Example #1
/* key presses in the window used for a recipe name search string */
static int keypress_recipe_handler(window_info *win, int mx, int my, Uint32 key, Uint32 unikey)
	char keychar = tolower(key_to_char(unikey));
	last_recipe_key_time = SDL_GetTicks();
	if ((keychar == SDLK_RETURN) && (key & ELW_CTRL))
		return 1;
	if ((keychar == '`') || (key & ELW_CTRL) || (key & ELW_ALT))
		return 0;
	if (keychar == SDLK_ESCAPE)
		return 1;
	if (string_input(recipe_name_filter, sizeof(recipe_name_filter), keychar) || (keychar == SDLK_RETURN))
		if (strlen(recipe_name_filter))
			size_t i;
			for (i=cur_recipe+1; i<cur_recipe+num_recipe_entries; i++)
				size_t check = i % num_recipe_entries;
				if (recipes_store[check].name != NULL &&
					safe_strcasestr(recipes_store[check].name, strlen(recipes_store[check].name),
						recipe_name_filter, strlen(recipe_name_filter)) != NULL)
					/* have matching name so set as the current and make sure visible */
					int first_displayed_recipe = vscrollbar_get_pos (win->window_id, recipe_win_scroll_id);
					int new_pos = first_displayed_recipe;
					cur_recipe = check;
					if (cur_recipe < first_displayed_recipe)
						new_pos = cur_recipe;
					else if (cur_recipe >= (first_displayed_recipe+num_displayed_recipes))
						new_pos = cur_recipe - (num_displayed_recipes - 1);
					vscrollbar_set_pos(win->window_id, recipe_win_scroll_id, new_pos);
		return 1;
	return 0;
Example #2
/* display or test the md5sum of the current map or the specified file */
int command_ckdata(char *text, int len)
	const int DIGEST_LEN = 16;
	Uint8 digest[DIGEST_LEN];
	char digest_str[DIGEST_LEN*2+1];
	char expected_digest_str[DIGEST_LEN*2+1];
	char result_str[256];
	char filename[256];

	/* paramters are optional, first is expected checksum value, second is filename */
	/* if only a filename is specfied, we display checksum rather than do match */
	filename[0] = digest_str[0] = expected_digest_str[0] = '\0';
	text = getparams(text);
	if (*text)
		/* if we have at least one space and the first string is of digest length, assume we matching */
		char *tempstr = safe_strcasestr(text, strlen(text), " ", 1);
		if ((tempstr != NULL) && (strlen(text) - strlen(tempstr) == DIGEST_LEN*2))
			safe_strncpy2(expected_digest_str, text, DIGEST_LEN*2+1, DIGEST_LEN*2 );
			/* trim leading space from filename */
			while (*tempstr == ' ')
			if (*tempstr)
				safe_strncpy(filename, tempstr, 256);
		/* else we only have a filename */
			safe_strncpy(filename, text, 256 );
	/* if no parameters default to current map elm file */
		safe_strncpy(filename, continent_maps[cur_map].name, 256 );

	/* calculate, display checksum if we're not matching */
	if (*filename && el_file_exists(filename) && get_file_digest(filename, digest))
		int i;	
		for(i=0; i<DIGEST_LEN; i++)
			sprintf(&digest_str[2*i], "%02x", (int)digest[i]);
		digest_str[DIGEST_LEN*2] = 0;
		if (! *expected_digest_str)
			safe_snprintf(result_str, sizeof(result_str), "#ckdata %s %s", digest_str, filename );
	/* show help if something fails */
		LOG_TO_CONSOLE(c_red2, "ckdata: invalid file or command syntax.");
		LOG_TO_CONSOLE(c_red1, "Show current map (elm): #ckdata");
		LOG_TO_CONSOLE(c_red1, "Show specified file:    #ckdata file_name");
		LOG_TO_CONSOLE(c_red1, "Check specified file:   #ckdata expected_checksum file_name");
		return 1;

	/* if we have an expected value, compare then display an appropriate message */
	if (*expected_digest_str)
		if (my_strcompare(digest_str, expected_digest_str))
			LOG_TO_CONSOLE(c_green2,"ckdata: File matches expected checksum");
			LOG_TO_CONSOLE(c_red2,"ckdata: File does not match expected checksum");
	return 1;
} /* end command_ckdata() */