Example #1
/*! \brief Compute y = a1 exp(-x/|a0|) + (1-a1) exp(-x/|a2|) */
static double lmc_exp_exp(double x, const double *a)
    double e1, e2;

    e1      = safe_exp(-x/fabs(a[0]));
    e2      = safe_exp(-x/(fabs(a[0])+fabs(a[2])));
    return a[1]*e1 + (1-a[1])*e2;
Example #2
/*! \brief Compute y = a0 exp(-x/|a1|) + a2 exp(-x/(|a1|+|a3|)) + a4 */
static double lmc_exp_5_parm(double x, const double *a)
    double e1, e2;

    e1      = safe_exp(-x/fabs(a[1]));
    e2      = safe_exp(-x/(fabs(a[1])+fabs(a[3])));
    return a[0]*e1 + a[2]*e2 + a[4];
Example #3
/*! \brief Compute 7 parameter exponential function value.
 * Compute y = a0 exp(-x/|a1|) + a2 exp(-x/(|a1|+|a3|)) +
 * a4 exp(-x/(|a1|+|a3|+|a5|)) + a6
static double lmc_exp_7_parm(double x, const double *a)
    double e1, e2, e3;
    double fa1, fa3, fa5;

    fa1 = fabs(a[1]);
    fa3 = fa1 + fabs(a[3]);
    fa5 = fa3 + fabs(a[5]);
    e1  = safe_exp(-x/fa1);
    e2  = safe_exp(-x/fa3);
    e3  = safe_exp(-x/fa5);
    return a[0]*e1 + a[2]*e2 + a[4]*e3 + a[6];
Example #4
// recompute data likelihoods using marginals from the combos
// assumes that the genotype combos are in the same order as the likelihoods
// assumes that the genotype combos are the same size as the number of samples in the likelihoods
// returns the delta from the previous marginals, informative in the case of EM
long double marginalGenotypeLikelihoods(list<GenotypeCombo>& genotypeCombos, SampleDataLikelihoods& likelihoods) {

    long double delta = 0;

    vector< map<Genotype*, long double> > rawMarginals;
    vector< map<Genotype*, long double> >::iterator rawMarginalsItr;

    // push the marginal likelihoods into the rawMarginals maps
    for (list<GenotypeCombo>::iterator gc = genotypeCombos.begin(); gc != genotypeCombos.end(); ++gc) {
        rawMarginalsItr = rawMarginals.begin();
        for (GenotypeCombo::const_iterator i = gc->begin(); i != gc->end(); ++i) {
            const SampleDataLikelihood& sdl = **i;
            map<Genotype*, long double>& rmgs = *rawMarginalsItr++;
            map<Genotype*, long double>::iterator rmgsItr = rmgs.find(sdl.genotype);
            if (rmgsItr == rmgs.end()) {
                rmgs[sdl.genotype] = gc->posteriorProb;
            } else {
                //vector<long double> x;
                //x.push_back(rmgsItr->second); x.push_back(gc->posteriorProb);
                //rmgs[sdl.genotype] = logsumexp_probs(x);
                rmgs[sdl.genotype] = log(safe_exp(rmgsItr->second) + safe_exp(gc->posteriorProb));

    // safely add the raw marginal vectors using logsumexp
    // and use to update the sample data likelihoods
    rawMarginalsItr = rawMarginals.begin();
    for (SampleDataLikelihoods::iterator s = likelihoods.begin(); s != likelihoods.end(); ++s) {
        vector<SampleDataLikelihood>& sdls = *s;
        const map<Genotype*, long double>& rawmgs = *rawMarginalsItr++;
        map<Genotype*, long double> marginals;
        vector<long double> rawprobs;
        for (map<Genotype*, long double>::const_iterator m = rawmgs.begin(); m != rawmgs.end(); ++m) {
            long double p = m->second;
            marginals[m->first] = p;
        long double normalizer = logsumexp_probs(rawprobs);
        for (vector<SampleDataLikelihood>::iterator sdl = sdls.begin(); sdl != sdls.end(); ++sdl) {
            long double newmarginal = marginals[sdl->genotype] - normalizer;
            delta += newmarginal - sdl->marginal;
            sdl->marginal = newmarginal;

    return delta;

Example #5
/*! \brief Compute 9 parameter exponential function value.
 * Compute y = a0 exp(-x/|a1|) + a2 exp(-x/(|a1|+|a3|)) +
 * a4 exp(-x/(|a1|+|a3|+|a5|)) + a6 exp(-x/(|a1|+|a3|+|a5|+|a7|)) + a8
static double lmc_exp_9_parm(double x, const double *a)
    double e1, e2, e3, e4;
    double fa1, fa3, fa5, fa7;

    fa1 = fabs(a[1]);
    fa3 = fa1 + fabs(a[3]);
    fa5 = fa3 + fabs(a[5]);
    fa7 = fa5 + fabs(a[7]);

    e1      = safe_exp(-x/fa1);
    e2      = safe_exp(-x/fa3);
    e3      = safe_exp(-x/fa5);
    e4      = safe_exp(-x/fa7);
    return a[0]*e1 + a[2]*e2 + a[4]*e3 + a[6]*e4 + a[8];
Example #6
/*! \brief Compute vac function */
static double lmc_vac_2_parm(double x, const double *a)
    /* Fit to function
     * y = 1/2 (1 - 1/w) exp(-(1+w)v) + 1/2 (1 + 1/w) exp(-(1-w)v)
     *   = exp(-v) (cosh(wv) + 1/w sinh(wv))
     *    v = x/(2 a0)
     *    w = sqrt(1 - a1)
     *    For tranverse current autocorrelation functions:
     *       a0 = tau
     *       a1 = 4 tau (eta/rho) k^2

    double y, v, det, omega, wv, em, ec, es;
    double wv_max = 100;

    v   = x/(2*fabs(a[0]));
    det = 1 - a[1];
    em  = safe_exp(-v);
    if (det != 0)
        omega = sqrt(fabs(det));
        wv    = std::min(omega*v, wv_max);

        if (det > 0)
            ec = em*0.5*(safe_exp(wv)+safe_exp(-wv));
            es = em*0.5*(safe_exp(wv)-safe_exp(-wv))/omega;
            ec = em*cos(wv);
            es = em*sin(wv)/omega;
        y      = ec + es;
        y      = (1+v)*em;
    return y;
Example #7
/*! \brief Compute y = (1-a0)*exp(-(x/|a2|)^|a3|)*cos(x*|a1|) + a0*exp(-(x/|a4|)^|a5|) */
static double lmc_pres_6_parm(double x, const double *a)
    double term1, term2, term3;
    double pow_max = 10;

    term3  = 0;
    if ((a[4] != 0) && (a[0] != 0))
        double power = std::min(fabs(a[5]), pow_max);
        term3        = a[0] * safe_exp(-pow((x/fabs(a[4])), power));

    term1  = 1-a[0];
    term2  = 0;
    if ((term1 != 0) && (a[2] != 0))
        double power = std::min(fabs(a[3]), pow_max);
        term2        = safe_exp(-pow((x/fabs(a[2])), power)) * cos(x*fabs(a[1]));

    return term1*term2 + term3;
Example #8
double Logistic::execute ()
   int icase ;
   double *tptr, term, sum1, sum2 ;

   sum1 = sum2 = 0.0 ;

   for (icase=0 ; icase<ncases ; icase++) {
      tptr = tset + (ninputs + 1) * icase ; // This case
      predict ( tptr , &term ) ;            // Log odds ratio
      sum1 += term * tptr[ninputs] ;        // Output stored after inputs
      sum2 += log ( 1.0 + safe_exp ( term )) ;
      } // For all training cases

   return sum1 - sum2 ;
Example #9
static double logit_crit ( double *x )
   int i ;
   double x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 ;

   for (i=0 ; i<local_logistic->ninputs ; i++)
       local_logistic->coefs[i] = safe_exp ( x[i] ) ;

   glob_min ( -20.0 , 20.0 , 5 , 0 , -1.e160 , logit_unicrit ,
              &x1 , &y1 , &x2 , &y2 , &x3 , &y3 ) ;

   y2 = brentmin ( 50 , -1.e160 , 1.e-10 , 1.e-10 , logit_unicrit ,
                   &x1 , &x2 , &x3 , y2 ) ;

   local_logistic->coefs[local_logistic->ninputs] = x2 ;
   return -y2 ;
Example #10
  多変量正規分布 N(Μ,Σ)の X に対する値を計算する。
get_multi_norm(double *mean, double **covmat, double *X, int dim)
  double *tmp1 = NULL, *tmp2 = NULL;
  double det, **invmat = NULL;
	double val;

  tmp1 = del_vec(X, mean, dim);
  tmp2 = tmp1;
  invmat  = matinv(dim, covmat, &det);
  tmp1 = vecxmat(tmp1, dim, invmat, dim, dim);
  val = dvid(safe_exp(-0.5 * innerprod(dim, tmp1, tmp2)),
						 (pow(2.0 * M_PI, dim / 2.0) * sqrt(det)));


	return val;
Example #11
/*! \brief Compute y = a1 exp(-x/|a0|) */
static double lmc_exp_two_parm(double x, const double *a)
    return a[1]*safe_exp(-x/fabs(a[0]));
Example #12
/*! \brief Compute y = exp(-x/|a0|) */
static double lmc_exp_one_parm(double x, const double *a)
    return safe_exp(-x/fabs(a[0]));
Example #13
	 単変量正規分布 N(μ,σ)の X における値を計算する。
get_val_norm(double mean, double sigma, double X)
	return mult(dvid(1.0, mult(sqrt(2.0 * M_PI), sigma)), 
							safe_exp(mult((-1.0 / 2.0), pow2(dvid((X - mean), sigma)))));