Example #1
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
ringb_t *
ringb_create(size_t sz2) {
  ringb_t *rb = (ringb_t *) safealloc(1, sizeof(ringb_t), "Ring creation");
  rb->buf = safealloc(1, sz2, "Ring buffer buf");
  rb->size = sz2;		// power-of-2-sized
  rb->mask = rb->size - 1;
  rb->wptr = rb->rptr = 0;
  return rb;
Example #2
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
ringb_float_t *
ringb_float_create(size_t sz2) {
  ringb_float_t *rb = (ringb_float_t *) safealloc(1, sizeof(ringb_float_t),
						  "Float Ring creation");
  rb->buf =
    (float *) safealloc(1, sz2 * sizeof(float), "Ring buffer float buf");
  rb->size = sz2;		// power-of-2-sized
  rb->mask = rb->size - 1;
  rb->wptr = rb->rptr = 0;
  return rb;
Example #3
DttSP_EXP void
	cs_ptr = (LPCRITICAL_SECTION)safealloc(1,sizeof(CRITICAL_SECTION),"Critical Section");
	return (void *)cs_ptr;
Example #4
newCWToneGen (
			  REAL gain,	// dB
			  REAL freq,	// ms
			  REAL rise,	// ms
			  REAL fall,	// ms
			  int size,		// samples
			  REAL samplerate) // samples/sec
	CWToneGen cwt = (CWToneGen) safealloc (1, sizeof (CWToneGenDesc),

	setCWToneGenVals (cwt, gain, freq, rise, fall);
	cwt->size = size;
	cwt->sr = samplerate;

	cwt->osc.gen = newOSC (cwt->size,
		(double) cwt->osc.freq, 0.0, cwt->sr, "CWTone osc");

	// overload oscillator buf
	cwt->buf = newCXB (cwt->size, OSCCbase (cwt->osc.gen), "CWToneGen buf");

	return cwt;
newCorrectIQ (REAL phase, REAL gain, REAL mu)
	IQ iq = (IQ) safealloc (1, sizeof (iqstate), "IQ state");
	iq->phase = phase;
	iq->gain = gain;
	iq->mu = mu;
	iq->leakage = 0.000000f;
	iq->w = (COMPLEX *)safealloc(16,sizeof(COMPLEX),"correctIQ w");
	iq->y = (COMPLEX *)safealloc(16,sizeof(COMPLEX),"correctIQ y");
	iq->del = (COMPLEX *)safealloc(16,sizeof(COMPLEX),"correctIQ del");
	memset((void *)iq->w,0,16*sizeof(COMPLEX));
	return iq;
Example #6
static int swapsystem(char *cmd)
	char	*prog, *args;
	int	retcode;

	for (; elvspace(*cmd); cmd++)
	prog = safedup(cmd);
	for (args = prog; *args && !elvspace(*args); args++)
	if (*args)
		*args++ = '\0';
	retcode = do_exec(prog, args, USE_ALL|HIDE_FILE, 0xFFFF, NULL);
	if (retcode == RC_NOFILE)
		prog = safealloc(strlen(cmd) + 4, sizeof(char));
		strcpy(prog, "/c ");
		strcat(prog, cmd);
		retcode = do_exec(tochar8(o_shell), prog,
	return retcode;
Example #7
setup_local_audio (unsigned int thread)
	top[thread].hold.size.frames = uni[thread].buflen;
	top[thread].hold.size.bytes = top[thread].hold.size.frames * sizeof (float);
	top[thread].hold.buf.l =
		(float *) safealloc (top[thread].hold.size.frames, sizeof (float),
		"main hold buffer left");
	top[thread].hold.buf.r =
		(float *) safealloc (top[thread].hold.size.frames, sizeof (float),
		"main hold buffer right");
	top[thread].hold.aux.l =
		(float *) safealloc (top[thread].hold.size.frames, sizeof (float),
		"aux hold buffer left");
	top[thread].hold.aux.r =
		(float *) safealloc (top[thread].hold.size.frames, sizeof (float),
			"aux hold buffer right");
newDttSPAgc (AGCMODE mode,
			 COMPLEX * Vec,
			 int BufSize,
			 REAL Limit,
			 REAL attack,
			 REAL decay,
			 REAL slope,
			 REAL hangtime,
			 REAL samprate,
			 REAL MaxGain, REAL MinGain, REAL CurGain, char *tag)

	a = (DTTSPAGC) safealloc (1, sizeof (dttspagc), tag);
	a->mode = mode;

	a->attack = (REAL) (1.0 - exp (-1000.0 / (attack * samprate)));
	a->one_m_attack = (REAL) exp (-1000.0 / (attack * samprate));

	a->decay = (REAL) (1.0 - exp (-1000.0 / (decay * samprate)));
	a->one_m_decay = (REAL) exp (-1000.0 / (decay * samprate));

	a->fastattack = (REAL) (1.0 - exp (-1000.0 / (0.2 * samprate)));
	a->one_m_fastattack = (REAL) exp (-1000.0 / (0.2 * samprate));

	a->fastdecay = (REAL) (1.0 - exp (-1000.0 / (3.0 * samprate)));
	a->one_m_fastdecay = (REAL) exp (-1000.0 / (3.0 * samprate));

	strcpy (a->tag, tag);
	a->mask = 2 * BufSize;

	a->hangindex = a->indx = 0;
	a->hangtime = hangtime * 0.001f;
	a->hangthresh = 0.0;
	a->sndx = (int) (samprate * attack * 0.003f);
	a->fastindx = (int)(0.002f*samprate);
	a->gain.fix = 10.0;

	a->slope = slope;
	a->gain.top = MaxGain;
	a->hangthresh = a->gain.bottom = MinGain;
	a->gain.fastnow = a->gain.old = a->gain.now = CurGain;

	a->gain.limit = Limit;

	a->buff = newCXB (BufSize, Vec, "agc in buffer");
	a->circ = newvec_COMPLEX (a->mask, "circular agc buffer");
	a->mask -= 1;

	a->fasthang = 0;
	a->fasthangtime = 0.1f*a->hangtime;

	return a;
Example #9
newCorrectIQspec2 ()
	IQ iq = (IQ) safealloc (1, sizeof (iqstate), "IQ state");
	int i;															// SV1EIA AIR
	for ( i = 0; i < DEFSPEC; i++)									// SV1EIA AIR
	{																// SV1EIA AIR
		iq->phase[i] = 0.0;										// SV1EIA AIR
		iq->gain[i] = 1.0;											// SV1EIA AIR
	}																// SV1EIA AIR
	return iq;
Example #10
newCorrectIQ (REAL phase, REAL gain)
	IQ iq = (IQ) safealloc (1, sizeof (iqstate), "IQ state");
	int i;															// SV1EIA AIR
	for ( i = 0; i < DEFSPEC; i++)									// SV1EIA AIR
	{																// SV1EIA AIR
		iq->phase[i] = phase;										// SV1EIA AIR
		iq->gain[i] = gain;											// SV1EIA AIR
	}																// SV1EIA AIR
	return iq;
Example #11
/* This function creates a window */
static ELVBOOL 
vio_creategw (char *name,       /* name of new window's buffer */
              char *attributes) /* other window parameters, if any */
  VWIN *newp;

  /* if we don't have room for any more windows, then fail */
  if (o_ttyrows / (nwindows + 1) < MINHEIGHT)
      return ElvFalse;

  /* create a window */
  newp = safealloc (1, sizeof (VWIN));

  /* initialize the window */
  if (vwins)
      newp->height = 0;
      newp->pos = o_ttyrows;
      newp->height = o_ttyrows;
      newp->pos = 0;
  newp->cursx = newp->cursy = 0;
  newp->shape = CURSOR_NONE;

  /* insert the new window into the list of windows */
  newp->next = vwins;
  vwins = newp;

  /* adjust the heights of the other windows to make room for this one */
  chgsize (newp, (int)(o_ttyrows / nwindows), ElvFalse);
  drawborder (newp);

  /* make elvis do its own initialization */
  if (!eventcreate ((GUIWIN *)newp, NULL, name, newp->height, 
      /* elvis can't make it -- fail */
      safefree (newp);
      return ElvFalse;

  /* make the new window be the current window */
  current = newp;

  return ElvTrue;
Example #12
new_noiseblanker (CXB sigbuf, REAL threshold)
  NB nb = (NB) safealloc (1, sizeof (nbstate), "new nbstate");
  nb->sigbuf = sigbuf;
  nb->threshold = threshold;
  nb->average_mag = 1.0;
  nb->hangtime = 0;
  nb->sigindex = 0;
  nb->delayindex = 2;
  memset (nb->delay, 0, 8 * sizeof (COMPLEX));
  return nb;
Example #13
newPolyPhaseFIRF (int filterMemoryBuffLength,
		  int indexfiltMemBuf,
		  int interpFactor, int filterPhaseNum, int deciFactor)
  ResStF tmp;
  tmp = (ResStF) safealloc (1, sizeof (resamplerF), "PF Resampler");
  tmp->indexfiltMemBuf = indexfiltMemBuf;
  tmp->interpFactor = interpFactor;
  tmp->filterPhaseNum = filterPhaseNum;
  tmp->deciFactor = deciFactor;
  tmp->numFiltTaps = 19839;
  tmp->filterMemoryBuffLength =
    nblock2 (max (filterMemoryBuffLength, tmp->numFiltTaps));
  tmp->MASK = tmp->filterMemoryBuffLength - 1;
  tmp->filterMemoryBuff =
    (float *) safealloc (tmp->filterMemoryBuffLength, sizeof (REAL),
			 "Filter buff: resampler");
  tmp->filter =
    newFIR_Lowpass_REAL (0.45f, (REAL) interpFactor, tmp->numFiltTaps);

  return tmp;
Example #14
newPolyPhaseFIR (int filterMemoryBuffLength,
		 int indexfiltMemBuf,
		 int interpFactor, int filterPhaseNum, int deciFactor)
  ResSt tmp;
  tmp = (ResSt) safealloc (1, sizeof (resampler), "PF Resampler");
  tmp->indexfiltMemBuf = indexfiltMemBuf;
  tmp->interpFactor = interpFactor;
  tmp->filterPhaseNum = filterPhaseNum;
  tmp->deciFactor = deciFactor;
  tmp->numFiltTaps = 31 * deciFactor;
  tmp->filterMemoryBuffLength =
    nblock2 (max (filterMemoryBuffLength, tmp->numFiltTaps));
  tmp->MASK = tmp->filterMemoryBuffLength - 1;
  tmp->filterMemoryBuff =
    (COMPLEX *) safealloc (tmp->filterMemoryBuffLength, sizeof (COMPLEX),
			   "Filter buff: resampler");
  tmp->filter =
    newFIR_Lowpass_REAL (0.45f / (REAL) deciFactor, (REAL) interpFactor,
			 31 * interpFactor);
  return tmp;
Example #15
init_spectrum (SpecBlock * sb)
	REAL phase_tmp = 0.0;
	REAL gain_tmp = 1.0;
	sb->fill = 0;

	p = newvec_COMPLEX_fftw(sb->size*16,"spectrum accum");
	sb->accum = newCXB (sb->size * 16, p, "spectrum accum");
	p = newvec_COMPLEX_fftw(sb->size, "spectrum timebuf");
	sb->timebuf = newCXB (sb->size, p, "spectrum timebuf");
	p = newvec_COMPLEX_fftw(sb->size, "spectrum timebuf");
	sb->freqbuf = newCXB (sb->size, p, "spectrum freqbuf");
	sb->window = newvec_REAL (sb->size * 16, "spectrum window");
	makewindow (BLACKMANHARRIS_WINDOW, sb->size, sb->window);
	sb->mask = sb->size - 1;
	sb->polyphase = FALSE;
	sb->output =
		(float *) safealloc (sb->size, sizeof (float), "spectrum output");
	sb->coutput = (COMPLEX *)safealloc (sb->size, sizeof (COMPLEX), "spectrum output");;
	sb->plan =
		fftwf_plan_dft_1d (sb->size, (fftwf_complex *) CXBbase (sb->timebuf),
		(fftwf_complex *) CXBbase (sb->freqbuf),
		FFTW_FORWARD, sb->planbits);
	sb->iqfix = newCorrectIQspec2();													// SV1EIA AIR
	sb->iqfix->buffer_counter = 0;														// SV1EIA AIR
	sb->iqfix->im_max_actual = 0;														// SV1EIA AIR
	sb->iqfix->im_max_test = 0;															// SV1EIA AIR
	sb->iqfix->im_min_actual = 0;														// SV1EIA AIR
	sb->iqfix->im_min_test = 0;															// SV1EIA AIR
	sb->iqfix->re_max_actual = 0;														// SV1EIA AIR
	sb->iqfix->re_max_test = 0;															// SV1EIA AIR
	sb->iqfix->re_min_actual = 0;														// SV1EIA AIR
	sb->iqfix->re_min_test = 0;															// SV1EIA AIR

Example #16
init_spectrum (SpecBlock * sb)
	sb->fill = 0;

	p = newvec_COMPLEX_16(sb->size*16,"spectrum accum");
	sb->accum = newCXB (sb->size * 16, p, "spectrum accum");
	p = newvec_COMPLEX_16(sb->size, "spectrum timebuf");
	sb->timebuf = newCXB (sb->size, p, "spectrum timebuf");
	p = newvec_COMPLEX_16(sb->size, "spectrum timebuf");
	sb->freqbuf = newCXB (sb->size, p, "spectrum freqbuf");
	sb->window = newvec_REAL (sb->size * 16, "spectrum window");
	makewindow (BLACKMANHARRIS_WINDOW, sb->size, sb->window);
	sb->mask = sb->size - 1;
	sb->polyphase = FALSE;
	sb->output =
		(float *) safealloc (sb->size, sizeof (float), "spectrum output");
	sb->coutput = (COMPLEX *)safealloc (sb->size, sizeof (COMPLEX), "spectrum output");;
	sb->plan =
		fftwf_plan_dft_1d (sb->size, (fftwf_complex *) CXBbase (sb->timebuf),
		(fftwf_complex *) CXBbase (sb->freqbuf),
		FFTW_FORWARD, sb->planbits);
Example #17
newWSCompander (int npts, REAL fac, CXB buff)
	WSCompander wsc;

	wsc = (WSCompander) safealloc (1,
		sizeof (WSCompanderInfo),
		"WSCompander struct");
	wsc->npts = npts;
	wsc->nend = npts - 1;
	wsc->tbl = newvec_REAL (npts, "WSCompander table");
	wsc->buff = newCXB (CXBsize (buff), CXBbase (buff), "WSCompander buff");
	WSCReset (wsc, fac);
	return wsc;
Example #18
newCXB (int size, COMPLEX * base, char *tag)
  CXB p = (CXB) safealloc (1, sizeof (CXBuffer), tag);
  if (base)
      CXBbase (p) = base;
      CXBmine (p) = FALSE;
      CXBbase (p) = newvec_COMPLEX (size, "newCXB");
      CXBmine (p) = TRUE;
  CXBsize (p) = CXBwant (p) = size;
  CXBovlp (p) = CXBhave (p) = CXBdone (p) = 0;
  return p;
Example #19
newRLB (int size, REAL * base, char *tag)
  RLB p = (RLB) safealloc (1, sizeof (RLBuffer), tag);
  if (base)
      RLBbase (p) = base;
      RLBmine (p) = FALSE;
      RLBbase (p) = newvec_REAL (size, "newRLB");
      RLBmine (p) = TRUE;
  RLBsize (p) = RLBwant (p) = size;
  RLBovlp (p) = RLBhave (p) = RLBdone (p) = 0;
  return p;
Example #20
new_blms (CXB signal, REAL adaptation_rate, REAL leak_rate, int filter_type,
	  int pbits)
  BLMS tmp;
  tmp = (BLMS) safealloc (1, sizeof (_blocklms), "block lms");
  tmp->delay_line = newvec_COMPLEX (256, "block lms delay line");
  tmp->y = newvec_COMPLEX (256, "block lms output signal");
  tmp->Yhat = newvec_COMPLEX (256, "block lms output transform");
  tmp->Errhat = newvec_COMPLEX (256, "block lms Error transform");
  tmp->error = newvec_COMPLEX (256, "block lms Error signal");
  tmp->Xhat = newvec_COMPLEX (256, "block lms signal transform");
  tmp->What = newvec_COMPLEX (256, "block lms filter transform");
  tmp->Update = newvec_COMPLEX (256, "block lms update transform");
  tmp->update = newvec_COMPLEX (256, "block lms update signal");
  tmp->adaptation_rate = adaptation_rate;
  tmp->leak_rate = 1.0f - leak_rate;
  tmp->signal = signal;
  tmp->filter_type = filter_type;
  tmp->Xplan = fftwf_plan_dft_1d (256,
				  (fftwf_complex *) tmp->delay_line,
				  (fftwf_complex *) tmp->Xhat,
				  FFTW_FORWARD, pbits);

  tmp->Yplan = fftwf_plan_dft_1d (256,
				  (fftwf_complex *) tmp->Yhat,
				  (fftwf_complex *) tmp->y,
				  FFTW_BACKWARD, pbits);

  tmp->Errhatplan = fftwf_plan_dft_1d (256,
				       (fftwf_complex *) tmp->error,
				       (fftwf_complex *) tmp->Errhat,
				       FFTW_FORWARD, pbits);
  tmp->UPDplan = fftwf_plan_dft_1d (256,
				    (fftwf_complex *) tmp->Errhat,
				    (fftwf_complex *) tmp->update,
				    FFTW_BACKWARD, pbits);
  tmp->Wplan = fftwf_plan_dft_1d (256,
				  (fftwf_complex *) tmp->update,
				  (fftwf_complex *) tmp->Update,
				  FFTW_FORWARD, pbits);
  return tmp;
Example #21
char *strdup(const char *str)
# else /* don't USE_PROTOTYPES */
char *strdup(str)
	char	*str;
# endif /* don't USE_PROTOTYPES */

	char	*ret;

	ret = (char *)safealloc(strlen(str) + 1, sizeof(char));
	strcpy(ret, str);
	return ret;
#endif /* NEED_STRDUP */

void *memmove(void *dest, const void *src, size_t size)
# else /* don't USE_PROTOTYPES */
void *memmove(dest, src, size)
	void	*dest;
	void	*src;
	size_t	size;
# endif /* don't USE_PROTOTYPES */
	register char	*d, *s;

	d = (char *)dest;
	s = (char *)src;
	if (d <= s)
		for (; size > 0; size--)
			*d++ = *s++;
		for (d += size, s += size; size > 0; size--)
			*--d = *--s;
	return dest;
Example #22
newAMD (REAL samprate,
	REAL f_initial,
	REAL f_lobound,
	REAL f_hibound,
	REAL f_bandwid,
	int size, COMPLEX * ivec, COMPLEX * ovec, AMMode mode, char *tag)
	AMD am = (AMD) safealloc (1, sizeof (AMDDesc), tag);

	am->size = size;
	am->ibuf = newCXB (size, ivec, tag);
	am->obuf = newCXB (size, ovec, tag);
	am->mode = mode;
	init_pll (am, samprate, f_initial, f_lobound, f_hibound, f_bandwid);

	am->lock.curr = 0.5;
	am->lock.prev = 1.0;
	am->dc = 0.0;

	return am;
Example #23
new_lmsr (CXB signal,
	  int delay,
	  REAL adaptation_rate,
	  REAL leakage, int adaptive_filter_size, int filter_type)
  LMSR lms = (LMSR) safealloc (1, sizeof (_lmsstate), "new_lmsr state");

  lms->signal = signal;
  lms->signal_size = CXBsize (lms->signal);
  lms->delay = delay;
  lms->size = 512;
  lms->mask = lms->size - 1;
  lms->delay_line = newvec_REAL (lms->size, "lmsr delay");
  lms->adaptation_rate = adaptation_rate;
  lms->leakage = leakage;
  lms->adaptive_filter_size = adaptive_filter_size;
  lms->adaptive_filter = newvec_REAL (128, "lmsr filter");
  lms->filter_type = filter_type;
  lms->delay_line_ptr = 0;

  return lms;
Example #24
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
newFMD(REAL samprate,
       REAL f_initial,
       REAL f_lobound,
       REAL f_hibound,
       REAL f_bandwid,
       int size,
       COMPLEX *ivec,
       COMPLEX *ovec,
       char *tag) {
  FMD fm = (FMD) safealloc(1, sizeof(FMDDesc), tag);

  fm->size = size;
  fm->ibuf = newCXB(size, ivec, tag);
  fm->obuf = newCXB(size, ovec, tag);

  init_pll(fm, samprate, f_initial, f_lobound, f_hibound, f_bandwid);

  fm->lock = 0.5;
  fm->afc = 0.0;
  fm->cvt = (REAL) (0.45 * samprate / (M_PI * f_bandwid));

  return fm;
Example #25
newSpotToneGen (REAL gain,	// dB
		REAL freq, REAL rise,	// ms
		REAL fall,	// ms
		int size, REAL samplerate)

  SpotToneGen st = (SpotToneGen) safealloc (1,
					    sizeof (SpotToneGenDesc),

  setSpotToneGenVals (st, gain, freq, rise, fall);
  st->size = size;
  st->sr = samplerate;

  st->osc.gen = newOSC (st->size,
			st->osc.freq, 0.0, st->sr, "SpotTone osc");

  // overload oscillator buf
  st->buf = newCXB (st->size, OSCCbase (st->osc.gen), "SpotToneGen buf");

  return st;
Example #26
newvec_REAL (int size, char *tag)
  return (REAL *) safealloc (size, sizeof (REAL), tag);
Example #27
/* Write one row of pixel values */
inline void write_one_line(pixel* line, int cols, FILE* outfile)
  int i, index;
  unsigned int* maptable;
  /* No mapping tables used */
    if (bpp16==FALSE)
      unsigned char* line8;
      line8 = (unsigned char*)safealloc(cols);
      for (i=0; i< cols; i++)
        *(line8+i)=(unsigned char)ENDIAN8(*(line+i));
      fwrite(line8, sizeof(unsigned char), cols, outfile);

    } else {
      fwrite(line, sizeof(short), cols, outfile);

  /* Mapping tables used */
    if (bpp16==FALSE)
      /* Write one byte per table entry */
      if (head_scan[0]->Wt == 1)
        unsigned char* line8;
        line8 = (unsigned char*)safealloc(cols);  /* If don't have 2, it mallocs over the table? */

        maptable = head_scan[0]->TABLE[head_scan[0]->TID];

        for (i=0; i<cols; i++)
          index = *(line+i);
          *(line8+i) = ENDIAN8(maptable[index]);

        fwrite(line8, sizeof(unsigned char), cols, outfile);

      /* Write two bytes per table entry */
      else if (head_scan[0]->Wt == 2)
        unsigned short* line16;
        line16 = (unsigned short*)safealloc(cols*2);

        maptable = head_scan[0]->TABLE[head_scan[0]->TID];

        for (i=0; i<cols; i++)
          index = *(line+i);
          *(line16+i) = (unsigned short) maptable[index];

        fwrite(line16, sizeof(short), cols, outfile);

      /* Write three bytes per table entry */
      else if (head_scan[0]->Wt == 3)
        unsigned char* line8_3;
        line8_3 = (unsigned char*)safealloc(cols*3);

        maptable = head_scan[0]->TABLE[head_scan[0]->TID];

        for (i=0; i<cols; i++)
          index = *(line+i);
          *(line8_3 + (i*3)) =  (unsigned char) (maptable[index] >> 16);
          *(line8_3 + (i*3) + 1) = (unsigned char) (maptable[index] >> 8);
          *(line8_3 + (i*3) + 2) = (unsigned char) (maptable[index]);

        fwrite(line8_3, sizeof(char), cols*3, outfile);


    /* Can't do 16 bit index values */
Example #28
newvec_IMAG (int size, char *tag)
  return (IMAG *) safealloc (size, sizeof (IMAG), tag);
Example #29
newvec_COMPLEX (int size, char *tag)
  return (COMPLEX *) safealloc (size, sizeof (COMPLEX), tag);
Example #30
newDttSPAgc (AGCMODE mode,
			 COMPLEX *Vec,
			 int BufSize,   // Size of the input buffer
			 REAL target,   // The target voltage
			 REAL attack,   // Attack time constant in msec
			 REAL decay,    // Decay time constant in msec
			 REAL slope,    // Rate of change of gain after agc threshold is exceeded
			 REAL hangtime, // Hang Time in msec where NO decay is allowed in the agc
			 REAL samprate, // Sample Rate so time can be turned into sample number
			 REAL MaxGain,  // Maximum allowable gain
			 REAL MinGain,  // Minimum gain (can be -dB / less than 1.0 as in ALC or strong signals on receive
			 REAL CurGain,  // The initial gain setting
			 char *tag)     // String to emit when error conditions occur

	a = (DTTSPAGC) safealloc (1, sizeof (dttspagc), tag);
	a->mode = mode;

	// Attack: decrease gain when input signal will produce an output signal above the target voltage
	// Decay:  increase gain when input signal will produce an output signal below the target voltage
	// Compute exponential attack rate per sample from attack time and sampler rate.
	a->attack = (REAL) (1.0 - exp (-1000.0 / (attack * samprate))); 
	// Compute 1.0 - attack time.
	a->one_m_attack = (REAL) (1.0 - a->attack);

	// Compute exponential decay rate per sample from attack time and sampler rate.
	a->decay = (REAL) (1.0 - exp (-1000.0 / (decay * samprate)));
	// Compute 1.0 - decay time.
	a->one_m_decay = (REAL) (1.0 - a->decay);

	// Our system has a two track agc response.  The normal one found in most receive
	// systems is the determined from the calculations we just made.
	// Ours has a fast track agc which is designed to prevent large pulse signals from pushing
	// us into serious attack and wait for a long decay when the signal is short duration < 3 time constants for attack

	// Compute exponential fast attack rate per sample from fast attack time and sampler rate.
	a->fastattack = (REAL) (1.0 - exp (-1000.0 / (0.2 * samprate)));
	// Compute 1.0 - fast attack time.
	a->one_m_fastattack = (REAL) (1.0 - a->fastattack);

	// Compute exponential fast decay rate per sample from fast attack time and sampler rate.
	a->fastdecay = (REAL) (1.0 - exp (-1000.0 / (3.0 * samprate)));
	// Compute 1.0 - fast decay time.
	a->one_m_fastdecay = (REAL) (1.0 - a->fastdecay);

	// Save the error identification message
	strcpy (a->tag, tag);

	// This computes the index max for our circular buffer
	a->mask = 2 * BufSize - 1;
	// Hangtime:  This is a period of NO allowed decay even though we need to increase gain to stay at target level
	// hangindex is used to compute how deep into the hang interval we are.
	a->hangindex = a->slowindx = 0;
	// Change hang time to hang length in samples using time and sample rate.
	a->hangtime = hangtime * 0.001f;
	//a->hangthresh = 0.0; // not neccessary?
	// We BEGIN applying decreasing gain 3 time constants ahead of the signals arrival to narrow the modulation
	// spread arising from modulating the signal with the agc gain.  The index to application of computed gain
	// sndx and it is computed as number of samples in 3 attack time constants
	a->out_indx = (int) (samprate * attack * 0.003f);

	// We do the same anticipation in the fast channel but we only do two time constants.
	a->fastindx = (int)(0.0027f*samprate);
	// see update.c:SetRAGC()
	a->gain.fix = 10000.0;

	// Slope:  The rate at which gain is decreased as signal strength increases after it exceeds the agc threshold
	// that is, after the required gain to reach the desired output level is LESS THAN the maximum allowable gain.
	a->slope = slope;

	// gain.top = Maxgain which is the maximum allowable gain.  This determines the agc threshold
	a->gain.top = MaxGain;
	// gain.bottom = MinGain is the minimum allowable gain.  If < 0dB or 1.0, then this is an attenuation.
	a->hangthresh = a->gain.bottom = MinGain;
	// Initialize the gain state to an initial value
	a->gain.fastnow = a->gain.old = a->gain.now = CurGain;

	// Set the target voltage.
	a->gain.target = target;

	// Given the vector of input samples,  make a local complex buffer (struct to handle metadata associated with
	// the vector or array of samples
	a->buff = newCXB (BufSize, Vec, "agc in buffer");
	// Use a circular buffer for efficiency in dealing with the anticipatory part of the agc algorithm
	a->circ = newvec_COMPLEX (2 * BufSize, "circular agc buffer");

	// intialize fast hang index to 0
	a->fasthang = 0;

	// Whatever the hangtime is for the slow channel, make the fast agc channel hangtime 10% of it
	a->fasthangtime = 0.1f*a->hangtime;

	return a;