Example #1
void levinson_durbin(
  scalar R[],		/* order+1 autocorrelation coeff */
  scalar lpcs[],		/* order+1 LPC's */
  int order		/* order of the LPC analysis */
  scalar a[order+1][order+1];
  scalar sum, e, k;
  int i,j;				/* loop variables */

  scalar ZERO = fl_to_numb(0.0);

  e = R[0];				/* Equation 38a, Makhoul */

  for(i=1; i<=order; i++) {
    sum = ZERO;
    for(j=1; j<=i-1; j++)
      sum = s_add(sum, s_mul(a[i-1][j],R[i-j])); 
    k = s_mul(-1.0, s_div(s_add(R[i], sum),e));		/* Equation 38b, Makhoul */
    if (s_abs(k) > fl_to_numb(1.0))
      k = ZERO;

    a[i][i] = k;

    for(j=1; j<=i-1; j++)
      a[i][j] = s_add(a[i-1][j] , s_mul(k,a[i-1][i-j]));	/* Equation 38c, Makhoul */

    e = s_mul(e, s_sub(fl_to_numb(1.0),s_mul(k,k)));				/* Equation 38d, Makhoul */

  for(i=1; i<=order; i++)
    lpcs[i] = a[order][i];
  lpcs[0] = fl_to_numb(1.0);  
Example #2
void hanning_window(
  scalar Sn[],	/* input frame of speech samples */
  scalar Wn[],	/* output frame of windowed samples */
  int Nsam	/* number of samples */
  int i;	/* loop variable */
  scalar HALF = fl_to_numb(0.5);
  scalar PI2_ = fl_to_numb(2*PI);
  scalar Nsam_ = int_to_numb(Nsam-1);

  for(i=0; i<Nsam; i++){

	scalar sc_cos = s_mul(HALF,s_cos(s_mul( PI2_, s_div(fl_to_numb((float)i),Nsam_))));
	scalar sc_a  = s_sub(HALF, sc_cos);
    Wn[i] = s_mul(Sn[i], sc_a);
Example #3
void *nlp_create(
int    m			/* analysis window size */
    NLP *nlp;
    int  i;

    assert(m <= PMAX_M);

    nlp = (NLP*)malloc(sizeof(NLP));
    if (nlp == NULL)
	return NULL;

    nlp->m = m;
    scalar PI2_ = fl_to_numb(2*PI);
    scalar DEC_ = int_to_numb(m/DEC - 1); 
    scalar HALF = fl_to_numb(.5);
    scalar ZERO = fl_to_numb(0.0);
    scalar a, b, c;
    for(i=0; i<m/DEC; i++) {
	a = s_div(s_mul(PI2_, int_to_numb(i) ) ,  DEC_);
	b = s_mul(HALF,s_cos(a));
	nlp->w[i] = s_sub(HALF, b);
	//nlp->w[i] = 0.5 - 0.5*cosf(2*PI*i/(m/DEC-1));

    for(i=0; i<PMAX_M; i++)
	nlp->sq[i] = ZERO;
    nlp->mem_x = ZERO;
    nlp->mem_y = ZERO;
    for(i=0; i<NLP_NTAP; i++)
	nlp->mem_fir[i] = ZERO;

    nlp->fft_cfg = kiss_fft_alloc (PE_FFT_SIZE, 0, NULL, NULL);
    assert(nlp->fft_cfg != NULL);

    return (void*)nlp;
Example #4
mp_sdiv(MINT *a, short n, MINT *q, short *r)
	MINT x, y;
	short sign;

	sign = 1;
	x.len = a->len;
	x.val = a->val;
	if (n < 0) {
		sign = -sign;
		n = -n;
	if (x.len < 0) {
		sign = -sign;
		x.len = -x.len;
	s_div(&x, n, &y, r);
	q->val = y.val;
	q->len = sign * y.len;
	*r = *r * sign;