Example #1
NcrackOutputTable::NcrackOutputTable(int nrows, int ncols) {
  numRows = nrows;
  numColumns = ncols;
  assert(numRows > 0);
  assert(numColumns > 0);
  table = (struct NcrackOutputTableCell *) safe_zalloc(sizeof(struct NcrackOutputTableCell) * nrows * ncols);
  maxColLen = (int *) safe_zalloc(sizeof(*maxColLen) * ncols);
  itemsInRow = (int *) safe_zalloc(sizeof(*itemsInRow) * nrows);
  tableout = NULL;
  tableoutsz = 0;
Example #2
static int proxy_http_node_new(struct proxy_node **node, const struct uri *uri) {
  int rc;
  struct proxy_node *proxy;

  proxy = (struct proxy_node *)safe_zalloc(sizeof(struct proxy_node));
  proxy->spec = &ProxySpecHttp;

  rc = proxy_resolve(uri->host, (struct sockaddr *)&proxy->ss, &proxy->sslen);
  if (rc < 0) {
    *node = NULL;
    return -1;

  if (uri->port == -1)
    proxy->port = DEFAULT_PROXY_PORT_HTTP;
    proxy->port = (unsigned short)uri->port;

  rc = asprintf(&proxy->nodestr, "http://%s:%d", uri->host, proxy->port);
  if (rc < 0) {
    /* asprintf() failed for some reason but this is not a disaster (yet).
     * Set nodestr to NULL and try to keep on going. */
    proxy->nodestr = NULL;

  *node = proxy;

  return 1;
Example #3
static void
kstat_copy(kstat_t *src, kstat_t *dst, int fr)

	if (fr)

	*dst = *src;

	if (src->ks_data != NULL) {
		safe_zalloc(&dst->ks_data, src->ks_data_size, 0);
		(void) memcpy(dst->ks_data, src->ks_data, src->ks_data_size);
	} else {
		dst->ks_data = NULL;
		dst->ks_data_size = 0;
Example #4
/* Convert new nsiod to pcap descriptor. Other parameters have the same meaning
 * as for pcap_open_live in pcap(3).
 *   device   : pcap-style device name
 *   snaplen  : size of packet to be copied to hanler
 *   promisc  : whether to open device in promiscuous mode
 *   bpf_fmt   : berkeley filter
 * return value: NULL if everything was okay, or error string if error occurred. */
char* nsock_pcap_open(nsock_pool nsp, nsock_iod nsiod, const char *pcap_device, int snaplen,
                      int promisc, const char *bpf_fmt, ...) {
  msiod *nsi = (msiod *)nsiod;
  mspool *ms = (mspool *)nsp;
  mspcap *mp = (mspcap *)nsi->pcap;
  static char errorbuf[128];
  char err0r[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];
  /* packet filter string */
  char bpf[4096];
  va_list ap;
  int failed, datalink;
  char *e;

  gettimeofday(&nsock_tod, NULL);


  /* MacOsX reports error if to_ms is too big (like INT_MAX) with error
   *  FAILED. Reported error: BIOCSRTIMEOUT: Invalid argument
   *  INT_MAX/6 (=357913941) seems to be working... */
  int to_ms = 357913941;
  int to_ms = 200;

  int to_ms = 1;

  if (mp)
    return "nsock-pcap: this nsi already has pcap device opened";

  mp = (mspcap *)safe_zalloc(sizeof(mspcap));
  nsi->pcap = (void *)mp;

  va_start(ap, bpf_fmt);
  if (Vsnprintf(bpf, sizeof(bpf), bpf_fmt, ap) >= (int)sizeof(bpf)) {
    return "nsock-pcap: nsock_pcap_open called with too-large bpf filter arg";

  if (ms->tracelevel > 0)
                  "PCAP requested on device '%s' with berkeley filter '%s' (promisc=%i snaplen=%i to_ms=%i) (IOD #%li)",
                  pcap_device,bpf, promisc, snaplen, to_ms, nsi->id);

  failed = 0;
  do {
    mp->pt = pcap_open_live((char* )pcap_device, snaplen, promisc, to_ms, err0r);
    if (mp->pt)  /* okay, opened!*/

    /* sorry, something failed*/
    if (++failed >= 3) {
      mp->pcap_device = strdup(pcap_device);
              "Call to pcap_open_live(%s, %d, %d, %d) failed three times. Reported error: %s\n"
              "There are several possible reasons for this, depending on your operating system:\n"
              "LINUX: If you are getting Socket type not supported, try modprobe af_packet or recompile your kernel with PACKET enabled.\n"
              "*BSD:  If you are getting device not configured, you need to recompile your kernel with Berkeley Packet Filter support.  If you are getting No such file or directory, try creating the device (eg cd /dev; MAKEDEV <device>; or use mknod).\n"
              "*WINDOWS:  Nmap only supports ethernet interfaces on Windows for most operations because Microsoft disabled raw sockets as of Windows XP SP2.  Depending on the reason for this error, it is possible that the --unprivileged command-line argument will help.\n"
              "SOLARIS:  If you are trying to scan localhost and getting '/dev/lo0: No such file or directory', complain to Sun.  I don't think Solaris can support advanced localhost scans.  You can probably use \"-PN -sT localhost\" though.\n\n",
        pcap_device, snaplen, promisc, to_ms, err0r);
      return "nsock-pcap: can't open pcap! Are you root?";

            "pcap_open_live(%s, %d, %d, %d) FAILED. Reported error: %s. Will wait %d seconds then retry.\n",
            pcap_device, snaplen, promisc, to_ms, err0r, 4*failed);
    sleep(4* failed);
  } while (1);

  e = nsock_pcap_set_filter(mp->pt, pcap_device, bpf);
  if (e)
    return e;

#ifdef WIN32
  /* We want any responses back ASAP */
  pcap_setmintocopy(mp->pt, 1);

  mp->l3_offset = nsock_pcap_get_l3_offset(mp->pt, &datalink);
  mp->snaplen = snaplen;
  mp->datalink = datalink;
  mp->pcap_device = strdup(pcap_device);
  mp->pcap_desc = pcap_get_selectable_fd(mp->pt);
  mp->pcap_desc = -1;
  mp->readsd_count = 0;

  /* Without setting this ioctl, some systems (BSDs, though it depends on the
   * release) will buffer packets in non-blocking mode and only return them in a
   * bunch when the buffer is full. Setting the ioctl makes each one be
   * delivered immediately. This is how Linux works by default. See the comments
   * surrounding the setting of BIOCIMMEDIATE in libpcap/pcap-bpf.c. */
  if (mp->pcap_desc != -1) {
    int immediate = 1;

    if (ioctl(mp->pcap_desc, BIOCIMMEDIATE, &immediate) < 0)
      fatal("Cannot set BIOCIMMEDIATE on pcap descriptor");

  /* Set device non-blocking */
  if (pcap_setnonblock(mp->pt, 1, err0r) < 0) {
    /* I can't do select() on pcap! blocking + no_select is fatal */
    if(mp->pcap_desc < 0){
      Snprintf(errorbuf, sizeof(errorbuf),
               "nsock-pcap: Failed to set pcap descriptor on device %s to nonblocking state: %s",
               pcap_device, err0r);
      return errorbuf;

    /* When we use bsd hack we also need to set non-blocking */
    Snprintf(errorbuf, sizeof(errorbuf),
             "nsock-pcap: Failed to set pcap descriptor on device %s to nonblocking state: %s",
             pcap_device, err0r);
    return errorbuf;

    /* in other case, we can accept blocking pcap */
    fprintf(stderr, "Failed to set pcap descriptor on device %s to nonblocking state: %s",
            pcap_device, err0r);

  if (ms->tracelevel > 0)
      nsock_trace(ms, "PCAP created successfully on device '%s' (pcap_desc=%i bsd_hack=%i to_valid=%i l3_offset=%i) (IOD #%li)",

  return NULL;
Example #5
/* Convert new nsiod to pcap descriptor. Other parameters have
 * the same meaning as for pcap_open_live in pcap(3).
 *   device   : pcap-style device name
 *   snaplen  : size of packet to be copied to handler
 *   promisc  : whether to open device in promiscuous mode
 *   bpf_fmt   : berkeley filter
 * return value: NULL if everything was okay, or error string
 * if error occurred. */
int nsock_pcap_open(nsock_pool nsp, nsock_iod nsiod, const char *pcap_device,
                    int snaplen, int promisc, const char *bpf_fmt, ...) {
  struct niod *nsi = (struct niod *)nsiod;
  struct npool *ms = (struct npool *)nsp;
  mspcap *mp = (mspcap *)nsi->pcap;
  char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];
  char bpf[4096];
  va_list ap;
  int failed, datalink;
  int rc;

  /* MacOsX reports error if to_ms is too big (like INT_MAX) with error
   * FAILED. Reported error: BIOCSRTIMEOUT: Invalid argument
   * INT_MAX/6 (=357913941) seems to be working... */
  int to_ms = 357913941;
  int to_ms = 200;

  int to_ms = 1;

  gettimeofday(&nsock_tod, NULL);

  if (mp) {
    nsock_log_error(ms, "This nsi already has pcap device opened");
    return -1;

  mp = (mspcap *)safe_zalloc(sizeof(mspcap));
  nsi->pcap = (void *)mp;

  va_start(ap, bpf_fmt);
  rc = Vsnprintf(bpf, sizeof(bpf), bpf_fmt, ap);

  if (rc >= (int)sizeof(bpf)) {
    nsock_log_error(ms, "Too-large bpf filter argument");
    return -1;

  nsock_log_info(ms, "PCAP requested on device '%s' with berkeley filter '%s' "
                 "(promisc=%i snaplen=%i to_ms=%i) (IOD #%li)",
                 pcap_device,bpf, promisc, snaplen, to_ms, nsi->id);

  failed = 0;
  do {
    rc = nsock_pcap_try_open(ms, mp, pcap_device, snaplen, promisc, to_ms, errbuf);
    if (rc) {
      nsock_log_error(ms, "Will wait %d seconds then retry.", 4 * failed);
      sleep(4 * failed);
  } while (rc && failed < PCAP_OPEN_MAX_RETRIES);

  if (rc) {
    nsock_log_error(ms, "pcap_open_live(%s, %d, %d, %d) failed %d times.",
                    pcap_device, snaplen, promisc, to_ms, failed);
    nsock_log_error(ms, PCAP_FAILURE_EXPL_MESSAGE);
    nsock_log_error(ms, "Can't open pcap! Are you root?");
    return -1;

  rc = nsock_pcap_set_filter(ms, mp->pt, pcap_device, bpf);
  if (rc)
    return rc;

#ifdef WIN32
  /* We want any responses back ASAP */
  pcap_setmintocopy(mp->pt, 1);

  mp->l3_offset = nsock_pcap_get_l3_offset(mp->pt, &datalink);
  mp->snaplen = snaplen;
  mp->datalink = datalink;
  mp->pcap_device = strdup(pcap_device);
  mp->pcap_desc = pcap_get_selectable_fd(mp->pt);
  mp->pcap_desc = -1;
  mp->readsd_count = 0;

  /* Without setting this ioctl, some systems (BSDs, though it depends on the
   * release) will buffer packets in non-blocking mode and only return them in a
   * bunch when the buffer is full. Setting the ioctl makes each one be
   * delivered immediately. This is how Linux works by default. See the comments
   * surrounding the setting of BIOCIMMEDIATE in libpcap/pcap-bpf.c. */
  if (mp->pcap_desc != -1) {
    int immediate = 1;

    if (ioctl(mp->pcap_desc, BIOCIMMEDIATE, &immediate) < 0)
      fatal("Cannot set BIOCIMMEDIATE on pcap descriptor");

  /* Set device non-blocking */
  rc = pcap_setnonblock(mp->pt, 1, errbuf);
  if (rc) {

    /* I can't do select() on pcap!
     * blocking + no_select is fatal */
    if (mp->pcap_desc < 0)
      nsock_log_error(ms, "Failed to set pcap descriptor on device %s "
                      "to nonblocking mode: %s", pcap_device, errbuf);
      return -1;
    /* in other case, we can accept blocking pcap */
    nsock_log_info(ms, "Failed to set pcap descriptor on device %s "
                   "to nonblocking state: %s", pcap_device, errbuf);

  if (ms->loglevel <= NSOCK_LOG_INFO) {
      int bsd_select_hack = 1;
      int bsd_select_hack = 0;

      int recv_timeval_valid = 1;
      int recv_timeval_valid = 0;

    nsock_log_info(ms, "PCAP created successfully on device '%s' "
                   "(pcap_desc=%i bsd_hack=%i to_valid=%i l3_offset=%i) (IOD #%li)",
                   pcap_device, mp->pcap_desc, bsd_select_hack,
                   recv_timeval_valid, mp->l3_offset, nsi->id);
  return 0;