Example #1
void mouse_action::set_terrain_mouse_overlay(editor_display& disp, const t_translation::t_terrain & fg,
		const t_translation::t_terrain & bg)
	surface image_fg(image::get_image(disp.get_map().get_terrain_info(fg).editor_image()));
	surface image_bg(image::get_image(disp.get_map().get_terrain_info(bg).editor_image()));

	if (image_fg == nullptr || image_bg == nullptr) {
		ERR_ED << "Missing terrain icon" << std::endl;

	// Create a transparent surface of the right size.
	surface image = create_neutral_surface(image_fg->w, image_fg->h);

	// For efficiency the size of the tile is cached.
	// We assume all tiles are of the same size.
	// The zoom factor can change, so it's not cached.
	// NOTE: when zooming and not moving the mouse, there are glitches.
	// Since the optimal alpha factor is unknown, it has to be calculated
	// on the fly, and caching the surfaces makes no sense yet.
	static const fixed_t alpha = 196;
	static const int size = image_fg->w;
	static const int half_size = size / 2;
	static const int quarter_size = size / 4;
	static const int offset = 2;
	static const int new_size = half_size - 2;

	// Blit left side
	image_fg = scale_surface(image_fg, new_size, new_size);
	SDL_Rect rcDestLeft = sdl::create_rect(offset, quarter_size, 0, 0);
	blit_surface ( image_fg, nullptr, image, &rcDestLeft );

	// Blit right side
	image_bg = scale_surface(image_bg, new_size, new_size);
	SDL_Rect rcDestRight = sdl::create_rect(half_size, quarter_size, 0, 0);
	blit_surface ( image_bg, nullptr, image, &rcDestRight );

	//apply mask so the overlay is contained within the mouseover hex
	image = mask_surface(image, image::get_hexmask());

	// Add the alpha factor
	image = adjust_surface_alpha(image, alpha);

	// scale the image
	const int zoom = disp.hex_size();
	if (zoom != game_config::tile_size) {
		image = scale_surface(image, zoom, zoom);

	// Set as mouseover
void mouse_action::set_terrain_mouse_overlay(editor_display& disp, t_translation::t_terrain fg,
		t_translation::t_terrain bg)
	surface image_fg(image::get_image("terrain/"
		+ disp.get_map().get_terrain_info(fg).editor_image() + ".png"));
	surface image_bg(image::get_image("terrain/"
		+ disp.get_map().get_terrain_info(bg).editor_image() + ".png"));

	if (image_fg == NULL || image_bg == NULL) {
		ERR_ED << "Missing terrain icon\n";

	// Create a transparent surface of the right size.
	surface image = create_compatible_surface(image_fg, image_fg->w, image_fg->h);
	SDL_FillRect(image,NULL,SDL_MapRGBA(image->format,0,0,0, 0));

	// For efficiency the size of the tile is cached.
	// We assume all tiles are of the same size.
	// The zoom factor can change, so it's not cached.
	// NOTE: when zooming and not moving the mouse, there are glitches.
	// Since the optimal alpha factor is unknown, it has to be calculated
	// on the fly, and caching the surfaces makes no sense yet.
	static const Uint8 alpha = 196;
	static const int size = image_fg->w;
	static const int half_size = size / 2;
	static const int quarter_size = size / 4;
	static const int offset = 2;
	static const int new_size = half_size - 2;
	const int zoom = static_cast<int>(size * disp.get_zoom_factor());

	// Blit left side
	image_fg = scale_surface(image_fg, new_size, new_size);
	SDL_Rect rcDestLeft = { offset, quarter_size, 0, 0 };
	SDL_BlitSurface ( image_fg, NULL, image, &rcDestLeft );

	// Blit left side
	image_bg = scale_surface(image_bg, new_size, new_size);
	SDL_Rect rcDestRight = { half_size, quarter_size, 0, 0 };
	SDL_BlitSurface ( image_bg, NULL, image, &rcDestRight );

	//apply mask so the overlay is contained within the mouseover hex
	surface mask(image::get_image("terrain/alphamask.png"));
	image = mask_surface(image, mask);

	// Add the alpha factor and scale the image
	image = scale_surface(adjust_surface_alpha(image, alpha), zoom, zoom);

	// Set as mouseover
Example #3
void terrain_palette::draw_item(const t_translation::t_terrain& terrain,
		surface& image, std::stringstream& tooltip_text) {

	const t_translation::t_terrain base_terrain =

	//Draw default base for overlay terrains
	if(base_terrain != t_translation::NONE_TERRAIN) {
		const std::string base_filename = map().get_terrain_info(base_terrain).editor_image();
		surface base_image(image::get_image(base_filename));

		if(base_image == nullptr) {
			tooltip_text << "BASE IMAGE NOT FOUND\n";
			ERR_ED << "image for terrain : '" << base_filename << "' not found" << std::endl;
			base_image = image::get_image(game_config::images::missing);
			if (base_image == nullptr) {
				ERR_ED << "Placeholder image not found" << std::endl;

		if(base_image->w != item_size_ || base_image->h != item_size_) {
					item_size_, item_size_));

	const std::string filename = map().get_terrain_info(terrain).editor_image();
	image = image::get_image(filename);
	if(image == nullptr) {
		tooltip_text << "IMAGE NOT FOUND\n";
		ERR_ED << "image for terrain: '" << filename << "' not found" << std::endl;
		image = image::get_image(game_config::images::missing);
		if (image == nullptr) {
			ERR_ED << "Placeholder image not found" << std::endl;

	if(image->w != item_size_ || image->h != item_size_) {
				item_size_, item_size_));

	tooltip_text << map().get_terrain_editor_string(terrain);
	if (gui_.get_draw_terrain_codes()) {
		tooltip_text << " " + utils::unicode_em_dash + " " << terrain;
Example #4
floating_image::render_input floating_image::get_render_input(double xscale, double yscale, SDL_Rect& dst_rect) const
	render_input ri = {
		file_.empty() ? nullptr : image::get_image(file_)

	if(!ri.image.null()) {
		if(autoscaled_) {
			ri.image = scale_surface(
				static_cast<int>(ri.image->w * xscale),
				static_cast<int>(ri.image->h * yscale)

		ri.rect.x = static_cast<int>(x_*xscale) + dst_rect.x;
		ri.rect.y = static_cast<int>(y_*yscale) + dst_rect.y;
		ri.rect.w = ri.image->w;
		ri.rect.h = ri.image->h;

		if(centered_) {
			ri.rect.x -= ri.rect.w / 2;
			ri.rect.y -= ri.rect.h / 2;
	return ri;
Example #5
void item_palette::draw_item(const overlay& item, surface& image, std::stringstream& tooltip_text)
	std::stringstream filename;
	filename << item.image;
	if(item.image.empty()) {
		filename << item.halo;

	image = image::get_image(filename.str());
	if(image == nullptr) {
		tooltip_text << "IMAGE NOT FOUND\n";
		ERR_ED << "image for item type: '" << filename.str() << "' not found" << std::endl;
		image = image::get_image(game_config::images::missing);
		if(image == nullptr) {
			ERR_ED << "Placeholder image not found" << std::endl;

	if(image->w != item_size_ || image->h != item_size_) {
		image.assign(scale_surface(image, item_size_, item_size_));

	tooltip_text << item.name;
Example #6
/* @brief Draw an image at the given offset.
 * @param cr A cairo context for drawing to the screen.
 * @param file The image to be drawn.
 * @return The advance in the x direction.
static uint32_t draw_image(cairo_t *cr, const char *file, offset_t offset) {
  wordexp_t expanded_file;
  if (wordexp(file, &expanded_file, 0)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error expanding file %s\n", file);
  } else {
    file = expanded_file.we_wordv[0];

  if (access(file, F_OK) == -1) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open image file %s\n", file);
    return 0;

  cairo_surface_t *img;
  img = cairo_image_surface_create_from_png(file);
  int w = cairo_image_surface_get_width(img);
  int h = cairo_image_surface_get_height(img);
  int neww = (int)(((float)(settings.height) * ((float)(w) / (float)(h))) + 0.49999999);
  img = scale_surface (img, w, h, neww, settings.height);
  h = settings.height;
  w = neww;
  /* Attempt to center the image if it is not the height of the line. */ 
  int image_offset = (h - settings.height) / 2;
  cairo_set_source_surface(cr, img, offset.x, offset.image_y - h + image_offset);
  cairo_mask_surface(cr, img, offset.x, offset.image_y - h + image_offset);

  return w;
/* Load a file image in the window. */
static void
load_file               ()
  if (background_data->background_cr)
      cairo_surface_t *surface = cairo_image_surface_create_from_png (background_data->background_image);
      cairo_t *cr = cairo_create (surface);

      gtk_window_set_opacity (GTK_WINDOW (background_data->background_window), 1.0);
      gint new_height = 0;
      gint new_width = 0;
      new_height = gdk_window_get_height (gtk_widget_get_window (background_data->background_window));
      new_width = gdk_window_get_width (gtk_widget_get_window (background_data->background_window));

      cairo_surface_t *scaled_surface = scale_surface (surface, new_width, new_height );
      cairo_surface_destroy (surface);
      cairo_destroy (cr);
      cairo_set_source_surface (background_data->background_cr, scaled_surface, 0.0, 0.0);
      cairo_paint (background_data->background_cr);
      cairo_stroke (background_data->background_cr);
      cairo_surface_destroy (scaled_surface);
#ifndef _WIN32
      gtk_widget_input_shape_combine_region (background_data->background_window, NULL);
Example #8
surface campaign::create_image_surface(const SDL_Rect& image_rect)
	surface temp_image(

	return scale_surface(temp_image, image_rect.w, image_rect.h);
Example #9
void unit_palette::draw_item(SDL_Rect& dstrect, const unit_type& u, std::stringstream& tooltip_text) {

	surface screen = gui_.video().getSurface();

	const std::string filename = u.image();
	surface image(image::get_image(filename));
	if(image == NULL) {
		tooltip_text << "IMAGE NOT FOUND\n";
		ERR_ED << "image for terrain: '" << filename << "' not found\n";
		image = image::get_image(game_config::images::missing);
		if (image == NULL) {
			ERR_ED << "Placeholder image not found\n";

	if(image->w != item_size_ || image->h != item_size_) {
				item_size_, item_size_));

	sdl_blit(image, NULL, screen, &dstrect);

	tooltip_text << u.type_name();
Example #10
surface scale_function::operator()(const surface& src) const
	const int old_w = src->w;
	const int old_h = src->h;
	int w = w_;
	int h = h_;

	if(w <= 0) {
		if(w < 0) {
			ERR_DP << "width of SCALE is negative - resetting to original width\n";
		w = old_w;
	if(h <= 0) {
		if(h < 0) {
			ERR_DP << "height of SCALE is negative - resetting to original height\n";
		h = old_h;

		(w != old_w || h != old_h) ?
		scale_surface(src, w, h) :
Example #11
void part_ui::render_story_box_borders(SDL_Rect& update_area)
    const part::BLOCK_LOCATION tbl = p_.story_text_location();

    if(has_background_) {
        surface border_top = NULL;
        surface border_bottom = NULL;

        if(tbl == part::BLOCK_BOTTOM || tbl == part::BLOCK_MIDDLE) {
            border_top = image::get_image(storybox_top_border_path);

        if(tbl == part::BLOCK_TOP || tbl == part::BLOCK_MIDDLE) {
            border_bottom = image::get_image(storybox_bottom_border_path);

        // If one of those are null at this point, it means that either we
        // don't need that border pic, or it is missing (in such case get_image()
        // would report).

        if(border_top.null() != true) {
            if((border_top = scale_surface(border_top, screen_area().w, border_top->h)).null()) {
                WARN_NG << "storyscreen got a null top border surface after rescaling\n";
            else {
                update_area.y -= border_top->h;
                update_area.h += border_top->h;
                blur_area(video_, update_area.y, border_top->h);
                video_.blit_surface(0, update_area.y, border_top);

        if(border_bottom.null() != true) {
            if((border_bottom = scale_surface(border_bottom, screen_area().w, border_bottom->h)).null()) {
                WARN_NG << "storyscreen got a null bottom border surface after rescaling\n";
            else {
                blur_area(video_, update_area.h, border_bottom->h);
                video_.blit_surface(0, update_area.y+update_area.h, border_bottom);
                update_area.h += border_bottom->h;
Example #12
static cairo_surface_t *
get_surface_from_pixbuf (GdkPixbuf         *pixbuf,
                         MetaImageFillType  fill_type,
                         gdouble            width,
                         gdouble            height,
                         gboolean           vertical_stripes,
                         gboolean           horizontal_stripes)
  gdouble pixbuf_width;
  gdouble pixbuf_height;
  cairo_surface_t *surface;
  cairo_content_t content;
  cairo_surface_t *copy;
  cairo_t *cr;

  pixbuf_width = gdk_pixbuf_get_width (pixbuf);
  pixbuf_height = gdk_pixbuf_get_height (pixbuf);
  surface = gdk_cairo_surface_create_from_pixbuf (pixbuf, 1, NULL);

  if (pixbuf_width == width && pixbuf_height == height)
      return surface;

  if (fill_type != META_IMAGE_FILL_TILE)
      cairo_surface_t *scaled;

      scaled = scale_surface (surface, pixbuf_width, pixbuf_height,
                              width, height, vertical_stripes,

      cairo_surface_destroy (surface);
      surface = scaled;

  width = ceil (width);
  height = ceil (height);

  copy = cairo_surface_create_similar (surface, content, width, height);
  cr = cairo_create (copy);

  cairo_set_source_surface (cr, surface, 0, 0);

  if (fill_type == META_IMAGE_FILL_TILE ||
      vertical_stripes || horizontal_stripes)
      cairo_pattern_set_extend (cairo_get_source (cr), CAIRO_EXTEND_REPEAT);

  cairo_paint (cr);
  cairo_destroy (cr);

  cairo_surface_destroy (surface);

  return copy;
Example #13
button::button(CVideo& video, const std::string& label, button::TYPE type,
               std::string button_image_name, SPACE_CONSUMPTION spacing, const bool auto_join)
	: widget(video, auto_join), type_(type), label_(label),
	  image_(NULL), pressedImage_(NULL), activeImage_(NULL), pressedActiveImage_(NULL),
	  button_(true), state_(NORMAL), pressed_(false),
	  spacing_(spacing), base_height_(0), base_width_(0)
	if(button_image_name.empty() && type == TYPE_PRESS) {
		button_image_name = "button";
	} else if(button_image_name.empty() && type == TYPE_CHECK) {
		button_image_name = "checkbox";

	const std::string button_image_file = "buttons/" + button_image_name + ".png";
	surface button_image(image::get_image(button_image_file));
	surface pressed_image(image::get_image("buttons/" + button_image_name + "-pressed.png"));
	surface active_image(image::get_image("buttons/" + button_image_name + "-active.png"));
	surface pressed_active_image;

	if (pressed_image.null())

	if (active_image.null())

	if (type == TYPE_CHECK) {
		pressed_active_image.assign(image::get_image("buttons/" + button_image_name + "-active-pressed.png"));
		if (pressed_active_image.null())

	if (button_image.null()) {
		ERR_DP << "error initializing button!\n";
		throw error();

	base_height_ = button_image->h;
	base_width_ = button_image->w;

	if (type_ != TYPE_IMAGE){

	if(type == TYPE_PRESS) {
	} else {
		if (type == TYPE_CHECK)
			pressedActiveImage_.assign(scale_surface(pressed_active_image, button_image->w, button_image->h));

	if (type_ == TYPE_IMAGE){
surface light_modification::operator()(const surface& src) const {
	if(src == NULL) { return NULL; }

	//light_surface wants a neutral surface having same dimensions
	surface nsurf;
	if(surf_->w != src->w || surf_->h != src->h)
		nsurf = scale_surface(surf_, src->w, src->h, false);
		nsurf = make_neutral_surface(surf_);
	return light_surface(src, nsurf);;
void mouse_action_starting_position::set_mouse_overlay(editor_display& disp)
	surface image = image::get_image("editor/tool-overlay-starting-position.png");
	Uint8 alpha = 196;
	int size = image->w;
	int zoom = static_cast<int>(size * disp.get_zoom_factor());

	// Add the alpha factor and scale the image
	image = scale_surface(adjust_surface_alpha(image, alpha), zoom, zoom);
Example #16
void dialog_frame::draw_border()
	if(have_border_ == false) {

	surface top_image(scale_surface(top_, dim_.interior.w, top_->h));

	if(top_image != NULL) {
		video_.blit_surface(dim_.interior.x, dim_.exterior.y, top_image);

	surface bot_image(scale_surface(bot_, dim_.interior.w, bot_->h));

	if(bot_image != NULL) {
		video_.blit_surface(dim_.interior.x, dim_.interior.y + dim_.interior.h, bot_image);

	surface left_image(scale_surface(left_, left_->w, dim_.interior.h));

	if(left_image != NULL) {
		video_.blit_surface(dim_.exterior.x, dim_.interior.y, left_image);

	surface right_image(scale_surface(right_, right_->w, dim_.interior.h));

	if(right_image != NULL) {
		video_.blit_surface(dim_.interior.x + dim_.interior.w, dim_.interior.y, right_image);


	if(top_left_ == NULL || bot_left_ == NULL || top_right_ == NULL || bot_right_ == NULL) {

	video_.blit_surface(dim_.interior.x - left_->w, dim_.interior.y - top_->h, top_left_);
	video_.blit_surface(dim_.interior.x - left_->w, dim_.interior.y + dim_.interior.h + bot_->h - bot_left_->h, bot_left_);
	video_.blit_surface(dim_.interior.x + dim_.interior.w + right_->w - top_right_->w, dim_.interior.y - top_->h, top_right_);
	video_.blit_surface(dim_.interior.x + dim_.interior.w + right_->w - bot_right_->w, dim_.interior.y + dim_.interior.h + bot_->h - bot_right_->h, bot_right_);
Example #17
floating_image::render_input floating_image::get_render_input(double xscale, double yscale, SDL_Rect& dst_rect) const
#ifdef SDL_GPU
	render_input ri = {
		file_.empty() ? sdl::timage() : image::get_texture(file_)

	if(!ri.image.null()) {
		if(autoscaled_) {
			ri.image.set_scale(xscale, yscale);

		ri.rect.x = static_cast<int>(x_*xscale) + dst_rect.x;
		ri.rect.y = static_cast<int>(y_*yscale) + dst_rect.y;
		ri.rect.w = ri.image.width();
		ri.rect.h = ri.image.height();

		if(centered_) {
			ri.rect.x -= ri.rect.w / 2;
			ri.rect.y -= ri.rect.h / 2;
	return ri;
	render_input ri = {
		file_.empty() ? nullptr : image::get_image(file_)

	if(!ri.image.null()) {
		if(autoscaled_) {
			ri.image = scale_surface(
				static_cast<int>(ri.image->w * xscale),
				static_cast<int>(ri.image->h * yscale)

		ri.rect.x = static_cast<int>(x_*xscale) + dst_rect.x;
		ri.rect.y = static_cast<int>(y_*yscale) + dst_rect.y;
		ri.rect.w = ri.image->w;
		ri.rect.h = ri.image->h;

		if(centered_) {
			ri.rect.x -= ri.rect.w / 2;
			ri.rect.y -= ri.rect.h / 2;
	return ri;
Example #18
static void
scale(surface& surf, const std::string& parameters)
	unsigned width, height;
	const int count = sscanf(parameters.c_str(), "%u,%u", &width, &height);

	if(count != 2) {
		std::cerr << "Error: Arguments to scale »"
				<< parameters
				<< "« are not compatible.\n";
		throw texit(EXIT_FAILURE);

	surf = scale_surface(surf, width, height);
void mouse_action_select::set_mouse_overlay(editor_display& disp)
	surface image;
	if (has_shift_modifier()) {
		image = image::get_image("editor/tool-overlay-select-wand.png");
	} else {
		image = image::get_image("editor/tool-overlay-select-brush.png");
	Uint8 alpha = 196;
	int size = image->w;
	int zoom = static_cast<int>(size * disp.get_zoom_factor());

	// Add the alpha factor and scale the image
	image = scale_surface(adjust_surface_alpha(image, alpha), zoom, zoom);
Example #20
void tcontrol::set_surface(const surface& surf, int w, int h)
	size_t count = canvas_.size();

	if (!surf || !count) {

	surface normal = scale_surface(surf, w, h);
	for (size_t n = 0; n < count; n ++) {
		surfs_[n] = normal;

Example #21
void menu::imgsel_style::draw_row_bg(menu& menu_ref, const size_t row_index, const SDL_Rect& rect, ROW_TYPE type)
	if(type == SELECTED_ROW && has_background_ && !load_failed_) {
		if(bg_cache_.width != rect.w || bg_cache_.height != rect.h)
			//draw scaled background image
			//scale image each time (to prevent loss of quality)
			bg_cache_.surf = scale_surface(img_map_["background"], rect.w, rect.h);
			bg_cache_.width = rect.w;
			bg_cache_.height = rect.h;
		SDL_Rect clip = rect;
	else {
		style::draw_row_bg(menu_ref, row_index, rect, type);
void mouse_action_unit::set_unit_mouse_overlay(editor_display& disp, const unit_type& u)

	std::stringstream filename;
	filename << u.image() << "~RC(" << u.flag_rgb() << '>'
			<< team::get_side_color_index(disp.viewing_side()) << ')';

	surface image(image::get_image(filename.str()));
	Uint8 alpha = 196;
	//TODO don't hardcode
	int size = 72;
	//int size = image->w;
	int zoom = static_cast<int>(size * disp.get_zoom_factor());

	// Add the alpha factor and scale the image
	image = scale_surface(adjust_surface_alpha(image, alpha), zoom, zoom);
void mouse_action_village::set_mouse_overlay(editor_display& disp)
	surface image60 = image::get_image("icons/action/editor-tool-village_60.png");

	//TODO avoid hardcoded hex field size
	surface image = create_neutral_surface(72,72);

	SDL_Rect r = sdl::create_rect(6, 6, 0, 0);
	blit_surface(image60, NULL, image, &r);

	Uint8 alpha = 196;
	int size = image->w;
	int zoom = static_cast<int>(size * disp.get_zoom_factor());

	// Add the alpha factor and scale the image
	image = scale_surface(adjust_surface_alpha(image, alpha), zoom, zoom);
Example #24
surface menu::style::get_item_image(const image::locator& img_loc) const
	surface surf = image::get_image(img_loc);
		int scale = 100;
		if(max_img_w_ > 0 && surf->w > max_img_w_) {
			scale = (max_img_w_ * 100) / surf->w;
		if(max_img_h_ > 0 && surf->h > max_img_h_) {
			scale = std::min<int>(scale, ((max_img_h_ * 100) / surf->h));
		if(scale != 100)
			return scale_surface(surf, (scale * surf->w)/100, (scale * surf->h)/100);
	return surf;
Example #25
void part_ui::prepare_background()
	// Build background surface
	if(p_.background().empty() != true) {
		background_.assign( image::get_image(p_.background()) );
	has_background_ = !background_.null();
	if(background_.null() || background_->w * background_-> h == 0) {
		background_.assign( create_neutral_surface(video_.getx(), video_.gety()) );

	const double xscale = 1.0 * video_.getx() / background_->w;
	const double yscale = 1.0 * video_.gety() / background_->h;
	scale_factor_ = p_.scale_background() ? std::min<double>(xscale,yscale) : 1.0;

	background_ =
		scale_surface(background_, static_cast<int>(background_->w*scale_factor_), static_cast<int>(background_->h*scale_factor_));

	ASSERT_LOG(background_.null() == false, "Oops: storyscreen part background got NULL");
Example #26
surface scale_modification::operator()(const surface& src) const
	const int old_w = src->w;
	const int old_h = src->h;
	int w = w_;
	int h = h_;

	if(w <= 0) {
		if(w < 0) {
			ERR_DP << "width of SCALE is negative - resetting to original width" << std::endl;
		w = old_w;
	if(h <= 0) {
		if(h < 0) {
			ERR_DP << "height of SCALE is negative - resetting to original height" << std::endl;
		h = old_h;

	return scale_surface(src, w, h);
Example #27
void unit_palette::draw_item(const unit_type& u, surface& image, std::stringstream& tooltip_text) {

	std::stringstream filename;
	filename << u.image() << "~RC(" << u.flag_rgb() << '>'
	    	 << team::get_side_color_id(gui_.viewing_side()) << ')';

	image = image::get_image(filename.str());
	if(image == nullptr) {
		tooltip_text << "IMAGE NOT FOUND\n";
		ERR_ED << "image for unit type: '" << filename.str() << "' not found" << std::endl;
		image = image::get_image(game_config::images::missing);
		if(image == nullptr) {
			ERR_ED << "Placeholder image not found" << std::endl;

	if(image->w != item_size_ || image->h != item_size_) {
		image.assign(scale_surface(image, item_size_, item_size_));

	tooltip_text << u.type_name();
Example #28
void part_ui::render_story_box_borders(SDL_Rect& update_area)
#ifdef SDL_GPU
	const part::BLOCK_LOCATION tbl = p_.story_text_location();

	if(has_background_) {
		sdl::timage border_top;
		sdl::timage border_bottom;

		if(tbl == part::BLOCK_BOTTOM || tbl == part::BLOCK_MIDDLE) {
			border_top = image::get_texture(storybox_top_border_path);

		if(tbl == part::BLOCK_TOP || tbl == part::BLOCK_MIDDLE) {
			border_bottom = image::get_texture(storybox_bottom_border_path);

		// If one of those are null at this point, it means that either we
		// don't need that border pic, or it is missing (in such case get_image()
		// would report).

		if(border_top.null() != true) {
			const float xscale = float(screen_area().w) / border_top.base_width();
			//TODO: blurring
			video_.draw_texture(border_top, 0,
								update_area.y - border_top.base_height());

		if(border_bottom.null() != true) {
			const float xscale = float(screen_area().w) / border_bottom.base_width();
			//TODO: blurring
			video_.draw_texture(border_bottom, 0,
								update_area.y - border_top.base_height());

	const part::BLOCK_LOCATION tbl = p_.story_text_location();

	if(has_background_) {
		surface border_top = NULL;
		surface border_bottom = NULL;

		if(tbl == part::BLOCK_BOTTOM || tbl == part::BLOCK_MIDDLE) {
			border_top = image::get_image(storybox_top_border_path);

		if(tbl == part::BLOCK_TOP || tbl == part::BLOCK_MIDDLE) {
			border_bottom = image::get_image(storybox_bottom_border_path);

		// If one of those are null at this point, it means that either we
		// don't need that border pic, or it is missing (in such case get_image()
		// would report).

		if(border_top.null() != true) {
			if((border_top = scale_surface(border_top, screen_area().w, border_top->h)).null()) {
				WARN_NG << "storyscreen got a null top border surface after rescaling" << std::endl;
			else {
				update_area.y -= border_top->h;
				update_area.h += border_top->h;
				blur_area(video_, update_area.y, border_top->h);
				video_.blit_surface(0, update_area.y, border_top);

		if(border_bottom.null() != true) {
			if((border_bottom = scale_surface(border_bottom, screen_area().w, border_bottom->h)).null()) {
				WARN_NG << "storyscreen got a null bottom border surface after rescaling" << std::endl;
			else {
				blur_area(video_, update_area.h, border_bottom->h);
				video_.blit_surface(0, update_area.y+update_area.h, border_bottom);
				update_area.h += border_bottom->h;
Example #29
void timage::draw(surface& canvas
		, const game_logic::map_formula_callable& variables)
	DBG_GUI_D << "Image: draw.\n";

	 * @todo formulas are now recalculated every draw cycle which is a  bit
	 * silly unless there has been a resize. So to optimize we should use an
	 * extra flag or do the calculation in a separate routine.
	const std::string& name = image_name_(variables);

	if(name.empty()) {
		DBG_GUI_D << "Image: formula returned no value, will not be drawn.\n";

	 * The locator might return a different surface for every call so we can't
	 * cache the output, also not if no formula is used.
	surface tmp(image::get_image(image::locator(name)));

	if(!tmp) {
		ERR_GUI_D << "Image: '" << name << "' not found and won't be drawn.\n";

	src_clip_ = ::create_rect(0, 0, image_->w, image_->h);

	game_logic::map_formula_callable local_variables(variables);
	local_variables.add("image_original_width", variant(image_->w));
	local_variables.add("image_original_height", variant(image_->h));

	unsigned w = w_(local_variables);
			  static_cast<int>(w) >= 0
			, _("Image doesn't fit on canvas.")
			, (formatter() << "Image '" << name
				<< "', w = " << static_cast<int>(w) << ".").str());

	unsigned h = h_(local_variables);
			  static_cast<int>(h) >= 0
			, _("Image doesn't fit on canvas.")
			, (formatter() << "Image '" << name
				<< "', h = " << static_cast<int>(h) << ".").str());

	local_variables.add("image_width", variant(w ? w : image_->w));
	local_variables.add("image_height", variant(h ? h : image_->h));

	const unsigned x = x_(local_variables);
			  static_cast<int>(x) >= 0
			, _("Image doesn't fit on canvas.")
			, (formatter() << "Image '" << name
				<< "', x = " << static_cast<int>(x) << ".").str());

	const unsigned y = y_(local_variables);
			  static_cast<int>(y) >= 0
			, _("Image doesn't fit on canvas.")
			, (formatter() << "Image '" << name
				<< "', y = " << static_cast<int>(y) << ".").str());

	// Copy the data to local variables to avoid overwriting the originals.
	SDL_Rect src_clip = src_clip_;
	SDL_Rect dst_clip = ::create_rect(x, y, 0, 0);
	surface surf;

	// Test whether we need to scale and do the scaling if needed.
	if(w || h) {
		bool done = false;
		bool stretch_image = (resize_mode_ == stretch) && (!!w ^ !!h);
		if(!w) {
			if(stretch_image) {
				DBG_GUI_D << "Image: vertical stretch from " << image_->w
						<< ',' << image_->h << " to a height of " << h << ".\n";

				surf = stretch_surface_vertical(image_, h, false);
				done = true;
			w = image_->w;

		if(!h) {
			if(stretch_image) {
				DBG_GUI_D << "Image: horizontal stretch from " << image_->w
						<< ',' << image_->h << " to a width of " << w << ".\n";

				surf = stretch_surface_horizontal(image_, w, false);
				done = true;
			h = image_->h;

		if(!done) {

			if(resize_mode_ == tile) {
				DBG_GUI_D << "Image: tiling from " << image_->w
						<< ',' << image_->h << " to " << w << ',' << h << ".\n";

				const int columns = (w + image_->w - 1) / image_->w;
				const int rows = (h + image_->h - 1) / image_->h;
				surf = create_neutral_surface(w, h);

				for(int x = 0; x < columns; ++x) {
					for(int y = 0; y < rows; ++y) {
						const SDL_Rect dest = ::create_rect(
								  x * image_->w
								, y * image_->h
								, 0
								, 0);
						blit_surface(image_, NULL, surf, &dest);

			} else {
				if(resize_mode_ == stretch) {
					ERR_GUI_D << "Image: failed to stretch image, "
							"fall back to scaling.\n";

				DBG_GUI_D << "Image: scaling from " << image_->w
						<< ',' << image_->h << " to " << w << ',' << h << ".\n";

				surf = scale_surface(image_, w, h, false);
		src_clip.w = w;
		src_clip.h = h;
	} else {
		surf = image_;

	if(vertical_mirror_(local_variables)) {
		surf = flip_surface(surf, false);

	blit_surface(surf, &src_clip, canvas, &dst_clip);
Example #30
void button::load_images() {

	std::string size_postfix;

	switch (location().h) {
		case 25:
			size_postfix = "_25";
		case 30:
			size_postfix = "_30";
		case 60:
			size_postfix = "_60";

	surface button_image(image::get_image(button_image_name_ + ".png" + button_image_path_suffix_));
	surface pressed_image(image::get_image(button_image_name_ + "-pressed.png"+ button_image_path_suffix_));
	surface active_image(image::get_image(button_image_name_ + "-active.png"+ button_image_path_suffix_));
	surface disabled_image;
	if (file_exists(game_config::path + "/images/" + button_image_name_ + "-disabled.png"+ button_image_path_suffix_))
		disabled_image.assign((image::get_image(button_image_name_ + "-disabled.png"+ button_image_path_suffix_)));
	surface pressed_disabled_image, pressed_active_image, touched_image;

	if (!button_overlay_image_name_.empty()) {
		overlayImage_.assign(image::get_image(button_overlay_image_name_ + size_postfix + ".png"+ button_image_path_suffix_));
		overlayPressedImage_.assign(image::get_image(button_overlay_image_name_ + size_postfix + "-pressed.png"+ button_image_path_suffix_));

		if (file_exists(game_config::path + "/images/" + button_overlay_image_name_ + size_postfix + "-active.png"+ button_image_path_suffix_))
			overlayActiveImage_.assign(image::get_image(button_overlay_image_name_ + size_postfix + "-active.png"+ button_image_path_suffix_));

		if (file_exists(game_config::path + "/images/" + button_overlay_image_name_ + size_postfix + "-disabled.png"+ button_image_path_suffix_))
			overlayDisabledImage_.assign(image::get_image(button_overlay_image_name_ + size_postfix + "-disabled.png"+ button_image_path_suffix_));
		if (overlayDisabledImage_.null())
			overlayDisabledImage_ = image::get_image(button_overlay_image_name_ + size_postfix + ".png~GS()" + button_image_path_suffix_);

		if (file_exists(game_config::path + "/images/" + button_overlay_image_name_ + size_postfix + "-disabled-pressed.png"+ button_image_path_suffix_))
			overlayPressedDisabledImage_.assign(image::get_image(button_overlay_image_name_ + size_postfix + "-disabled-pressed.png"+ button_image_path_suffix_));
		if (overlayPressedDisabledImage_.null())
			overlayPressedDisabledImage_ = image::get_image(button_overlay_image_name_ + size_postfix + "-pressed.png~GS()"+ button_image_path_suffix_);
	} else {

	if (disabled_image == NULL) {
		disabled_image = image::get_image(button_image_name_ + ".png~GS()" + button_image_path_suffix_);

	if (pressed_image.null())

	if (active_image.null())

	if (type_ == TYPE_CHECK || type_ == TYPE_RADIO) {
		touched_image.assign(image::get_image(button_image_name_ + "-touched.png"+ button_image_path_suffix_));
		if (touched_image.null())

		pressed_active_image.assign(image::get_image(button_image_name_ + "-active-pressed.png"+ button_image_path_suffix_));
		if (pressed_active_image.null())

		if (file_exists(game_config::path + "/images/" + button_image_name_ + size_postfix + "-disabled-pressed.png"+ button_image_path_suffix_))
			pressed_disabled_image.assign(image::get_image(button_image_name_ + "-disabled-pressed.png"+ button_image_path_suffix_));
		if (pressed_disabled_image.null())
			pressed_disabled_image = image::get_image(button_image_name_ + "-pressed.png~GS()"+ button_image_path_suffix_);

	if (button_image.null()) {
		ERR_DP << "error initializing button!\n";
		throw error();

	base_height_ = button_image->h;
	base_width_ = button_image->w;

	if (type_ != TYPE_IMAGE) {

	if(type_ == TYPE_PRESS || type_ == TYPE_TURBO) {
	} else {
		if (type_ == TYPE_CHECK || type_ == TYPE_RADIO) {
			pressedActiveImage_.assign(scale_surface(pressed_active_image, button_image->w, button_image->h));
			touchedImage_.assign(scale_surface(touched_image, button_image->w, button_image->h));

	if (type_ == TYPE_IMAGE){