Example #1
/*! \brief create a new embedded object
 *  \par Function Description
 *  This function creates a new embedded object.
 *  \param [in]  toplevel  The TOPLEVEL object
 *  \param [in]  type      The type of the object (usually OBJ_COMLEX)
 *  \param [in]  color     The color of the object
 *  \param [in]  x         The x location of the complex object
 *  \param [in]  y         The y location of the complex object
 *  \param [in]  angle     The rotation angle
 *  \param [in]  mirror    The mirror status
 *  \param [in]  basename  The basic name the embedded was created of
 *  \param [in]  selectable whether the object can be selected with the mouse
 *  \return a new complex object
OBJECT *o_complex_new_embedded(TOPLEVEL *toplevel,
			       char type, int color, int x, int y, int angle, int mirror,
			       const gchar *basename, int selectable)
  OBJECT *new_node=NULL;

  new_node = s_basic_new_object(type, "complex");

  new_node->complex = (COMPLEX *) g_malloc(sizeof(COMPLEX));
  new_node->complex->x = x;
  new_node->complex->y = y;

  new_node->complex->angle = angle;
  new_node->complex->mirror = mirror;
  new_node->complex_basename = g_strdup(basename);

  new_node->complex_embedded = TRUE;

  new_node->color = color;
  new_node->selectable = selectable;

  new_node->complex->prim_objs = NULL;

  /* don't have to translate/rotate/mirror here at all since the */
  /* object is in place */
  return new_node;
Example #2
/*! \brief create a new net object
 *  \par Function Description
 *  This function creates and returns a new net object.
 *  \param [in]     toplevel    The TOPLEVEL object.
 *  \param [in]     type        The OBJECT type (usually OBJ_NET)
 *  \param [in]     color       The color of the net
 *  \param [in]     x1          x-coord of the first point
 *  \param [in]     y1          y-coord of the first point
 *  \param [in]     x2          x-coord of the second point
 *  \param [in]     y2          y-coord of the second point
 *  \return A new net OBJECT
OBJECT *o_net_new(TOPLEVEL *toplevel, char type,
		  int color, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
  OBJECT *new_node;

  new_node = s_basic_new_object(type, "net");
  new_node->color = color;

  new_node->line = (LINE *) g_malloc(sizeof(LINE));
  /* check for null */

  new_node->line->x[0] = x1;
  new_node->line->y[0] = y1;
  new_node->line->x[1] = x2;
  new_node->line->y[1] = y2;
  new_node->line_width = NET_WIDTH;

  o_net_recalc (toplevel, new_node);

  new_node->draw_func = net_draw_func;
  new_node->sel_func = select_func;

  if (!toplevel->ADDING_SEL) {
    s_tile_add_object (toplevel, new_node);
    s_conn_update_object (toplevel, new_node);

  return new_node;
Example #3
/*! \brief Create and add line OBJECT to list.
 *  \par Function Description
 *  This function creates a new object representing a line.
 *  The line is described by its two ends - <B>x1</B>,<B>y1</B> and
 *  <B>x2</B>,<B>y2</B>.
 *  The <B>type</B> parameter must be equal to #OBJ_LINE.
 *  The <B>color</B> parameter corresponds to the color the box
 *  will be drawn with.
 *  The #OBJECT structure is allocated with the #s_basic_new_object()
 *  function. The structure describing the line is allocated and
 *  initialized with the parameters given to the function.
 *  Both the line type and the filling type are set to default
 *  values : solid line type with a width of 0, and no filling.
 *  It can be changed after with the #o_set_line_options() and
 *  #o_set_fill_options().
 *  \param [in]     toplevel     The TOPLEVEL object.
 *  \param [in]     type         Must be OBJ_LINE.
 *  \param [in]     color        Circle line color.
 *  \param [in]     x1           Upper x coordinate.
 *  \param [in]     y1           Upper y coordinate.
 *  \param [in]     x2           Lower x coordinate.
 *  \param [in]     y2           Lower y coordinate.
 *  \return A pointer to the new end of the object list.
OBJECT *o_line_new(TOPLEVEL *toplevel,
		   char type, int color, 
		   int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
  OBJECT *new_node;

  /* create the object */
  new_node = s_basic_new_object(type, "line");
  new_node->color = color;
  new_node->line  = (LINE *) g_malloc(sizeof(LINE));
  /* describe the line with its two ends */
  new_node->line->x[0] = x1;
  new_node->line->y[0] = y1;
  new_node->line->x[1] = x2;
  new_node->line->y[1] = y2;
  /* line type and filling initialized to default */
  o_set_line_options(toplevel, new_node,
		     DEFAULT_OBJECT_END, TYPE_SOLID, 0, -1, -1);
  o_set_fill_options(toplevel, new_node,
		     FILLING_HOLLOW, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1);

  /* compute bounding box */
  new_node->w_bounds_valid_for = NULL;

  return new_node;
Example #4
/*! \brief Create a BOX OBJECT
 *  \par Function Description
 *  This function creates a new object representing a box.
 *  The box is described by its upper left corner - <B>x1</B>, <B>y1</B> - and
 *  its lower right corner - <B>x2</B>, <B>y2</B>.
 *  The <B>type</B> parameter must be equal to <B>OBJ_BOX</B>. The <B>color</B>
 *  corresponds to the color the box will be drawn with.
 *  The <B>OBJECT</B> structure is allocated with the #s_basic_new_object()
 *  function. The structure describing the box is allocated and initialized
 *  with the parameters given to the function.
 *  Both the line type and the filling type are set to default values : solid
 *  line type with a width of 0, and no filling. It can be changed after
 *  with the #o_set_line_options() and #o_set_fill_options().
 *  \param [in]     toplevel     The TOPLEVEL object.
 *  \param [in]     type         Box type.
 *  \param [in]     color        Box border color.
 *  \param [in]     x1           Upper x coordinate.
 *  \param [in]     y1           Upper y coordinate.
 *  \param [in]     x2           Lower x coordinate.
 *  \param [in]     y2           Lower y coordinate.
 *  \return The new OBJECT
OBJECT *o_box_new(TOPLEVEL *toplevel,
		  char type, int color,
		  int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
  OBJECT *new_node;
  BOX *box;

  /* create the object */
  new_node = s_basic_new_object(type, "box");
  new_node->color = color;

  box = (BOX *) g_malloc(sizeof(BOX));
  new_node->box   = box;

  /* describe the box with its upper left and lower right corner */
  box->upper_x = x1;
  box->upper_y = y1;
  box->lower_x = x2;
  box->lower_y = y2;

  /* line type and filling initialized to default */
  o_set_line_options(toplevel, new_node,
		     END_NONE, TYPE_SOLID, 0, -1, -1);
  o_set_fill_options(toplevel, new_node,
		     FILLING_HOLLOW, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1);

  /* compute the bounding box */
  o_box_recalc(toplevel, new_node);

  return new_node;
Example #5
/*! \brief Create and add circle OBJECT to list.
 *  \par Function Description
 *  This function creates a new object representing a circle.
 *  The circle is described by its center (<B>x</B>,<B>y</B>) and its radius
 *  <B>radius</B>.
 *  The <B>type</B> parameter must be equal to <B>OBJ_CIRCLE</B>. The <B>color</B>
 *  corresponds to the color the box will be drawn with.
 *  The <B>OBJECT</B> structure is allocated with the #s_basic_new_object()
 *  function. The structure describing the circle is allocated and initialized
 *  with the parameters given to the function.
 *  Both the line type and the filling type are set to default values : solid
 *  line type with a width of 0, and no filling. It can be changed after
 *  with #o_set_line_options() and #o_set_fill_options().
 *  \param [in]     toplevel     The TOPLEVEL object.
 *  \param [in]     type         Must be OBJ_CIRCLE.
 *  \param [in]     color        Circle line color.
 *  \param [in]     x            Center x coordinate.
 *  \param [in]     y            Center y coordinate.
 *  \param [in]     radius       Radius of new circle.
 *  \return A pointer to the new end of the object list.
OBJECT *o_circle_new(TOPLEVEL *toplevel,
                     char type, int color,
                     int x, int y, int radius)
    OBJECT *new_node;

    /* create the object */
    new_node = s_basic_new_object(type, "circle");
    new_node->color  = color;

    new_node->circle = (CIRCLE *) g_malloc(sizeof(CIRCLE));

    /* describe the circle with its center and radius */
    new_node->circle->center_x = x;
    new_node->circle->center_y = y;
    new_node->circle->radius   = radius;

    /* line type and filling initialized to default */
    o_set_line_options(toplevel, new_node,
                       END_NONE, TYPE_SOLID, 0, -1, -1);
    o_set_fill_options(toplevel, new_node,
                       FILLING_HOLLOW, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1);

    /* compute the bounding box coords */
    o_circle_recalc(toplevel, new_node);

    return new_node;
Example #6
/*! \brief Create a new path object.
 *  \par Function Description
 *  This function creates and returns a new OBJECT representing a path
 *  using the path shape data stored in \a path_data.  The \a
 *  path_data is subsequently owned by the returned OBJECT.
 *  \see geda_path_object_new().
 *  \param [in]     toplevel     The TOPLEVEL object.
 *  \param [in]     type         Must be OBJ_PATH.
 *  \param [in]     color        The path color.
 *  \param [in]     path_data    The #PATH data structure to use.
 *  \return A pointer to the new end of the object list.
geda_path_object_new_take_path (TOPLEVEL *toplevel,
                                char type, int color, PATH *path_data)
  OBJECT *new_node;

  /* create the object */
  new_node        = s_basic_new_object (type, "path");
  new_node->color = color;

  new_node->path  = path_data;

  /* path type and filling initialized to default */
  o_set_line_options (toplevel,

  o_set_fill_options (toplevel, new_node,
                      FILLING_HOLLOW, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1);

  /* compute bounding box */
  new_node->w_bounds_valid_for = NULL;

  return new_node;
Example #7
/*! \brief Create and add picture OBJECT to list.
 *  \par Function Description
 *  This function creates a new object representing a picture.
 *  The picture is described by its upper left corner - <B>x1</B>, <B>y1</B> -
 *  and its lower right corner - <B>x2</B>, <B>y2</B>.
 *  The <B>type</B> parameter must be equal to #OBJ_PICTURE. 
 *  The #OBJECT structure is allocated with the #s_basic_init_object()
 *  function. The structure describing the picture is allocated and
 *  initialized with the parameters given to the function.
 *  \param [in]     toplevel      The TOPLEVEL object.
 *  \param [in]     pixbuf        The GdkPixbuf picture to add.
 *                                A copy of this pixbuf is made.
 *  \param [in]     file_content  Raw data of the image file.
 *                                NULL for non embedded loading. The object
 *                                object takes ownership of this buffer, and it
 *                                should not be free'd by the caller.
 *  \param [in]     file_length   Length of raw data buffer
 *  \param [in]     filename      File name backing this picture.
 *                                A copy of this string is made.
 *  \param [in]     ratio         Picture height to width ratio.
 *  \param [in]     type          Must be OBJ_PICTURE.
 *  \param [in]     x1            Upper x coordinate.
 *  \param [in]     y1            Upper y coordinate.
 *  \param [in]     x2            Lower x coordinate.
 *  \param [in]     y2            Lower y coordinate.
 *  \param [in]     angle         Picture rotation angle.
 *  \param [in]     mirrored      Whether the image should be mirrored or not.
 *  \param [in]     embedded      Whether the embedded flag should be set or not.
 *  \return A pointer to the new end of the object list.
OBJECT *o_picture_new(TOPLEVEL *toplevel, GdkPixbuf *pixbuf,
                      gchar *file_content, gsize file_length, char *filename,
                      double ratio, char type,
                      int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int angle, char mirrored,
                      char embedded)
  OBJECT *new_node;
  PICTURE *picture;

  /* create the object */
  new_node = s_basic_new_object(type, "picture");

  picture = (PICTURE *) g_malloc(sizeof(PICTURE));
  new_node->picture = picture;

  /* describe the picture with its upper left and lower right corner */
  picture->upper_x = x1;
  picture->upper_y = y1;
  picture->lower_x = x2;
  picture->lower_y = y2;

  picture->file_content = file_content;
  picture->file_length  = file_length;
  picture->filename = g_strdup (filename);
  picture->ratio = ratio;
  picture->pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_copy (pixbuf);
  picture->angle = angle;
  picture->mirrored = mirrored;
  picture->embedded = embedded;

  /* compute the bounding picture */
  o_picture_recalc(toplevel, new_node);

  return new_node;
Example #8
/*! \brief create a new bus object
 *  \par Function Description
 *  This function creates and returns a new bus object.
 *  \param [in]     toplevel    The TOPLEVEL object.
 *  \param [in]     type        The OBJECT type (usually OBJ_BUS)
 *  \param [in]     color       The color of the bus
 *  \param [in]     x1          x-coord of the first point
 *  \param [in]     y1          y-coord of the first point
 *  \param [in]     x2          x-coord of the second point
 *  \param [in]     y2          y-coord of the second point
 *  \param [in]  bus_ripper_direction direction of the bus rippers
 *  \return A new bus OBJECT
OBJECT *o_bus_new(TOPLEVEL *toplevel,
		  char type, int color,
		  int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
		  int bus_ripper_direction)
  OBJECT *new_node;

  new_node = s_basic_new_object(type, "bus");
  new_node->color = color;

  new_node->line = (LINE *) g_malloc(sizeof(LINE));
  /* check for null */	

  new_node->line->x[0] = x1;
  new_node->line->y[0] = y1;
  new_node->line->x[1] = x2;
  new_node->line->y[1] = y2;
  new_node->line_width = BUS_WIDTH;

  new_node->bus_ripper_direction = bus_ripper_direction;

  o_bus_recalc (toplevel, new_node);

  return new_node;
Example #9
/*! \brief create a new arc object
 *  The line and fill type of the created arc are set to default.
 *  \param [in] toplevel The TOPLEVEL object.
 *  \param [in] color the color index of the arc
 *  \param [in] center_x the x coordinate of the center
 *  \param [in] center_y the y coordinate of the center
 *  \param [in] radius the radius of the arc
 *  \param [in] start_angle the starting angle in degrees
 *  \param [in] sweep_angle the sweep angle in degrees
 *  \return the new arc object
geda_arc_object_new (TOPLEVEL *toplevel,
                     gint color,
                     gint center_x,
                     gint center_y,
                     gint radius,
                     gint start_angle,
                     gint sweep_angle)

  GedaObject *new_node;

  new_node = s_basic_new_object (OBJ_ARC, "arc");

  new_node->color = color;

  new_node->arc = geda_arc_new ();

  /*! \note
   *  The ARC structure is initialized with the parameters.
   *  A default initialization is performed for the line and
   *  fill type to avoid misunderstanding.
   *  The functions relative to the use of the object are sets.

  /* World coordinates */
  new_node->arc->x      = center_x;
  new_node->arc->y      = center_y;
  new_node->arc->radius = radius;

  /* must check the sign of start_angle, sweep_angle ... */
  if(sweep_angle < 0) {
    start_angle = start_angle + sweep_angle;
    sweep_angle = -sweep_angle;
  if(start_angle < 0) start_angle = 360 + start_angle;

  new_node->arc->start_angle = start_angle;
  new_node->arc->sweep_angle = sweep_angle;

  /* Default init */
  o_set_line_options (toplevel,

  o_set_fill_options(toplevel, new_node,
                     FILLING_HOLLOW, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1);

  new_node->w_bounds_valid_for = NULL;

  /* new_node->graphical = arc; eventually */

  return new_node;
Example #10
/*! \brief Create a copy of a picture.
 *  \par Function Description
 *  This function creates a verbatim copy of the object pointed by
 *  <B>o_current</B> describing a picture.
 *  \param [in]  toplevel   The TOPLEVEL object.
 *  \param [in]  object     Picture OBJECT to copy.
 *  \return The new OBJECT
OBJECT *o_picture_copy(TOPLEVEL *toplevel, OBJECT *object)
  OBJECT *new_node;
  PICTURE *picture;

  /* create the object */
  new_node = s_basic_new_object(object->type, "picture");

  picture = g_malloc(sizeof(PICTURE));
  new_node->picture = picture;

  if (object->saved_color == -1) {
    new_node->color = object->color;
  } else {
    new_node->color = object->saved_color;

  /* describe the picture with its upper left and lower right corner */
  picture->upper_x = object->picture->upper_x;
  picture->upper_y = object->picture->upper_y;
  picture->lower_x = object->picture->lower_x;
  picture->lower_y = object->picture->lower_y;

  if (object->picture->file_content != NULL) {
    picture->file_content = g_malloc (object->picture->file_length);
    memcpy (picture->file_content, object->picture->file_content,
  } else {
    picture->file_content = NULL;

  picture->file_length = object->picture->file_length;
  picture->filename    = g_strdup (object->picture->filename);
  picture->ratio       = object->picture->ratio;
  picture->angle       = object->picture->angle;
  picture->mirrored    = object->picture->mirrored;
  picture->embedded    = object->picture->embedded;

  /* Copy the picture data */
  picture->original_picture =

  picture->displayed_picture =

  new_node->draw_func = object->draw_func;
  new_node->sel_func  = object->sel_func;

  /* compute the bounding picture */
  o_picture_recalc(toplevel, new_node);

  return new_node;
Example #11
/*! \brief
 *  \par Function Description
 *  The function creates a new OBJECT of type arc.
 *  The arc is defined by its center in parameters x and y.
 *  The radius parameter specifies the radius of the arc. The start
 *  angle is given by start_angle and the end angle by end_angle.
 *  The line and fill type of the created arc are set to default.
 *  All dimensions are in world unit, except start_angle and
 *  end_angle in degrees.
 *  A new object of type OBJECT is allocated. Its type and color
 *  are initilized. The description of the arc characteristics
 *  are stored in a new ARC structure.
 *  Now fixed for world coordinates.
 *  \param [in] toplevel    The TOPLEVEL object.
 *  \param [in] type
 *  \param [in] color
 *  \param [in] x
 *  \param [in] y
 *  \param [in] radius
 *  \param [in] start_angle
 *  \param [in] end_angle
 *  \return
OBJECT *o_arc_new(TOPLEVEL *toplevel,
		  char type, int color,
		  int x, int y, int radius, int start_angle, int end_angle)

  OBJECT *new_node;

  new_node = s_basic_new_object(type, "arc");

  new_node->color = color;

  new_node->arc = (ARC *) g_malloc(sizeof(ARC));

  /*! \note
   *  The ARC structure is initialized with the parameters.
   *  A default initialization is performed for the line and
   *  fill type to avoid misunderstanding.
   *  The functions relative to the use of the object are sets.

  /* World coordinates */
  new_node->arc->x      = x; 
  new_node->arc->y      = y; 
  new_node->arc->width  = 2 * radius;
  new_node->arc->height = 2 * radius;

  /* must check the sign of start_angle, end_angle ... */
  if(end_angle < 0) {
    start_angle = start_angle + end_angle;
    end_angle = -end_angle;
  if(start_angle < 0) start_angle = 360 + start_angle;
  new_node->arc->start_angle = start_angle;
  new_node->arc->end_angle   = end_angle;

  /* Default init */
  o_set_line_options(toplevel, new_node,
                     o_get_line_end(toplevel->print_output_capstyle), TYPE_SOLID, 0, -1, -1);
  o_set_fill_options(toplevel, new_node,
                     FILLING_HOLLOW, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1);

  o_arc_recalc(toplevel, new_node);

  /* new_node->graphical = arc; eventually */

  return new_node;
Example #12
/*! \brief Create a copy of a COMPLEX object
 *  \par Function Description
 *  This function creates a copy of the complex object \a o_current.
 *  \param [in] toplevel     The TOPLEVEL object
 *  \param [in] o_current    The object that is copied
 *  \return a new COMPLEX object
OBJECT *o_complex_copy(TOPLEVEL *toplevel, OBJECT *o_current)
  OBJECT *o_new;
  GList *iter;

  g_return_val_if_fail(o_current != NULL, NULL);

  o_new = s_basic_new_object(o_current->type, "complex");
  o_new->color = o_current->color;
  o_new->selectable = o_current->selectable;
  o_new->complex_basename = g_strdup(o_current->complex_basename);
  o_new->complex_embedded = o_current->complex_embedded;

  o_new->complex = g_malloc0(sizeof(COMPLEX));
  o_new->complex->x = o_current->complex->x;
  o_new->complex->y = o_current->complex->y;
  o_new->complex->angle = o_current->complex->angle;
  o_new->complex->mirror = o_current->complex->mirror;

  /* Copy contents and set the parent pointers on the copied objects. */
  o_new->complex->prim_objs =
    o_glist_copy_all (toplevel, o_current->complex->prim_objs,

  for (iter = o_new->complex->prim_objs;
       iter != NULL;
       iter = g_list_next (iter)) {
    ((OBJECT*) iter->data)->parent = o_new;

  /* Recalculate bounds */
  o_complex_recalc(toplevel, o_new);

  /* Delete or hide attributes eligible for promotion inside the complex */
  o_complex_remove_promotable_attribs (toplevel, o_new);

  s_slot_update_object (toplevel, o_new);

  /* deal with stuff that has changed */

  /* here you need to create a list of attributes which need to be
   * connected to the new list, probably make an attribute list and
   * fill it with sid's of the attributes */

  return o_new;
Example #13
/*! \brief Creates a text OBJECT and the graphical objects representing it
 *  \par Function Description
 *  Create an OBJECT of type OBJ_TEXT.
 *  \param [in]  toplevel              The TOPLEVEL object.
 *  \param [in]  type                   OBJ_TEXT (TODO: why bother)
 *  \param [in]  color                  The color of the text.
 *  \param [in]  x                      World x coord of text.
 *  \param [in]  y                      World y coord of text.
 *  \param [in]  alignment              How text bounding box aligns on (x, y).
 *  \param [in]  angle                  Angle at which text will appear.
 *  \param [in]  string                 The text (TODO: can be char const *)!
 *  \param [in]  size                   Text size.
 *  \param [in]  visibility             VISIBLE or INVISIBLE.
 *  \param [in]  show_name_value        SHOW_NAME_VALUE or friends.
 *  \return Pointer to text OBJECT.
 *  \note
 *  Caller is responsible for string; this function allocates its own copy.
geda_text_object_new (TOPLEVEL *toplevel,
                      gint color,
                      gint x,
                      gint y,
                      gint alignment,
                      gint angle,
                      const gchar *string,
                      gint size,
                      gint visibility,
                      gint show_name_value)
  GedaObject *new_node=NULL;
  TEXT *text;

  g_return_val_if_fail (string != NULL, NULL);

  new_node = s_basic_new_object (OBJ_TEXT, "text");

  text = (TEXT *) g_malloc(sizeof(TEXT));

  text->string = g_strdup (string);
  text->disp_string = NULL; /* We'll fix this up later */
  text->length = strlen(string);
  text->size = size;
  text->alignment = alignment;
  text->x = x;
  text->y = y;
  text->angle = angle;
  text->name = NULL;

  new_node->text = text;

  new_node->color = color;
  o_set_visibility (toplevel, new_node, visibility);
  new_node->show_name_value = show_name_value;

  update_disp_string (new_node);

  /* Update bounding box */
  new_node->w_bounds_valid_for = NULL;

  return new_node;
Example #14
/*! \brief Create and add circle OBJECT to list.
 *  \par Function Description
 *  This function creates a new object representing a circle.
 *  The circle is described by its center (<B>x</B>,<B>y</B>) and its radius
 *  <B>radius</B>.
 *  The <B>type</B> parameter must be equal to <B>OBJ_CIRCLE</B>. The <B>color</B>
 *  corresponds to the color the box will be drawn with.
 *  The <B>OBJECT</B> structure is allocated with the #s_basic_new_object()
 *  function. The structure describing the circle is allocated and initialized
 *  with the parameters given to the function.
 *  Both the line type and the filling type are set to default values : solid
 *  line type with a width of 0, and no filling. It can be changed after
 *  with #o_set_line_options() and #o_set_fill_options().
 *  \param [in]     toplevel     The TOPLEVEL object.
 *  \param [in]     color        Circle line color.
 *  \param [in]     center_x     Center x coordinate.
 *  \param [in]     center_y     Center y coordinate.
 *  \param [in]     radius       Radius of new circle.
 *  \return A pointer to the new end of the object list.
geda_circle_object_new (TOPLEVEL *toplevel,
                        gint color,
                        gint center_x,
                        gint center_y,
                        gint radius)
  GedaObject *new_node;

  /* create the object */
  new_node = s_basic_new_object (OBJ_CIRCLE, "circle");
  new_node->color  = color;

  new_node->circle = geda_circle_new ();

  /* describe the circle with its center and radius */
  new_node->circle->center_x = center_x;
  new_node->circle->center_y = center_y;
  new_node->circle->radius   = radius;

  /* line type and filling initialized to default */
  o_set_line_options (toplevel,

  o_set_fill_options (toplevel,

  /* compute the bounding box coords */
  new_node->w_bounds_valid_for = NULL;

  return new_node;
Example #15
/*! \brief Create a copy of a picture.
 *  \par Function Description
 *  This function creates a verbatim copy of the object pointed by
 *  <B>o_current</B> describing a picture.
 *  \param [in]  toplevel   The TOPLEVEL object.
 *  \param [in]  object     Picture OBJECT to copy.
 *  \return The new OBJECT
OBJECT *o_picture_copy(TOPLEVEL *toplevel, OBJECT *object)
  OBJECT *new_node;
  PICTURE *picture;

  /* create the object */
  new_node = s_basic_new_object(object->type, "picture");

  picture = (PICTURE*) g_malloc (sizeof(PICTURE));
  new_node->picture = picture;

  new_node->color = geda_object_get_color (object);
  new_node->selectable = geda_object_get_selectable (object);

  /* describe the picture with its upper left and lower right corner */
  picture->upper_x = object->picture->upper_x;
  picture->upper_y = object->picture->upper_y;
  picture->lower_x = object->picture->lower_x;
  picture->lower_y = object->picture->lower_y;

  if (object->picture->file_content != NULL) {
    picture->file_content = (gchar*) g_memdup (object->picture->file_content,
  } else {
    picture->file_content = NULL;

  picture->file_length = object->picture->file_length;
  picture->filename    = g_strdup (object->picture->filename);
  picture->ratio       = object->picture->ratio;
  picture->angle       = object->picture->angle;
  picture->mirrored    = object->picture->mirrored;
  picture->embedded    = object->picture->embedded;

  /* Get the picture data */
  picture->pixbuf = o_picture_get_pixbuf (toplevel, object);

  /* compute the bounding picture */
  new_node->w_bounds_valid_for = NULL;

  return new_node;
Example #16
/*! \brief create a new net object
 *  \par Function Description
 *  This function creates and returns a new net object.
 *  \param [in]     toplevel    The TOPLEVEL object.
 *  \param [in]     type        The OBJECT type (usually OBJ_NET)
 *  \param [in]     color       The color of the net
 *  \param [in]     x1          x-coord of the first point
 *  \param [in]     y1          y-coord of the first point
 *  \param [in]     x2          x-coord of the second point
 *  \param [in]     y2          y-coord of the second point
 *  \return A new net OBJECT
OBJECT *o_net_new(TOPLEVEL *toplevel, char type,
		  int color, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
  OBJECT *new_node;

  new_node = s_basic_new_object(type, "net");
  new_node->color = color;

  new_node->line = (LINE *) g_malloc(sizeof(LINE));
  /* check for null */

  new_node->line->x[0] = x1;
  new_node->line->y[0] = y1;
  new_node->line->x[1] = x2;
  new_node->line->y[1] = y2;
  new_node->line_width = NET_WIDTH;

  o_net_recalc (toplevel, new_node);

  return new_node;
Example #17
/*! \brief create a new net object
 *  \par Function Description
 *  This function creates and returns a new net object.
 *  \param [in]     toplevel    The TOPLEVEL object.
 *  \param [in]     type        The OBJECT type (usually OBJ_NET)
 *  \param [in]     color       The color of the net
 *  \param [in]     x1          x-coord of the first point
 *  \param [in]     y1          y-coord of the first point
 *  \param [in]     x2          x-coord of the second point
 *  \param [in]     y2          y-coord of the second point
 *  \return A new net OBJECT
geda_net_object_new (TOPLEVEL *toplevel, char type,
                     int color, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
  OBJECT *new_node;

  new_node = s_basic_new_object(type, "net");
  new_node->color = color;

  new_node->line = geda_line_new ();

  new_node->line->x[0] = x1;
  new_node->line->y[0] = y1;
  new_node->line->x[1] = x2;
  new_node->line->y[1] = y2;
  new_node->line_width = NET_WIDTH;

  new_node->w_bounds_valid_for = NULL;

  return new_node;
Example #18
/*! \brief Create a BOX OBJECT
 *  \par Function Description
 *  This function creates a new object representing a box.
 *  The box is described by its upper left corner - <B>x1</B>, <B>y1</B> - and
 *  its lower right corner - <B>x2</B>, <B>y2</B>.
 *  The <B>type</B> parameter must be equal to <B>OBJ_BOX</B>. The <B>color</B>
 *  corresponds to the color the box will be drawn with.
 *  The <B>OBJECT</B> structure is allocated with the #s_basic_new_object()
 *  function. The structure describing the box is allocated and initialized
 *  with the parameters given to the function.
 *  Both the line type and the filling type are set to default values : solid
 *  line type with a width of 0, and no filling. It can be changed after
 *  with the #o_set_line_options() and #o_set_fill_options().
 *  \param [in]     toplevel     The TOPLEVEL object.
 *  \param [in]     type         Box type.
 *  \param [in]     color        Box border color.
 *  \param [in]     x1           Upper x coordinate.
 *  \param [in]     y1           Upper y coordinate.
 *  \param [in]     x2           Lower x coordinate.
 *  \param [in]     y2           Lower y coordinate.
 *  \return The new OBJECT
geda_box_object_new (TOPLEVEL *toplevel, char type, int color,
                     int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
  OBJECT *new_node;
  BOX *box;

  /* create the object */
  new_node = s_basic_new_object(type, "box");
  new_node->color = color;

  box = geda_box_new ();
  new_node->box   = box;

  /* describe the box with its upper left and lower right corner */
  box->upper_x = x1;
  box->upper_y = y1;
  box->lower_x = x2;
  box->lower_y = y2;

  /* line type and filling initialized to default */
  o_set_line_options (toplevel,

  o_set_fill_options(toplevel, new_node,
		     FILLING_HOLLOW, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1);

  /* compute the bounding box */
  new_node->w_bounds_valid_for = NULL;

  return new_node;
Example #19
/*! \brief create a new pin object
 *  \par Function Description
 *  This function creates and returns a new pin object.
 *  \param [in]     toplevel    The TOPLEVEL object.
 *  \param [in]     type        The OBJECT type (usually OBJ_PIN)
 *  \param [in]     color       The color of the pin
 *  \param [in]     x1          x-coord of the first point
 *  \param [in]     y1          y-coord of the first point
 *  \param [in]     x2          x-coord of the second point
 *  \param [in]     y2          y-coord of the second point
 *  \param [in]     pin_type    type of pin (PIN_TYPE_NET or PIN_TYPE_BUS)
 *  \param [in]     whichend    The connectable end of the pin
 *  \return A new pin OBJECT
OBJECT *o_pin_new(TOPLEVEL *toplevel,
		  char type, int color,
		  int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int pin_type, int whichend)
  OBJECT *new_node;

  new_node = s_basic_new_object(type, "pin");
  new_node->color = color;

  new_node->line = (LINE *) g_malloc(sizeof(LINE));

  new_node->line->x[0] = x1;
  new_node->line->y[0] = y1;
  new_node->line->x[1] = x2;
  new_node->line->y[1] = y2;

  o_pin_set_type (toplevel, new_node, pin_type);

  o_pin_recalc (toplevel, new_node);

  new_node->whichend = whichend;

  return new_node;
Example #20
/*! \brief Create a picture object.
 *  \par Function Description
 *  This function creates a new object representing a picture.
 *  The picture is described by its upper left corner (\a x1, \a y1)
 *  and its lower right corner (\a x2, \a y2).  The \a type parameter
 *  must be equal to #OBJ_PICTURE.
 *  If \a file_content is non-NULL, it must be a pointer to a buffer
 *  containing raw image data.  If loading data from \a file_content
 *  is unsuccessful, and \a filename is non-NULL, an image will
 *  attempt to be loaded from \a filename.  Otherwise, the picture
 *  object will be initially empty.
 *  \param [in]     toplevel      The TOPLEVEL object.
 *  \param [in]     file_content  Raw data of the image file, or NULL.
 *  \param [in]     file_length   Length of raw data buffer
 *  \param [in]     filename      File name backing this picture, or NULL.
 *  \param [in]     type          Must be OBJ_PICTURE.
 *  \param [in]     x1            Upper x coordinate.
 *  \param [in]     y1            Upper y coordinate.
 *  \param [in]     x2            Lower x coordinate.
 *  \param [in]     y2            Lower y coordinate.
 *  \param [in]     angle         Picture rotation angle.
 *  \param [in]     mirrored      Whether the image should be mirrored or not.
 *  \param [in]     embedded      Whether the embedded flag should be set or not.
 *  \return A pointer to a new picture #OBJECT.
OBJECT *o_picture_new (TOPLEVEL *toplevel,
                       const gchar *file_content, gsize file_length,
                       const gchar *filename,
                       char type, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int angle,
                       int mirrored, int embedded)
  OBJECT *new_node;
  PICTURE *picture;

  /* create the object */
  new_node = s_basic_new_object(type, "picture");

  picture = geda_picture_new ();
  new_node->picture = picture;

  /* describe the picture with its upper left and lower right corner */
  picture->upper_x = (x1 > x2) ? x2 : x1;
  picture->upper_y = (y1 > y2) ? y1 : y2;
  picture->lower_x = (x1 > x2) ? x1 : x2;
  picture->lower_y = (y1 > y2) ? y2 : y1;

  picture->pixbuf = NULL;
  picture->file_content = NULL;
  picture->file_length = 0;

  picture->ratio = abs ((double) (x1 - x2) / (y1 - y2));
  picture->filename = g_strdup (filename);
  picture->angle = angle;
  picture->mirrored = mirrored;
  picture->embedded = embedded;

  if (file_content != NULL) {
    GError *error = NULL;
    if (!o_picture_set_from_buffer (toplevel, new_node, filename,
                                    file_content, file_length, &error)) {
      s_log_message (_("Failed to load buffer image [%1$s]: %2$s"),
                     filename, error->message);
      g_error_free (error);

      /* Force the data into the object anyway, so as to prevent data
       * loss of embedded images. */
      picture->file_content = (gchar*) g_memdup (file_content, file_length);
      picture->file_length = file_length;
  if (picture->pixbuf == NULL && filename != NULL) {
    GError *error = NULL;
    if (!o_picture_set_from_file (toplevel, new_node, filename, &error)) {
      s_log_message (_("Failed to load image from [%1$s]: %2$s"),
                     filename, error->message);
      g_error_free (error);
      /* picture not found; try to open a fall back pixbuf */
      picture->pixbuf = o_picture_get_fallback_pixbuf(toplevel);

  /* compute the bounding picture */
  new_node->w_bounds_valid_for = NULL;

  return new_node;
Example #21
/*! \brief
 *  \par Function Description
OBJECT *o_complex_new(TOPLEVEL *toplevel,
		      char type,
		      int color, int x, int y, int angle,
		      int mirror, const CLibSymbol *clib,
		      const gchar *basename,
		      int selectable)
  OBJECT *new_node=NULL;
  GList *iter;
  gchar *buffer = NULL;

  new_node = s_basic_new_object(type, "complex");

  if (clib != NULL) {
    new_node->complex_basename = g_strdup (s_clib_symbol_get_name (clib));
  } else {
    new_node->complex_basename = g_strdup (basename);

  new_node->complex_embedded = FALSE;
  new_node->color = color;
  new_node->selectable = selectable;

  new_node->complex = (COMPLEX *) g_malloc(sizeof(COMPLEX));
  new_node->complex->prim_objs = NULL;
  new_node->complex->angle = angle;
  new_node->complex->mirror = mirror;
  new_node->complex->x = x;
  new_node->complex->y = y;

  /* get the symbol data */
  if (clib != NULL) {
    buffer = s_clib_symbol_get_data (clib);

  if (clib == NULL || buffer == NULL)
    create_placeholder(toplevel, new_node, x, y);
  else {
    GError * err = NULL;

    /* add connections till translated */
    new_node->complex->prim_objs = o_read_buffer (toplevel, NULL, buffer, -1, new_node->complex_basename, &err);
    if (err) {
      /* If reading fails, replace with placeholder object */
      create_placeholder(toplevel, new_node, x, y);
    else {
      if (mirror) {
        geda_object_list_mirror (new_node->complex->prim_objs, 0, 0, toplevel);

      geda_object_list_rotate (new_node->complex->prim_objs, 0, 0, angle, toplevel);
      geda_object_list_translate (new_node->complex->prim_objs, x, y);

    g_free (buffer);


  /* set the parent field now */
  for (iter = new_node->complex->prim_objs; iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next (iter)) {
    OBJECT *tmp = iter->data;
    tmp->parent = new_node;

  new_node->w_bounds_valid_for = NULL;

  return new_node;
Example #22
/*! \brief
 *  \par Function Description
OBJECT *o_complex_new(TOPLEVEL *toplevel,
		      char type,
		      int color, int x, int y, int angle,
		      int mirror, const CLibSymbol *clib,
		      const gchar *basename,
		      int selectable)
  OBJECT *new_node=NULL;
  OBJECT *new_prim_obj;
  GList *prim_objs;
  GList *iter;
  int loaded_normally = FALSE;

  gchar *buffer = NULL;

  new_node = s_basic_new_object(type, "complex");

  if (clib != NULL) {
    new_node->complex_basename = g_strdup (s_clib_symbol_get_name (clib));
  } else {
    new_node->complex_basename = g_strdup (basename);

  new_node->complex_embedded = FALSE;
  new_node->color = color;
  new_node->selectable = selectable;

  new_node->complex = (COMPLEX *) g_malloc(sizeof(COMPLEX));
  new_node->complex->angle = angle;
  new_node->complex->mirror = mirror;
  new_node->complex->x = x;
  new_node->complex->y = y;

  prim_objs = NULL;

  /* get the symbol data */
  if (clib != NULL) {
    buffer = s_clib_symbol_get_data (clib);

  if (clib == NULL || buffer == NULL) {

    char *not_found_text = NULL;
    int left, right, top, bottom;
    int x_offset, y_offset;

    /* filename was NOT found */
    loaded_normally = FALSE;

    /* Put placeholder into object list.  Changed by SDB on
     * 1.19.2005 to fix problem that symbols were silently
     * deleted by gattrib when RC files were messed up.  */
    new_node->type = OBJ_PLACEHOLDER;

    /* Mark the origin of the missing component */
    new_prim_obj = o_line_new(toplevel, OBJ_LINE,
                           x - 50, y, x + 50, y);
    prim_objs = g_list_append (prim_objs, new_prim_obj);
    new_prim_obj = o_line_new(toplevel, OBJ_LINE,
                           x, y + 50, x, y - 50); 
    prim_objs = g_list_append (prim_objs, new_prim_obj);

    /* Add some useful text */
    not_found_text = 
      g_strdup_printf (_("Component not found:\n %s"),
    new_prim_obj = o_text_new(toplevel,
                           OBJ_TEXT, DETACHED_ATTRIBUTE_COLOR, 
                           x + NOT_FOUND_TEXT_X, 
                           y + NOT_FOUND_TEXT_Y, LOWER_LEFT, 0, 
                           not_found_text, 8,
                           VISIBLE, SHOW_NAME_VALUE);
    prim_objs = g_list_append (prim_objs, new_prim_obj);

    /* figure out where to put the hazard triangle */
    world_get_text_bounds (toplevel, new_prim_obj, &left, &top, &right, &bottom);
    x_offset = (right - left) / 4;
    y_offset = bottom - top + 100;  /* 100 is just an additional offset */

    /* add hazard triangle */
    new_prim_obj = o_line_new(toplevel, OBJ_LINE,
                           x + NOT_FOUND_TEXT_X + x_offset, 
                           y + NOT_FOUND_TEXT_Y + y_offset, 
                           x + NOT_FOUND_TEXT_X + x_offset + 600, 
                           y + NOT_FOUND_TEXT_Y + y_offset); 
    o_set_line_options(toplevel, new_prim_obj, END_ROUND, TYPE_SOLID,
                       50, -1, -1);
    prim_objs = g_list_append (prim_objs, new_prim_obj);
    new_prim_obj = o_line_new(toplevel, OBJ_LINE,
                           x + NOT_FOUND_TEXT_X + x_offset, 
                           y + NOT_FOUND_TEXT_Y + y_offset, 
                           x + NOT_FOUND_TEXT_X + x_offset + 300, 
                           y + NOT_FOUND_TEXT_Y + y_offset + 500); 
    o_set_line_options(toplevel, new_prim_obj, END_ROUND, TYPE_SOLID,
                       50, -1, -1);
    prim_objs = g_list_append (prim_objs, new_prim_obj);
    new_prim_obj = o_line_new(toplevel, OBJ_LINE,
                           x + NOT_FOUND_TEXT_X + x_offset + 300, 
                           y + NOT_FOUND_TEXT_Y + y_offset + 500, 
                           x + NOT_FOUND_TEXT_X + x_offset + 600, 
                           y + NOT_FOUND_TEXT_Y + y_offset); 
    o_set_line_options(toplevel, new_prim_obj, END_ROUND, TYPE_SOLID,
                       50, -1, -1);
    prim_objs = g_list_append (prim_objs, new_prim_obj);
    new_prim_obj = o_text_new(toplevel,
                           OBJ_TEXT, DETACHED_ATTRIBUTE_COLOR, 
                           x + NOT_FOUND_TEXT_X + x_offset + 270, 
                           y + NOT_FOUND_TEXT_Y + y_offset + 90, 
                           LOWER_LEFT, 0, "!", 18,
                           VISIBLE, SHOW_NAME_VALUE);
    prim_objs = g_list_append (prim_objs, new_prim_obj);

  } else {

    /* filename was found */
    loaded_normally = TRUE;

    /* add connections till translated */
    prim_objs = o_read_buffer (toplevel, prim_objs, buffer, -1, new_node->complex_basename);

    g_free (buffer);


  /* do not mirror/rotate/translate/connect the primitive objects if the
   * component was not loaded via o_read 
  if (loaded_normally == TRUE) {
    if (mirror) {
      o_glist_mirror_world (toplevel, 0, 0, prim_objs);

    o_glist_rotate_world (toplevel, 0, 0, angle, prim_objs);
    o_glist_translate_world (toplevel, x, y, prim_objs);

  new_node->complex->prim_objs = prim_objs;

  /* set the parent field now */
  for (iter = prim_objs; iter != NULL; iter = g_list_next (iter)) {
    OBJECT *tmp = iter->data;
    tmp->parent = new_node;

  o_complex_recalc(toplevel, new_node);

  return new_node;