Example #1
static void checkWinObjCSDK()
  const BuildSettings bs(NULL);
  String sdkRoot = bs.getValue("WINOBJC_SDK_ROOT");
  sbValidateWithTelemetry(!sb_realpath(sdkRoot).empty(), "The WINOBJC_SDK_ROOT directory does not exist: \"" + platformPath(sdkRoot) + "\"");

  String templateDir = bs.getValue("VSIMPORTER_TEMPLATES_DIR");
  sbValidateWithTelemetry(!sb_realpath(templateDir).empty(),  "The WINOBJC_SDK_ROOT directory is missing vsimporter templates: \"" + platformPath(sdkRoot) + "\"");
Example #2
static void checkWinObjCSDK()
  const BuildSettings bs(NULL);
  String sdkRoot = bs.getValue("WINOBJC_SDK_ROOT");
  String baseErrMsg = "Invalid WINOBJC_SDK_ROOT specified: \"" + platformPath(sdkRoot) + "\". ";
  sbValidate(!sb_realpath(sdkRoot).empty(), baseErrMsg + "The SDK directory does not exist.");

  String templateDir = bs.getValue("VSIMPORTER_TEMPLATES_DIR");
  sbValidate(!sb_realpath(templateDir).empty(), baseErrMsg + "The SDK directory is missing vsimporter templates.");
XCScheme* XCScheme::createFromFile(const String& schemePath, const PBXProject* owner)
  // Check that the owner is valid
  if (!owner) {
    return NULL;

  // Get absolute path to the scheme file
  String absSchemePath = sb_realpath(schemePath);
  if (absSchemePath.empty()) {
    SBLog::warning() << "The \"" << schemePath << "\" scheme file does not exist." << std::endl;
    return NULL;

  // Read the scheme file
  pugi::xml_document doc;
  pugi::xml_parse_result result = doc.load_file(schemePath.c_str());
  if (!result) {
    SBLog::warning() << "Failed to parse \"" << schemePath << "\" scheme file." << std::endl;
    return NULL;

  // Create a XCScheme and initialize it
  XCScheme* ret = new XCScheme(absSchemePath, owner);
  if (!ret->initFromXML(doc)) {
    delete ret;
    ret = NULL;
  return ret;
Example #4
SBProject* SBWorkspace::openProject(const String& projectPath) {
    // Get absolute path to the project
    String absProjPath = sb_realpath(projectPath);

    // Check that the path is valid
    if (absProjPath.empty()) {
        SBLog::warning() << "Invalid project path: " << projectPath << std::endl;
        return NULL;

    // Check if the project has already been opened
    SBProject* ret = s_workspace->findOpenProject(absProjPath);
    if (ret)
        return ret;

    // Create the project because it doesn't exist yet
    ret = SBProject::createFromPath(absProjPath);

    // Save a pointer to the newly create project and find all of its schemes
    if (ret) {
        m_openProjects[absProjPath] = ret;

    return ret;
void SBFrameworksBuildPhase::loadFrameworkBlockListFromFile(const String& fileName)
    // Get the path to the file which has the block list.
    const BuildSettings bs(NULL);
    String templateDir = bs.getValue("VSIMPORTER_TEMPLATES_DIR");
    // If we have reached this far the folder is guaranteed to exist as we must have already called checkWinObjCSDK().
    String blockListFilePath = joinPaths(templateDir, fileName);
    ifstream file(blockListFilePath);
    if (file.is_open())
        String line;
        while (getline(file, line))
            StringVec tokens;
            tokenize(line, tokens, "-> ");
            if (tokens.size() == 0)
                // empty line

            // We do not expect more than 2 tokens per line.
            // First is the blocked library name and possibly a second token which is the replacement library name.
            sbValidate(tokens.size() <= 2, 
                "Invalid Block List: Only one blocked library and an optional replacement library separated by '->' are allowed per line");
            String blockedLibrary = tokens[0];

            // We may or may not have the replacement library specified.
            String replaceWithLibrary = "";
            if (tokens.size() > 1)
                replaceWithLibrary = tokens[1];

                // Check if the library replacements form a cycle.
                auto it = s_blockedLibraries.find(replaceWithLibrary);
                while (it != s_blockedLibraries.end())
                    replaceWithLibrary = it->second;
                    sbValidate(blockedLibrary != replaceWithLibrary, 
                        blockedLibrary + " is trying to cyclically replace itself with another blocked library.");
                    it = s_blockedLibraries.find(replaceWithLibrary);

            s_blockedLibraries.insert(pair<String, String>(blockedLibrary, replaceWithLibrary));