void SimulatedCrops::refreshEncoders()
  const SpecifiedTrajectory &traj = *current_trajectory_;

  // Determines which segment of the trajectory to use
  size_t seg = 0;
  while (seg + 1 < traj.size() && traj[seg + 1].start_time <= ros::Time::now().toSec())

  for (size_t j = 0; j < traj[seg].splines.size(); j++)
    double pos_t, vel_t, acc_t;
    sampleSplineWithTimeBounds(traj[seg].splines[j].coef, traj[seg].duration, ros::Time::now().toSec()
        - traj[seg].start_time, pos_t, vel_t, acc_t);

    motor_angles_[j] = pos_t;
    motor_velocities_[j] = vel_t;
 * provides the "query_state" service
bool JointTrajectoryActionController::queryStateService(pr2_controllers_msgs::QueryTrajectoryState::Request &req,
                                                        pr2_controllers_msgs::QueryTrajectoryState::Response &resp)
  ROS_WARN("queryStateService() called, this is not tested yet");

  boost::shared_ptr<const SpecifiedTrajectory> traj_ptr;
  traj_ptr = current_trajectory_;
  if (!traj_ptr)
    ROS_FATAL("The current trajectory can never be null");
    return false;
  const SpecifiedTrajectory &traj = *traj_ptr;

  // Determines which segment of the trajectory to use
  int seg = -1;
  while (seg + 1 < (int)traj.size() && traj[seg + 1].start_time <= req.time.toSec())
  if (seg == -1)
    return false;

  for (size_t j = 0; j < joints_.size(); ++j)
    resp.name[j] = joints_[j];
    sampleSplineWithTimeBounds(traj[seg].splines[j].coef, traj[seg].duration, req.time.toSec() - traj[seg].start_time,
                               resp.position[j], resp.velocity[j], resp.acceleration[j]);

  return true;
void JointTrajectoryActionController::update()
  ros::Time time = ros::Time::now();

  std::vector<double> q(joints_.size()), qd(joints_.size()), qdd(joints_.size());

  boost::shared_ptr<const SpecifiedTrajectory> traj_ptr = current_trajectory_;
  if (!traj_ptr)
    ROS_FATAL("The current trajectory can never be null");

  // Only because this is what the code originally looked like.
  const SpecifiedTrajectory &traj = *traj_ptr;

  if (traj.size() == 0)
    ROS_ERROR("No segments in the trajectory");

  // ------ Finds the current segment

  // Determines which segment of the trajectory to use.
  int seg = -1;
  while (seg + 1 < (int)traj.size() && traj[seg + 1].start_time <= time.toSec())

  if (seg == -1)
    // ROS_ERROR("No earlier segments.  First segment starts at %.3lf (now = %.3lf)", traj[0].start_time, time.toSec());
    // return;
    seg = 0;

  // ------ Trajectory Sampling

  for (size_t i = 0; i < q.size(); ++i)
    sampleSplineWithTimeBounds(traj[seg].splines[i].coef, traj[seg].duration, time.toSec() - traj[seg].start_time,
                               q[i], qd[i], qdd[i]);

  // ------ Calculate error

  std::vector<double> error(joints_.size());
  for (size_t i = 0; i < joints_.size(); ++i)
    error[i] = katana_->getMotorAngles()[i] - q[i];

  // ------ State publishing

  pr2_controllers_msgs::JointTrajectoryControllerState msg;

  // Message containing current state for all controlled joints
  for (size_t j = 0; j < joints_.size(); ++j)
  // ignoring accelerations
  // ignoring accelerations

  msg.header.stamp = time;
  for (size_t j = 0; j < joints_.size(); ++j)
    msg.desired.positions[j] = q[j];
    msg.desired.velocities[j] = qd[j];
    msg.desired.accelerations[j] = qdd[j];
    msg.actual.positions[j] = katana_->getMotorAngles()[j];
    msg.actual.velocities[j] = katana_->getMotorVelocities()[j];
    // ignoring accelerations
    msg.error.positions[j] = error[j];
    msg.error.velocities[j] = katana_->getMotorVelocities()[j] - qd[j];
    // ignoring accelerations

  // TODO: here we could publish feedback for the FollowJointTrajectory action; however,
  // this seems to be optional (the PR2's joint_trajectory_action_controller doesn't do it either)
 * Checks if the given KNI trajectory fulfills all constraints.
 * @param traj the KNI trajectory to sample
 * @return
bool JointTrajectoryActionController::validTrajectory(const SpecifiedTrajectory &traj)
  const double MAX_SPEED = 2.21; // rad/s; TODO: should be same value as URDF
  const double MIN_TIME = 0.01; // seconds; the KNI calculates time in 10ms units, so this is the minimum duration of a spline
  const double EPSILON = 0.0001;
  const double POSITION_TOLERANCE = 0.1; // rad

  if (traj.size() > MOVE_BUFFER_SIZE)
    ROS_WARN("new trajectory has %zu segments (move buffer size: %zu)", traj.size(), MOVE_BUFFER_SIZE);

  // ------- check times
  for (size_t seg = 0; seg < traj.size() - 1; seg++)
    if (std::abs(traj[seg].start_time + traj[seg].duration - traj[seg + 1].start_time) > EPSILON)
      ROS_ERROR("start time and duration of segment %zu do not match next segment", seg);
      return false;
  for (size_t seg = 0; seg < traj.size(); seg++)
    if (traj[seg].duration < MIN_TIME)
      ROS_WARN("duration of segment %zu is too small: %f", seg, traj[seg].duration);
      // return false;

  // ------- check start position
  for (size_t j = 0; j < traj[0].splines.size(); j++)
    if (std::abs(traj[0].splines[j].coef[0] - katana_->getMotorAngles()[j]) > POSITION_TOLERANCE)
      ROS_ERROR("Initial joint angle of trajectory (%f) does not match current joint angle (%f) (joint %zu)", traj[0].splines[j].coef[0], katana_->getMotorAngles()[j], j);
      return false;

  // ------- check conditions at t = 0 and t = N
  for (size_t j = 0; j < traj[0].splines.size(); j++)
    if (std::abs(traj[0].splines[j].coef[1]) > EPSILON)
      ROS_ERROR("Velocity at t = 0 is not 0: %f (joint %zu)", traj[0].splines[j].coef[1], j);
      return false;

  for (size_t j = 0; j < traj[traj.size() - 1].splines.size(); j++)
    size_t seg = traj.size() - 1;
    double vel_t, _;
    sampleSplineWithTimeBounds(traj[seg].splines[j].coef, traj[seg].duration, traj[seg].duration, _, vel_t, _);
    if (std::abs(vel_t) > EPSILON)
      ROS_ERROR("Velocity at t = N is not 0 (joint %zu)", j);
      return false;

  // ------- check for discontinuities between segments
  for (size_t seg = 0; seg < traj.size() - 1; seg++)
    for (size_t j = 0; j < traj[seg].splines.size(); j++)
      double pos_t, vel_t, acc_t;
      sampleSplineWithTimeBounds(traj[seg].splines[j].coef, traj[seg].duration, traj[seg].duration, pos_t, vel_t, acc_t);

      if (std::abs(traj[seg + 1].splines[j].coef[0] - pos_t) > EPSILON)
        ROS_ERROR("Position discontinuity at end of segment %zu (joint %zu)", seg, j);
        return false;
      if (std::abs(traj[seg + 1].splines[j].coef[1] - vel_t) > EPSILON)
        ROS_ERROR("Velocity discontinuity at end of segment %zu (joint %zu)", seg, j);
        return false;

  // ------- check position, speed, acceleration limits
  for (double t = traj[0].start_time; t < traj.back().start_time + traj.back().duration; t += 0.01)
    // Determines which segment of the trajectory to use
    int seg = -1;
    while (seg + 1 < (int)traj.size() && traj[seg + 1].start_time <= t)

    assert(seg >= 0);

    for (size_t j = 0; j < traj[seg].splines.size(); j++)
      double pos_t, vel_t, acc_t;
      sampleSplineWithTimeBounds(traj[seg].splines[j].coef, traj[seg].duration, t - traj[seg].start_time, pos_t, vel_t,

      // TODO later: check position limits (min/max encoders)

      if (std::abs(vel_t) > MAX_SPEED)
        ROS_ERROR("Velocity %f too high at time %f (joint %zu)", vel_t, t, j);
        return false;

      // TODO later: check acceleration limits
  return true;
boost::shared_ptr<SpecifiedTrajectory> JointTrajectoryActionController::calculateTrajectory(
                                                                                            const trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectory &msg)
  boost::shared_ptr<SpecifiedTrajectory> new_traj_ptr;

  bool allPointsHaveVelocities = true;

  // ------ Checks that the incoming segments have the right number of elements,
  //        determines which spline algorithm to use
  for (size_t i = 0; i < msg.points.size(); i++)
    if (msg.points[i].accelerations.size() != 0 && msg.points[i].accelerations.size() != joints_.size())
      ROS_ERROR("Command point %d has %d elements for the accelerations", (int)i, (int)msg.points[i].accelerations.size());
      return new_traj_ptr; // return null pointer to signal error
    if (msg.points[i].velocities.size() == 0)
      // getCubicSplineCoefficients only works when the desired velocities are already given.
      allPointsHaveVelocities = false;
    else if (msg.points[i].velocities.size() != joints_.size())
      ROS_ERROR("Command point %d has %d elements for the velocities", (int)i, (int)msg.points[i].velocities.size());
      return new_traj_ptr; // return null pointer to signal error
    if (msg.points[i].positions.size() != joints_.size())
      ROS_ERROR("Command point %d has %d elements for the positions", (int)i, (int)msg.points[i].positions.size());
      return new_traj_ptr; // return null pointer to signal error

  // ------ Correlates the joints we're commanding to the joints in the message
  std::vector<int> lookup = makeJointsLookup(msg);
  if (lookup.size() == 0)
    return new_traj_ptr; // return null pointer to signal error

  // ------ convert the boundary conditions to splines
  new_traj_ptr.reset(new SpecifiedTrajectory);
  SpecifiedTrajectory &new_traj = *new_traj_ptr;

  size_t steps = msg.points.size() - 1;

  ROS_DEBUG("steps: %zu", steps);
  assert(steps > 0); // this is checked before

  for (size_t i = 0; i < steps; i++)
    Segment seg;

  for (size_t j = 0; j < joints_.size(); j++)
    double times[steps + 1], positions[steps + 1], velocities[steps + 1], durations[steps], coeff0[steps],
           coeff1[steps], coeff2[steps], coeff3[steps];

    for (size_t i = 0; i < steps + 1; i++)
      times[i] = msg.header.stamp.toSec() + msg.points[i].time_from_start.toSec();
      positions[i] = msg.points[i].positions[lookup[j]];
      if (allPointsHaveVelocities)
        velocities[i] = msg.points[i].velocities[lookup[j]];
      ROS_DEBUG("position %zu for joint %zu in message (= our joint %d): %f", i, j, lookup[j], positions[i]);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < steps; i++)
      durations[i] = times[i + 1] - times[i];

    // calculate and store the coefficients
    if (allPointsHaveVelocities)
      ROS_DEBUG("Using getCubicSplineCoefficients()");
      for (size_t i = 0; i < steps; ++i)
        std::vector<double> coeff;
        getCubicSplineCoefficients(positions[i], velocities[i], positions[i + 1], velocities[i + 1], durations[i],
        coeff0[i] = coeff[0];
        coeff1[i] = coeff[1];
        coeff2[i] = coeff[2];
        coeff3[i] = coeff[3];
      ROS_DEBUG("Using splineCoefficients()");
      splineCoefficients(steps, times, positions, coeff0, coeff1, coeff2, coeff3);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < steps; ++i)
      new_traj[i].duration = durations[i];
      new_traj[i].start_time = times[i];
      new_traj[i].splines[j].target_position = positions[i + 1];
      new_traj[i].splines[j].coef[0] = coeff0[i];
      new_traj[i].splines[j].coef[1] = coeff1[i];
      new_traj[i].splines[j].coef[2] = coeff2[i];
      new_traj[i].splines[j].coef[3] = coeff3[i];

  ROS_DEBUG("The new trajectory has %d segments", (int)new_traj.size());
  for (size_t i = 0; i < std::min((size_t)20, new_traj.size()); i++)
    ROS_DEBUG("Segment %2zu - start_time: %.3lf   duration: %.3lf", i, new_traj[i].start_time, new_traj[i].duration);
    for (size_t j = 0; j < new_traj[i].splines.size(); ++j)
      ROS_DEBUG("    %.2lf  %.2lf  %.2lf  %.2lf (%s)",

  // -------- sample trajectory and write to file
  for (size_t j = 0; j < NUM_JOINTS; j++)
    char filename[25];
    sprintf(filename, "/tmp/trajectory-%zu.dat", j);
    std::ofstream trajectory_file(filename, std::ios_base::out);
    for (double t = new_traj[0].start_time; t < new_traj.back().start_time + new_traj.back().duration; t += 0.01)
      // Determines which segment of the trajectory to use
      int seg = -1;
      while (seg + 1 < (int)new_traj.size() && new_traj[seg + 1].start_time <= t)

      assert(seg >= 0);

      double pos_t, vel_t, acc_t;
      sampleSplineWithTimeBounds(new_traj[seg].splines[j].coef, new_traj[seg].duration, t - new_traj[seg].start_time,
                                 pos_t, vel_t, acc_t);

      trajectory_file << t - new_traj[0].start_time << " " << pos_t << " " << vel_t << " " << acc_t << std::endl;


  return new_traj_ptr;
Example #6
bool JointTrajectoryController::updateTrajectoryController(const SlaveMessageInput& actual,
                                                           SlaveMessageOutput& velocity)

  time = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();
  boost::posix_time::time_duration dt = time - last_time;
  last_time = time;

  boost::shared_ptr<const SpecifiedTrajectory> traj_ptr;
  if (!traj_ptr || !this->isControllerActive)
    this->isControllerActive = false;
    //   LOG(error) << "The current trajectory can never be null";
    return false;

  // Only because this is what the code originally looked like.
  const SpecifiedTrajectory &traj = *traj_ptr;

  // Determines which segment of the trajectory to use.  (Not particularly realtime friendly).
  int seg = -1;
  while (seg + 1 < (int)traj.size() && traj[seg + 1].start_time < time)

  if (seg == -1)
    if (traj.size() == 0)
      LOG(error) << "No segments in the trajectory";
      LOG(error) << "No earlier segments.";
    return false;
  if (seg == (int)traj.size() - 1 && (traj[seg].start_time + traj[seg].duration) < time)
    LOG(trace) << "trajectory finished.";
    this->isControllerActive = false;
    velocity.value = 0;
    velocity.controllerMode = VELOCITY_CONTROL;
    return true;

  // ------ Trajectory Sampling
  duration = (double)traj[seg].duration.total_microseconds() / 1000.0 / 1000.0; //convert to seconds
  time_till_seg_start = (double)(time - traj[seg].start_time).total_microseconds() / 1000.0 / 1000.0;

  sampleSplineWithTimeBounds(traj[seg].spline.coef, duration, time_till_seg_start, targetPosition, targetVelocity,

  if (inverseDirection)
    actualpose = -actual.actualPosition;
    actualvel = -actual.actualVelocity;
    actualpose = actual.actualPosition;
    actualvel = actual.actualVelocity;
  // ------ Trajectory Following
  pose_error = ((actualpose / encoderTicksPerRound) * gearRatio * (2.0 * M_PI)) - targetPosition;
  velocity_error = ((actualvel / 60.0) * gearRatio * 2.0 * M_PI) - targetVelocity;

  velsetpoint = pid.updatePid(pose_error, velocity_error, dt);

  velocity.value = (int32)round((velsetpoint / (gearRatio * 2.0 * M_PI)) * 60.0);

  velocity.controllerMode = VELOCITY_CONTROL;

  if (inverseDirection)
    velocity.value = -velocity.value;

  return true;

Example #7
void JointTrajectoryController::setTrajectory(const JointTrajectory& input_traj)

  if (input_traj.segments.size() == 0)
    throw std::runtime_error("Invalid trajectory");

  boost::posix_time::ptime time_now = boost::posix_time::microsec_clock::local_time();

  boost::shared_ptr<SpecifiedTrajectory> new_traj_ptr(new SpecifiedTrajectory);
  SpecifiedTrajectory &new_traj = *new_traj_ptr;

  // ------ Grabs the trajectory that we're currently following.

  boost::shared_ptr<const SpecifiedTrajectory> prev_traj_ptr;
  if (!prev_traj_ptr)
    throw std::runtime_error("The current trajectory can never be null");
  const SpecifiedTrajectory &prev_traj = *prev_traj_ptr;

  // ------ Copies over the segments from the previous trajectory that are still useful.

  // Useful segments are still relevant after the current time.
  int first_useful = -1;
  while (first_useful + 1 < (int)prev_traj.size() && prev_traj[first_useful + 1].start_time <= time_now)

  // Useful segments are not going to be completely overwritten by the message's splines.
  int last_useful = -1;
  while (last_useful + 1 < (int)prev_traj.size() && prev_traj[last_useful + 1].start_time < time_now)

  if (last_useful < first_useful)
    first_useful = last_useful;

  // Copies over the old segments that were determined to be useful.
  for (int i = std::max(first_useful, 0); i <= last_useful; ++i)

  // We always save the last segment so that we know where to stop if
  // there are no new segments.
  if (new_traj.size() == 0)
    new_traj.push_back(prev_traj[prev_traj.size() - 1]);

  // ------ Determines when and where the new segments start

  // Finds the end conditions of the final segment
  Segment &last = new_traj[new_traj.size() - 1];
  double prev_positions;
  double prev_velocities;
  double prev_accelerations;

  LOG(debug) << "Initial conditions for new set of splines:";

  sampleSplineWithTimeBounds(last.spline.coef, (double)last.duration.total_microseconds() / 1000.0 / 1000.0,
                             (double)last.start_time.time_of_day().total_microseconds() / 1000.0 / 1000.0,
                             prev_positions, prev_velocities, prev_accelerations);
  //  ROS_DEBUG("    %.2lf, %.2lf, %.2lf  (%s)", prev_positions[i], prev_velocities[i],
  //            prev_accelerations[i], joints_[i]->joint_->name.c_str());

  // ------ Tacks on the new segments

  double positions;
  double velocities;
  double accelerations;

  std::vector<boost::posix_time::time_duration> durations;

  for (size_t i = 1; i < input_traj.segments.size(); ++i)
    durations.push_back(input_traj.segments[i].time_from_start - input_traj.segments[i - 1].time_from_start);

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < input_traj.segments.size(); ++i)
    Segment seg;

    seg.start_time = input_traj.start_time + input_traj.segments[i].time_from_start;
    seg.duration = durations[i];

    positions = input_traj.segments[i].positions.value();
    velocities = input_traj.segments[i].velocities.value();
    accelerations = input_traj.segments[i].accelerations.value();

    // Converts the boundary conditions to splines.

    //   if (prev_accelerations.size() > 0 && accelerations.size() > 0)
    //   {
    getQuinticSplineCoefficients(prev_positions, prev_velocities, prev_accelerations, positions, velocities,
                                 accelerations, (double)durations[i].total_microseconds() / 1000.0 / 1000.0,
     else if (prev_velocities.size() > 0 && velocities.size() > 0)
     prev_positions[j], prev_velocities[j],
     positions[j], velocities[j],
     seg.splines[j].coef.resize(6, 0.0);
     seg.splines[j].coef[0] = prev_positions[j];
     if (durations[i] == 0.0)
     seg.splines[j].coef[1] = 0.0;
     seg.splines[j].coef[1] = (positions[j] - prev_positions[j]) / durations[i];
     seg.splines[j].coef[2] = 0.0;
     seg.splines[j].coef[3] = 0.0;
     seg.splines[j].coef[4] = 0.0;
     seg.splines[j].coef[5] = 0.0;

    // Pushes the splines onto the end of the new trajectory.

    // Computes the starting conditions for the next segment

    prev_positions = positions;
    prev_velocities = velocities;
    prev_accelerations = accelerations;

  // ------ Commits the new trajectory

  if (!new_traj_ptr)
    throw std::runtime_error("The new trajectory was null!");

  LOG(debug) << "The new trajectory has " << new_traj.size() << " segments";
  this->isControllerActive = true;
