Rst.WriteConsole = myWriteConsole;
    Rst.CallBack = myCallBack;
    Rst.ShowMessage = myAskOk;
    Rst.YesNoCancel = myAskYesNoCancel;
    Rst.Busy = myBusy;

    if (true || loadRcpp) {             // we always need Rcpp, so load it anyway
        // Rf_install is used best by first assigning like this so that symbols get into the symbol table
        // where they cannot be garbage collected; doing it on the fly does expose a minuscule risk of garbage
        // collection -- with thanks to Doug Bates for the explanation and Luke Tierney for the heads-up
        SEXP suppressMessagesSymbol = Rf_install("suppressMessages");
        SEXP requireSymbol = Rf_install("require");
        Rf_eval(Rf_lang2(suppressMessagesSymbol, Rf_lang2(requireSymbol, Rf_mkString("Rcpp"))), R_GlobalEnv);

    global_env_m = new Rcpp::Environment();         // member variable for access to R's global environment 

    autoloads();                        // loads all default packages, using code autogenerate from Makevars{,.win}

    if ((argc - optind) > 1){           // for argv vector in Global Env */
        Rcpp::CharacterVector s_argv( argv+(1+optind), argv+argc );
        assign(s_argv, "argv");
    } else {
        assign(R_NilValue, "argv") ;

    init_rand();                        // for tempfile() to work correctly */
Example #3
// TODO: use a vector<string> would make all this a bit more readable 
void RInside::initialize(const int argc, const char* const argv[], const bool loadRcpp) {
    logTxt("RInside::ctor BEGIN", verbose);

    if (instance_) {
        throw std::runtime_error( "can only have one RInside instance" ) ;
    } else {
        instance_ = this ;      
    verbose_m = false;          // Default is false

    // generated as littler.h via from svn/littler/littler.R
    #include <RInsideEnvVars.h>

    for (int i = 0; R_VARS[i] != NULL; i+= 2) {
        if (getenv(R_VARS[i]) == NULL) { // if env variable is not yet set
            if (setenv(R_VARS[i],R_VARS[i+1],1) != 0){
                //perror("ERROR: couldn't set/replace an R environment variable");
                throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Could not set R environment variable ") +
                                         std::string(R_VARS[i]) + std::string(" to ") +  

    #ifndef WIN32
    R_SignalHandlers = 0;               // Don't let R set up its own signal handlers

    #ifdef CSTACK_DEFNS
    R_CStackLimit = (uintptr_t)-1;      // Don't do any stack checking, see R Exts, '8.1.5 Threading issues' 


    const char *R_argv[] = {(char*)programName, "--gui=none", "--no-save", "--no-readline", "--silent", "", ""};
    const char *R_argv_opt[] = {"--vanilla", "--slave"};
    int R_argc = (sizeof(R_argv) - sizeof(R_argv_opt) ) / sizeof(R_argv[0]);
    Rf_initEmbeddedR(R_argc, (char**)R_argv);

    R_ReplDLLinit();                    // this is to populate the repl console buffers 

    structRstart Rst;
    Rst.R_Interactive = (Rboolean) FALSE;       // sets interactive() to eval to false 
    #ifdef WIN32
    Rst.rhome = getenv("R_HOME");       // which is set above as part of R_VARS 
    Rst.home = getRUser();
    Rst.CharacterMode = LinkDLL;
    Rst.ReadConsole = myReadConsole;
    Rst.WriteConsole = myWriteConsole;
    Rst.CallBack = myCallBack;
    Rst.ShowMessage = myAskOk;
    Rst.YesNoCancel = myAskYesNoCancel;
    Rst.Busy = myBusy;

    global_env = R_GlobalEnv ;
    if (loadRcpp) {                     // if asked for, load Rcpp (before the autoloads)
        // Rf_install is used best by first assigning like this so that symbols get into the symbol table 
        // where they cannot be garbage collected; doing it on the fly does expose a minuscule risk of garbage  
        // collection -- with thanks to Doug Bates for the explanation and Luke Tierney for the heads-up
        SEXP suppressMessagesSymbol = Rf_install("suppressMessages");
        SEXP requireSymbol = Rf_install("require");
        Rf_eval(Rf_lang2(suppressMessagesSymbol, Rf_lang2(requireSymbol, Rf_mkString("Rcpp"))), R_GlobalEnv);

    autoloads();                        // loads all default packages

    if ((argc - optind) > 1){           // for argv vector in Global Env */
        Rcpp::CharacterVector s_argv( argv+(1+optind), argv+argc );
        assign(s_argv, "argv");
    } else {
        assign(R_NilValue, "argv") ;
    init_rand();                        // for tempfile() to work correctly */
    logTxt("RInside::ctor END", verbose);