Example #1
void Inverse_SO3_Naive_fftw( int bw,
			     fftw_complex *coeffs,
			     fftw_complex *data,
			     fftw_complex *workspace_cx,
			     fftw_complex *workspace_cx2,
			     double *workspace_re,
			     fftw_plan *p1,
			     int flag )
  int j, n ;
  int m1, m2 ;
  int sampHere , coefHere ;
  int sampHere2 ;
  fftw_complex *coeffsPtr, *dataPtr ;
  double *sinPts, *cosPts, *sinPts2, *cosPts2 ;
  double *wignersTrans, *scratch ;
  double dn ;

  n = 2 * bw ;

  /* I'll need these for later */
  dataPtr = workspace_cx ; ;
  coeffsPtr = coeffs ;

  sinPts = workspace_re ;
  cosPts = sinPts + n ;
  sinPts2 = cosPts + n ;
  cosPts2 = sinPts2 + n ;
  wignersTrans = cosPts2 + n ;
  scratch = wignersTrans + ( bw * n ) ; /* wignersTrans need at most bw*n
					   space AT ANY given orders m1, m2 */

    before going further, let's precompute all the sines
    and cosines I'll need. No matter what order transform
    I'm doing, these'll stay the same.
  SinEvalPts( n, sinPts );
  CosEvalPts( n, cosPts );
  SinEvalPts2( n, sinPts2 );
  CosEvalPts2( n, cosPts2 );

  /* Stage 0.5: Need to normalize the numbers before
     doing the IDWT
  /* no! I can wait till the end */
    dn = ( ((double) bw) / M_PI ) ;
    for ( j = 0 ; j < totalCoeffs_so3( bw ) ; j++ )
    workspace_cx[ j ][0] = coeffs[j][0] * dn ;
    workspace_cx[ j ][1] = coeffs[j][1] * dn ;

    Stage 1: Do the Inverse Wigner transform. The rcoeffs, icoeffs
    arrays are assumed to be in the same "arrangement" as that produced
    by Forward_SO3_Naive().

    Since I'm working with two order indeces, m1 and m2, the
    for-loops will be more intricate than in the case of the
    "ordinary" spherical transform on S^2.

    Also, I will be taking advantage of the symmetries of the
    Wigner-d functions. As long as I keep my signs and flips
    right, the Wigner-d's I precompute for an order (m1, m2)
    transform can generally  be used in seven more transforms:
    (m1,-m2), (m2,m1), (m2,-m1), (-m2,m1), (-m2,-m1), (-m1,m2)
    and (-m1,-m2).

    The for-loops will be "designed" as follows. They will be
    divided into cases according to the orders:

    0) {f_{0,0}} inverse transform

    1) for 0 <= m1 <= bw-1
    compute inverse transform of
    i)   {f_{ m1, m1}}
    ii)  {f_{-m1,-m1}}
    iii) {f_{-m1, m1}}
    iv)  {f_{ m1,-m1}}

    2) for 1 <= m1 <= bw-1
    compute inverse transform of
    i)   {f_{ m1,  0}}
    ii)  {f_{-m1,  0}}
    iii) {f_{  0, m1}}
    iv)  {f_{  0,-m1}}

    3) for 1 <= m1 <= bw-1
    for m1+1 <= m2 <= bw-1
    compute inverse transform 
    i)    {f_{ m1, m2}}
    ii)   {f_{-m1,-m2}}
    iii)  {f_{ m1,-m2}}
    iv)   {f_{-m1, m2}}
    v)    {f_{ m2, m1}}
    vi)   {f_{-m2,-m1}}
    vii)  {f_{ m2,-m1}}
    viii) {f_{-m2, m1}}

    If assumptions are made regarding the original input signal,
    e.g. it's strictly real, then one may take advantage of
    symmetries of the big D wigners (i.e. function of all 3
    parameters alpha, beta, gamma) and so simplify the for-loops
    some and hence increase the speed of the program. However,
    the for-loops to follow will make no such assumptions.
    Whether the signal is real or complex, these for-loops will
    handle it.

    Fasten your seatbelt, folks. It's going to be a bumpy ride.


  /* NOTE that I'm using the rdata, idata arrays as tmp space
     in the early going of the function */

  /*                         */
  /* {f_{0,0}} coefficient   */
  /*                         */
  /* compute the wigners I'll need */
  genWigTrans_L2( 0, 0, bw,
		  sinPts, cosPts,
		  sinPts2, cosPts2,
		  wignersTrans, scratch ) ;
  /* now, get the locations of where the
     samples I have to transform are, and
     where the coefficients have to go */
  sampHere = sampLoc_so3( 0, 0, bw ) ;
  coefHere = coefLoc_so3( 0, 0, bw ) ;
  /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
  coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
  dataPtr = data ;
  /* now advance by the computed amounts */
  dataPtr += sampHere ;
  coeffsPtr += coefHere ;
  /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
     of the data */
  wigNaiveSynthesis_fftw( 0, 0, bw, coeffsPtr,
			  wignersTrans, dataPtr,
			  workspace_cx2 ) ;

  /*** 0 <= m1 <= bw-1 ***/
  for ( m1 = 1 ; m1 < bw ; m1 ++ )
      /* compute the wigners I'll need */
      genWigTrans_L2( m1, m1, bw,
		      sinPts, cosPts,
		      sinPts2, cosPts2,
		      wignersTrans, scratch ) ;
      /*                         */
      /* {f_{m1,m1}} coefficient */
      /*                         */

      /* now, get the locations of where the
	 samples I have to transform are, and
	 where the coefficients have to go */

      sampHere = sampLoc_so3( m1, m1, bw ) ;
      coefHere = coefLoc_so3( m1, m1, bw ) ;

      /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
      coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
      dataPtr = data ; ;
      /* now advance by the computed amounts */
      dataPtr += sampHere ;
      coeffsPtr += coefHere ;

      /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
	 of the data */

      wigNaiveSynthesis_fftw( m1, m1, bw, coeffsPtr,
			      wignersTrans, dataPtr,
			      workspace_cx2 ) ;
      /*                           */
      /* {f_{-m1,-m1}} coefficient */
      /*                           */
      if ( flag == 0 ) /* if data is complex */
	  /* now, get the locations of where the
	     samples I have to transform are, and
	     where the coefficients have to go */
	  sampHere = sampLoc_so3( -m1, -m1, bw ) ;
	  coefHere = coefLoc_so3( -m1, -m1, bw ) ;
	  /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
	  coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
	  dataPtr = data ; ;
	  /* now advance by the computed amounts */
	  dataPtr += sampHere ;
	  coeffsPtr += coefHere ;
	  /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
	     of the data */
	  wigNaiveSynthesis_fftw( -m1, -m1, bw, coeffsPtr,
				  wignersTrans, dataPtr,
				  workspace_cx2 ) ;
      else  /* otherwise, use symmetry */
	  sampHere = sampLoc_so3( m1, m1, bw );
	  sampHere2 = sampLoc_so3( -m1, -m1, bw );
	  for ( j = 0 ; j < 2*bw ; j ++ )
	      data[sampHere2+j][0] = data[sampHere+j][0];
	      data[sampHere2+j][1] = -data[sampHere+j][1];


      /*                           */
      /* {f_{-m1,m1}} coefficient  */
      /*                           */

      /* now, get the locations of where the
	 samples I have to transform are, and
	 where the coefficients have to go */

      sampHere = sampLoc_so3( -m1, m1, bw ) ;
      coefHere = coefLoc_so3( -m1, m1, bw ) ;

      /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
      coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
      dataPtr = data ; ;
      /* now advance by the computed amounts */
      dataPtr += sampHere ;
      coeffsPtr += coefHere ;

      /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
	 of the data */

      wigNaiveSynthesis_fftwY( -m1, m1, bw, coeffsPtr,
			       wignersTrans, dataPtr,
			       workspace_cx2 ) ;

      /*                           */
      /* {f_{m1,-m1}} coefficient  */
      /*                           */

      if ( flag == 0 )  /* if data is complex */
	  /* now, get the locations of where the
	     samples I have to transform are, and
	     where the coefficients have to go */
	  sampHere = sampLoc_so3( m1, -m1, bw ) ;
	  coefHere = coefLoc_so3( m1, -m1, bw ) ;
	  /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
	  coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
	  dataPtr = data ; ;
	  /* now advance by the computed amounts */
	  dataPtr += sampHere ;
	  coeffsPtr += coefHere ;
	  /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
	     of the data */
	  wigNaiveSynthesis_fftwY( m1, -m1, bw, coeffsPtr,
				   wignersTrans, dataPtr,
				   workspace_cx2 ) ;
      else  /* otherwise, use symmetry */
	  sampHere = sampLoc_so3( -m1, m1, bw );
	  sampHere2 = sampLoc_so3( m1, -m1, bw );
	  for ( j = 0 ; j < 2*bw ; j ++ )
	      data[sampHere2+j][0] = data[sampHere+j][0];
	      data[sampHere2+j][1] = -data[sampHere+j][1];


  /*** for 1 <= m1 <= bw-1 ***/
  for ( m1 = 1 ; m1 < bw ; m1 ++ )
      /* compute the wigners I'll need */
      genWigTrans_L2( m1, 0, bw,
		      sinPts, cosPts,
		      sinPts2, cosPts2,
		      wignersTrans, scratch ) ;

      /*                         */
      /* {f_{m1,0}} coefficient */
      /*                         */

      /* get the locations of where the
	 samples I have to transform are, and
	 where the coefficients have to go */

      sampHere = sampLoc_so3( m1, 0, bw ) ;
      coefHere = coefLoc_so3( m1, 0, bw ) ;

      /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
      coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
      dataPtr = data ; ;
      /* now advance by the computed amounts */
      dataPtr += sampHere ;
      coeffsPtr += coefHere ;

      /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
	 of the data */

      wigNaiveSynthesis_fftw( m1, 0, bw, coeffsPtr,
			      wignersTrans, dataPtr,
			      workspace_cx2 ) ;

      /*                         */
      /* {f_{-m1,0}} coefficient */
      /*                         */

      if ( flag == 0 ) /* if data is complex */
	  /* get the locations of where the
	     samples I have to transform are, and
	     where the coefficients have to go */

	  sampHere = sampLoc_so3( -m1, 0, bw ) ;
	  coefHere = coefLoc_so3( -m1, 0, bw ) ;

	  /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
	  coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
	  dataPtr = data ; ;
	  /* now advance by the computed amounts */
	  dataPtr += sampHere ;
	  coeffsPtr += coefHere ;

	  /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
	     of the data */

	  wigNaiveSynthesis_fftwX( -m1, 0, bw, coeffsPtr,
				   wignersTrans, dataPtr,
				   workspace_cx2 ) ;

      else  /* otherwise, use symmetry */
	  sampHere = sampLoc_so3( m1, 0, bw );
	  sampHere2 = sampLoc_so3( -m1, 0, bw );

	  for ( j = 0 ; j < 2*bw ; j ++ )
	      data[sampHere2+j][0] = data[sampHere+j][0];
	      data[sampHere2+j][1] = -data[sampHere+j][1];

      /*                         */
      /* {f_{0,m1}} coefficient */
      /*                         */

      /* get the locations of where the
	 samples I have to transform are, and
	 where the coefficients have to go */

      sampHere = sampLoc_so3( 0, m1, bw ) ;
      coefHere = coefLoc_so3( 0, m1, bw ) ;

      /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
      coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
      dataPtr = data ; ;
      /* now advance by the computed amounts */
      dataPtr += sampHere ;
      coeffsPtr += coefHere ;

      /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
	 of the data */
      wigNaiveSynthesis_fftwX( 0, m1, bw, coeffsPtr,
			       wignersTrans, dataPtr,
			       workspace_cx2 ) ;

      /*                         */
      /* {f_{0,-m1}} coefficient */
      /*                         */

      if ( flag == 0 ) /* if data is complex */
	  /* get the locations of where the
	     samples I have to transform are, and
	     where the coefficients have to go */
	  sampHere = sampLoc_so3( 0, -m1, bw ) ;
	  coefHere = coefLoc_so3( 0, -m1, bw ) ;
	  /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
	  coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
	  dataPtr = data ; ;
	  /* now advance by the computed amounts */
	  dataPtr += sampHere ;
	  coeffsPtr += coefHere ;
	  /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
	     of the data */
	  wigNaiveSynthesis_fftw( 0, -m1, bw, coeffsPtr,
				  wignersTrans, dataPtr,
				  workspace_cx2 ) ;
      else  /* otherwise, use symmetry */
	  sampHere = sampLoc_so3( 0, m1, bw );
	  sampHere2 = sampLoc_so3( 0, -m1, bw );

	  for ( j = 0 ; j < 2*bw ; j ++ )
	      data[sampHere2+j][0] = data[sampHere+j][0];
	      data[sampHere2+j][1] = -data[sampHere+j][1];

      1 <= m1 <= bw-1
      m1+1 <= m2 <= bw-1

  for ( m1 = 1 ; m1 < bw ; m1 ++ )
      for ( m2 = m1 + 1 ; m2 < bw ; m2 ++ )

	  /* compute the wigners I'll need */
	  genWigTrans_L2( m1, m2, bw,
			  sinPts, cosPts,
			  sinPts2, cosPts2,
			  wignersTrans, scratch ) ;

	  /*                         */
	  /* {f_{m1,m2}} coefficient */
	  /*                         */

	  /* get the locations of where the
	     samples I have to transform are, and
	     where the coefficients have to go */
	  sampHere = sampLoc_so3( m1, m2, bw ) ;
	  coefHere = coefLoc_so3( m1, m2, bw ) ;

	  /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
	  coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
	  dataPtr = data ; ;
	  /* now advance by the computed amounts */
	  dataPtr += sampHere ;
	  coeffsPtr += coefHere ;
	  /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
	     of the data */
	  wigNaiveSynthesis_fftw( m1, m2, bw, coeffsPtr,
				  wignersTrans, dataPtr,
				  workspace_cx2 ) ;

	  /*                           */
	  /* {f_{-m1,-m2}} coefficient */
	  /*                           */

	  if ( flag == 0 ) /* if data is complex */
	      /* get the locations of where the
		 samples I have to transform are, and
		 where the coefficients have to go */
	      sampHere = sampLoc_so3( -m1, -m2, bw ) ;
	      coefHere = coefLoc_so3( -m1, -m2, bw ) ;
	      /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
	      coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
	      dataPtr = data ; ;
	      /* now advance by the computed amounts */
	      dataPtr += sampHere ;
	      coeffsPtr += coefHere ;
	      /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
		 of the data */
	      wigNaiveSynthesis_fftwX( -m1, -m2, bw, coeffsPtr,
				       wignersTrans, dataPtr,
				       workspace_cx2 ) ;
	  else  /* otherwise, use symmetry */
	      sampHere = sampLoc_so3( m1, m2, bw );
	      sampHere2 = sampLoc_so3( -m1, -m2, bw );

	      for ( j = 0 ; j < 2*bw ; j ++ )
		  data[sampHere2+j][0] = data[sampHere+j][0];
		  data[sampHere2+j][1] = -data[sampHere+j][1];


	  /*                          */
	  /* {f_{m1,-m2}} coefficient */
	  /*                          */

	  /* get the locations of where the
	     samples I have to transform are, and
	     where the coefficients have to go */
	  sampHere = sampLoc_so3( m1, -m2, bw ) ;
	  coefHere = coefLoc_so3( m1, -m2, bw ) ;

	  /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
	  coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
	  dataPtr = data ; ;
	  /* now advance by the computed amounts */
	  dataPtr += sampHere ;
	  coeffsPtr += coefHere ;
	  /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
	     of the data */

	  wigNaiveSynthesis_fftwY( m1, -m2, bw, coeffsPtr,
				   wignersTrans, dataPtr,
				   workspace_cx2 ) ;

	  /*                           */
	  /* {f_{-m1,m2}} coefficient  */
	  /*                           */

	  if ( flag == 0 ) /* if data is complex */
	      /* get the locations of where the
		 samples I have to transform are, and
		 where the coefficients have to go */
	      sampHere = sampLoc_so3( -m1, m2, bw ) ;
	      coefHere = coefLoc_so3( -m1, m2, bw ) ;
	      /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
	      coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
	      dataPtr = data ; ;
	      /* now advance by the computed amounts */
	      dataPtr += sampHere ;
	      coeffsPtr += coefHere ;
	      /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
		 of the data */
	      wigNaiveSynthesis_fftwY( -m1, m2, bw, coeffsPtr,
				       wignersTrans, dataPtr,
				       workspace_cx2 ) ;
	  else  /* otherwise, use symmetry */
	      sampHere = sampLoc_so3( m1, -m2, bw );
	      sampHere2 = sampLoc_so3( -m1, m2, bw );

	      for ( j = 0 ; j < 2*bw ; j ++ )
		  data[sampHere2+j][0] = data[sampHere+j][0];
		  data[sampHere2+j][1] = -data[sampHere+j][1];


	  /*                         */
	  /* {f_{m2,m1}} coefficient */
	  /*                         */
	  /* get the locations of where the
	     samples I have to transform are, and
	     where the coefficients have to go */
	  sampHere = sampLoc_so3( m2, m1, bw ) ;
	  coefHere = coefLoc_so3( m2, m1, bw ) ;

	  /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
	  coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
	  dataPtr = data ; ;
	  /* now advance by the computed amounts */
	  dataPtr += sampHere ;
	  coeffsPtr += coefHere ;
	  /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
	     of the data */

	  wigNaiveSynthesis_fftwX( m2, m1, bw, coeffsPtr,
				   wignersTrans, dataPtr,
				   workspace_cx2 ) ;

	  /*                           */
	  /* {f_{-m2,-m1}} coefficient */
	  /*                           */

	  if ( flag == 0 ) /* if data is complex */
	      /* get the locations of where the
		 samples I have to transform are, and
		 where the coefficients have to go */
	      sampHere = sampLoc_so3( -m2, -m1, bw ) ;
	      coefHere = coefLoc_so3( -m2, -m1, bw ) ;

	      /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
	      coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
	      dataPtr = data ; ;
	      /* now advance by the computed amounts */
	      dataPtr += sampHere ;
	      coeffsPtr += coefHere ;
	      /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
		 of the data */
	      wigNaiveSynthesis_fftw( -m2, -m1, bw, coeffsPtr,
				      wignersTrans, dataPtr,
				      workspace_cx2 ) ;
	  else  /* otherwise, use symmetry */
	      sampHere = sampLoc_so3( m2, m1, bw );
	      sampHere2 = sampLoc_so3( -m2, -m1, bw );

	      for ( j = 0 ; j < 2*bw ; j ++ )
		  data[sampHere2+j][0] = data[sampHere+j][0];
		  data[sampHere2+j][1] = -data[sampHere+j][1];


	  /*                          */
	  /* {f_{m2,-m1}} coefficient */
	  /*                          */

	  /* get the locations of where the
	     samples I have to transform are, and
	     where the coefficients have to go */
	  sampHere = sampLoc_so3( m2, -m1, bw ) ;
	  coefHere = coefLoc_so3( m2, -m1, bw ) ;

	  /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
	  coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
	  dataPtr = data ; ;
	  /* now advance by the computed amounts */
	  dataPtr += sampHere ;
	  coeffsPtr += coefHere ;
	  /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
	     of the data */

	  wigNaiveSynthesis_fftwY( m1, -m2, bw, coeffsPtr,
				   wignersTrans, dataPtr,
				   workspace_cx2 ) ;

	  /*                          */
	  /* {f_{-m2,m1}} coefficient */
	  /*                          */
	  if ( flag == 0 ) /* if data is complex */
	      /* get the locations of where the
		 samples I have to transform are, and
		 where the coefficients have to go */
	      sampHere = sampLoc_so3( -m2, m1, bw ) ;
	      coefHere = coefLoc_so3( -m2, m1, bw ) ;

	      /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
	      coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
	      dataPtr = data ; ;
	      /* now advance by the computed amounts */
	      dataPtr += sampHere ;
	      coeffsPtr += coefHere ;
	      /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
		 of the data */

	      wigNaiveSynthesis_fftwY( -m1, m2, bw, coeffsPtr,
				       wignersTrans, dataPtr,
				       workspace_cx2 ) ;
	  else  /* otherwise, use symmetry */
	      sampHere = sampLoc_so3( m2, -m1, bw );
	      sampHere2 = sampLoc_so3( -m2, m1, bw );

	      for ( j = 0 ; j < 2*bw ; j ++ )
		  data[sampHere2+j][0] = data[sampHere+j][0];
		  data[sampHere2+j][1] = -data[sampHere+j][1];


  /* I need to set some zeros
     so that I can take the fft correctly */

  /* reset ptrs to correct starting positions */
  dataPtr = data + (n)*(bw) ;

  for ( m1 = 0 ; m1 < bw  ; m1 ++ )
      memset( dataPtr, 0, sizeof(fftw_complex) * n );
      dataPtr += (2*n)*(bw) ;

  dataPtr = data + bw*n*(n);
  memset( dataPtr, 0, sizeof(fftw_complex) * n * n );
  dataPtr += n * n + n*bw;

  for ( m1 = 1 ; m1 < bw  ; m1 ++ )
      memset( dataPtr, 0, sizeof(fftw_complex) * n );
      dataPtr += (2*n)*(bw) ;

    Stage 2: transpose! Note I'm using the rdata, idata arrays
    as tmp space
  transpose_cx( data, workspace_cx, n, n*n ) ;

    Stage 3: FFT the "rows". Instead of treating the signal as
    3-D object, I can also think of it as an array of size
    (n^2) x n. This means all I'm doing in the first stage
    is taking n^2-many FFTs, each of length n.

    NOTE: Since I'm reusing the FFT code from SpharmonicKit,
    even though I'm doing the INVERSE SO(3) transform
    here, I need to call grid_fourier  -> the signs
    on the complex exponentials are switched (detailed
    explanation to be put here eventually, but trust

  fftw_execute( *p1 ) ;

  /* normalize the Fourier coefficients (sorry, have to do it) */
  /* no! I can wait till the end */
    dn = sqrt( (double) n );
    for ( j = 0 ; j < n*n*n; j++ )
    data[ j ][0] *= dn ;
    data[ j ][1] *= dn ;

    dn = 1./( (double) n );
    for ( j = 0 ; j < n*n*n; j++ )
    data[ j ][0] *= dn ;
    data[ j ][1] *= dn ;

    Stage 4: transpose! Note I'm using the rdata, idata arrays
    as tmp space
  transpose_cx( data, workspace_cx, n, n*n ) ;

    Stage 5: FFT again. Note that THIS TIME, the rdata, idata
    arrays will hold the final answers I want

  fftw_execute( *p1 ) ;

  /* normalize the Fourier coefficients (sorry, have to do it) */

  dn = 1./( (double) n ); 
  dn *= ( ((double) bw) / M_PI ) ;
  for ( j = 0 ; j < n*n*n; j++ )
      data[ j ][0] *= dn ;
      data[ j ][1] *= dn ;

  /* and that's all, folks */
Example #2
void Forward_SO3_Naive_fftw( int bw,
			     fftw_complex *data,
			     fftw_complex *coeffs,
			     fftw_complex *workspace_cx,
			     fftw_complex *workspace_cx2,
			     double *workspace_re,
			     double *weights,
			     fftw_plan *p1,
			     int flag )
  int j, n, n3 ;
  int m1, m2 ;
  int sampHere, coefHere ;
  int coefHere2 ;
  int tmpInt ;
  double *sinPts, *cosPts, *sinPts2, *cosPts2 ;
  double *wigners, *scratch ;
  double fudge ;
  fftw_complex *coeffsPtr ;
  fftw_complex *dataPtr ;
  double dn ;

  n = 2 * bw ;
  n3 = n * n * n ;

  /* I'll need these for later */
  coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
  dataPtr = data ;

  sinPts = workspace_re ;
  cosPts = sinPts + n ;
  sinPts2 = cosPts + n ;
  cosPts2 = sinPts2 + n ;
  wigners = cosPts2 + n ;
  scratch = wigners + ( bw * n ) ; /* wigners need at most bw*n space AT
				      ANY given orders m1, m2 */
    before going further, let's precompute all the sines
    and cosines I'll need. No matter what order transform
    I'm doing, these'll stay the same.
  SinEvalPts( n, sinPts );
  CosEvalPts( n, cosPts );
  SinEvalPts2( n, sinPts2 );
  CosEvalPts2( n, cosPts2 );

    I also need to copy the contents of data to workspace_cx2,
    given that's where the fftw plan expects data to be. I wish
    I didn't have to waste so much memory
  memcpy( workspace_cx2, data, sizeof(fftw_complex) * n3 );

    Stage 1: FFT the "rows". Instead of treating the signal as
    3-D object, I can also think of it as an array of size
    (n^2) x n. This means all I'm doing in the first stage
    is taking n^2-many FFTs, each of length n.

    NOTE: Since I'm reusing the FFT code from SpharmonicKit,
    even though I'm doing the FORWARD SO(3) transform
    here, I need to call grid_invfourier  -> the signs
    on the complex exponentials are switched (detailed
    explanation to be put here eventually, but trust

  fftw_execute( *p1 ) ;
  /* normalize the Fourier coefficients (sorry, have to do it) */
  /* no, I don't! I can wait till the end */
    dn = 1. / sqrt( (double) n ) ;
    for ( j = 0 ; j < n*n*n; j++ )
    workspace_cx[ j ][0] *= dn ;
    workspace_cx[ j ][1] *= dn ;

    Stage 2: transpose!
  transpose_cx( workspace_cx, workspace_cx2, n*n, n ) ;

    Stage 3: FFT again.

  fftw_execute( *p1 ) ;

  /* normalize the Fourier coefficients (sorry, have to do it) */
  /* no, I don't! I can wait till the end */
    dn = 1. / ((double) n) ;
    for ( j = 0 ; j < n*n*n; j++ )
    workspace_cx[ j ][0] *= dn ;
    workspace_cx[ j ][1] *= dn ;

    Stage 4: transpose again! And note I'm using the tmp space
    of t2r, t2i again.
  transpose_cx( workspace_cx, workspace_cx2, n*n, n ) ;

    Stage 5: Do the Wigner transforms. This is the tricky bit.

    Since I'm working with two order indeces, m1 and m2, the
    for-loops will be more intricate than in the case of the
    "ordinary" spherical transform on S^2.

    Also, I will be taking advantage of the symmetries of the
    Wigner-d functions. As long as I keep my signs and flips
    right, the Wigner-d's I precompute for an order (m1, m2)
    transform can generally  be used in seven more transforms:
    (m1,-m2), (m2,m1), (m2,-m1), (-m2,m1), (-m2,-m1), (-m1,m2)
    and (-m1,-m2).

    I say "general" because, of course, I'll be transforming
    at orders (m1,m1), (m1,0) and (0,m1), so I won't get such
    a huge reduction. Still, this should save time.

    If assumptions are made regarding the original input signal,
    e.g. it's strictly real, then one may take advantage of
    symmetries of the big D wigners (i.e. function of all 3
    parameters alpha, beta, gamma) and so simplify the for-loops
    some and hence increase the speed of the program. However,
    the for-loops to follow will make no such assumptions.
    Whether the signal is real or complex, these for-loops will
    handle it.

    The for-loops will be "designed" as follows. They will be
    divided into cases according to the orders:

    0) {f_{0,0}}

    1) for 0 <= m1 <= bw-1
    compute the coefficients
    i)   {f_{ m1, m1}}
    ii)  {f_{-m1,-m1}}
    iii) {f_{-m1, m1}}
    iv)  {f_{ m1,-m1}}

    2) for 1 <= m1 <= bw-1
    compute the coefficients
    i)   {f_{ m1,  0}}
    ii)  {f_{-m1,  0}}
    iii) {f_{  0, m1}}
    iv)  {f_{  0,-m1}}

    3) for 1 <= m1 <= bw-1
    for m1+1 <= m2 <= bw-1
    compute the coefficients
    i)    {f_{ m1, m2}}
    ii)   {f_{-m1,-m2}}
    iii)  {f_{ m1,-m2}}
    iv)   {f_{-m1, m2}}
    v)    {f_{ m2, m1}}
    vi)   {f_{-m2,-m1}}
    vii)  {f_{ m2,-m1}}
    viii) {f_{-m2, m1}}

    Fasten your seatbelt, folks. It's going to be a bumpy ride.


  /*                         */
  /* {f_{0,0}} coefficient   */
  /*                         */

  /* compute the wigners I'll need */
  genWig_L2( 0, 0, bw,
	     sinPts, cosPts,
	     sinPts2, cosPts2,
	     wigners, scratch ) ;
  /* now, get the locations of where the
     samples I have to transform are, and
     where the coefficients have to go */
  sampHere = sampLoc_so3( 0, 0, bw ) ;
  coefHere = coefLoc_so3( 0, 0, bw ) ;

  /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
  coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
  dataPtr = workspace_cx2 ;
  /* now advance by the computed amounts */
  dataPtr += sampHere ;
  coeffsPtr += coefHere ;
  /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
     of the data */
  wigNaiveAnalysis_fftw( 0, 0, bw, dataPtr,
			 wigners, weights,
			 coeffsPtr, workspace_cx ) ;

  /*** 0 <= m1 <= bw-1 ***/
  for ( m1 = 1 ; m1 < bw ; m1 ++ )

      /* compute the wigners I'll need */
      genWig_L2( m1, m1, bw,
		 sinPts, cosPts,
		 sinPts2, cosPts2,
		 wigners, scratch ) ;

      /*                         */
      /* {f_{m1,m1}} coefficient */
      /*                         */

      /* now, get the locations of where the
	 samples I have to transform are, and
	 where the coefficients have to go */
      sampHere = sampLoc_so3( m1, m1, bw ) ;
      coefHere = coefLoc_so3( m1, m1, bw ) ;
      /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
      coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
      dataPtr = workspace_cx2 ;
      /* now advance by the computed amounts */
      dataPtr += sampHere ;
      coeffsPtr += coefHere ;
      /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
	 of the data */
      wigNaiveAnalysis_fftw( m1, m1, bw, dataPtr,
			     wigners, weights,
			     coeffsPtr, workspace_cx ) ;

      /*                           */
      /* {f_{-m1,-m1}} coefficient */
      /*                           */

      if ( flag == 0 ) /* if data is complex */
	  /* now, get the locations of where the
	     samples I have to transform are, and
	     where the coefficients have to go */
	  sampHere = sampLoc_so3( -m1, -m1, bw ) ;
	  coefHere = coefLoc_so3( -m1, -m1, bw ) ;
	  /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
	  coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
	  dataPtr = workspace_cx2 ;
	  /* now advance by the computed amounts */
	  dataPtr += sampHere ;
	  coeffsPtr += coefHere ;
	  /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
	     of the data */
	  wigNaiveAnalysis_fftw( -m1, -m1, bw, dataPtr,
				 wigners, weights,
				 coeffsPtr, workspace_cx ) ;

      else  /* data is real, so use symmetry */
	  coefHere = coefLoc_so3( m1, m1, bw ) ;
	  coefHere2 = coefLoc_so3( -m1, -m1, bw ) ;

	  for ( j = 0 ; j < bw - m1 ; j ++ )
	      coeffs[coefHere2+j][0] = coeffs[coefHere+j][0];
	      coeffs[coefHere2+j][1] = -coeffs[coefHere+j][1];


      /*                           */
      /* {f_{-m1,m1}} coefficient  */
      /*                           */

      /* now, get the locations of where the
	 samples I have to transform are, and
	 where the coefficients have to go */

      sampHere = sampLoc_so3( -m1, m1, bw ) ;
      coefHere = coefLoc_so3( -m1, m1, bw ) ;

      /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
      coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
      dataPtr = workspace_cx2 ;
      /* now advance by the computed amounts */
      dataPtr += sampHere ;
      coeffsPtr += coefHere ;

      /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
	 of the data */

      wigNaiveAnalysis_fftwY( -m1, m1, bw, dataPtr,
			      wigners, weights,
			      coeffsPtr, workspace_cx ) ;

      /*                           */
      /* {f_{m1,-m1}} coefficient  */
      /*                           */

      if ( flag == 0 ) /* data is complex */
	  /* now, get the locations of where the
	     samples I have to transform are, and
	     where the coefficients have to go */
	  sampHere = sampLoc_so3( m1, -m1, bw ) ;
	  coefHere = coefLoc_so3( m1, -m1, bw ) ;
	  /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
	  coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
	  dataPtr = workspace_cx2 ;
	  /* now advance by the computed amounts */
	  dataPtr += sampHere ;
	  coeffsPtr += coefHere ;
	  /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
	     of the data */
	  wigNaiveAnalysis_fftwY( m1, -m1, bw, dataPtr,
				  wigners, weights,
				  coeffsPtr, workspace_cx ) ;

      else /* data is real, so use symmetry */
	  coefHere = coefLoc_so3( -m1, m1, bw );
	  coefHere2 = coefLoc_so3( m1, -m1, bw );

	  for ( j = 0 ; j < bw - m1 ; j ++ )
	      coeffs[coefHere2+j][0] = coeffs[coefHere+j][0];
	      coeffs[coefHere2+j][1] = -coeffs[coefHere+j][1];



  /*** for 1 <= m1 <= bw-1 ***/
  for ( m1 = 1 ; m1 < bw ; m1 ++ )
      /* compute the wigners I'll need */
      genWig_L2( m1, 0, bw,
		 sinPts, cosPts,
		 sinPts2, cosPts2,
		 wigners, scratch ) ;

      /*                         */
      /* {f_{m1,0}} coefficient */
      /*                         */

      /* get the locations of where the
	 samples I have to transform are, and
	 where the coefficients have to go */

      sampHere = sampLoc_so3( m1, 0, bw ) ;
      coefHere = coefLoc_so3( m1, 0, bw ) ;

      /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
      coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
      dataPtr = workspace_cx2 ;
      /* now advance by the computed amounts */
      dataPtr += sampHere ;
      coeffsPtr += coefHere ;

      /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
	 of the data */

      wigNaiveAnalysis_fftw( m1, 0, bw, dataPtr,
			     wigners, weights,
			     coeffsPtr, workspace_cx ) ;

      /*                         */
      /* {f_{-m1,0}} coefficient */
      /*                         */

      if ( flag == 0 ) /* data is complex */
	  /* get the locations of where the
	     samples I have to transform are, and
	     where the coefficients have to go */

	  sampHere = sampLoc_so3( -m1, 0, bw ) ;
	  coefHere = coefLoc_so3( -m1, 0, bw ) ;

	  /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
	  coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
	  dataPtr = workspace_cx2 ;
	  /* now advance by the computed amounts */
	  dataPtr += sampHere ;
	  coeffsPtr += coefHere ;

	  /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
	     of the data */

	  wigNaiveAnalysis_fftwX( -m1, 0, bw, dataPtr,
				  wigners, weights,
				  coeffsPtr, workspace_cx ) ;
      else  /* data is real, so use symmetry */
	  coefHere = coefLoc_so3( m1, 0, bw );
	  coefHere2 = coefLoc_so3( -m1, 0, bw );

	  if ( (m1 % 2) == 0 )
	    fudge = 1.0 ;
	    fudge = -1.0 ;

	  for ( j = 0 ; j < bw - m1 ; j ++ )
	      coeffs[coefHere2+j][0] = fudge * coeffs[coefHere+j][0];
	      coeffs[coefHere2+j][1] = -fudge * coeffs[coefHere+j][1];

      /*                         */
      /* {f_{0,m1}} coefficient */
      /*                         */

      /* get the locations of where the
	 samples I have to transform are, and
	 where the coefficients have to go */

      sampHere = sampLoc_so3( 0, m1, bw ) ;
      coefHere = coefLoc_so3( 0, m1, bw ) ;

      /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
      coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
      dataPtr = workspace_cx2 ;
      /* now advance by the computed amounts */
      dataPtr += sampHere ;
      coeffsPtr += coefHere ;

      /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
	 of the data */

      wigNaiveAnalysis_fftwX( 0, m1, bw, dataPtr,
			      wigners, weights,
			      coeffsPtr, workspace_cx ) ;

      /*                         */
      /* {f_{0,-m1}} coefficient */
      /*                         */

      if ( flag == 0 ) /* data is complex */
	  /* get the locations of where the
	     samples I have to transform are, and
	     where the coefficients have to go */

	  sampHere = sampLoc_so3( 0, -m1, bw ) ;
	  coefHere = coefLoc_so3( 0, -m1, bw ) ;

	  /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
	  coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
	  dataPtr = workspace_cx2 ;
	  /* now advance by the computed amounts */
	  dataPtr += sampHere ;
	  coeffsPtr += coefHere ;

	  /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
	     of the data */

	  wigNaiveAnalysis_fftw( 0, -m1, bw, dataPtr,
				 wigners, weights,
				 coeffsPtr, workspace_cx ) ;
      else  /* data is real, so use symmetry */
   	  coefHere = coefLoc_so3( 0, m1, bw );
	  coefHere2 = coefLoc_so3( 0, -m1, bw );

	  if ( (m1 % 2) == 0 )
	    fudge = 1.0 ;
	    fudge = -1.0 ;

	  for ( j = 0 ; j < bw - m1 ; j ++ )
	      coeffs[coefHere2+j][0] = fudge * coeffs[coefHere+j][0];
	      coeffs[coefHere2+j][1] = -fudge * coeffs[coefHere+j][1];

      1 <= m1 <= bw-1
      m1+1 <= m2 <= bw-1

  for ( m1 = 1 ; m1 < bw ; m1 ++ )
      for ( m2 = m1 + 1 ; m2 < bw ; m2 ++ )

	  /* compute the wigners I'll need */
	  genWig_L2( m1, m2, bw,
		     sinPts, cosPts,
		     sinPts2, cosPts2,
		     wigners, scratch ) ;

	  /*                         */
	  /* {f_{m1,m2}} coefficient */
	  /*                         */

	  /* get the locations of where the
	     samples I have to transform are, and
	     where the coefficients have to go */
	  sampHere = sampLoc_so3( m1, m2, bw ) ;
	  coefHere = coefLoc_so3( m1, m2, bw ) ;

	  /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
	  coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
	  dataPtr = workspace_cx2 ;
	  /* now advance by the computed amounts */
	  dataPtr += sampHere ;
	  coeffsPtr += coefHere ;
	  /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
	     of the data */
	  wigNaiveAnalysis_fftw( m1, m2, bw, dataPtr,
				 wigners, weights,
				 coeffsPtr, workspace_cx ) ;
	  /*                           */
	  /* {f_{-m1,-m2}} coefficient */
	  /*                           */

	  if ( flag == 0 ) /* data is complex */

	      /* get the locations of where the
		 samples I have to transform are, and
		 where the coefficients have to go */
	      sampHere = sampLoc_so3( -m1, -m2, bw ) ;
	      coefHere = coefLoc_so3( -m1, -m2, bw ) ;

	      /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
	      coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
	      dataPtr = workspace_cx2 ;
	      /* now advance by the computed amounts */
	      dataPtr += sampHere ;
	      coeffsPtr += coefHere ;
	      /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
		 of the data */
	      wigNaiveAnalysis_fftwX( -m1, -m2, bw, dataPtr,
				      wigners, weights,
				      coeffsPtr, workspace_cx ) ;
	  else  /* data is real, so use symmetry */
	      coefHere = coefLoc_so3( m1, m2, bw );
	      coefHere2 = coefLoc_so3( -m1, -m2, bw );

	      if ( ((m2-m1) % 2) == 0 )
		fudge = 1.0 ;
		fudge = -1.0 ;

	      for ( j = 0 ; j < bw - m2 ; j ++ )
		  coeffs[coefHere2+j][0] = fudge * coeffs[coefHere+j][0];
		  coeffs[coefHere2+j][1] = -fudge * coeffs[coefHere+j][1];


	  /*                          */
	  /* {f_{m1,-m2}} coefficient */
	  /*                          */

	  /* get the locations of where the
	     samples I have to transform are, and
	     where the coefficients have to go */
	  sampHere = sampLoc_so3( m1, -m2, bw ) ;
	  coefHere = coefLoc_so3( m1, -m2, bw ) ;

	  /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
	  coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
	  dataPtr = workspace_cx2 ;
	  /* now advance by the computed amounts */
	  dataPtr += sampHere ;
	  coeffsPtr += coefHere ;
	  /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
	     of the data */
	  wigNaiveAnalysis_fftwY( m1, -m2, bw, dataPtr,
				  wigners, weights,
				  coeffsPtr, workspace_cx ) ;

	  /*                           */
	  /* {f_{-m1,m2}} coefficient  */
	  /*                           */

	  if ( flag == 0 ) /* data is complex */

	      /* get the locations of where the
		 samples I have to transform are, and
		 where the coefficients have to go */
	      sampHere = sampLoc_so3( -m1, m2, bw ) ;
	      coefHere = coefLoc_so3( -m1, m2, bw ) ;

	      /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
	      coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
	      dataPtr = workspace_cx2 ;
	      /* now advance by the computed amounts */
	      dataPtr += sampHere ;
	      coeffsPtr += coefHere ;
	      /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
		 of the data */
	      wigNaiveAnalysis_fftwY( -m1, m2, bw, dataPtr,
				      wigners, weights,
				      coeffsPtr, workspace_cx ) ;

	  else  /* data is real, so use symmetry */
	      coefHere = coefLoc_so3( m1, -m2, bw );
	      coefHere2 = coefLoc_so3( -m1, m2, bw );

	      if ( ((m2-m1) % 2) == 0 )
		fudge = 1.0 ;
		fudge = -1.0 ;
	      for ( j = 0 ; j < bw - m2 ; j ++ )
		  coeffs[coefHere2+j][0] = fudge * coeffs[coefHere+j][0];
		  coeffs[coefHere2+j][1] = -fudge * coeffs[coefHere+j][1];

	  /*                         */
	  /* {f_{m2,m1}} coefficient */
	  /*                         */
	  /* get the locations of where the
	     samples I have to transform are, and
	     where the coefficients have to go */
	  sampHere = sampLoc_so3( m2, m1, bw ) ;
	  coefHere = coefLoc_so3( m2, m1, bw ) ;

	  /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
	  coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
	  dataPtr = workspace_cx2 ;
	  /* now advance by the computed amounts */
	  dataPtr += sampHere ;
	  coeffsPtr += coefHere ;
	  /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
	     of the data */
	  wigNaiveAnalysis_fftwX( m2, m1, bw, dataPtr,
				  wigners, weights,
				  coeffsPtr, workspace_cx ) ;

	  /*                           */
	  /* {f_{-m2,-m1}} coefficient */
	  /*                           */
	  if ( flag == 0 ) /* data is complex */

	      /* get the locations of where the
		 samples I have to transform are, and
		 where the coefficients have to go */
	      sampHere = sampLoc_so3( -m2, -m1, bw ) ;
	      coefHere = coefLoc_so3( -m2, -m1, bw ) ;

	      /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
	      coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
	      dataPtr = workspace_cx2 ;
	      /* now advance by the computed amounts */
	      dataPtr += sampHere ;
	      coeffsPtr += coefHere ;
	      /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
		 of the data */
	      wigNaiveAnalysis_fftw( -m2, -m1, bw, dataPtr,
				     wigners, weights,
				     coeffsPtr, workspace_cx ) ;

	  else  /* data is real, so use symmetry */
	      coefHere = coefLoc_so3( m2, m1, bw );
	      coefHere2 = coefLoc_so3( -m2, -m1, bw );

	      if ( ((m2-m1) % 2) == 0 )
		fudge = 1.0 ;
		fudge = -1.0 ;

	      for ( j = 0 ; j < bw - m2 ; j ++ )
		  coeffs[coefHere2+j][0] = fudge * coeffs[coefHere+j][0];
		  coeffs[coefHere2+j][1] = -fudge * coeffs[coefHere+j][1];


	  /*                          */
	  /* {f_{m2,-m1}} coefficient */
	  /*                          */

	  /* get the locations of where the
	     samples I have to transform are, and
	     where the coefficients have to go */
	  sampHere = sampLoc_so3( m2, -m1, bw ) ;
	  coefHere = coefLoc_so3( m2, -m1, bw ) ;
	  /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
	  coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
	  dataPtr = workspace_cx2 ;
	  /* now advance by the computed amounts */
	  dataPtr += sampHere ;
	  coeffsPtr += coefHere ;
	  /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
	     of the data */
	  wigNaiveAnalysis_fftwY( m1, -m2, bw, dataPtr,
				  wigners, weights,
				  coeffsPtr, workspace_cx ) ;

	  /*                          */
	  /* {f_{-m2,m1}} coefficient */
	  /*                          */

	  if ( flag == 0 ) /* data is complex */
	      /* get the locations of where the
		 samples I have to transform are, and
		 where the coefficients have to go */
	      sampHere = sampLoc_so3( -m2, m1, bw ) ;
	      coefHere = coefLoc_so3( -m2, m1, bw ) ;

	      /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
	      coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
	      dataPtr = workspace_cx2 ;
	      /* now advance by the computed amounts */
	      dataPtr += sampHere ;
	      coeffsPtr += coefHere ;
	      /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
		 of the data */
	      wigNaiveAnalysis_fftwY( -m1, m2, bw, dataPtr,
				      wigners, weights,
				      coeffsPtr, workspace_cx ) ;

	  else  /* data is real, so use symmetry */
	      coefHere = coefLoc_so3( m2, -m1, bw );
	      coefHere2 = coefLoc_so3( -m2, m1, bw );
	      if ( ((m2-m1) % 2) == 0 )
		fudge = 1.0 ;
		fudge = -1.0 ;
	      for ( j = 0 ; j < bw - m2 ; j ++ )
		  coeffs[coefHere2+j][0] = fudge * coeffs[coefHere+j][0];
		  coeffs[coefHere2+j][1] = -fudge * coeffs[coefHere+j][1];


  /* reset coef ptrs */
  coeffsPtr = coeffs ;

  /* need to normalize, one last time */
  dn = (M_PI /  ( (double) (bw * n )) );
  tmpInt = totalCoeffs_so3( bw ) ;
  for ( j = 0 ; j < tmpInt ; j ++ )
      coeffsPtr[ j ][0] *= dn ;
      coeffsPtr[ j ][1] *= dn ;

  /*** and we're done ! ***/
Example #3
void Forward_SO3_Naive_fftw_wo( int bw,
				fftw_complex *data,
				fftw_complex *coeffs,
				fftw_complex *workspace_cx,
				REAL *workspace_re,
				fftw_plan *p1,
				int flag )
  int j, n ;
  int m1, m2 ;
  int sampHere, coefHere ;
  int coefHere2 ;
  double *sinPts, *cosPts, *sinPts2, *cosPts2 ;
  double *wigners, *scratch ;
  double fudge ;
  fftw_complex *coeffsPtr ;
  fftw_complex *dataPtr ;
  double dn ;

  n = 2 * bw ;

  sinPts = workspace_re ;
  cosPts = sinPts + n ;
  sinPts2 = cosPts + n ;
  cosPts2 = sinPts2 + n ;
  wigners = cosPts2 + n ;
  scratch = wigners + ( bw * n ) ; /* wigners need at most bw*n space AT
				      ANY given orders m1, m2 */
    before going further, let's precompute all the sines
    and cosines I'll need. No matter what order transform
    I'm doing, these'll stay the same.
  SinEvalPts( n, sinPts );
  CosEvalPts( n, cosPts );
  SinEvalPts2( n, sinPts2 );
  CosEvalPts2( n, cosPts2 );
    Stage 1: FFT

  fftw_execute( *p1 ) ;
    Stage 2: Do the Wigner transforms. This is the tricky bit.

    Since I'm working with two order indeces, m1 and m2, the
    for-loops will be more intricate than in the case of the
    "ordinary" spherical transform on S^2.

    Also, I will be taking advantage of the symmetries of the
    Wigner-d functions. As long as I keep my signs and flips
    right, the Wigner-d's I precompute for an order (m1, m2)
    transform can generally  be used in seven more transforms:
    (m1,-m2), (m2,m1), (m2,-m1), (-m2,m1), (-m2,-m1), (-m1,m2)
    and (-m1,-m2).

    I say "general" because, of course, I'll be transforming
    at orders (m1,m1), (m1,0) and (0,m1), so I won't get such
    a huge reduction. Still, this should save time.

    If assumptions are made regarding the original input signal,
    e.g. it's strictly real, then one may take advantage of
    symmetries of the big D wigners (i.e. function of all 3
    parameters alpha, beta, gamma) and so simplify the for-loops
    some and hence increase the speed of the program. However,
    the for-loops to follow will make no such assumptions.
    Whether the signal is real or complex, these for-loops will
    handle it.

    The for-loops will be "designed" as follows. They will be
    divided into cases according to the orders:

    0) {f_{0,0}}

    1) for 0 <= m1 <= bw-1
    compute the coefficients
    i)   {f_{ m1, m1}}
    ii)  {f_{-m1,-m1}}
    iii) {f_{-m1, m1}}
    iv)  {f_{ m1,-m1}}

    2) for 1 <= m1 <= bw-1
    compute the coefficients
    i)   {f_{ m1,  0}}
    ii)  {f_{-m1,  0}}
    iii) {f_{  0, m1}}
    iv)  {f_{  0,-m1}}

    3) for 1 <= m1 <= bw-1
    for m1+1 <= m2 <= bw-1
    compute the coefficients
    i)    {f_{ m1, m2}}
    ii)   {f_{-m1,-m2}}
    iii)  {f_{ m1,-m2}}
    iv)   {f_{-m1, m2}}
    v)    {f_{ m2, m1}}
    vi)   {f_{-m2,-m1}}
    vii)  {f_{ m2,-m1}}
    viii) {f_{-m2, m1}}

    Fasten your seatbelt, folks. It's going to be a bumpy ride.


  /*                         */
  /* {f_{0,0}} coefficient   */
  /*                         */

  /* compute the wigners I'll need */
  genWig_L2( 0, 0, bw,
	     sinPts, cosPts,
	     sinPts2, cosPts2,
	     wigners, scratch ) ;

  /* now, get the locations of where the
     samples I have to transform are, and
     where the coefficients have to go */
  sampHere = sampLoc_so3( 0, 0, bw ) ;
  coefHere = coefLoc_so3( 0, 0, bw ) ;

  /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
  coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
  dataPtr = data ;
  /* now advance by the computed amounts */
  dataPtr += sampHere ;
  coeffsPtr += coefHere ;
  /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
     of the data */
  wigNaiveAnalysis_fftw( 0, 0, bw, dataPtr,
			 wigners, coeffsPtr,
			 workspace_cx ) ;

  /*** 0 <= m1 <= bw-1 ***/
  for ( m1 = 1 ; m1 < bw ; m1 ++ )

      /* compute the wigners I'll need */
      genWig_L2( m1, m1, bw,
		 sinPts, cosPts,
		 sinPts2, cosPts2,
		 wigners, scratch ) ;

      /*                         */
      /* {f_{m1,m1}} coefficient */
      /*                         */

      /* now, get the locations of where the
	 samples I have to transform are, and
	 where the coefficients have to go */
      sampHere = sampLoc_so3( m1, m1, bw ) ;
      coefHere = coefLoc_so3( m1, m1, bw ) ;
      /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
      coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
      dataPtr = data ;
      /* now advance by the computed amounts */
      dataPtr += sampHere ;
      coeffsPtr += coefHere ;
      /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
	 of the data */
      wigNaiveAnalysis_fftw( m1, m1, bw, dataPtr,
			     wigners, coeffsPtr,
			     workspace_cx ) ;
      /*                           */
      /* {f_{-m1,-m1}} coefficient */
      /*                           */

      if ( flag == 0 ) /* if data is complex */
	  /* now, get the locations of where the
	     samples I have to transform are, and
	     where the coefficients have to go */
	  sampHere = sampLoc_so3( -m1, -m1, bw ) ;
	  coefHere = coefLoc_so3( -m1, -m1, bw ) ;
	  /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
	  coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
	  dataPtr = data ;
	  /* now advance by the computed amounts */
	  dataPtr += sampHere ;
	  coeffsPtr += coefHere ;
	  /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
	     of the data */
	  wigNaiveAnalysis_fftw( -m1, -m1, bw, dataPtr,
				 wigners, coeffsPtr,
				 workspace_cx ) ;

      else  /* data is real, so use symmetry */
	  coefHere = coefLoc_so3( m1, m1, bw ) ;
	  coefHere2 = coefLoc_so3( -m1, -m1, bw ) ;

	  for ( j = 0 ; j < bw - m1 ; j ++ )
	      coeffs[coefHere2+j][0] = coeffs[coefHere+j][0];
	      coeffs[coefHere2+j][1] = -coeffs[coefHere+j][1];


      /*                           */
      /* {f_{-m1,m1}} coefficient  */
      /*                           */

      /* now, get the locations of where the
	 samples I have to transform are, and
	 where the coefficients have to go */

      sampHere = sampLoc_so3( -m1, m1, bw ) ;
      coefHere = coefLoc_so3( -m1, m1, bw ) ;

      /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
      coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
      dataPtr = data ;
      /* now advance by the computed amounts */
      dataPtr += sampHere ;
      coeffsPtr += coefHere ;

      /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
	 of the data */

      wigNaiveAnalysis_fftwY( -m1, m1, bw, dataPtr,
			      wigners, coeffsPtr,
			      workspace_cx ) ;
      /*                           */
      /* {f_{m1,-m1}} coefficient  */
      /*                           */

      if ( flag == 0 ) /* data is complex */
	  /* now, get the locations of where the
	     samples I have to transform are, and
	     where the coefficients have to go */
	  sampHere = sampLoc_so3( m1, -m1, bw ) ;
	  coefHere = coefLoc_so3( m1, -m1, bw ) ;
	  /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
	  coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
	  dataPtr = data ;
	  /* now advance by the computed amounts */
	  dataPtr += sampHere ;
	  coeffsPtr += coefHere ;
	  /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
	     of the data */
	  wigNaiveAnalysis_fftwY( m1, -m1, bw, dataPtr,
				  wigners, coeffsPtr,
				  workspace_cx ) ;
      else /* data is real, so use symmetry */
	  coefHere = coefLoc_so3( -m1, m1, bw );
	  coefHere2 = coefLoc_so3( m1, -m1, bw );

	  for ( j = 0 ; j < bw - m1 ; j ++ )
	      coeffs[coefHere2+j][0] = coeffs[coefHere+j][0];
	      coeffs[coefHere2+j][1] = -1.*coeffs[coefHere+j][1];



  /*** for 1 <= m1 <= bw-1 ***/
  for ( m1 = 1 ; m1 < bw ; m1 ++ )
      /* compute the wigners I'll need */
      genWig_L2( m1, 0, bw,
		 sinPts, cosPts,
		 sinPts2, cosPts2,
		 wigners, scratch ) ;

      /*                         */
      /* {f_{m1,0}} coefficient */
      /*                         */

      /* get the locations of where the
	 samples I have to transform are, and
	 where the coefficients have to go */

      sampHere = sampLoc_so3( m1, 0, bw ) ;
      coefHere = coefLoc_so3( m1, 0, bw ) ;

      /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
      coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
      dataPtr = data ;
      /* now advance by the computed amounts */
      dataPtr += sampHere ;
      coeffsPtr += coefHere ;

      /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
	 of the data */

      wigNaiveAnalysis_fftw( m1, 0, bw, dataPtr,
			     wigners, coeffsPtr,
			     workspace_cx ) ;
      /*                         */
      /* {f_{-m1,0}} coefficient */
      /*                         */

      if ( flag == 0 ) /* data is complex */
	  /* get the locations of where the
	     samples I have to transform are, and
	     where the coefficients have to go */

	  sampHere = sampLoc_so3( -m1, 0, bw ) ;
	  coefHere = coefLoc_so3( -m1, 0, bw ) ;

	  /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
	  coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
	  dataPtr = data ;
	  /* now advance by the computed amounts */
	  dataPtr += sampHere ;
	  coeffsPtr += coefHere ;

	  /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
	     of the data */

	  wigNaiveAnalysis_fftwX( -m1, 0, bw, dataPtr,
				  wigners, coeffsPtr,
				  workspace_cx ) ;
      else  /* data is real, so use symmetry */
	  coefHere = coefLoc_so3( m1, 0, bw );
	  coefHere2 = coefLoc_so3( -m1, 0, bw );

	  if ( (m1 % 2) == 0 )
	    fudge = 1.0 ;
	    fudge = -1.0 ;

	  for ( j = 0 ; j < bw - m1 ; j ++ )
	      coeffs[coefHere2+j][0] = fudge * coeffs[coefHere+j][0];
	      coeffs[coefHere2+j][1] = -fudge * coeffs[coefHere+j][1];

      /*                         */
      /* {f_{0,m1}} coefficient */
      /*                         */

      /* get the locations of where the
	 samples I have to transform are, and
	 where the coefficients have to go */

      sampHere = sampLoc_so3( 0, m1, bw ) ;
      coefHere = coefLoc_so3( 0, m1, bw ) ;

      /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
      coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
      dataPtr = data ;
      /* now advance by the computed amounts */
      dataPtr += sampHere ;
      coeffsPtr += coefHere ;

      /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
	 of the data */

      wigNaiveAnalysis_fftwX( 0, m1, bw, dataPtr,
			      wigners, coeffsPtr,
			      workspace_cx ) ;

      /*                         */
      /* {f_{0,-m1}} coefficient */
      /*                         */

      if ( flag == 0 ) /* data is complex */
	  /* get the locations of where the
	     samples I have to transform are, and
	     where the coefficients have to go */

	  sampHere = sampLoc_so3( 0, -m1, bw ) ;
	  coefHere = coefLoc_so3( 0, -m1, bw ) ;

	  /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
	  coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
	  dataPtr = data ;
	  /* now advance by the computed amounts */
	  dataPtr += sampHere ;
	  coeffsPtr += coefHere ;

	  /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
	     of the data */

	  wigNaiveAnalysis_fftw( 0, -m1, bw, dataPtr,
				 wigners, coeffsPtr,
				 workspace_cx ) ;
      else  /* data is real, so use symmetry */
   	  coefHere = coefLoc_so3( 0, m1, bw );
	  coefHere2 = coefLoc_so3( 0, -m1, bw );

	  if ( (m1 % 2) == 0 )
	    fudge = 1.0 ;
	    fudge = -1.0 ;

	  for ( j = 0 ; j < bw - m1 ; j ++ )
	      coeffs[coefHere2+j][0] = fudge * coeffs[coefHere+j][0];
	      coeffs[coefHere2+j][1] = -fudge * coeffs[coefHere+j][1];

      1 <= m1 <= bw-1
      m1+1 <= m2 <= bw-1

  for ( m1 = 1 ; m1 < bw ; m1 ++ )
      for ( m2 = m1 + 1 ; m2 < bw ; m2 ++ )

	  /* compute the wigners I'll need */
	  genWig_L2( m1, m2, bw,
		     sinPts, cosPts,
		     sinPts2, cosPts2,
		     wigners, scratch ) ;

	  /*                         */
	  /* {f_{m1,m2}} coefficient */
	  /*                         */

	  /* get the locations of where the
	     samples I have to transform are, and
	     where the coefficients have to go */
	  sampHere = sampLoc_so3( m1, m2, bw ) ;
	  coefHere = coefLoc_so3( m1, m2, bw ) ;

	  /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
	  coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
	  dataPtr = data ;
	  /* now advance by the computed amounts */
	  dataPtr += sampHere ;
	  coeffsPtr += coefHere ;
	  /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
	     of the data */
	  wigNaiveAnalysis_fftw( m1, m2, bw, dataPtr,
				 wigners, coeffsPtr,
				 workspace_cx ) ;
	  /*                           */
	  /* {f_{-m1,-m2}} coefficient */
	  /*                           */

	  if ( flag == 0 ) /* data is complex */

	      /* get the locations of where the
		 samples I have to transform are, and
		 where the coefficients have to go */
	      sampHere = sampLoc_so3( -m1, -m2, bw ) ;
	      coefHere = coefLoc_so3( -m1, -m2, bw ) ;

	      /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
	      coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
	      dataPtr = data ;
	      /* now advance by the computed amounts */
	      dataPtr += sampHere ;
	      coeffsPtr += coefHere ;
	      /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
		 of the data */
	      wigNaiveAnalysis_fftwX( -m1, -m2, bw, dataPtr,
				      wigners, coeffsPtr,
				      workspace_cx ) ;
	  else  /* data is real, so use symmetry */
	      coefHere = coefLoc_so3( m1, m2, bw );
	      coefHere2 = coefLoc_so3( -m1, -m2, bw );
	      if ( ((m2-m1) % 2) == 0 )
		fudge = 1.0 ;
		fudge = -1.0 ;

	      for ( j = 0 ; j < bw - m2 ; j ++ )
		  coeffs[coefHere2+j][0] = fudge * coeffs[coefHere+j][0];
		  coeffs[coefHere2+j][1] = -fudge * coeffs[coefHere+j][1];

	  /*                          */
	  /* {f_{m1,-m2}} coefficient */
	  /*                          */

	  /* get the locations of where the
	     samples I have to transform are, and
	     where the coefficients have to go */
	  sampHere = sampLoc_so3( m1, -m2, bw ) ;
	  coefHere = coefLoc_so3( m1, -m2, bw ) ;

	  /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
	  coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
	  dataPtr = data ;
	  /* now advance by the computed amounts */
	  dataPtr += sampHere ;
	  coeffsPtr += coefHere ;
	  /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
	     of the data */
	  wigNaiveAnalysis_fftwY( m1, -m2, bw, dataPtr,
				  wigners, coeffsPtr,
				  workspace_cx ) ;

	  /*                           */
	  /* {f_{-m1,m2}} coefficient  */
	  /*                           */

	  if ( flag == 0 ) /* data is complex */

	      /* get the locations of where the
		 samples I have to transform are, and
		 where the coefficients have to go */
	      sampHere = sampLoc_so3( -m1, m2, bw ) ;
	      coefHere = coefLoc_so3( -m1, m2, bw ) ;

	      /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
	      coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
	      dataPtr = data ;
	      /* now advance by the computed amounts */
	      dataPtr += sampHere ;
	      coeffsPtr += coefHere ;
	      /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
		 of the data */
	      wigNaiveAnalysis_fftwY( -m1, m2, bw, dataPtr,
				      wigners, coeffsPtr,
				      workspace_cx ) ;

	  else  /* data is real, so use symmetry */
	      coefHere = coefLoc_so3( m1, -m2, bw );
	      coefHere2 = coefLoc_so3( -m1, m2, bw );

	      if ( ((m2-m1) % 2) == 0 )
		fudge = 1.0 ;
		fudge = -1.0 ;
	      for ( j = 0 ; j < bw - m2 ; j ++ )
		  coeffs[coefHere2+j][0] = fudge * coeffs[coefHere+j][0];
		  coeffs[coefHere2+j][1] = -fudge * coeffs[coefHere+j][1];

	  /*                         */
	  /* {f_{m2,m1}} coefficient */
	  /*                         */
	  /* get the locations of where the
	     samples I have to transform are, and
	     where the coefficients have to go */
	  sampHere = sampLoc_so3( m2, m1, bw ) ;
	  coefHere = coefLoc_so3( m2, m1, bw ) ;

	  /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
	  coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
	  dataPtr = data ;
	  /* now advance by the computed amounts */
	  dataPtr += sampHere ;
	  coeffsPtr += coefHere ;
	  /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
	     of the data */
	  wigNaiveAnalysis_fftwX( m2, m1, bw, dataPtr,
				  wigners, coeffsPtr,
				  workspace_cx ) ;

	  /*                           */
	  /* {f_{-m2,-m1}} coefficient */
	  /*                           */
	  if ( flag == 0 ) /* data is complex */

	      /* get the locations of where the
		 samples I have to transform are, and
		 where the coefficients have to go */
	      sampHere = sampLoc_so3( -m2, -m1, bw ) ;
	      coefHere = coefLoc_so3( -m2, -m1, bw ) ;

	      /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
	      coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
	      dataPtr = data ;
	      /* now advance by the computed amounts */
	      dataPtr += sampHere ;
	      coeffsPtr += coefHere ;
	      /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
		 of the data */
	      wigNaiveAnalysis_fftw( -m2, -m1, bw, dataPtr,
				     wigners, coeffsPtr,
				     workspace_cx ) ;

	  else  /* data is real, so use symmetry */
	      coefHere = coefLoc_so3( m2, m1, bw );
	      coefHere2 = coefLoc_so3( -m2, -m1, bw );

	      if ( ((m2-m1) % 2) == 0 )
		fudge = 1.0 ;
		fudge = -1.0 ;

	      for ( j = 0 ; j < bw - m2 ; j ++ )
		  coeffs[coefHere2+j][0] = fudge * coeffs[coefHere+j][0];
		  coeffs[coefHere2+j][1] = -fudge * coeffs[coefHere+j][1];

	  /*                          */
	  /* {f_{m2,-m1}} coefficient */
	  /*                          */

	  /* get the locations of where the
	     samples I have to transform are, and
	     where the coefficients have to go */
	  sampHere = sampLoc_so3( m2, -m1, bw ) ;
	  coefHere = coefLoc_so3( m2, -m1, bw ) ;
	  /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
	  coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
	  dataPtr = data ;
	  /* now advance by the computed amounts */
	  dataPtr += sampHere ;
	  coeffsPtr += coefHere ;
	  /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
	     of the data */
	  wigNaiveAnalysis_fftwY( m1, -m2, bw, dataPtr,
				  wigners, coeffsPtr,
				  workspace_cx ) ;

	  /*                          */
	  /* {f_{-m2,m1}} coefficient */
	  /*                          */

	  if ( flag == 0 ) /* data is complex */
	      /* get the locations of where the
		 samples I have to transform are, and
		 where the coefficients have to go */
	      sampHere = sampLoc_so3( -m2, m1, bw ) ;
	      coefHere = coefLoc_so3( -m2, m1, bw ) ;

	      /* ok, reset sample, coef ptrs */
	      coeffsPtr = coeffs ;
	      dataPtr = data ;
	      /* now advance by the computed amounts */
	      dataPtr += sampHere ;
	      coeffsPtr += coefHere ;
	      /* now transform the real and imaginary parts
		 of the data */
	      wigNaiveAnalysis_fftwY( -m1, m2, bw, dataPtr,
				      wigners, coeffsPtr,
				      workspace_cx ) ;

	  else  /* data is real, so use symmetry */
	      coefHere = coefLoc_so3( m2, -m1, bw );
	      coefHere2 = coefLoc_so3( -m2, m1, bw );

	      if ( ((m2-m1) % 2) == 0 )
		fudge = 1.0 ;
		fudge = -1.0 ;
	      for ( j = 0 ; j < bw - m2 ; j ++ )
		  coeffs[coefHere2+j][0] = fudge * coeffs[coefHere+j][0];
		  coeffs[coefHere2+j][1] = -fudge * coeffs[coefHere+j][1];


  /* reset coef ptrs */
  coeffsPtr = coeffs ;

  /* need to normalize, one last time */
  dn = (M_PI /  ( (double) (bw * n )) );

  for ( j = 0 ; j < totalCoeffs_so3( bw ) ; j ++ )
      coeffsPtr[ j ][0] *= dn ;
      coeffsPtr[ j ][1] *= dn ;

  /*** and we're done ! ***/