void rl_act_gauss::act_sample( void ) {
  //  printf( "gauss: %d samples\n", num_samples );

  // in this case, the parameter is the mean of the gaussian.
  // XXX we could also learn the variance, eh?

  for ( int i=0; i<num_samples; i++ ) {
    vals[i] = sample_gaussian( &rng_state ) + params(0);
    grad( 0 ) += vals[i] - params(0);

  //  printf( "Gauss gradient: " ); grad.Print();
Example #2
// x,y,theta for a specific particle. z is the sonar reading.
float calculate_likelihood(float locx, float locy, float theta, float z)
  //sentinel minimum and wall values
  //minimum = closest wall so far.
  float By = 0, Bx = 0, Ax = 0, Ay = 0, m = 0, minimum = -1; //wall = -1;
  float dx = 0, dy = 0, numerator = 0, denominator = 0, interX = 0, interY = 0;

   for (int wallIterator = 0; wallIterator < NUMBER_OF_WALLS; ++wallIterator)
      Ax = wallAxArray[wallIterator];
      Ay = wallAyArray[wallIterator];
      Bx = wallBxArray[wallIterator];
      By = wallByArray[wallIterator];

	    dx = Bx - Ax;
	    dy = By - Ay;

	    //calculate m
	    numerator = dy*(Ax-locx) - dx*(Ay-locy);
	    float thetaformatt = theta;
	    float cosval = cos(theta);
	    float sinval = sin(theta);
	    float sinvaldx = dx*sin(theta);
	    float cosvaldy = dy*cos(theta);
	    denominator = dy*cos(theta) - dx*sin(theta);

      m = numerator/denominator;

		  if ((m > 0) && (minimum > m || minimum == -1))
			  //check bound
			  //round or truncate?
			  interX =  (float)(locx + m*cos(theta));
			  interY =  (float)(locy + m*sin(theta));
			  if (between(interX, Ax, Bx) && between(interY, Ay, By))
				  minimum = m;
				  //wall = i;

   return sample_gaussian(z, minimum, 0.01, 1);
Example #3
void BoxesSystem::update_state_and_particles(const mat& x_t, const mat& P_t, const mat& u_t, mat& x_tp1, mat& P_tp1) {
	int M = P_t.n_cols;
	x_tp1 = this->dynfunc(x_t, u_t);

	// receive noisy measurement
	mat z_tp1 = this->obsfunc(x_tp1, this->box_centers, sample_gaussian(zeros<mat>(N*R_DIM,1), .01*this->R));

	mat W(M, 1, fill::zeros);
	mat r(N*R_DIM, 1, fill::zeros);
	// for each particle, weight by gauss_likelihood of that measurement given particle/agent observation
	for(int m=0; m < M; ++m) {
		mat z_particle = this->obsfunc(x_tp1, P_t.col(m), r);
		mat e = z_particle - z_tp1;
		W(m) = this->gauss_likelihood(e, this->R);
	W = W / accu(W);

	double sampling_noise = uniform(0, 1/double(M));
	P_tp1 = this->low_variance_sampler(P_t, W, sampling_noise);