Example #1
    std::vector<int16_t> AudioFile::getSampleData() const
        if(mSampleAmount == 0)
            return std::vector<int16_t>();

        std::vector<int16_t> sampleData(mSampleAmount);

        ov_raw_seek(mFile, 0);

        int64_t read = 0;
        int64_t totalRead = 0;
        int bitstream = 0;

        while((read = ov_read(mFile, ((char*)sampleData.data()) + totalRead, (mSampleAmount * 2) - (int32_t)totalRead, 0, 2, 1, &bitstream)))
            if(read < 0)

            totalRead += read;

        sampleData.resize((size_t)totalRead / 2);

        return sampleData;
Example #2
/// Write the summary to disk, using the derived ReadData() to get the data
void ODPCMAliasBlockFile::WriteSummary()
   // To build the summary data, call ReadData (implemented by the
   // derived classes) to get the sample data
   // Call this first, so that in case of exceptions from ReadData, there is
   // no NEW output file
   SampleBuffer sampleData(mLen, floatSample);
   this->ReadData(sampleData.ptr(), floatSample, 0, mLen, true);

   ArrayOf< char > fileNameChar;
   FILE *summaryFile{};
      //the mFileName path may change, for example, when the project is saved.
      //(it moves from /tmp/ to wherever it is saved to.
      ODLocker locker { &mFileNameMutex };

      //wxFFile is not thread-safe - if any error occurs in opening the file,
      // it posts a wxlog message which WILL crash
      // Audacity because it goes into the wx GUI.
      // For this reason I left the wxFFile method commented out. (mchinen)
      //    wxFFile summaryFile(mFileName.GetFullPath(), wxT("wb"));

      // ...and we use fopen instead.
      wxString sFullPath = mFileName.GetFullPath();
      fileNameChar.reinit( strlen(sFullPath.mb_str(wxConvFile)) + 1 );
      strcpy(fileNameChar.get(), sFullPath.mb_str(wxConvFile));
      summaryFile = fopen(fileNameChar.get(), "wb");

   // JKC ANSWER-ME: Whay is IsOpened() commented out?
   if (!summaryFile){//.IsOpened() ){

      // Never silence the Log w.r.t write errors; they always count
      //however, this is going to be called from a non-main thread,
      //and wxLog calls are not thread safe.
      wxPrintf("Unable to write summary data to file: %s", fileNameChar.get());

      throw FileException{
         FileException::Cause::Read, wxFileName{ fileNameChar.get() } };

   ArrayOf<char> cleanup;
   void *summaryData = CalcSummary(sampleData.ptr(), mLen,
                                            floatSample, cleanup);

   //summaryFile.Write(summaryData, mSummaryInfo.totalSummaryBytes);
   fwrite(summaryData, 1, mSummaryInfo.totalSummaryBytes, summaryFile);

    //     wxPrintf("write successful. filename: %s\n", fileNameChar);

Example #3
/// Write the summary to disk, using the derived ReadData() to get the data
void ODPCMAliasBlockFile::WriteSummary()
   //the mFileName path may change, for example, when the project is saved.
   //(it moves from /tmp/ to wherever it is saved to.

   //wxFFile is not thread-safe - if any error occurs in opening the file,
   // it posts a wxlog message which WILL crash
   // Audacity because it goes into the wx GUI.
   // For this reason I left the wxFFile method commented out. (mchinen)
   //    wxFFile summaryFile(mFileName.GetFullPath(), wxT("wb"));

   // ...and we use fopen instead.
   wxString sFullPath = mFileName.GetFullPath();
   char* fileNameChar = new char[strlen(sFullPath.mb_str(wxConvFile)) + 1];
   strcpy(fileNameChar, sFullPath.mb_str(wxConvFile));
   FILE* summaryFile = fopen(fileNameChar, "wb");


   if( !summaryFile){//.IsOpened() ){

      // Never silence the Log w.r.t write errors; they always count
      //however, this is going to be called from a non-main thread,
      //and wxLog calls are not thread safe.
      printf("Unable to write summary data to file: %s", fileNameChar);
      delete [] fileNameChar;
   delete [] fileNameChar;

   // To build the summary data, call ReadData (implemented by the
   // derived classes) to get the sample data
   SampleBuffer sampleData(mLen, floatSample);
   this->ReadData(sampleData.ptr(), floatSample, 0, mLen);

   ArrayOf<char> cleanup;
   void *summaryData = CalcSummary(sampleData.ptr(), mLen,
                                            floatSample, cleanup);

   //summaryFile.Write(summaryData, mSummaryInfo.totalSummaryBytes);
   fwrite(summaryData, 1, mSummaryInfo.totalSummaryBytes, summaryFile);

    //     printf("write successful. filename: %s\n", fileNameChar);

Example #4
PCA::fit( const std::vector< std::vector< double > >& data )
    const size_t nSamples = data.size();
    const size_t nFeatures = data.front().size();
    // Calculate the means vector
    arma::mat meansVector( nFeatures, 1 );
    for ( size_t iFeature = 0; iFeature < nFeatures; ++iFeature ) {
        double sx = 0;
        for ( size_t iSample = 0; iSample < nSamples; ++iSample ) {
            const double value = data[iSample][iFeature];
            if ( std::isnan(value) )
                throw std::runtime_error( "PCA::fit : nan value encountered at input!" );
            sx += value;
        meansVector(iFeature, 0) = sx / nSamples;
    // Construct the covariance matrix from the scatter matrix
    arma::mat covMatrix( nFeatures, nFeatures, arma::fill::zeros );
    for ( size_t iSample = 0; iSample < nSamples; ++iSample ) {
        arma::mat sampleData( data[iSample ] );
        arma::mat d = sampleData - meansVector;
        covMatrix += d * d.t();
    covMatrix /= nSamples;
    // Now find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors
    arma::cx_vec eigval;
    arma::cx_mat eigvec;
    bool result = arma::eig_gen(eigval, eigvec, covMatrix );
    if (! result ) {
        throw std::runtime_error("PCA::fit : eigenvalue decomposition failed!");
    // Normalise the eigenvalues
    m_eigPairs.reserve( nFeatures );
    double eigSum = 0;
    for ( size_t iFeature = 0; iFeature < nFeatures; ++iFeature ) {
        const double eigMagnitude = std::abs( eigval(iFeature) );

        arma::cx_vec eigenVectorFromCalculation = eigvec.row( iFeature );
        std::vector<double> eigenVector( nFeatures, 0.0 );
        for (size_t j = 0; j < nFeatures; ++j ) eigenVector[j] = eigenVectorFromCalculation(j).real();
        m_eigPairs.push_back( std::make_pair( eigMagnitude,
                                             eigenVector ) );
        eigSum += eigMagnitude;
    for ( size_t iFeature = 0; iFeature < nFeatures; ++iFeature ) {
        m_eigPairs[iFeature].first /= eigSum;
    // Sort the eigenValues
    std::sort( m_eigPairs.begin(), m_eigPairs.end(),
              [] (const std::pair<double, std::vector<double> >&a,
                  const std::pair<double, std::vector<double> >&b ) { return a.first > b.first; } );
    return *this;