Example #1
File: sfs.c Project: awest/racket
static Scheme_Object *
define_values_sfs(Scheme_Object *data, SFS_Info *info)
  Scheme_Object *e;
  scheme_sfs_start_sequence(info, 1, 0);
  e = scheme_sfs_expr(SCHEME_VEC_ELS(data)[0], info, -1);
  SCHEME_VEC_ELS(data)[0] = e;
  return data;
Example #2
File: sfs.c Project: awest/racket
static Scheme_Object *
inline_variant_sfs(Scheme_Object *data, SFS_Info *info)
  Scheme_Object *e;
  scheme_sfs_start_sequence(info, 1, 0);
  e = scheme_sfs_expr(SCHEME_VEC_ELS(data)[0], info, -1);
  SCHEME_VEC_ELS(data)[0] = e;
  /* we don't bother with inlinable variant, since it isn't called directly */
  return data;
Example #3
static Scheme_Object *with_immed_mark_sfs(Scheme_Object *o, SFS_Info *info)
  Scheme_With_Continuation_Mark *wcm = (Scheme_With_Continuation_Mark *)o;
  Scheme_Object *k, *v, *b, *vec;
  int pos, save_mnt;
  scheme_sfs_start_sequence(info, 3, 1);

  k = scheme_sfs_expr(wcm->key, info, -1);
  v = scheme_sfs_expr(wcm->val, info, -1);

  scheme_sfs_push(info, 1, 1);

  pos = info->stackpos;
  save_mnt = info->max_nontail;

  if (!info->pass) {
    vec = scheme_make_vector(3, NULL);
    scheme_sfs_save(info, vec);
  } else {
    vec = scheme_sfs_next_saved(info);
    if (SCHEME_VEC_SIZE(vec) != 3)
      scheme_signal_error("internal error: bad vector length");
    info->max_used[pos] = SCHEME_INT_VAL(SCHEME_VEC_ELS(vec)[0]);
    info->max_calls[pos] = SCHEME_INT_VAL(SCHEME_VEC_ELS(vec)[1]);
    info->max_nontail = SCHEME_INT_VAL(SCHEME_VEC_ELS(vec)[2]);
  b = scheme_sfs_expr(wcm->body, info, -1);
  wcm->key = k;
  wcm->val = v;
  wcm->body = b;

  if (!info->pass)
    info->max_nontail = info->ip;
# endif

  if (!info->pass) {
    int n;
    info->max_calls[pos] = info->max_nontail;
    n = info->max_used[pos];
    SCHEME_VEC_ELS(vec)[0] = scheme_make_integer(n);
    n = info->max_calls[pos];
    SCHEME_VEC_ELS(vec)[1] = scheme_make_integer(n);
    SCHEME_VEC_ELS(vec)[2] = scheme_make_integer(info->max_nontail);
  } else {
    info->max_nontail = save_mnt;

  return o;
Example #4
File: sfs.c Project: awest/racket
static Scheme_Object *
ref_sfs(Scheme_Object *data, SFS_Info *info)
  Scheme_Object *a_naya;
  Scheme_Object *b_naya;

  scheme_sfs_start_sequence(info, 1, 0);
  a_naya = scheme_sfs_expr(SCHEME_PTR1_VAL(data), info, -1);
  b_naya = scheme_sfs_expr(SCHEME_PTR2_VAL(data), info, -1);
  SCHEME_PTR1_VAL(data) = a_naya;
  SCHEME_PTR2_VAL(data) = b_naya;

  return data;
Example #5
File: sfs.c Project: awest/racket
static Scheme_Object *
begin0_sfs(Scheme_Object *obj, SFS_Info *info)
  int i, cnt;
  cnt = ((Scheme_Sequence *)obj)->count;

  scheme_sfs_start_sequence(info, cnt, 0);

  for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
    Scheme_Object *le;
    le = scheme_sfs_expr(((Scheme_Sequence *)obj)->array[i], info, -1);
    ((Scheme_Sequence *)obj)->array[i] = le;

  return obj;
Example #6
File: sfs.c Project: awest/racket
static Scheme_Object *sfs_wcm(Scheme_Object *o, SFS_Info *info)
  Scheme_With_Continuation_Mark *wcm = (Scheme_With_Continuation_Mark *)o;
  Scheme_Object *k, *v, *b;

  scheme_sfs_start_sequence(info, 3, 1);

  k = scheme_sfs_expr(wcm->key, info, -1);
  v = scheme_sfs_expr(wcm->val, info, -1);
  b = scheme_sfs_expr(wcm->body, info, -1);
  wcm->key = k;
  wcm->val = v;
  wcm->body = b;

  return o;
Example #7
File: sfs.c Project: awest/racket
static Scheme_Object *
module_sfs(Scheme_Object *data, SFS_Info *old_info)
  Scheme_Module *m = (Scheme_Module *)data;
  Scheme_Object *e, *ex;
  SFS_Info *info;
  int i, j, cnt, let_depth;

  if (!old_info->for_mod) {
    if (old_info->pass)
      return data;

    info = scheme_new_sfs_info(m->max_let_depth);
    info->for_mod = 1;
    scheme_sfs(data, info, m->max_let_depth);
    return data;

  info = old_info;

  cnt = SCHEME_VEC_SIZE(m->bodies[0]);
  scheme_sfs_start_sequence(info, cnt, 0);

  for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
    e = scheme_sfs_expr(SCHEME_VEC_ELS(m->bodies[0])[i], info, -1);
    SCHEME_VEC_ELS(m->bodies[0])[i] = e;

  if (!info->pass) {
    for (j = m->num_phases; j-- > 1; ) {
      cnt = SCHEME_VEC_SIZE(m->bodies[j]);
      for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
        e = SCHEME_VEC_ELS(m->bodies[j])[i];
        let_depth = SCHEME_INT_VAL(SCHEME_VEC_ELS(e)[2]);
        ex = SCHEME_VEC_ELS(e)[1];
        info = scheme_new_sfs_info(let_depth);
        ex = scheme_sfs(ex, info, let_depth);
        SCHEME_VEC_ELS(e)[1] = ex;

  return data;
Example #8
File: sfs.c Project: awest/racket
static Scheme_Object *
apply_values_sfs(Scheme_Object *data, SFS_Info *info)
  Scheme_Object *f, *e;

  f = SCHEME_PTR1_VAL(data);
  e = SCHEME_PTR2_VAL(data);

  scheme_sfs_start_sequence(info, 2, 0);

  f = scheme_sfs_expr(f, info, -1);
  e = scheme_sfs_expr(e, info, -1);

  SCHEME_PTR1_VAL(data) = f;
  SCHEME_PTR2_VAL(data) = e;

  return data;
Example #9
File: sfs.c Project: awest/racket
static Scheme_Object *
set_sfs(Scheme_Object *data, SFS_Info *info)
  Scheme_Set_Bang *sb = (Scheme_Set_Bang *)data;
  Scheme_Object *var, *val;

  var = sb->var;
  val = sb->val;
  scheme_sfs_start_sequence(info, 2, 0);

  val = scheme_sfs_expr(val, info, -1);
  var = scheme_sfs_expr(var, info, -1);

  sb->var = var;
  sb->val = val;

  return (Scheme_Object *)sb;
Example #10
File: sfs.c Project: awest/racket
static Scheme_Object *sfs_application2(Scheme_Object *o, SFS_Info *info)
  Scheme_App2_Rec *app;
  Scheme_Object *nrator, *nrand;

  app = (Scheme_App2_Rec *)o;

  scheme_sfs_start_sequence(info, 2, 0);
  scheme_sfs_push(info, 1, 0);

  nrator = scheme_sfs_expr(app->rator, info, -1);
  nrand = scheme_sfs_expr(app->rand, info, -1);
  app->rator = nrator;
  app->rand = nrand;

  sfs_note_app(info, app->rator);

  return o;
Example #11
File: sfs.c Project: awest/racket
static Scheme_Object *sfs_let_value(Scheme_Object *o, SFS_Info *info)
  Scheme_Let_Value *lv = (Scheme_Let_Value *)o;
  Scheme_Object *body, *rhs, *clears = scheme_null;
  int i, pos;

  scheme_sfs_start_sequence(info, 2, 1);

  rhs = scheme_sfs_expr(lv->value, info, -1);

  if (!info->pass
      || (info->ip < info->max_nontail)) {
    for (i = 0; i < lv->count; i++) {
      pos = lv->position + i;
      if (!info->pass)
        scheme_sfs_used(info, pos);
      else {
        int spos;
        spos = pos + info->stackpos;
        if ((info->max_used[spos] == info->ip)
            && (info->max_calls[spos] > info->ip)) {
          /* No one is using the id after we set it.
             We still need to set it, in case it's boxed and shared,
             but then remove the binding or box. */
          clears = scheme_make_pair(scheme_make_integer(pos),

  body = scheme_sfs_expr(lv->body, info, -1);

  body = scheme_sfs_add_clears(body, clears, 1);

  lv->value = rhs;
  lv->body = body;
  return o;
Example #12
File: sfs.c Project: awest/racket
static Scheme_Object *
case_lambda_sfs(Scheme_Object *expr, SFS_Info *info)
  Scheme_Case_Lambda *seq = (Scheme_Case_Lambda *)expr;
  Scheme_Object *le, *clears = scheme_null;
  int i;

  scheme_sfs_start_sequence(info, seq->count, 0);

  for (i = 0; i < seq->count; i++) {
    le = seq->array[i];
    le = scheme_sfs_expr(le, info, -1);
    if (SAME_TYPE(SCHEME_TYPE(le), scheme_begin0_sequence_type)) {
      /* Some clearing actions were added to the closure.
         Lift them out. */
      int j;
      Scheme_Sequence *cseq = (Scheme_Sequence *)le;
      if (!cseq->count)
        scheme_signal_error("internal error: empty sequence");
      for (j = 1; j < cseq->count; j++) {
        int pos;
        pos = SCHEME_LOCAL_POS(cseq->array[j]);
        clears = scheme_make_pair(scheme_make_integer(pos), clears);
      le = cseq->array[0];
    if (!SAME_TYPE(SCHEME_TYPE(le), scheme_unclosed_procedure_type)
        && !SAME_TYPE(SCHEME_TYPE(le), scheme_closure_type)) {
      scheme_signal_error("internal error: not a lambda for case-lambda: %d",
    seq->array[i] = le;

  if (!SCHEME_NULLP(clears)) {
    return scheme_sfs_add_clears(expr, clears, 0);
  } else
    return expr;
Example #13
File: sfs.c Project: awest/racket
static Scheme_Object *sfs_sequence(Scheme_Object *o, SFS_Info *info, int can_flatten)
  Scheme_Object *orig, *naya;
  Scheme_Sequence *seq;
  int i, n;

  seq = (Scheme_Sequence *)o;
  n = seq->count;

  scheme_sfs_start_sequence(info, n, 1);

  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    orig = seq->array[i];
    naya = scheme_sfs_expr(orig, info, -2);
    seq->array[i] = naya;

  if (can_flatten && info->pass)
    o = flatten_sequence(o);

  return o;
Example #14
File: sfs.c Project: awest/racket
static Scheme_Object *sfs_letrec(Scheme_Object *o, SFS_Info *info)
  Scheme_Letrec *lr = (Scheme_Letrec *)o;
  Scheme_Object **procs, *v, *clears = scheme_null;
  int i, count;

  count = lr->count;

  scheme_sfs_start_sequence(info, count + 1, 1);

  procs = lr->procs;

  for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { 
    v = scheme_sfs_expr(procs[i], info, i);

    if (SAME_TYPE(SCHEME_TYPE(v), scheme_begin0_sequence_type)) {
      /* Some clearing actions were added to the closure.
         Lift them out. */
      int j;
      Scheme_Sequence *cseq = (Scheme_Sequence *)v;
      for (j = 1; j < cseq->count; j++) {
        int pos;
        pos = SCHEME_LOCAL_POS(cseq->array[j]);
        clears = scheme_make_pair(scheme_make_integer(pos), clears);
      v = cseq->array[0];
    procs[i] = v;

  v = scheme_sfs_expr(lr->body, info, -1);

  v = scheme_sfs_add_clears(v, clears, 1);

  lr->body = v;

  return o;
Example #15
File: sfs.c Project: awest/racket
static Scheme_Object *sfs_application(Scheme_Object *o, SFS_Info *info)
  Scheme_Object *orig, *naya = NULL;
  Scheme_App_Rec *app;
  int i, n;

  app = (Scheme_App_Rec *)o;
  n = app->num_args + 1;

  scheme_sfs_start_sequence(info, n, 0);
  scheme_sfs_push(info, n-1, 0);

  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    orig = app->args[i];
    naya = scheme_sfs_expr(orig, info, -1);
    app->args[i] = naya;

  sfs_note_app(info, app->args[0]);


  return o;
Example #16
File: sfs.c Project: awest/racket
static Scheme_Object *sfs_application3(Scheme_Object *o, SFS_Info *info)
  Scheme_App3_Rec *app;
  Scheme_Object *nrator, *nrand1, *nrand2;

  app = (Scheme_App3_Rec *)o;

  scheme_sfs_start_sequence(info, 3, 0);
  scheme_sfs_push(info, 2, 0);

  nrator = scheme_sfs_expr(app->rator, info, -1);
  nrand1 = scheme_sfs_expr(app->rand1, info, -1);
  nrand2 = scheme_sfs_expr(app->rand2, info, -1);
  app->rator = nrator;
  app->rand1 = nrand1;
  app->rand2 = nrand2;

  sfs_note_app(info, app->rator);


  return o;
Example #17
File: sfs.c Project: awest/racket
static Scheme_Object *sfs_let_one(Scheme_Object *o, SFS_Info *info)
  Scheme_Let_One *lo = (Scheme_Let_One *)o;
  Scheme_Object *body, *rhs, *vec;
  int pos, save_mnt, ip, et;
  int unused = 0;

  scheme_sfs_start_sequence(info, 2, 1);

  scheme_sfs_push(info, 1, 1);
  ip = info->ip;
  pos = info->stackpos;
  save_mnt = info->max_nontail;

  if (!info->pass) {
    vec = scheme_make_vector(3, NULL);
    scheme_sfs_save(info, vec);
  } else {
    vec = scheme_sfs_next_saved(info);
    if (SCHEME_VEC_SIZE(vec) != 3)
      scheme_signal_error("internal error: bad vector length");
    info->max_used[pos] = SCHEME_INT_VAL(SCHEME_VEC_ELS(vec)[0]);
    info->max_calls[pos] = SCHEME_INT_VAL(SCHEME_VEC_ELS(vec)[1]);
    info->max_nontail = SCHEME_INT_VAL(SCHEME_VEC_ELS(vec)[2]);

  rhs = scheme_sfs_expr(lo->value, info, -1);
  body = scheme_sfs_expr(lo->body, info, -1);

  if (!info->pass)
    info->max_nontail = info->ip;
# endif
  if (!info->pass) {
    int n;
    info->max_calls[pos] = info->max_nontail;
    n = info->max_used[pos];
    SCHEME_VEC_ELS(vec)[0] = scheme_make_integer(n);
    n = info->max_calls[pos];
    SCHEME_VEC_ELS(vec)[1] = scheme_make_integer(n);
    SCHEME_VEC_ELS(vec)[2] = scheme_make_integer(info->max_nontail);
  } else {
    info->max_nontail = save_mnt;

    if (info->max_used[pos] <= ip) {
      /* No one is using it, so don't actually push the value at run time
         (but keep the check that the result is single-valued).
         The optimizer normally would have converted away the binding, but
         it might not because (1) it was introduced late by inlining,
         or (2) the rhs expression doesn't always produce a single
         value. */
      if (scheme_omittable_expr(rhs, 1, -1, 1, NULL, -1)) {
        rhs = scheme_false;
      } else if ((ip < info->max_calls[pos])
                 && SAME_TYPE(SCHEME_TYPE(rhs), scheme_toplevel_type)) {
        /* Unusual case: we can't just drop the global-variable access,
           because it might be undefined, but we don't need the value,
           and we want to avoid an SFS clear in the interpreter loop.
           So, bind #f and then access in the global in a `begin'. */
        Scheme_Sequence *s;
        s = scheme_malloc_sequence(2);
        s->so.type = scheme_sequence_type;
        s->count = 2;
        s->array[0] = rhs;
        s->array[1] = body;
        body = (Scheme_Object *)s;
        rhs = scheme_false;
      unused = 1;

  lo->value = rhs;
  lo->body = body;

  et = scheme_get_eval_type(lo->value);
                              | (unused ? 0 : (SCHEME_LET_EVAL_TYPE(lo) & LET_ONE_FLONUM))
                              | (unused ? LET_ONE_UNUSED : 0));

  return o;
Example #18
File: sfs.c Project: awest/racket
static Scheme_Object *sfs_branch(Scheme_Object *o, SFS_Info *info)
  Scheme_Branch_Rec *b;
  Scheme_Object *t, *tb, *fb, *vec;
  int ip, min_t, max_t;

  b = (Scheme_Branch_Rec *)o;

  scheme_sfs_start_sequence(info, 1, 0);

  t = scheme_sfs_expr(b->test, info, -1);

  ip = info->ip;
  /* Use ip to represent all uses in the two branches.
     Use ip+1 to represent all non-tail calls in the two branches. */

  min_t = info->min_touch;
  max_t = info->max_touch;

  SFS_LOG(printf(" after test: %d %d\n", min_t, max_t));

  if (!info->pass) {
    vec = scheme_make_vector(SFS_BRANCH_W * 2, NULL);
    scheme_sfs_save(info, vec);
  } else {
    vec = scheme_sfs_next_saved(info);

  tb = sfs_one_branch(info, ip, vec, 0, b->tbranch);

  if (!info->pass) {
    if ((min_t == -1)
        || ((info->min_touch > -1) && (info->min_touch < min_t)))
      min_t = info->min_touch;
    if (info->max_touch > max_t)
      max_t = info->max_touch;
    if (info->max_nontail > ip + 1)
      info->max_nontail = ip + 1;

  fb = sfs_one_branch(info, ip, vec, 1, b->fbranch);

  if (!info->pass) {
    if ((min_t == -1)
        || ((info->min_touch > -1) && (info->min_touch < min_t)))
      min_t = info->min_touch;
    if (info->max_touch > max_t)
      max_t = info->max_touch;
    if (info->max_nontail > ip + 1)
      info->max_nontail = ip + 1;

  SFS_LOG(printf(" done if: %d %d\n", min_t, max_t));
  info->min_touch = min_t;
  info->max_touch = max_t;
  b->test = t;
  b->tbranch = tb;
  b->fbranch = fb;

  return o;